• Title/Summary/Keyword: IoT 기반 관리

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Development of Black-box System for Smart Livestock and its Intelligent System Management Platform and Methods (스마트 축산용 블랙박스 시스템 & 지능형 시스템 관리 플랫폼 개발)

  • Shin, Hae-Sun;Park, Sung-Soon;Kim, Gyoung-Hun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Broadcast Engineers Conference
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    • 2020.07a
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    • pp.28-29
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    • 2020
  • 최근 들어 정부의 적극적인 지원책에 힘입어 전통적인 축산농장의 환경을 스마트 축사로 개선하는 사업이 다양하게 추진되고 있다. 이에 축산농장의 스마트화를 위해 다양한 축산용 ICT 기기들이 개발되어 도입되고 있고, 클라우드기반의 인터넷환경까지 연결되고 있으나, 이러한 ICT 기기들을 사용하여 스마트 축사를 구축하고 운영하는데, 편의성 측면에서나 효율성 측면에서 어려움을 겪는 경우가 다수 발생하고 있다. 이 문제를 해결하기 위해, 축산 현장에서 사용자의 편의성 측면을 고려하여 축산현장 정보를 기록하는 스마트 블랙박스 시스템을 개발하고, 효율성을 고려하여 이 시스템을 위한 지능형 시스템 관제 플랫폼을 개발하였다. 그리고 현장상황에서 실증평가를 통해 축산 인들이 현장에서 축산 ICT 기기를 쉽고, 안전하게 운영하도록 하도록 사용자 환경을 구축하였다. 본 논문에서는 개발된 스마트 축산 ICT 블랙박스 시스템(Smart.Dx)과 IoT센서 수집용 게이트웨이(Smart.Dn), 그리고 클라우드 데이터 분석 솔루션(Smart.Center)을 기술한다. 이 연구내용은 또한 축산업에 종사하는 고령자나 스마트폰 환경에 익숙하지 않은 사용자 환경 특성을 고려하여, 유니버셜 디자인의 7대 원칙을 지원하고 있다.

  • PDF

User Task Management System based on Device Priority (기기 우선순위 기반 사용자 작업관리 시스템)

  • Jang, Kiman;Jeong, Dohyeong;Jung, Hoekyung
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.657-662
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    • 2017
  • Recently, according to the development of the smart home field, it provides a service to install and keep the smart home appliance in a user's residential environment pleasantly. However, the conventional system method has a problem in that it is not convenient because the user selects a device or manually operates the device. In this paper, we propose a system to set the priority of the devices selected by the user and proceed with the work. When a user selects a device, it recommends a device associated with the device. Compare and set the priority of each device. And it is a system that carries out work according to the set priority. Therefore the proposed system is expected to provide users with increased convenience and efficiency of work management.

The Development of Remote Monitoring System for Storm Overflow Chamber Device (우수토실 일체형 하수유량조절장치 원격관리시스템 개발)

  • Jeon, In-Jae;Kim, Ki-Bong
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.61-68
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    • 2018
  • This paper propose the remote monitoring system using LoRa networks about storm overflow chamber, which is a device designed to discharge rainwater directly to a sewage treatment plant when it reaches a certain amount of rainfall during precipitation. In this system, when the information produced by the sensor is transmitted to the LoRa network server and updated, the application server can automatically receive data through the implemented communication interface. The application server carries out management functions of storm overflow chamber devices and subscription information, collects measured flow rate and opening-closing information, and provides statistical information using the collected data. The android app performs a firebase-based notification function to prompt the user of malfunctioning of the storm overflow chamber device.

