• Title/Summary/Keyword: Internet Portal Image

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Effects of the Image of Internet Portal on Long-Term Orientation, Consumer Satisfaction. and Recommendation Intention (인터넷 포털이미지가 장기지향성, 소비자 만족도 및 추천의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Kyung-Hee
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.8
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    • pp.333-340
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    • 2009
  • The study aims to look into relations between internet portal images and long-term orientation for continuing growth in the internet portal market with intensifying competition. In detail, the study aimed to identify the effect of the Internet portal image on long-term orientation and the relationship between satisfaction and the intention to recommend. As a result of an empirical analysis, the attribute of the image evaluation of the Internet portal sites was deduced to be a factor which included the affordances of information, entertainment and additional services, customer services, and convenience. All the four areas were found to significantly affect long-term orientation. Specifically, the affordances of information and entertainment and additional services were shown to be the most influential. In addition, the finding turned out that long-term orientation affected significantly consumer satisfaction and recommendation intention, and the satisfaction of relative portal had a significant effect on recommendation intention. These research results are supposed to be useful basic data for establishing competitive strategies of differentiated Internet portals in the market.

Construction of the Positioning Strategy by Internet Portal Image Appraisal (인터넷 포털이미지 평가에 따른 포지셔닝전략 구축)

  • Kim, Kyung-Hee
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.282-293
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    • 2010
  • Currently, due to the rapid growth of Internet businesses, competition is deepening even in Internet portal markets. In markets where competition is severe, companies can no longer hold a competitive advantage if they cannot deliver their own distinguished, unique images to customers. Therefore, this research planned to establish distinguished positioning strategies by comparing competition relationships among portals which go through building positioning maps and understanding the evaluation attributes and ideal points of internal portal images preferred by segmented customer groups. College students who are heavy users of the Internet were selected as research subjects, and they were led to make an evaluation of the image of Internet portals they mainly use. The analysis result showed that attributes distinguished the most among portals were entertainment, additional service, and convenience while the attribute distinguished the least was customer service. Moreover, understanding of preference and ideal points regarding portals also showed significant differences by segmented groups. Such research results are expected to become meaningful raw data in regards to building distinguished market segment strategies in Internet portal markets.

A study of investigation and improvement to classification for oriental medicine in search portal web site (검색포털 지식검색에 대한 한의학분류체계 조사 및 개선방안 연구)

  • Kim, Chul
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Oriental Medical Informatics
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2009
  • In these days everyone search the information easily with the Internet as the rapid distribution and active usage of the Internet. The search engines were developed specially to accuracy of information retrieval. User search the information more quickly and variously with them. The search portal system will be embossed with representation and basic services. The Internet user needs the result of text, image and video, knowledge search. The keyword based search is used generally for getting result of the information retrieval and another method is category based search. This paper investigates the classification of knowledge search structure for oriental medicine in market leader of search portal system by ranking web site. As a result, each classification system is unified and there is a possibility of getting up a many confusion to the user who approaches with classification systematic search method. This treatise proposed the improved oriental medicine classification system of internet information retrieval in knowledge search area. if the service provider amends about the classification system, there will be able to guarantee the compatibility of data. Also the proper access path of the knowledge which seeks is secured to user.

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A Study on Formation of Consumer's Attachment to Internet-Site and Trust Perception : Focused on Search Portal Site (소비자의 사이트 애착 형성과 신뢰 지각: 검색 포털 사이트를 중심으로)

  • Lim, Yang Whan
    • Journal of Korea Society of Digital Industry and Information Management
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.103-114
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    • 2008
  • This study is to find a foundation of building customer's attachment to internet site and understand the structural cause and effect relationship between customer's attachment and trust ; Once being formated attachment to internet-site, become Trust on the internet-site. Empirical study have been carried out by using structural equation model to find those relationship and the result and its implication are following. First, Customer's self-image Congruence have an influence on attachment to internet site and as origin nature, secure attachment is also one of critical foundations of attachment to the site. Second, Customer's activities for community have an effect on the attachment significantly but interaction between customer and the site have tiny effect on love to the site. Third, the love to the site could be one of critical elements to perceive the trust to the site but only interested in the site wouldn't effect on the trust. Except for those elements mentioned above, as a foundation of building the attachment, interaction and self-image congruence have directly effect on the trust.

