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Dyeing of Wool and Nylon Fabrics with Chinese Scholar Tree Extract (괴화 추출물에 의한 모와 나일론직물의 염색성)

  • 배정숙;허만우
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.107-121
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    • 2003
  • This study was discussed the dyeing of wool and nylon fabrics with Chinese Scholar Tree extract. The extracts of Chinese Scholar Tree was prepared in the condition of heating at 95±5C, for 1 hour and cooling to 40C. And then the extracts of color matter treate with vacuum concentration at 60±2C, 30mmHg and dried with spray dryer. The dyeing of wool and nylon fabric in this experiment was also employed the mordant dyeing method such as pre-mordant, post-mordant and simultaneous mordant method. The mordanting agents used in this study were as followings ; aluminium potassium sulfate, copper(II) acetate monohydrate, chromium potassium sulfate.7H2O, Tin(II) chloride dihydrate, iron(II)sulfate 7H2O. For an evaluation of the dyeing property of the mordanting agents, the pre-mordant method, the repeat dyeing and the fastness of the light, dry cleaning, washing and rubbing measured respectively. From the results of the dye absorption, the optimum dyeing condition of the wool and nylon fabrics with Chinese Scholar Tree extract is at 80C dyeing temperature for 60 minutes. The optimum concentration of mordanting agent is Al, Cr, Sn 1%, Fe, Cu 2% solution. In general, the fastness property of the dyed wool and nylon fabrics had a comparatively high grade.

Treatment of Photographic Wastewater by Chemical Oxidation and Biological Treatment process (화학적산화 및 생물학적처리법에 의한 사진폐액의 처리)

  • 정경훈;최형일
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.34-42
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    • 1997
  • A laboratory experiments were performed to investigate the treatment of photographic processing wastewater by chemical oxidation and biological treatment system. The effect of reaction conditions such as hydrogen peroxide dosage, ferrous sulfate dosage and pH on the COD removal in Fenton oxidation were investigated. The optimal dosage of hydrogen peroxide was 2.58 M and 3.87 M for the developing and fixing process wastewater, respectively. The Fenton oxidation was most efficient in the pH range of 3-5 and the optimal condition for initial reaction pH was 5 for a developing process wastewater. With iron powder catalyst, the COD for a developing process wastewater was removed in lower pH than with ferrous sulfate catalyst. The removal efficiency of COD for refractory compounds such as Diethyleneglycol, Benzylalcohol, Hydroxylamine Sulfate, Ammonium Thiosulfate, Ammonium Ferric EDTA and Disodium EDTA in the photogaphic wastewater was found than 90% except Potassium Carbonate. When the photographic processing wastewater after pretreatment by Fenton oxidation was treated with batch activated sludge process, the addition of KH2PO4 as a phosphorous compound improved the removal efficiency of COD. During the continuous biological treatment of developing and fixing process wastewater after pretreatment by Fenton oxidation, the effluent COD concentration less than 100 mg/l was obtained at 0.425 and 0.25 kgCOD/m3.d, respectively.

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Studies on the Dyeing of Hanji by Natural Dye-stuffs(II) -With a focus on the Onion-peelings- (천연염료를 이용한 한지염색에 관한 연구(II) -양파껍질을 중심으로-)

  • Jeon, Chul
    • Journal of Korea Technical Association of The Pulp and Paper Industry
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.48-53
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    • 2003
  • The objective of this study was to find in what color Korean handmade paper(Hanji) is dyed when it is dyed with a pigment extracted from waste onion peelings using different kinds of mordant, and how the paper is discolored and variety of strength under the condition of accelerated aging test. The results of this experiment are as follows. 1. Korean handmade paper was dyed in different colors according to the kinds of mordant. Mainly it was dyed in orange-brown, and sometimes in gold or khaki. 2. Korean handmade paper dyed was not discolored much, which suggests that the pigment is strong under the condition of aging. 3. As for durability, Korean handmade paper dyed in gold was strongest. Korean handmade paper, to which aluminum sulfate, iron sulfate or sodium dichromate was applied as mordant, had poor durability. Thus, these were not suitable as mordant.

Studies on the Natural Dyes(7) -Dyeing properties of cochineal colors for silk fibers- (천연염료에 관한 연구(7) -코치닐색소의 견섬유에 대한 염색성-)

  • 조경래
    • Textile Coloration and Finishing
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.40-46
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    • 1994
  • In order to study the properties of cochineal color, variation of uv, visible spectra by pH, dyeing properties on the silk in several dyeing conditions and thermodynamic parameter were investigated. Cochineal colors had an unusual to pH, especially had instability in alkali condition. An increase in the dyeing temperature and in time resulted in an increase in the dye content of silk fibers. Concentration of cochineal color in the silk fiber was related to pH and the maximum exhaustion of cochineal colors showed at about pH 3. The value of apparent diffusion coefficients and standard affinities of dyeing increased with the increase of dyeing temperature. The standard heats of dyeing(ΔH°), variation of entropy(ΔS°) and activation energy(E/sub act/) were caculated to be -1.72kcal/mo1, -3.77cal/mo1ㆍdeg and 1.26kcal/mo1, respectively. Silk fabrics were dyed bright red by tin chloride, reddish purple by copper sulfate, and bluish gray by iron sulfate, respectively. Lightfastness of silk fabrics mordanted by metal ion was weak.

