• Title/Summary/Keyword: International trends

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A Study on Improvement Measures for the Design Documents Delivery System in Public Road Construction Projects (공공 도로건설사업에서의 설계도서 납품체계 개선방안에 관한 연구)

  • Ok, Hyun;Kim, Seong-Jin;Kim, Tae-Hak;Ju, Ki-Bum
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.45-55
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    • 2018
  • PURPOSES : This study aims to survey and analyze the status of the design and completion documents output delivery system in public construction projects in order to assess the problems of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport (MOLIT)'s electronic delivery system, with a focus on roads and rivers, and to offer improvement measures. METHODS : This study first surveys and analyzes laws and existing study trends with regard to the design and completion documents output delivery system in public construction projects. It further analyzes the status of the output delivery system in public construction projects, including roads, rivers, expressways, water resources, and railroads. In addition, a comparative analysis of the current electronic delivery system of MOLIT and Korea Expressway Corporation in the road field is conducted, and the problems and improvement measures for MOLIT's electronic output delivery system are presented. This study seeks to analyze problems and prepare improvement measures with regard to road and river public construction projects, as ordered by MOLIT's five regional offices. RESULTS : This study sought to prepare the electronic output delivery system with regard to public construction projects and present the analysis of its major problems and improvement measures in four categories: "the preparation of electronic design documents output delivery system improvement measures including inspection and delivery," "preparation of guidelines, systems, etc., concerning electronic design documents," "preparation of improvement measures for the construction project management system and electronic design document support tools", and "linking of MOLIT's electronic output delivery system with relevant agencies and the expansion thereof to local governments." CONCLUSIONS : This study analyzed the current status and problems of the MOLIT's electronic output delivery system in the field of road and river construction projects, and presented corresponding improvement measures. This study is expected to address the problems of the MOLIT's electronic output delivery system, and to provide the foundation for the preparation of an efficient electronic output delivery system for design and completion documents. In addition, this study is expected to boost the quality and utilization of the electronic design documents output, and to exchange, share, and link construction information among relevant agencies so as to prepare the foundation for sharing construction information.

A Study on Regulatory Law for Management System of Combined Medical Device (결합 의료기기 관리제도의 규제관련 법률에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Yong Jun;Choi, Mi Lim;Lee, Jeong Chan;Jung, Yong Gyu
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2014
  • According to recent trends in technological advances and globalization, medical device industry may improve the constitution to meet worldwide medical equipment management system. Also it is holding a strand of mitigation to reach the level of international regulation. In addition, recent legislation tends are to stay limited ranges of industry regulations at least and take as open attitude for integration of new technologies combined medical devices. A greater environmental risk is not likely to work in medical technology, Combinded medical device is used as close to zero risk in most of the human body, which is classified as Class 1. Even medical device such as little or no risk in handling, it is possible to minimize the unnecessary administrative power and a waste of time to occur. For the medical device may be improving people's choices and access, medical equipment operator is expanding to include dealers, because this will be exalted to particular area of the business of the company. In this paper, we investigate the legal prerequisites for the establishment of a medical device. And propose improved regulations in topics in order to facilitate the repair and distribution markets for fair trade.

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A study of the status of UAS Certification System and Airworthiness Standards (민간 무인항공기시스템 인증체계 현황 및 관련규정 연구 동향 분석)

  • Ahn, Hyojung;Park, Jonghyuk;Yoo, Seungwoo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Aeronautical & Space Sciences
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    • v.42 no.10
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    • pp.893-901
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    • 2014
  • UAS and related technology have been mainly developed for military use but, in recent years, various types of civil UAS have been using in a variety of applications. For example, there are multicopters to shoot aerial photography, pesticide spraying unmanned helicopter, and in addition there are radio control (R/C) aircraft to be used for hobbyists. UAV has spread rapidly enough that permitted experts as well as the public can use it but the related safety regulations are not properly equipped. We investigated the status of domestic and international UAS certification system and airworthiness standards. And the trends in research for the development and modification of the certification system were studied in this paper. As a result, most countries have studied to develop the related regulations and especially ICAO has tried to develop RPAS manual, standards and recommended plans and modify the related ICAO annex through the research group, ICAO UASSG. Based on the manual and SARPs, authorities, related organizations and companies have prepared to develop and modify regulations in accordance with the actual situation of each country.

