• Title/Summary/Keyword: Invention Problem Creating

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Exploring How to Develop Teaching & Learning Materials to Create New Problems for Invention ('문제 만들기' 활동을 통한 발명 교수·학습자료 개발 방향 탐색)

  • Kang, Kyoung-Kyoon;Lee, Gun-hwan;Park, Seong-Won
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.18 no.9
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    • pp.290-301
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    • 2017
  • This research aimed to develop problem creating worksheets as a teaching & learning material for problem solving activities and assess its effectiveness. Activity worksheets for creative problem development were established. The effectiveness of the problem-creating classes taught to gifted students in invention was evaluated. In addition, effective strategies for encouraging problem creating and question making in teaching & learning processes were explored. The creative problem identification activity consisted of 5 steps, which are idea creation, convergence, execution, and evaluation. The results showed that elementary and middle school students taught in the classes using this problem-identification worksheet were highly satisfied with the program. This study concluded that it requires an educational environment, government level collaboration, and support to create a mature social atmosphere and educational environment motivating students to keep asking questions and identify problems. Through continual modification, additional ongoing efforts to increase the credibility and the quality of the worksheets as a creative problem solving and learning tool will be needed.

Characteristics of Learning Contents and Activities According to the Invention Education Managerial System for the Gifted at Elementary School Level (발명영재교육 운영체제별 초등 발명영재 수업내용 및 수업활동 분석)

  • Maeng, Hee-Ju;Seo, Hae-Ae
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze elementary school students' class contents and activities between the invention class for the gifted under the local education office by the 'Gifted Education Promotion Act' and that under the invention classroom by the 'Invention Promotion Act'. For this study, the survey was conducted to 1,788 elementary school students who attended the invention class for the gifted both under the local education office and under the invention classroom. The analysis of the survey showed that the students of the invention class for the gifted under the local education office had higher motivation and participation rate in class, higher interest in invention, and stronger significantly in a future oriented will than those under the invention classroom. The parents of the invention class for the gifted under the local education office showed more enthusiastic attitude to support their students, and had significantly stronger recognition that the participation of the students in the invention education for the gifted helped enter an advanced school than those under the invention classroom. However, the class contents of the invention class for the gifted under the local education office such as 'understanding the influence of the invention history and products on society', 'scientific inquiry skills for problem solving', 'technological and engineering abilities for creating an invention', 'developing knowledge and abilities about business and management by using a new invention' were not different from those under the invention classroom. In addition, discussion and presentation were not active in the class activities of the invention class for the gifted under the local education office. Therefore, the researchers should compensate and develop a program which can apply strategically differentiated class contents and class activities to the students who participate in the invention class for the gifted under the local education office by the 'Gifted Education Promotion Act'.

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Social Tagging-based Recommendation Platform for Patented Technology Transfer (특허의 기술이전 활성화를 위한 소셜 태깅기반 지적재산권 추천플랫폼)

  • Park, Yoon-Joo
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.53-77
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    • 2015
  • Korea has witnessed an increasing number of domestic patent applications, but a majority of them are not utilized to their maximum potential but end up becoming obsolete. According to the 2012 National Congress' Inspection of Administration, about 73% of patents possessed by universities and public-funded research institutions failed to lead to creating social values, but remain latent. One of the main problem of this issue is that patent creators such as individual researcher, university, or research institution lack abilities to commercialize their patents into viable businesses with those enterprises that are in need of them. Also, for enterprises side, it is hard to find the appropriate patents by searching keywords on all such occasions. This system proposes a patent recommendation system that can identify and recommend intellectual rights appropriate to users' interested fields among a rapidly accumulating number of patent assets in a more easy and efficient manner. The proposed system extracts core contents and technology sectors from the existing pool of patents, and combines it with secondary social knowledge, which derives from tags information created by users, in order to find the best patents recommended for users. That is to say, in an early stage where there is no accumulated tag information, the recommendation is done by utilizing content characteristics, which are identified through an analysis of key words contained in such parameters as 'Title of Invention' and 'Claim' among the various patent attributes. In order to do this, the suggested system extracts only nouns from patents and assigns a weight to each noun according to the importance of it in all patents by performing TF-IDF analysis. After that, it finds patents which have similar weights with preferred patents by a user. In this paper, this similarity is called a "Domain Similarity". Next, the suggested system extract technology sector's characteristics from patent document by analyzing the international technology classification code (International Patent Classification, IPC). Every patents have more than one IPC, and each user can attach more than one tag to the patents they like. Thus, each user has a set of IPC codes included in tagged patents. The suggested system manages this IPC set to analyze technology preference of each user and find the well-fitted patents for them. In order to do this, the suggeted system calcuates a 'Technology_Similarity' between a set of IPC codes and IPC codes contained in all other patents. After that, when the tag information of multiple users are accumulated, the system expands the recommendations in consideration of other users' social tag information relating to the patent that is tagged by a concerned user. The similarity between tag information of perferred 'patents by user and other patents are called a 'Social Simialrity' in this paper. Lastly, a 'Total Similarity' are calculated by adding these three differenent similarites and patents having the highest 'Total Similarity' are recommended to each user. The suggested system are applied to a total of 1,638 korean patents obtained from the Korea Industrial Property Rights Information Service (KIPRIS) run by the Korea Intellectual Property Office. However, since this original dataset does not include tag information, we create virtual tag information and utilized this to construct the semi-virtual dataset. The proposed recommendation algorithm was implemented with JAVA, a computer programming language, and a prototype graphic user interface was also designed for this study. As the proposed system did not have dependent variables and uses virtual data, it is impossible to verify the recommendation system with a statistical method. Therefore, the study uses a scenario test method to verify the operational feasibility and recommendation effectiveness of the system. The results of this study are expected to improve the possibility of matching promising patents with the best suitable businesses. It is assumed that users' experiential knowledge can be accumulated, managed, and utilized in the As-Is patent system, which currently only manages standardized patent information.