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An in-vitro wear study of human enamel opposing heat-pressed ceramics (2종의 열가압 도재와 법랑질 간의 마모에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Chan-Yong;Jeon, Young-Chan;Jeong, Chang-Mo;Yun, Mi-Jung
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.47 no.1
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    • pp.21-28
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    • 2009
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare the wear characteristics of human enamel opposing 2 heat-pressed ceramics (e.max Press and Empress Esthetic), conventional feldspathic porcelain (Ceramco 3) and type III gold alloy. Material and methods: Intact cusps of extracted premolars were used for enamel specimens. Five disk samples were made for each of two heat-pressed ceramics groups, conventional feldspathic porcelain group and type III gold alloy group. Wear tests were conducted in distilled water using a pin-on-disk tribometer. The amount of enamel wear was determined by weighing the enamel specimens before and after wear tests, and the weight was converted to volumes by average density. The wear tracks were analyzed by scanning electron microscopy and surface profilometer to elucidate the wear characteristics. Results: 1. Ceramco 3 led to the greatest amount of enamel wear followed by Empress Esthetic, e.max Press and type III gold alloy. However, there was no significant difference between Ceramco 3 and Empress Esthetic (P>.05), and there were also no significant differences among Empress Esthetic, e.max Press and type III gold alloy (P>.05). 2. The average surface roughness of e.max Press after wear test was smallest followed by Empress Esthetic and Ceramco 3, but there was no significant difference between Empress Esthetic and Ceramco 3 (P>.05). 3. There were no significant differences among the depth of wear tracks of all the groups (P>.05). The group that showed the largest width of wear track was Ceramco 3 followed by Empress Esthetic, e.max Press and type III gold alloy. However, there was no significant difference between e.max Press and Empress Esthetic (P>.05), and there was also no significant difference between Empress Esthetic and Ceramco 3 (P>.05). Conclusion: Within the limits of this study, heat-pressed ceramics were not more abrasive than conventional feldspathic porcelain.

The Variation of Leaf Form of Natural Populations of Quercus variabilis in Korea (굴참나무 천연집단(天然集團)의 엽형(葉型) 변이(變異))

  • Song, Jeong-Ho;Park, Mun-Han;Moon, Heung-Kyu;Han, Sang-Urk;Yi, Jae-Seon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.89 no.5
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    • pp.666-676
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    • 2000
  • For the study of morphological variation of Q. variabilis natural population in Korea, 19 populations were selected through the country in considering latitude, longitude, and geographical characters. Thirty trees were randomly selected from each population and 60 mature leaves were sampled from each tree. Four characters (leaf blade length, maximum blade width, petiole length, and vein number) were measured, and their ratios (the ratio of blade length to maximum blade width, the ratio of blade length to petiole length, the ratio of petiole length to vein number, upper 1/3 blade width to maximum blade width, and upper 1/3 blade width to lower 1/3 blade width) were calculated. 1. Analysis of variance for all leaf characters were significantly different among populations and among individuals within population. Contributions of variance among individuals within population in all the characters were higher than those among populations. Therefore, selection of plus trees may be preferable to desirable populations for breeding program of Q. variabilis. 2. Among principal component analysis for leaf characters, primary 2 principal components appeared to be major variables for leaf form of Q. variabilis because of the loading contribution of 80.5%. The first contribution component was petiole length/vein number and petiole length ; the second one was upper 1/3 blade width/maximum blade width, upper blade width/lower 1/3 blade width and vein number, respectively. 3. Latitude was positively correlated with blade length/maximum blade width and blade length/petiole length, but negatively correlated with petiole length/vein number, upper 1/3 blade width/maximum blade width, upper 1/3 blade width/lower 1/3 blade width, petiole length, and vein number. But, for longitude and altitude the former two traits and the later five traits exhibited the negative and positive correlation, respectively. 4. Cluster analysis using complete linkage method for leaf characters showed two groups to Euclidean distance 1.6. They were group I of population 1. 4, 5, and 13 and group II of population 2, 3, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, and 19. However, group II was divided again to Euclidean distance 1.3, that is a group including population 3, 7, 10, 14, 15, and 17(group II-1) and the other group comprising population 2, 6, 8, 9, 11, 12, 16, 18, and 19(group II-2). This cluster could be mainly observed due to difference among population in aspect (group I : NE, group II-1 : SE, and group II-2 : SW).