Nurses' Image Portrayed in the Internet Photographs (인터넷 사진에 나타난 간호사 이미지)

  • Park, Sunah;Baek, Minjeong;Seong, Mingyeong;Jang, Hyeji;Jeong, Minju;Heo, Juhui
    • Journal of East-West Nursing Research
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.28-35
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    • 2018
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the image of nurses portrayed in the internet photographs. Methods: A total of 184 photographs were extracted through the Google portal site using a search term, 'nurse'. Based on the findings of previous studies, a content analysis was conducted with three categories: appearance characteristics, photographic scene, and photographic source. Results: The result revealed that in the photos of appearance characteristics, 237 (98.3%) out of 241 nurses had a normal or less frame, 235 (97.5%) were well-groomed, and 103 (42.7%) wore pants. In addition, 51 (21.2%) wore a cap (21.2%) and 12.0% were male. In the photographic scene, 69 (37.5%) portrayed nursing activities and 36 (19.6%) suggestiveness. In the suggestive photos, all of nurses were female (${\chi}^2=7.63$, p=.021) and they were more likely to have small frames (${\chi}^2=48.40$, p<.001) and wear caps (${\chi}^2=113.54$, p<.001) and skirts (${\chi}^2=39.96$, p<.001). Conclusion: This study showed that the photographs of the nurses wearing a cap and expressing the nurse as a sexual object still appeared. There is a need for a systematic image enhancement strategy so that actual images of nurses can be projected on the internet photographs.

A study on the effect of tax evasion controversy on corporate values in internet news portals through big data analysis (빅데이터 분석을 통한 인터넷 뉴스 포털에서의 탈세 논란이 기업 가치에 미치는 영향 연구)

  • Lee, Sang-Min;Park, Myung-Ho;Kim, Byung-Jun;Park, Dae-Keun
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.51-57
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    • 2021
  • If a company's actions to save or avoid taxes are judged to be tax evasion rather than legal tax action by the tax authorities, the company will not only pay tax but also non-tax costs such as damage to corporate image and stock price decline due to a series of tax evasion-related news articles. Therefore, this study measures the frequency of occurrence of tax evasion controversial keywords in internet news portal as a factor to measure the severity of the case, and analyzes the effect of the frequency of occurrence on corporate value. In the Korean stock market, we crawl related articles from internet news portal by using keywords that are controversial for tax evasion targeting top companies based on market capitalization, and generate a time series of the frequency of occurrence of keywords about tax evasion by company and analyze the effect of frequency of appearance on book value versus market capitalization. Through panel regression and impulse response analysis, it is analyzed that the frequency of appearance has a negative effect on the market capitalization and the effect gradually decreases until 12 months. This study examines whether the tax evasion issue affects the corporate value of Korean companies and suggests that it is necessary to take these influences into account when entrepreneurs set up tax-planning schemes.

A Survey on User Interface Design of University Webzines (대학 웹진의 사용자 인터페이스 디자인 조사)

  • Lee, Joo-Hee
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.303-308
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    • 2014
  • This paper deals with interface design of a university webzines that to search through an internet portal site Naver. It was obtained the following conclusions. First, university webzines are using a hypertext link to such images, text, movie. Second, it could be seen that mainly been using block grid, the module grid, and a transformed layout of 2 tier grid. Third, Seoul woman's University, Kyungpook National University, and Korea Maritime University's webzines found that layout, color, user-friendly access the structure. Fourth, webzine was used the text or image a link, search function, site map, icon, favorites, quick menus, navigation bars, and rollover menu. Last, university webzines were shown to contribute mere to the enhancement of its value as a promotional medium.

A Study on the Perception of Corona19 Period Play Culture Based on Big Data Analysis

  • Jung, Seon-Jin
    • International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.196-203
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    • 2020
  • In this study, we tried to explore the actual direction for the play culture by looking at the social perception of the change of play culture due to the Corona 19 using big data analysis. For this research, we used Textom, a website specializing in collecting big data, and collected 10,216 data using keywords of "Corona + Play," "Play Culture" and "Leisure" from January 19, 2020 to September 30, 2020, when the first confirmed case of Corona 19 occurred in Korea on various portal sites at home and abroad. The results of this paper showed that the social perception of the play culture in Corona 19 was 51.61%, not much different from the negative image of 48.15%. It is necessary to develop a play culture program that can identify people's various desires and emotions under the premise that situations similar to the current With Corona period and Corona19 can occur at any time, and find mental and physical stability and vitality in unstable situations. In addition, the results of this study can be used as basic data for the development of play culture policies or programs, with the significance that this study helped vitalize big data utilization research in the fields of play, leisure, and culture.


