• Title/Summary/Keyword: IoT 기반 관리

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A Study on Collecting and Utilizing Participatory Meteorological Record Information through Crowdsourcing (크라우드소싱을 통한 참여형 기상기록정보의 수집과 활용에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jaeneung;Lee, Seunghwi
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.109-145
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    • 2019
  • Citizens are becoming providers of weather information through crowdsourcing on the Internet. In Korea and abroad, national weather service organizations and companies are using weather information provided by citizens for weather forecasting. Recently, it is necessary to pay attention to the changes and the current status of the producers of meteorological information in the meteorological field as they are aware of the importance of information management including data in academia. In this paper, first, the present status and problems of the weather observation network constructed by each weather information producer were identified. Second, to confirm the crowdsourcing in the meteorological area, the researchers directly participated in the weather forecasting process through crowdsourcing and analyzed the collection, utilization, and the possibility of weather record information. Third, prospects for the utilization of weather information through crowdsourcing were presented.

Research on Cybersecurity Risk Management System in Smart Factory Environment (스마트팩토리 환경의 사이버보안 리스크 관리 체계 연구)

  • YoungSun Shin
    • Journal of Korea Society of Industrial Information Systems
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.43-54
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    • 2024
  • This study presented a cybersecurity risk management system in a smart factory environment. A smart factory refers to a factory that optimizes the production system and increases efficiency. However, this digitized environment is vulnerable to cyber attacks, and manufacturing companies can suffer serious damage from disruptions in production systems or information leaks. Therefore, a systematic approach to effectively managing cyber security risks is essential in smart factories. In this study, a continuous security risk management system for each stage of the smart factory was proposed along with business process-based security risk assessment. These studies will help to further improve cybersecurity risk management in smart factories. It will also play an important role in ensuring that smart factories operate safely and efficiently.

Smart Livestock Research and Technology Trend Analysis based on Intelligent Information Technology to improve Livestock Productivity and Livestock Environment (축산물 생산성 향상 및 축산 환경 개선을 위한 지능정보기술 기반 스마트 축사 연구 및 기술 동향 분석)

  • Kim, Cheol-Rim;Kim, Seungchoen
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.133-139
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    • 2022
  • Recently, livestock farms in Korea are introducing data-based technologies to improve productivity, such as livestock environment and breeding management, safe livestock production, and animal welfare. In addition, the government has been conducting a smart livestock distribution project since 2017 through the modernization of ICT-based livestock facilities in order to improve the productivity of livestock products and improve the livestock environment as a policy. However, the current smart livestock house has limitations in connection, diversity, and integration between monitoring and control. Therefore, in order to intelligently systemize all processes of livestock with intelligent algorithms and remote control in order to link and integrate various monitoring and control, the Internet of Things, big data, artificial intelligence, cloud computing, and mobile It is necessary to develop a smart livestock system. In this study, domestic and foreign research trends related to smart livestock based on intelligent information technology were introduced and the limitations of domestic application of advanced technologies were analyzed. Finally, future intelligent information technology applicable to the livestock field was examined.

Analyses of Security into End-to-End Point Healthcare System based on Internet of Things (사물인터넷 기반의 헬스케어 시스템의 종단간 보안성 분석)

  • Kim, Jung Tae
    • Asia-pacific Journal of Multimedia Services Convergent with Art, Humanities, and Sociology
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    • v.7 no.6
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    • pp.871-880
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    • 2017
  • Recently, service based on internet is inter-connected and integrated with a variety of connection. This kind of internet of things consist of heterogenous devices such as sensor node, devices and end-to end equipment which used in conventional protocols and services. The representative system is healthcare system. From healthcare appliance used by IoT, patient and doctor can utilize healthcare information with safety and high speed management. It is very convenient management to operate mobility. But it induced security and vulnerability issues because it has small memory capacity, low power supply and low computing power. This made impossible to implement security algorithm with embedded engine based on hardware. Nowdays, we can't realize conventional standard algorithm due to these kinds of reasons. From the critical issues, it occurred security and vulnerability issues. Therefore, we analysed and compared with conventional method and proposed techniques. Finally, we evaluated security issues and requirement for end-to-end point healthcare system based on internet of things.