A Study on Fashion Design Applied from Color-Field Abstract of Matk Rothko: Focusing on Needle-Punching Felt Technique

  • Park, Kyung-Mi;Lee, Mi-Ryang
    • The International Journal of Costume Culture
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.141-153
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    • 2010
  • Fashion needs to be understood as practicality and creative behavior and various movements of paintings act as inspirations of original design for fashion designers. This study seeks to find sources of fashion designs in the works of Mark Rothko who is in the center of color-field abstract. Color-field of Rothko provides infinite inspirations as colors are identically treated as shapes and lighting and textures are all included on top of it. In this study, the purpose is to create color focused artistic fashion design by exploring the possibility of expression with the colors of Rothko as the main motive. The study method is as follows. First, the concept and significance of color-field abstract are researched through documented data. Works of Rothko is divided into three periods according to their characteristics. The background of the formation of color-field abstract of Rothko is understood by analyzing the trends of the works in each period. Second, twenty representative works from 1949 to 1969 are selected and analyzed in formative components of color, shape and textures in order to more accurately understand shape of colors, brilliance, simplicity that appear in the mature color-field abstract of Rothko. Third, preexisting methods of color-field of paintings developed into motives of clothing are studied focusing on the collections from 1997 to 2006. Examples of applications of color-field images in modern fashion designs are analyzed. Fourth, motives are selected based on general characteristics of color-field abstract of Rothko and the results of the formative analysis. Clothing is produced that expresses the colors of the paintings of Rothko more effectively. As the results of the study, restrained shapes and textures and various forms of color combinations shown in color-field abstract of Rothko provided deep inspirations on material composition and color planning for fashion design focused on colors. Additionally, needle-punching technique using wool for the production technique enabled relief texture expressions of materials by colors and effective applications of soft and warm atmosphere of color-field abstract of Rothko on clothing. Especially, the ideology of color-field abstract of Rothko of shaping of colors could be expressed and the direction of the development of motives could be presented at the same time by specifically applying color combination method using horizontal division of atypical color-field from the formative characteristics of color-field abstract of Rothko.

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Military Security Policy Research Using Big Data and Text Mining (빅데이터와 텍스트마이닝 기법을 활용한 군사보안정책 탐구)

  • Kim, Doo Hwan;Park, Ho Jeong
    • Convergence Security Journal
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.23-34
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    • 2019
  • This study utilized big data, one of the new technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution as a policy direction study related to the military security of the Army. By utilizing Text mining and analyzing military security trends in domestic and foreign papers, it will be able to set policy directions and reduce trial and error. In this study, we found differences in domestic and international studies on military sucurity. At first, Domestic research has shown that in the course of the fourth industrial revolution, there is a strong interest in technological security, such as IT technology in security and cyber security in North Korea. On the other hand, Foreign research confirmed that policies are being studied in such a way that military sucurity is needed at the level of cooperation between countries and that it can contribute to world peace. Various academic policy studies have been underway in terms of determining world peace and security levels, not just security levels. It contrasted in our immediate confrontation with North Korea for decades but suggest complementary measures that cannot be overlooked from a grand perspective. Conclusionally, the direction of academic research in domestic and foreign should be done in macro perspective under national network cooperation, not just technology sucurity research, recognizing that military security is a policy product that should be studied in a security system between countries.