  • Kim, Min-Sook;Bang, Ho-Yeol
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.125-151
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    • 2008
  • Website service quality is widely accepted as one of the key determinants of online business success. Several studies identified key factors that determine the website service quality factors appropriate for online business environments. A convention and visitors bureau (CVB) website is a service portal that delivers information online about a destination so users can develop an overall image of the location. CVBs struggle to deliver positive destination images because the competition among destinations to host conventions is intense. In spite of the important role of CVBs and the beneficial spillover effect of CVBs, there are few studies available reporting on the unique service qualities of a CVB website. The primary purpose of this study was to examine the determining factors that are appropriate for CVB websites from the meeting planners' perspective. The research questions arc: What are the determining factors of service quality of a CVB website? Do the determining factors of CVB website service quality positively influence meeting planners' satisfaction? The new conceptual framework was developed from a variety of destination marketing and Internet marketing concepts: e-servicescape management, web community network, Internet service encounter management, and online system quality. Empirical results indicate that three of the four factors, that is, e-servicescape, web community network, and online system quality are important determinants in evaluating CVB website service quality. The findings also show that three determinants have significant and positive influence on meeting planners' satisfaction. The findings from this study will provide meaningful advice for CVB website quality management. To enhance the CVB website service quality and satisfaction level of meeting planners, these three determinants' should be considered of the utmost strategic importance and priority.

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A Study on the Meaning and Strategy of Keyword Advertising Marketing