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Influences of Environmental Factors on Soil Erosion of the Logging Road in Timber Harvested Area (성숙임목벌채지(成熟林木伐採地)에서 운재로(運材路)의 침식(浸蝕)에 미치는 환경요인(環境要因)의 영향(影響))

  • Park, Jae-Hyeon;Woo, Bo-Myeong;Jeong, Do-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.84 no.2
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    • pp.239-246
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    • 1995
  • This research aimed at the contribution to obtaining the scientifical data which were required for planning she environmentally sound and sustainable management, particularly in the field of the logging road construction. Main natural environmental variables including natural vegetation, rainfall, soil runoff were measured in the logging road on-sites and analysed. This project was carried out at the (mt.)Paekunsan Research sorest of Seoul National University, located in Gwangyang, Chollanam-do in southern part of Korea, from 1993 to 1994. 1. The explanatory variables for erosion and sedimentation on logging road surface were accumulated rainfall, erosion distance, cross-sectional gradient, and soil hardness. The erosion and sedimentation on logging road was increasing positively in proportion to the accumulated rainfall, soil distance from starting point of the logging road, and cross-sectional gradient. 2. On cut-slope of logging road, cut-slope shape, part of the slope, plant coverage, soil hardness, sand content, accumulated rainfall, clay content, and silt content were effective factors. Cut-slope erosion and sedimentation on logging roam increased as with the lower plant coverage, the lower accumulated rainfall, the high sand content in the soil. 3. On fill-slope of logging road, there were three significant variables such as total rainfall and number of rainfall-storm. Fill-slope erosion and sedimentation had a positive correlation with the amount of rainfall, the number of rainfall, the soil hardness. 4. The total erosion and sedimentation on logging road were $5.04{\times}10^{-2}m^2/m^2$ in logging road construction year, $7.37{\times}10^{-2}m^2/m^2$ in next year. The erosion and sedimentation on logging road surface were 32.7% of total erosion and sedimentation on Logging road in construction year, and 57.1% in next year, respectively. The erosion and sedimentation on cut-slopes were 30.4% on logging road in construction year, fill-slopes of total erosion and sedimentation and 21.0% in next year, respectively. The erosion and sedimentation on fill-slopes were 36.9% on logging road in construction year, 21.9 in next year. To decrease the erosion and sedimentation at the logging road from the beginning stage of construction, the effective revegetation works should be implemented on the cut-slope and fill slopes, and erosion control measures such as optima. road design must be constructed on read surface.

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Removal Effects of Bifenthrin and Metalaxyl Pesticides during Preparation and Fermentation of Baechu Kimchi (배추김치의 제조 및 발효과정 중 Bifenthrin과 Metalaxyl 농약의 제거 효과)