A Convergence Implementation of Realtime Traffic Shaping and IPS on Small Integrated Security Router for IDC (IDC용 소형 통합보안라우터의 실시간 트래픽쉐이핑과 IPS의 융합 구현)

  • Yang, SeungEui;Park, Kiyoung;Jung, HoeKyung
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.23 no.7
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    • pp.861-868
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    • 2019
  • Various server-based services such as big data, IoT and artificial intelligence have been made online. As a result, the demand for IDC to support stable server operation is increasing. IDC is a server-based facility with a stable line and power supply facility that manages 20 to 30 servers in an efficiently separated rack-level subnetwork. Here, we need a way to efficiently manage servers security, firewall, and traffic on a rack-by-rack basis. Including traffic shaping capabilities that control routers, firewalls, IPS, and line speeds, as well as VPN technology, a recent interest. If three or five kinds of commercial equipment are adopted to support this, it may be a great burden to the management cost as well as the introduction cost. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a method to implement the five functions in one rack-unit small integrated security router. In particular, IDC intends to integrate traffic shaping and IPS, which are essential technologies, and to propose the utility accordingly.

A Study on Development of Indoor Object Tracking System Using N-to-N Broadcasting System (N-to-N 브로드캐스팅 시스템을 활용한 실내 객체 위치추적 시스템 개발에 관한 연구)

  • Song, In seo;Choi, Min seok;Han, Hyun jeong;Jeong, Hyeon gi;Park, Tae hyeon;Joeng, Sang won;Kwon, Jang woo
    • The Journal of The Korea Institute of Intelligent Transport Systems
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.192-207
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    • 2020
  • In industrial fields like big factories, efficient management of resources is critical in terms of time and expense. So, inefficient management of resources leads to additional costs. Nevertheless, in many cases, there is no proper system to manage resources. This study proposes a system to manage and track large-scale resources efficiently. We attached Bluetooth 5.0-based beacons to our target resources to track them in real time, and by saving their transportation data we can understand flows of resources. Also, we applied a diagonal survey method to estimate the location of beacons so we are able to build an efficient and accurate system. As a result, We achieve 47% more accurate results than traditional trilateration method.

A study on the impact on predicted soil moisture based on machine learning-based open-field environment variables (머신러닝 기반 노지 환경 변수에 따른 예측 토양 수분에 미치는 영향에 대한 연구)

  • Gwang Hoon Jung;Meong-Hun Lee
    • Smart Media Journal
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    • v.12 no.10
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    • pp.47-54
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    • 2023
  • As understanding sudden climate change and agricultural productivity becomes increasingly important due to global warming, soil moisture prediction is emerging as a key topic in agriculture. Soil moisture has a significant impact on crop growth and health, and proper management and accurate prediction are key factors in improving agricultural productivity and resource management. For this reason, soil moisture prediction is receiving great attention in agricultural and environmental fields. In this paper, we collected and analyzed open field environmental data using a pilot field through random forest, a machine learning algorithm, obtained the correlation between data characteristics and soil moisture, and compared the actual and predicted values of soil moisture. As a result of the comparison, the prediction rate was about 92%. It was confirmed that the accuracy was . If soil moisture prediction is carried out by adding crop growth data variables through future research, key information such as crop growth speed and appropriate irrigation timing according to soil moisture can be accurately controlled to increase crop quality and improve productivity and water management efficiency. It is expected that this will have a positive impact on resource efficiency.

Smart Factory Platform based on Multi-Touch and Image Recognition Technologies (멀티터치 기술과 영상인식 기술 기반의 스마트 팩토리 플랫폼)

  • Hong, Yo-Hoon;Song, Seung-June;Jang, Kwang-Mun;Rho, Jungkyu
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.23-28
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    • 2018
  • In this work, we developed a platform that can monitor status and manage events of factory workplaces by providing events and data collected from various types of multi-touch technology based sensors installed in the workplace. By using the image recognition technology, faces of the people in the factory workplace are recognized and the customized contents for each worker are provided, and security of contents is enhanced by the authenticating an individual worker through face recognition. Contents control function through gesture recognition is constructed, so that workers can easily search documents. Also, it is possible to provide contents for workers by implementing face recognition function in mobile devices. The result of this work can be used to improve workplace safety, convenience of workers, contents security and can be utilized as a base technology for future smart factory construction.