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Pharmaceutical Studies on Ferroglycine Fumarate (II) -Studies on Optimization of Controlled Release Ferroglycine Fumarate Tablets- (푸마르산철글리신 복합체의 약제학적 연구 (제2보) -지속성 푸마르산철글리신 정제의 최적화에 관한 연구-)

  • Shin, Hyun-Jong;Lee, Wan-Ha
    • Journal of Pharmaceutical Investigation
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.101-110
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    • 1987
  • In order to reduce gastric irritation in the stomach of iron preparations, ferroglycine fumarate (FGF) granules coated with hydroxyethylcellulose was made by matrix granulator, and the constrained optimization method, employing the Lagrange equation, was successfully applied to the manufacturing process design of controlled release tablets. The effects of stearic acid and dried corn starch on tablet hardness, friability, dissolution rate t_{50%} and tablet volume were found to be very significant. In rabbit test, pharmacokinetic parameters (Ka,CmaxandAUC012) and urinary excretion rate (Ke) of the controlled release FGF tablets were higher than those of controlled release ferroglycine sulfate tablets which were manufactured in the same optimal conditions. Controlled release FGF tablets were more stable than controlled release ferroglycine sulfate tablets in accelerated storage conditions.

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Precipitation of Soluble Uranium in Anaerobic Culture of Desulfovibrio desulfricans (황산환원균 Dseulfovibrio desulfricans의 혐기배양에 의한 가용성 우라늄의 침전)

  • 조규성;주현규;다야마사히또;도네세쯔지;홍고야쓰히로
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.269-275
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    • 1993
  • The aims of the present study are to examine the precipitation of uranyl ion in the culture of Desulfovibrio desulfricans for the sedimentary recovery of aqueous uranium. D. desulfricans had the highest utilization rate of lactate and precipitated iron ion in the three sulfate reducing bacteria. So, subsequent experiments were conducted using lactate as an energy source. The normal growth was observed with increased pH and lactate utilization. During the culture, the amounts of SO42- consumed and S2- produced in aqueous phase were 8.5 and 7.5 mmol/m3-broth, respectively.

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Enzymatic Properties of β-amylase Isolated from Arrowroot (칡 뿌리에서 분리한 B-amylase의 효소학적 특성)

  • 윤상혁;심우만
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.85-91
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    • 1996
  • B-amylase(EC was isolated from the root of arrowroot(Peuria thunbergiana Bentham) with distilled water and then fractionated with ammonium sulfate. Crude extract was partially purified by ion exchange chromatography and gel filtration. The enzymatic properties of partially purified β-amylase were as follows, the enzyme was fractionated with ammonium sulfate between 0.2 and 0.4 saturation, and showed the typical reaction properties of B-amylase producing only maltose from starch. Optinum pH and temperature were pH 6.5, 50C respectively. The activity of the enzyme had proportional relations with enzyme protein concentration below 4mg, and had Michaelis constant of 66.7mg% for soluble starch. The enzyme was inhibited by some metal louts such as silver, cadmium, mercury, aluminum, iron and copper.

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Microstructure of zinc electrodeposits in acid sulfate solution (黃酸亞鉛 電解液을 使用한 亞鉛電着層의 顯微鏡 組織)

  • Ye, Gil-Chon;An, Deok-Su;Kim, Yong-Ung
    • Journal of Surface Science and Engineering
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.53-60
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    • 1985
  • The microstructure of zine electrodeposits was investigated by using zinc sulfate solution in still bath. The cathode current efficiency decreased with increasing current density, and decreasing temperature. The preferred orientation of the zinc electrodeposits changed from (10.3) texture to(10.)-(00.1)(=1, 2, 3) texture through (10.2)-(10.3) preferred orientation with increasing cathode over potential. The surface morphology of zinc electrodeposits changed from the dendritic growth with granular crystallites to the blocks of hexagonal crystallites packed together with increasing current density. The microstructure of cross section of the above deposits are the rough granular structure and columnar structure respectively.

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The Effect of the Use of Sodium Hypochlorite and Iron Salts on Sewage Sludge Dewaterability (차아염소산과 철염을 이용한 하수슬러지의 탈수효과)

  • Sung, Il-Wha
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.35 no.1
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    • pp.58-63
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    • 2009
  • This study investigated improvement to sludge dewaterability and coagulation for sewage treatment plant sludge by using sodium hypochlorite solution (NaOCl), ferric sulfate [Fe2(SO4)3] and zeolite. The specific resistance to filtration(SRF), chloride, pH and turbidity were used to evaluate the sludge dewatering behaviors. The results of study were as follows: By varying the amount of NaOCl added the optimum result in terms of enhancement for pretreatment occurred when 34 mg/l of NaOCl was injected. When the total solids concentration of the sludge was 10,000 mg/l, the optimum ferric sulfate dosage for the sludge dewaterability was 150 mg/l and the corresponding SRF was 1.7×107sec2/g. It was observed that injecting zeolite into sludge was effective in improving the dewaterability of sludge.

Dyeing properties of Gardenia on Han Jee (치자를 이용한 한지의 염색성)

  • 김애순
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.25 no.8
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    • pp.1493-1499
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    • 2001
  • This paper investigated the dyeabiltiy and surface color of Han Jee dyed with Gardenia extract after mordanted with mordants under the various dyeing conditions. The results obtained were as follows 1) λmax of the dyeing Han Jee dyed with Gardenia appeared at 660 and 710nm. 2)K/s value of dyeing Han Jee was increased when dyeing condition, temperature, time was higher. 3) Surface color of Han Jee with mordants changed differently according to the mordants used : 3.2Y by Aluminum acetate, 2.0GY by Copper sulfate, 9.5YR by Iron sulfate. 3.4Y by Tin chloride, and 4.5Y by non-mordanting.

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