  • Jung, Ji-Kang;Park, So-Yeon;Kim, So-Hee;Kang, Jeong-Mi;Yang, Ji-Young;Kang, Soon-Ah;Chun, Hae-Kyoung;Park, Kun-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.38 no.9
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    • pp.1258-1264
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    • 2009
  • The removal effects of two commonly used pesticides of Bifenthrin and Metalaxyl during preparation and fermentation of kimchi were studied. The two pesticides were applied to Baechu cabbages intentionally for 20 seconds; the applied amounts of Bifenthrin and Metalaxyl were 3.02$\pm$0.09 ppm and 6.79$\pm$0.17 ppm, respectively. The Baechu cabbages were washed by water 3 times. Then the residual amounts of the two pesticides of Bifenthrin and Metalaxyl were measured and the removal rates were 21.7% and 16.1%, respectively. When Baechu cabbages were brined with 10% salt solution for 12 hours after the application of the two pesticides, the removal rates significantly increased to 98.7% and 60.8%, and when brined and washed 3 times by water, the removal rates even more increased to 99.7% and 73.4% respectively. Then we made kimchi and investigated the quantities of the residual pesticides during the fermentation at $4^{\circ}C$ for 3 weeks. The residual amounts of the pesticides in kimchi decreased in a time dependent manner, finally the amounts of the pesticides to 0.35$\pm$0.04 ppm and 0.48$\pm$0.06 ppm while the removal rates of the two pesticides were 57.8% and 81.0%, respectively. When the kimchi was fermented at $4^{\circ}C$ and $10^{\circ}C$ for 3 weeks, the removal rates of Bifenthrin were 57.8% and 72.2% and those of Metalaxyl were 81.0% and 85.6%, respectively. Consequently, it appeared that the residual pesticides can be removed during preparation, especially brining; the fermentation process of kimchi also removed the residual pesticides effectively, especially at higher temperature and long period.

Development and Evaluation of Kimchi Menus for Elementary School Food Service (초등학교 급식용 김치 메뉴 개발 및 평가)

  • Kim, Sunghye;Kim, Mi Jeong;Kim, Hyun Ju;Song, Yeong-Ok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.42 no.7
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    • pp.1148-1156
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    • 2013
  • Studies have shown that the preference and average consumption of kimchi among youths have been decreasing partly due to the westernization of the diet. In this study, we examined kimchi consumption status and the annual utilization of 29 kimchi menus registered in the National Education Information System (NEIS) among the students, and then developed seven kimchi menus based on the preference tests and plate waste analysis. Our findings showed that average kimchi consumption by second and fifth graders during lunch time was 19.3% and 17.3%, respectively, of the recommendation (40 g per meal) in the 2010 KDRI. Incidentally, more than 75% of elementary school dieticians answered that ten kimchi menus (31%) registered in the NEIS were never chosen by them in the previous year. The least adopted types of kimchi menu included cooked rice, porridge, stew, pancake, deep-fry and grill. The newly developed kimchi menus included kimchi sauce tofu deopbap, kimchi bacon rice ball, kimchi chicken potato stew, kimchi vegetable fried noodles, kimchi meatballs, kimchi cheese croquette and kimchi potato salad. All these kimchi food items contained 10~20 g of kimchi per serving, and the standardized recipes and nutrient analysis were provided. Kimchi cheese croquette was most liked by fourth graders followed by kimchi sauce tofu deopbap, kimchi meatball and kimchi chicken potato stew in that order. These four menus were again evaluated among second and fifth graders. The kimchi meatballs were most preferred among these groups of students with no leftover but kimchi sauce tofu deopbap was least favorable, producing 17.1% of plate waste. Finally, kimchi cheese croquette and kimchi potato salad were given the highest and lowest scores, respectively, by 87 school dieticians. The findings of this study suggest that efforts on the development of kimchi menu for school food services may help to promote a preference and consumption of kimchi among elementary school students.

Nutritional and Functional Properties of Water Extracts from Achyranthes japonica Nakai-Rice Pilsner Byproducts (Achyranthes japonica Nakai-Rice Pilsner 맥주박 열수 추출물의 영양성 및 기능성)

  • Oh, So-Hyeong;Jeong, Beom-Gyun;Chun, Jiyeon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.185-195
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    • 2017
  • Two byproducts, brewer's spent grain (BSG; germinated rice and malt) and brewer's spent material (BSM; Achyranthes japonica Nakai), were collected during the manufacture of pilsner beer using A. japonica Nakai and germinated rice. Water extracts of BSG and BSM were prepared at different temperatures ($25^{\circ}C$, $60^{\circ}C$, and $100^{\circ}C$) for 5 h, and their nutritional and functional properties were investigated. ${\gamma}-Aminobutyric$ acid (GABA), saponin, and niacin contents were higher in extracts prepared at $60^{\circ}C$ for more than 3 h than the other extracts, whereas total polyphenol content, DPPH radical scavenging activity, and reducing power were higher in samples extracted at $100^{\circ}C$ for 1 h compared to the other ones. Overall, water extraction at $60^{\circ}C$ for 3 h was desirable to effectively collect both nutritional and functional components from BSG and BSM. Under these conditions, BSM extracts showed 4~18 times high niacin and folate contents, 1.4 times high total phenolic content, and 11~60 times high antioxidant activities compared to BSG extracts. This study shows that pilsner beer byproducts would be good sources of health beneficial components, especially GABA, saponin, water soluble vitamins, and polyphenolics.