A Study on the Introduction of Library Services Based on Blockchain (블록체인 기반의 도서관 서비스 도입 및 활용방안에 관한 연구)

  • Ro, Ji-Yoon;Noh, Younghee
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.371-401
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    • 2022
  • If the blockchain means storing information in a distributed environment that cannot be forged or altered, it is mentioned that this is similar to what librarians collect, preserve, and share authoritative information. In this way, this study examined blockchain technology as a way to collect and provide reliable information, increase work efficiency inside and outside the library, and strengthen cooperative networks. This study attempted to propose various ways to utilize blockchain technology in book relations based on literature surveys and case studies in other fields. To this end, this study first analyzed the field and cases of blockchain application to confirm the possibility and value of blockchain application in the library field, and proposed 12 ways to utilize it based on this. The utilization model was proposed by dividing it into operation and service sectors. In the operation sector, it is a digital identity-based user record storage and authentication function, transparent management and traceable monitoring function, voting-based personnel and recruitment system, blockchain governance-based network efficiency function, and blockchain-based next-generation device management and information integration function. The service sector includes improved book purchase and sharing efficiency due to simplification of intermediaries, digital content copyright protection and management functions, customized service provision based on customer behavior analysis, blockchain-based online learning platforms, sharing platforms, and P2P-based reliable information sharing platforms.

Analyses of Expert Group on the 4th Industrial Revolution: The Perspective of Product Lifecycle Management (4차 산업혁명에 관한 전문가그룹 분석: 제품수명주기관리의 관점에서)

  • Wongeun Oh;Injai Kim
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.89-100
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    • 2020
  • The smart factory is an important axis of the 4th industrial revolution. Smart factory is a system that induces the maximum efficiency and effectiveness of production using the IoT and intelligent sensing systems. The product lifecycle management technique is a method that can actively reflect the consumer's requirements in the smart factory and manage the entire process from the consumer to the post management. There have been many studies on product lifecycle management, but studies on how to organize product lifecycle management knowledge domains in preparation for the era of the 4th industrial revolution were insufficient. This study analyzed the opinions of a group of experts preparing for the 4th industrial revolution in terms of product lifecycle management. The impact of the 4th industrial revolution on the detailed knowledge areas of product lifecycle management was investigated. The changes in product lifecycle management were summarized using a qualitative data analysis technique for a group of experts. Based on the opinions of experts, the product lifecycle management, which consists of a total of 30 detailed knowledge areas, was prepared to supplement or prepare for the 4th industrial revolution. This study investigates changes in product lifecycle management in preparation for the 4th industrial revolution in the knowledge domain of the existing defined product life cycle management. In future research, it is necessary to redefine the knowledge domain of product life cycle management suitable for the era of the 4th industrial revolution and investigate the perception of experts. Considering the social culture and technological change factors of the 4th industrial revolution, the scope and scope of product life cycle management can be newly defined.

A Study on the Procedure for Establishing an Integrated Platform Plan for Safety Management of 5G Digital Twin-Based Facilities: Focusing on Facilities in Metropolitan Cities (5G 디지털 트윈 기반 시설물 안전관리 통합플랫폼 계획 수립 절차에 관한 연구 : 수도권 광역시 시설물을 중심으로)

  • Chang, Hye-Jung
    • The Journal of Korea Institute of Information, Electronics, and Communication Technology
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.257-268
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    • 2021
  • As the variety and scale of facilities increase due to industrialization and urbanization, blind spots for facility safety management have occurred, resulting in numerous casualties.To meet safety and security needs of citizens living in smart cities, we present a procedure for establishing an integrated platform for facility safety management by combining 5G and digital twin technologies. It can be used to perform inspection according to risk factors and aging of facilities. In this paper, the current status of facility management and application directions of new 5G digital twin-based smart city technologies are reviewed and digital twin implementation procedures are presented. Five cities were selected as target areas: Osan, Gwangmyeong, Guri, Uijeongbu, and Anyang. Old and emergency facilities of each local government were selected. A total of 33 digital twin facilities reflecting policy directions of each city were selected. Focusing on facilities determined by each city, the purpose of this study was to define information technology infrastructure elements for the application of the 5G digital twin facility safety management integrated platform, define categories of implementation services, and suggest a concrete integrated platform configuration plan.