• Title/Summary/Keyword: Job environment

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Outsourcing Strategy of Accounting Information Systems (회계정보시스템(AIS) 아웃소싱)

  • Kim, Dong-Il
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.10 no.7
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    • pp.99-106
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    • 2012
  • This study analyzed about medium-sized companies with AIS systems and outsourcing services to relate that the system performance. In addition, for the most efficient outsourcing of AIS management plan were analyzed. In this study, studied the practical environment of AIS outsourcing that separated the operating departments and administrative departments and divisions information to small-mid size companies. The results of this study can be summarized as the first, small business outsourcing companies of AIS introduction of the initial accounting module if you run a higher job performance were analyzed. Second, AIS in the outsourcing of integrated modules for the system to operate through the performance was very high. Integrated operation to be analyzed according to the synergistic effect. The results of this study AIS in the future of manufacturing outsourcing, and how small and medium-sized building is expected to give alternation.

Knowledge Structure of the Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing through Network Analysis (네트워크분석을 통한 직업건강간호학회지 논문의 지식구조 분석)

  • Kwon, Sun Young;Park, Eun Jung
    • Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.76-85
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify knowledge structure of the Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing from 1991 to 2014. Methods: 400 articles between 1991 and 2014 were collected. 1,369 keywords as noun phrases were extracted from articles and standardized for analysis. Co-occurrence matrix was generated via a cosine similarity measure, then the network was analyzed and visualized using PFNet. Also NodeXL was applied to visualize intellectual interchanges among keywords. Results: According to the results of the content analysis and the cluster analysis of author keywords from the Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing articles, 7 most important research topics of the journal were 'Workers & Work-related Health Problem', 'Recognition & Preventive Health Behaviors', 'Health Promotion & Quality of Life', 'Occupational Health Nursing & Management', 'Clinical Nursing Environment', 'Caregivers and Social Support', and 'Job Satisfaction, Stress & Performance'. Newly emerging topics for 4-year period units were observed as research trends. Conclusion: Through this study, the knowledge structure of the Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing was identified. The network analysis of this study will be useful for identifying the knowledge structure as well as finding general view and current research trends. Furthermore, The results of this study could be utilized to seek the research direction in the Korean Journal of Occupational Health Nursing.

e-Business Manpower Classification That is Correct in New Environment and Study of Course Roadmap Development for Manpower Training (새로운 환경에 맞는 e-비즈니스 인력의 분류와 인력양성을 위한 진로 로드맵 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Jang, Ki-Jin;Hong, Jung-Wan
    • The Journal of Society for e-Business Studies
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.107-129
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    • 2009
  • The person who realize e-business must understand Information Technology(IT) and business process. Current policy and system should be attained new change for domestic e-business manpower training. Divided for manpower training in new dimension justice about present e-business manpower and manpower classification. The capacity about course of study of e-business manpower and program development classified in a new comer, expert, administrator, manager's process. And the process divided ten details job according to business and functions that achieve in enterprise and major in university. Present capacity that needs in details line of duty by ASK(Attitude, Skill, Knowledge) model and focused for program development.

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A study on the Architectural Condition and Cases of BIPV-module for Roof (지붕일체형 PV모듈의 건축특성 및 적용사례 분석연구)

  • Lee, Eung-Jik
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.49-56
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    • 2006
  • The roof among the outer surfaces of buildings is an optimum place to install PV since it is the best favorable part in the building to be exposed to day light. Especially, in case of module of BIPV for Roof, it should have essentially the functions of both electricity generation and roof-finish as a construction material. The followings are the results of the study which has analyzed the architectural conditions and applications thereof at the job site. -The aesthetic function of BIPV module is very important because the roof, mostly located at the top of the buildings, is easily recognized and affects outer interior design of the building a lot. -The heat proof of BIPV for Roof could affect the energy consumption through the roof having a wide area. -For architectural condition to the weather, the roof has to ensure the stability of the weather, humidity proof, and airtightness to the wind respectively. -For architectural condition of the structure, endurance by physical power such as stability of both combining and fixing and transfer of load should be ensured. -For residents protection, it has also architectural functions to secure for the space and shield ozone, UV and noxious substances. -Through its practical applications, It is already confirmed that there are various types of BIPV modules overseas and its application has been proved successfully.

Home Economics teacher's conscious teaching and modes of teaching performance (가정과교사의 교직 의식과 교직 활동 수행 방식)

  • Kim, Seung Hee;Chae, Jung Hyun
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.56 no.3
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    • pp.263-282
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    • 2018
  • This study is used to understand the characteristics of home economics teachers that could to help develop personal development in home economics teacher and home economics education. The questionnaire survey was conducted on 150 home economics teachers who belong to either the home economics teachers' study association or Korean home economics education essociation. The survey was processed with frequency analysis, standard deviations, factor analysis, independent sample t-test, and reliability analysis using SPSS 12.0 depending on the contents of the research. The study results are as follows. First, for home economics teachers' conscious teaching, they build their own identities as experts, and have a vocation and sense of duty for their job. The culture of research and investigation community to study education and to maintain collaborative relationships with teachers of home economics teachers' associations has evolved. Second, home economics teachers have the ability to analyze and manage students' demands in order to perform teaching activities, and understand individual student characteristics. They understand new study trends and curriculum, develop sources for class, use appropriate teaching and learning theories, and create students' reflective activities. In addition, they grow their learning ability as specialist and study in self-oriented ways.