Retrospective Study on the Therapeutic Effects of an Etoposide, Adriamycin, Cisplatin-II (EAPII) versus an Etoposide, Leucovorin, 5-Furorouracil (ELF) Combination Chemotheraphy in Unresectable Gastric Cancer (절제 불가능한 진행성 위암 환자에서 Etoposide, Adriamycin 및 Cisplatin-II (EAP-II)와 Etoposide, Leucovorin 및 5-Furorouracil (ELF) 복합 화학요법의 치료효과에 대한 후향적 연구)

  • Moon Hee-Seok;Kang Yoon-Sae;Kim Yeon-Soo;Park Ki-Oh;Lee Eum-Seok;Sung Jae-Kyu;Lee Byong-Seok;Noh Seung-Moo;Song Kyu-Sang;Cho June-Sick;Shin Kyung-Sook;Jeong Hyun-Yong
    • Journal of Gastric Cancer
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    • v.3 no.3
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    • pp.122-127
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    • 2003
  • Purpose: The incidence rate and the mortality rate of gastric cancer have decreased in developed countries over the last several decades. On the other hand, they remain high in far eastern countries such as Korea, Japan, China and in many developing countries. The cure of patients with gastric carcinomas can be achieved mostly through complete surgical resection, but most gastric cancer patients are in advanced stages when diagnosed and have poor prognoses. therefore, the development of an effective systemic therapy is essential for far advanced gastric cancer patients. Until recently, the most commonly used combination chemotherapy was based on 5-flurouracil or cisplatin, but the results were not satisfactory, so recently etoposide, adriamycin and cisplatin (EAP-II) combination chemotherapy was introduced in patients with advanced gastric cancer. Early studies showed a high response rate and the ability to convert unresectable cases to resectable ones, but later studies couldn't duplicate the result. the purpose of this study was to evaluate the relative efficacy & toxicity of EAP-II chemotherapy and ELF chemotherapy which is based on 5-flurouracil. Materials and Methods: Between July 1992 and July 2002, sixty-five patients with inoperable advanced gastric cancer were enrolled for this study. Thirty-seven patient received EAP-II chemotherapy:etoposide (20 mg/$m^{2}$ IV for $1\∼5 days$), adriamycin (20 mg/$m^{2}$ IV for $1\∼5 days$) and cisplatin (20 mg/$m^{2}$ IV for $1\∼5 days$) and Twenty-eight patients receieved ELF chemotherapy : etoposide (100 mg/$m^{2}$ IV for $1\∼3 days$), leucovorin (20 mg/$m^{2}$ IV for $1\∼5 days$) and 5-FU (500 mg/$m^{2}$ IV for $1\∼5 days$). Each treatment schedule for each group was repeated every four weeks: EAP-II means 3.4 cycles per patient..ELF means 4.1 cycles per patient Results: Total respones rates were $5.4\%$ in the ELF group and $3.6\%$ in the EAP group (P-value>0.05). The median times to progression were 144 days in the ELF group and 92 days in the EAP-II group (P-value<0.05), and themedian overall survival times were 189 days in the ELF group and 139 days in the EAP-II group (P-value>0.05). The difference in the survival curves for the two regimens was not statistically significant. Non-hematologic toxicitis & hematologic toxicitis were more frequently observed for the EAP-II regimen. Anemia: $27.6\%$ in ELF vs $54\%$ in EAP-II; Leukopenia: $8.5\%$ in ELF vs $19\%$ in EAP-II; nausea & vomiting: $45.9\%$ in ELF vs $67.8\%$ in EAP-II. Conclusion: EAP-II regimen is not superior to ELF regimen in the tratment of inoperable advanced gastric cancer (J Korean Gastric Cancer Assoc 2003;3:122-127)