Direct Actuation Update Scheme based on Actuator in Wireless Networked Control System (Wireless Networked Control System에서 Actuator 기반 Direct Actuation Update 방법)

  • Yeunwoong Kyung;Tae-Kook Kim;Youngjun Kim
    • Journal of Internet of Things and Convergence
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.125-129
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    • 2023
  • Age of Information (AoI) has been introduced in wireless networked control systems (WNCSs) to guarantee timely status updates. In addition, as the edge computing (EC) architecture has been deployed in NCS, EC close to sensors can be exploited to collect status updates from sensors and provide control decisions to actuators. However, when lots of sensors simultaneously deliver status updates, EC can be overloaded, which cannot satisfy the AoI requirement. To mitigate this problem, this paper uses actuators with computing capability that can directly receive the status updates from sensors and determine the control decision without the help of EC. To analyze the AoI of the actuation update via EC or directly using actuators, this paper developed an analytic model based on timing diagrams. Extensive simulation results are included to verify the analytic model and to show the AoI with various settings.

A Study to Improve the Usability of the Smart Sleeping Mask based IoT (사물인터넷 기반 수면안대의 사용감 향상을 위한 연구)

  • Kwak, Jin-Young;Yang, Yeon-Ju;Lim, Jea-Kwan;Yoon, Sang-Cheol;Ahn, Taek-Won
    • Journal of Internet of Things and Convergence
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.27-33
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    • 2022
  • Sleep is an essential factor for living a healthy life, but most modern people complain of poor sleep. For these people, as the need for a means to simply evaluate and manage the quality of sleep increases, devices that can check the sleep state at home without monitoring by an examiner are being developed. The smart sleep mask, which is the subject of this usability test, provides bio-signal monitoring while sleeping so that you can conveniently measure and manage your sleep state for yourself. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the usability and safety of the smart sleep mask, to find and prevent potential factors related to errors in use that may occur, and to develop the comfort and safety of this product. As a result of the formative evaluation of the sleep mask prototype, it was reported that it was difficult to turn on the power and check the results, and that the sleep mask was not comfortable to wear. Different opinions were presented on the size and weight of the sleeping mask by people in different age groups.

Correlation analysis of pollutants using IoT technology in LID facilities (LID 시설 내 IoT 기술을 활용한 오염물질 상관성 분석)

  • Jeon, Minsu;Choi, Hyeseon;kevin, Geronimo Franz;Reyes, N.J.DG.;Kim, Leehyung
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2021.06a
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    • pp.453-453
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    • 2021
  • 도시지역 비점오염원관리, 물순환 회복, 침투 및 증발산량 증가, 열섬현상 저감을 위한 주요한 방안으로 저영향개발(low impact development, LID)과 그린인프라 기법의 적용되고 있다. LID 시설은 소규모 분산형 시설로써 넓은 지역에 많고 다양한 시설들이 적용되어 시설의 개수가 많으며, 수질 및 토양 내 기성제품에 대한 센서들의 가격은 고가로 형성되어 있어 기기의 경제성 및 유지관리 등 적용하는데 제한적이다. 따라서 과거 모니터링 자료를 기반으로 오염물질들과의 상관성 분석을 통하여 계측이 어려운 항목들을 계측가능한 항목들로부터 예측 가능하며, 선정된 항목들에 대한 비용효율적인 센서를 개발하여 실시간 LID 모니터링이 가능한 비용효율적 모니터링을 개발하였다. 공주대학교 천안캠퍼스의 LID 시설들은 2013년에 조성되어 현재까지 시설이 운영되고 있으며, 5년이상의 과거 강우시 모니터링 자료들을 이용하여 오염물질 상관성 분석을 수행가능 하기에 대상지로 선정하였다. 오염물질 상관성 분석은 2013년부터 2017년도에 침투도랑에서 수행된 강우시 모니터링 자료를 활용하여 각 오염물질들의 상관성을 분석을 수행하였다. 침투도랑 내 유입되는 평균 유입수는 TSS 286.1±318.3 mg/L, BOD 22.6±39.5 mg/L, TN 8.96±5.85 mg/L, TP 1.01±1.11 mg/L로 나타났다. 겨울철에 비해 여름철에서의 오염물질의 유입농도가 높은 것으로 분석되었다. 이는 여름철 고온건조로 인한 노면 내 차량의 주행으로 인한 중금속, 폐타이어 등과 장마철 강우 시 유출된 토사로 인하여 유입수의 농도가 높은 것으로 분석되었다. 오염물질 부하량은 TSS와 COD 0.66으로 유의성이 높은 것으로 나왔으며, COD와 TSS, TP, TN 등 유의성이 높은 것으로 분석되었다. Arduino와 Raspberry PI를 활용하여 저비용 센서와 LTE 모뎀통신과 데이터 베이스 연결하여 개발된 프로그램을 통해서 무선으로 LID 시설에 대한 모니터링을 침투화분2와 식생체류지에 조성하였다. 전력공급이 어려운 식생체류지의 경우 태양열(Solar system) 시스템과 보조 전력 배터리를 조성하여 장마철이나 장기적인 악천후로 인한 전력을 생산하지 못할 경우 보조전력배터리에서 전력을 제공하여 지속적인 모니터링이 이루어지도록 설계하였다. 토양함수량, 토양온도와 Conductivity 등 3종류의 센서를 적용하였으며, 프로그램은 현재 2단계를 통한 2차수정을 통하여 프로그램을 구축하였다. 오차, 오작동, 계측값에 대한 검·보정 작업이 필요하다. 또한 대기자료의 구축을 통해 보다 토양과 LID 시설에 대한 영향분석이 필요한 것으로 사료된다.