A Study on the Feature of Dwelling Space to Ubiquitous Environment (유비쿼터스 환경에서의 주거공간 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Sang-Won;Han, Young-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Interior Design Conference
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    • 2005.05a
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    • pp.88-92
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    • 2005
  • The Ubiquitous life is not a life style that exists in a science fiction or in a far distance future anymore. The Combination of electronic and physical space, this new type of space was created by the ubiquitous network system, and this system will offer us new life style. Also the pattern of our living will be changed by the information that has obtained from this ubiquitous network system. By offering a new way of communication from the ubiquitous surrounding, our life style such as shopping, medical treatment, banking, and working conditions and a notion such as the preference in a job title would have shifted. This study have arrived at the development of the high technology, in other words Ubiquitous age , I have considered the notion of home-network that have observed by the preceding investigators as well as the theoretical consideration of residential space in ubiquitous surrounding. After I look into the usages and examples of residential space in ubiquitous surrounding of today's society, I hope that this would be helpful for the design that strives for the comfortable living in this ubiquitous age.

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A Study on the Relationship between Service Quality of Apparel Stores and Related Variables (의류점포의 서비스품질지각과 관련변인 연구)

  • 이영선;전지현
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.1057-1068
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    • 2001
  • The purpose of this study was to clarify service quality of apparel stores and find out related variables. The related variables are contained customer's characteristics (shopping orientation, demographic characteristics), store types and store patronage behavior in apparel store. The subjects selected for the final analysis were 363 females aged from 20 to 59 who lived in Taejon. And the data were collected using a questionnaire and analyzed through factor analysis, ANOVA, cluster analysis, regression, Duncan test, Tukey test. The results of this study were as follows; 1. Services quality of apparel stores consisted of seven dimensions ; ability of salesperson, belief in policy, convenience of facility, attractiveness of physical environment, convenience of using credit cards, convenience of space movement. and apparence of salespeople. 2. Shopping orientation consisted of four dimensions; recreational shopping orientation, rational shopping orientation. convenience-oriented shopping orientation, price-conscious shopping orientation. Shopper types consisted of three dimensions ; recreational-economical type shopper, rational type shopper, convenience-oriented type shopper. Significant relationships were found out between those shopper types and service quality. Significant difference was caused by demographic characteristics(age, marital status, education, income. job) except for places of residence and service quality. 3. The significant difference was found out between store types and service quality. 4. Service quality(ability of salespeople. belief in policy, convenience of facility, convenience of using credit cards. apparence of salespeople) were influenced store patronage behavior.

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A study on the effective factors of the organizational structure upon the organizational effectiveness of university libraries (대학도서관의 조직구조가 조직유효성에 미치는 영향요인에 관한 연구)

  • 김명옥
    • Journal of the Korean Society for information Management
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.119-136
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    • 1998
  • The objective of this study is to evaluate the organizational effectiveness of uniersity libraries in Korea. This study models emphasized the situational factors, fundamental factors and types of organiz tional effectiveness. environment, technology, size, strategy, and power were taken as situational factors of organizational structure ; fundamental factors were complexity, formalization, and centralization ; organizational structures were diveded into simple organization, functional organization, departmental organization, subject divisional organization(I), (II). Efficiency, flexibility, information service and satisfaction were taken as effectiveness factors and satisfaction was subdivided into organizational commitment and job satisfaction. In this study, situational factors, fundamental factors and types of organizational structures influence one another, ultimately affect the level of organizational effectiveness. Organizational effectiveness represents no organization of high organizational effectiveness on all levels.

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Affective Evaluation for Human-centered Lighting Environment Design : Focused on Office Spaces using LED lighting (감성조명 환경 설계를 위한 감성평가 연구 : LED조명을 적용한 사무 공간을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Jong-Gurl;Ko, Jae-Kyu
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Illuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers
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    • v.29 no.10
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    • pp.25-33
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    • 2015
  • LED lightings combined with IT technology can provide variable illumination environments that can be controlled by users according to their emotional need and preferences. This is one of the most beneficial functions compared with conventional lightings offering only fixed color and brightness. There is however lack of analysis data for creating practical lighting solutions satisfying user preferences in a wide range of applications from residential to commercial places. To materialize the technical advantages of user-controllable LED lightings, more observation data are required in various situations. Therefore, dissimilar emotional needs are determined in the present study for compartmental office spaces (staff lounge room, meeting room and desk job place) through subjective experiments by 45 observers. The optimum lighting conditions (CCT and illuminance) are finally obtained using Response Surface Method and relevant prediction functions are also deduced. The final outcome can be applied for making user-preferred office illumination products.

IT Convergence Technology in Plant Growing for Low-Carbon Green Industry (그린산업 육성을 위한 농업분야 IT융합기술)

  • Hwang, Doo-Hong;Shin, Min-Soo
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.123-134
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    • 2012
  • Recently, The Bali Road Map was approved, as it demands that developing countries should also have the responsibility of greenhouse gas reduction from 2013. This suggests that the greenhouse gas and environment should be controlled across industry sectors. Accordingly, this study was conducted to identify the application and effects of the IT convergence technology to the smart farm and realize the low-carbon green industry in Korea. The smart farm technologies within and outside of Korea were comparatively analyzed for the low-carbon green industry policy. The study subjects were determined to propose the necessity of the study efficiently. First, the studies on the smart farm for low-carbon green industry policy were examined. Second, the suitable IT technology for the smart farm as well as the effect and the improvement plan of the IT technology-based smart farm system were examined. This study now aims to promote the low-carbon green industry policy and IT convergence technology and job creation. These will be achieved by providing the plan for linking the system simulator organization with the low-carbon green industry policy.