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Changes of Sputum Matrix Metalloproteinases and Tissue Inhibitor of Matrix Metalloproteinase-1 by Antibiotic Treatment in Acute Exacerbation of Chronic Bronchitis (만성 기관지염의 급성 악화에서 항생제 투여에 의한 유도객담 내 Matrix metalloproteinase와 Tissue inhibitor of matrix metalloproteinase의 변화)

  • Yoon, Hyoung-Kyu;Ahn, Joong-Hyun;Kim, Chi-Hong;Kwon, Soon-Seog;Kim, Young-Kyoon;Kim, Kwan-Hyung;Moon, Hwa-Sik;Park, Sung-Hak;Song, Jeong-Sup
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.53 no.4
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    • pp.420-430
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    • 2002
  • Background : Excessive extracellular matrix (ECM) deposition by airway inflammation is presumed to play an important role in the pathogenesis of worsening airflow obstruction (Ed- acceptable three-word noun) seen during acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis. Although many proteases can cleave ECM molecules, matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) and their inhibitors are likely to be the physiologically relevant mediators of ECM degradation. Objectives ; The purpose of this study was to demonstrate that antibiotic treatment can change airway MMPs and TIMP-1 concentrations/levels by controlling airway inflammation in acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis. Methods : We studied 40 patients, all of whom had an acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis. The patients were treated with two different antibiotics, moxifloxacin and clarithromycin, in a double-blind manner for 7 days. Sputum samples were induced and collected before and after antibiotic therapy. We measured the sputum concentration of MMP-1,-9, TIMP-1, IL-8 and secretory leukocyte proteinase inhibitor (SLPI) in sputum supernatants by ELISA method. Results : There was no difference after antibiotic treatment in the sputum concentrations of MMP-1,-9, TIMP-1, IL-8 and SLPI between the patients treated with moxifloxacin and those treated with clarithromycin. But the sputum concentrations of TIMP-1, and SLPI, and the TIMP-1/MMP-1 ratio were significantly reduced by the antibiotic therapy. There were significant positive correlations between sputum TIMP-1 levels and IL-8 levels (p<0.01, r=0.751), and between the sputum TIMP-1/MMP-1 ratio and IL-8 levels (p<0.01, r=0.752). The sputum SLPI levels were significantly elevated by antibiotic treatment and were negatively correlated with sputum TIMP-1 levels (p<0.01, r=-0.496) and TIMP-1/MMP-1 levels (p<0.01, r=-0.456). Conclusion : The study shows that the worsening of airway inflammation in acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis is associated with an imbalance between the concentrations/levels of TIMP-1 and MMPs. Antibiotic treatment can prevent progression of airway narrowing in acute exacerbation of chronic bronchitis by modulation of the protease and anti-protease imbalance.

Effect of Inhaled Fluticasone Propionate on Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis in Bronchial Asthma Patient (기관지 천식환자에서 Fluticasone Propionate 흡입제가 Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis에 미치는 영향)