  • Park, Nam Goo
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.49-56
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    • 2010
  • At the initial stage of Internet advertising, banner advertising came into fashion. As the Internet developed into a central part of daily lives and the competition in the on-line advertising market was getting fierce, there was not enough space for banner advertising, which rushed to portal sites only. All these factors was responsible for an upsurge in advertising prices. Consequently, the high-cost and low-efficiency problems with banner advertising were raised, which led to an emergence of keyword advertising as a new type of Internet advertising to replace its predecessor. In the beginning of 2000s, when Internet advertising came to be activated, display advertisement including banner advertising dominated the Net. However, display advertising showed signs of gradual decline, and registered minus growth in the year 2009, whereas keyword advertising showed rapid growth and started to outdo display advertising as of the year 2005. Keyword advertising refers to the advertising technique that exposes relevant advertisements on the top of research sites when one searches for a keyword. Instead of exposing advertisements to unspecified individuals like banner advertising, keyword advertising, or targeted advertising technique, shows advertisements only when customers search for a desired keyword so that only highly prospective customers are given a chance to see them. In this context, it is also referred to as search advertising. It is regarded as more aggressive advertising with a high hit rate than previous advertising in that, instead of the seller discovering customers and running an advertisement for them like TV, radios or banner advertising, it exposes advertisements to visiting customers. Keyword advertising makes it possible for a company to seek publicity on line simply by making use of a single word and to achieve a maximum of efficiency at a minimum cost. The strong point of keyword advertising is that customers are allowed to directly contact the products in question through its more efficient advertising when compared to the advertisements of mass media such as TV and radio, etc. The weak point of keyword advertising is that a company should have its advertisement registered on each and every portal site and finds it hard to exercise substantial supervision over its advertisement, there being a possibility of its advertising expenses exceeding its profits. Keyword advertising severs as the most appropriate methods of advertising for the sales and publicity of small and medium enterprises which are in need of a maximum of advertising effect at a low advertising cost. At present, keyword advertising is divided into CPC advertising and CPM advertising. The former is known as the most efficient technique, which is also referred to as advertising based on the meter rate system; A company is supposed to pay for the number of clicks on a searched keyword which users have searched. This is representatively adopted by Overture, Google's Adwords, Naver's Clickchoice, and Daum's Clicks, etc. CPM advertising is dependent upon the flat rate payment system, making a company pay for its advertisement on the basis of the number of exposure, not on the basis of the number of clicks. This method fixes a price for advertisement on the basis of 1,000-time exposure, and is mainly adopted by Naver's Timechoice, Daum's Speciallink, and Nate's Speedup, etc, At present, the CPC method is most frequently adopted. The weak point of the CPC method is that advertising cost can rise through constant clicks from the same IP. If a company makes good use of strategies for maximizing the strong points of keyword advertising and complementing its weak points, it is highly likely to turn its visitors into prospective customers. Accordingly, an advertiser should make an analysis of customers' behavior and approach them in a variety of ways, trying hard to find out what they want. With this in mind, her or she has to put multiple keywords into use when running for ads. When he or she first runs an ad, he or she should first give priority to which keyword to select. The advertiser should consider how many individuals using a search engine will click the keyword in question and how much money he or she has to pay for the advertisement. As the popular keywords that the users of search engines are frequently using are expensive in terms of a unit cost per click, the advertisers without much money for advertising at the initial phrase should pay attention to detailed keywords suitable to their budget. Detailed keywords are also referred to as peripheral keywords or extension keywords, which can be called a combination of major keywords. Most keywords are in the form of texts. The biggest strong point of text-based advertising is that it looks like search results, causing little antipathy to it. But it fails to attract much attention because of the fact that most keyword advertising is in the form of texts. Image-embedded advertising is easy to notice due to images, but it is exposed on the lower part of a web page and regarded as an advertisement, which leads to a low click through rate. However, its strong point is that its prices are lower than those of text-based advertising. If a company owns a logo or a product that is easy enough for people to recognize, the company is well advised to make good use of image-embedded advertising so as to attract Internet users' attention. Advertisers should make an analysis of their logos and examine customers' responses based on the events of sites in question and the composition of products as a vehicle for monitoring their behavior in detail. Besides, keyword advertising allows them to analyze the advertising effects of exposed keywords through the analysis of logos. The logo analysis refers to a close analysis of the current situation of a site by making an analysis of information about visitors on the basis of the analysis of the number of visitors and page view, and that of cookie values. It is in the log files generated through each Web server that a user's IP, used pages, the time when he or she uses it, and cookie values are stored. The log files contain a huge amount of data. As it is almost impossible to make a direct analysis of these log files, one is supposed to make an analysis of them by using solutions for a log analysis. The generic information that can be extracted from tools for each logo analysis includes the number of viewing the total pages, the number of average page view per day, the number of basic page view, the number of page view per visit, the total number of hits, the number of average hits per day, the number of hits per visit, the number of visits, the number of average visits per day, the net number of visitors, average visitors per day, one-time visitors, visitors who have come more than twice, and average using hours, etc. These sites are deemed to be useful for utilizing data for the analysis of the situation and current status of rival companies as well as benchmarking. As keyword advertising exposes advertisements exclusively on search-result pages, competition among advertisers attempting to preoccupy popular keywords is very fierce. Some portal sites keep on giving priority to the existing advertisers, whereas others provide chances to purchase keywords in question to all the advertisers after the advertising contract is over. If an advertiser tries to rely on keywords sensitive to seasons and timeliness in case of sites providing priority to the established advertisers, he or she may as well make a purchase of a vacant place for advertising lest he or she should miss appropriate timing for advertising. However, Naver doesn't provide priority to the existing advertisers as far as all the keyword advertisements are concerned. In this case, one can preoccupy keywords if he or she enters into a contract after confirming the contract period for advertising. This study is designed to take a look at marketing for keyword advertising and to present effective strategies for keyword advertising marketing. At present, the Korean CPC advertising market is virtually monopolized by Overture. Its strong points are that Overture is based on the CPC charging model and that advertisements are registered on the top of the most representative portal sites in Korea. These advantages serve as the most appropriate medium for small and medium enterprises to use. However, the CPC method of Overture has its weak points, too. That is, the CPC method is not the only perfect advertising model among the search advertisements in the on-line market. So it is absolutely necessary that small and medium enterprises including independent shopping malls should complement the weaknesses of the CPC method and make good use of strategies for maximizing its strengths so as to increase their sales and to create a point of contact with customers.

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