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Design for Smart Safety Management System: from Worker and Mobile Equipment Perspectives (시스템엔지니어링 기반의 스마트 안전관리 시스템설계: 작업자와 이동 장비를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Hyoung Min;Yoon, Sung Jae;Hong, Dae Guen;Suh, Suk-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Systems Engineering
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.41-49
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    • 2015
  • Industrial safety is one of the crucial agenda for Government as well as Manufacturing Industry. To cope with the needs, a great deal of policies and technical implementation have been proposed and implemented. With a great increasing attention on the Industry 4.0 and Smart Factory, industrial safety has received as a crucial agenda by the manufacturing industry in particular. Up until now, almost all of them have been made from the environmental aspects, rather than operator or workers. In this paper, we present our research results how to increase the workers' safety via smart factory technology, such as IoT and CPS. Our approach has been to see the problem from SE perspectives, to draw the real issues from the various stakeholders, and define how to solve the problem based on the emerging technologies. The developed systems can give conceptual framework for the 'smart' industrial safety system by providing solution architecture for how to monitor the location of workers, and moving equipments, and generate solutions how to avoid safety problems between them if detected.

A Study on the Accounts Balancing Time of Small Distributed Power Trading Platform Using Block Chain Network (블록체인 네트워크를 이용한 소규모 분산전력 거래플랫폼의 정산소요시간에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Young-Gon;Heo, Keol;Choi, Jung-In;Wie, Jae-Woo
    • Journal of Energy Engineering
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    • v.27 no.4
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    • pp.86-91
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    • 2018
  • This paper is a review of accounts balancing time in small distributed power trading platform using blockchain technology. First, the national VPP energy management system using the AMI applied to this study is introduced and then the accounts balancing time and process of the cryptocurrency coin payment which based on the power generation of pro-consumer certified by power big data analysis in a test bed environment is discussed. Futhermore the configuration of a power Big Data analysis system with GPU Fast Big Data that applies MapD to current lambda architecture is also introduced.

A Study of the Internet of Thing Industry and Policy Implications (사물인터넷 산업 현황 및 정책적 대응방향)

  • Chun, Hwang-soo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2014.05a
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    • pp.724-727
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    • 2014
  • This paper is analyzing the situation of the Internet of Things Industry and draw the policy implications to promote Internet of Things industry. Major IT companies as Apple, Google, IBM, Sony, and Samsung have developed various smart glass and smart watch as a Iot products. In order to promote Iot Industry, we should take the build up of eco system between IT makers and the various contents provider, protection of personal information and data, development of killer applications and business models, and the conversion from IPv4 to IPv6 as a next internet address infra, build up of international standard platform on IoT.

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