  • Hwang, Jun-Kyu;Lee, Ho-Meong;No, Yang-Won;Park, Gye-Young;Park, Chong-Wung;Park, Jae-Kyung;Jeong, Seong-Hwan;Nam, Gui-Hyun;Kim, Hong-Kyu;Park, Hye-Young;Kang, Moon-Ho
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.51 no.1
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    • pp.25-34
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    • 2001
  • Background : Inhaled glucocorticoids are the medical treatment of choice in asthma patients. Fluticasone propionate is one of the most effective inhaled corticosteroids and has been reported to have minimal effect on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis at the recommended dose. However, reports of long-term trials characterizing their systemic safety with chronic use are rare. This study was designed to evaluate the long-term safety of inhaled fluticasone propionate to the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. Method : This study was conducted on 21 patients to evaluate the adrenal response to rapid ACTH stimulation test after 6 months of treatment with fluticasone propionate from $200\;{\mu}g$ to $750\;{\mu}g$ daily. The serum cortisol levels was measured to assess its effect on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis just prior to the injection, at 30 minutes and 60 minutes after an intramuscular injection of synthetic ACTH. Result : The mean dose of inhaled fluticasone propionate was $355\;{\mu}g$ per day(SD=$174\;{\mu}g$, range=$200\;{\mu}g$ to $750\;{\mu}g$). The mean serum cortisol levels of the patients was $11.0\;{\mu}g/d{\ell}$(SD=$6.4\;{\mu}g/d{\ell}$) prior to the injection, $20.0\;{\mu}g/d{\ell}$ (SD=$7.7\;{\mu}g/d{\ell}$) after 30 minutes, and $23.0\;{\mu}g/d{\ell}$(SD=$6.3\;{\mu}g/d{\ell}$) after 60 minutes. Sixteen patients of the 21 patients had a normal response(> $18\;{\mu}g/d{\ell}$), and 5 out of the 21 patients had serum cortisol levels below the normal range after the rapid ACTH stimulation test. Conclusion: Adrenal suppression occurred in 5 out of 21 patients with 6 months treatment with inhaled fluticasone propionate.

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Signal Transduction of MUC5AC Expression in Airway Mucus Hypersecretory Disease (기도의 점액 과분비 질환에서 MUC5AC의 발현의 신호 전달 경로에 관한 연구)

  • Shim, Jae Jeong
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • v.55 no.1
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    • pp.21-30
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    • 2003
  • Background : Mucin synthesis in airways has been reported to be regulated by the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) system. Epidermal growth factor receptor transactivation was identified as a critical element in G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs)-induced mitogenic signaling. EGF receptor transactivation by G-protein-coupled receptors requires metalloproteinase cleavage of proHB-EGF. This study was hypothesized that lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced mucin production associates with epidermal growth factor receptor transactivation, and MUC5AC production associates with epidermal growth factor receptor transactivation by G-protein-coupled receptors that regulates by metalloproteinase. Method : MUC5AC mucin production was examined in NCI-H292 cells and MUC5AC protein synthesis was assessed using ELISA. For the evaluation of mechanism of LPS-induced MUC5AC production, $TNF{\alpha}$ was measured using ELISA with or without pretreatment of heterotrimeric G-protein inhibitor, mastoparan. MUC5AC protein was measure with pretreatment of polyclonal $TNF{\alpha}$ antibody or mastoparan on LPS-induced MUC5AC production. For the evaluation of relation of G-protein and MUC5AC production, G-protein stimulant, mastopara-7, or matrix metalloproteinase, ADAM10, was added to NCI-H292 cells. MUC5AC protein was measure with pretreatment of polyclonal EGF antibody on mastoparan-7-induced MUC5AC production. Results : LPS alone did not increase significantly MUC5AC production. LPS with $TNF{\alpha}$ induced dose-dependently MUC5AC production in NCI-H292 cells. LPS increased dose-dependently $TNF{\alpha}$ secretion, which was inhibited by mastoparan. LPS with $TNF{\alpha}$-induced MUC5AC production was inhibited by neutralizing polyclonal $TNF{\alpha}$ antibody, mastoparan or AG 1472. Mastoparan-7 or ADAM10 increased dose-dependently MUC5AC production, which was inhibited by polyclonal neutralizing EGF antibody. Conclusion : In LPS-induced MUC5AC synthesis, LPS causes $TNF{\alpha}$ secretion, which induces EGFR expression. EGFR tyrosine kinase phosphorylation result in MUC5AC production. EGF-R transactivation by G-protein-coupled receptors requires matrix metalloproteinase cleavage of proHB-EGF.