An Analysis of Domestic Experimental Results for Soil-to-Crops Transfer Factors of Radionuclides (주요 핵종의 토양-작물체 전이 계수의 국내 실험 결과에 대한 분석)

  • Jun, In;Choi, Young-Ho;Keum, Dong-Kwon;Kang, Hee-Seok;Lee, Han-Soo;Lee, Chang-Woo
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.31 no.4
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    • pp.211-217
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    • 2006
  • For more realistic assessment of Korean food chain radiation doses due to the operation of nuclear facilities, it is required to use domestically produced data for radionuclide transfer parameters in crop plants. This paper analyzed results of last about 10 year's studies on radionuclide transfer parameters in major crop plants by the Korean Atomic Energy Research Institute, comparing with the published international data, and consequently suggested the proper parameters to use. The trends of transfer parameter shows normal distributions if we have a lot of experimental data, but some radionuclides showed enormous variations with the environment of experimental, crops and soils. These transfer factors can be used to assess realistic radiation doses or to predict the doses in crops for normal operation or accidental release. Some kinds of parameter can be produced as conservatives or fragmentary results because soil-to-plant transfer factors were measured through greenhouse experiments which sometimes showed improper field situations. But these parameters mentioned in this paper can be representative of the status of Korean food chain than that of foreign country.

A Study on Training Plan of Policy Information Librarian (정책정보전문사서 양성방안에 관한 연구)

  • Noh, Younghee
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.27-57
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    • 2016
  • This study was designed to derive and propose the qualities, qualifications, duties, etc. needed for policy information librarians who work in the policy-related special libraries. To do this, literature related to professional librarians was analyzed comprehensively with respect to qualifications, qualities, duties presented and needed in domestic and international jobs sites. The information derived through this process was developed into a questionnaire and a survey conducted targeting as subjects specialized librarians in related fields. The results indicated that the highest required LIS degree for both policy information librarian and for policy related fields is a Master's Degree. Additionally in investigating the importance of related career experience required for a policy information librarian, work related to policies reference services appeared to be the most important. On the issue of important qualities required of a policy information librarian, 'outstanding policies related data navigation capabilities' was the highest, followed by 'knowledge of information policy and knowledge of policy related resources', 'knowledge of the current trends of policies related fields', and 'smooth interpersonal skills.' The survey also indicated that with respect to the duties of the information librarian planning of policy information services had the highest score, followed by the providing of policies information services, and then collection management.

Overseas Construction Order Forecasting Using Time Series Model (시계열 모형을 이용한 해외건설 수주 전망)

  • Kim, Woon Joong
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.107-116
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    • 2018
  • Since 2010, Korea's overseas construction orders have seen dramatic fluctuations. I propose causes and remedies for the industry as a whole. Orders have recorded an annual average of $63.8 billion dollars from 2011 to 2014, reaching its highest at $71.6 billion dollars(2010) which marked the peak of Korea's overseas construction. However, due to a decline in international oil prices, starting in the last half of 2014, Korea's overseas construction orders have followed suit recording $46.1 billion dollar in 2014, $28.2 billion dollars in 2016, and $29.0 billion dollars in 2017. Facing uncertainty in Korea's overseas construction market, caused by continued slow growth of the global economy, Korean EPC contractors are at a critical point in regards to their award-winning capabilities. Together with declining oil prices, the challenges have never been bigger. To mitigate the challenges, I would suggest policy direction as a way to grow and develop the overseas construction industry. Proper counterplans are needed to foster Korea's overseas construction industry. Forecasting total order amount for overseas construction projects is essencial. Analyzing contract award & tender structure and its changing trends in both overseas and world construction markets should also be included. Korea has great potential and global competitiveness. These measures will serve to enhance Korea's overall export strategy in uncertain overseas markets and global economy.

Temporal and Spatial Analysis of Non-biodegradable Organic Pollutants in the Geumho River System (금호강 수계 난분해성 유기오염물질에 대한 시·공간적 특성 분석)

  • Jung, Kang-Young;Ahn, Jung-Min;Lee, Kyung-Lak;Lee, In-Jung;Yu, Jae-Jeong;Cheon, Se-Uk;Kim, Kyo-Sik;Han, Kun-Yeun
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.24 no.11
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    • pp.1343-1362
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    • 2015
  • As a result of analysis based on the observed data for BOD, COD and TOC in order to manage non-biodegradable organics in the Geumho River, COD/BOD ratio was analyzed as the occupying predominance proportion. In this study, the classification(changes in water quality measurement : increase, equal, decrease) and measurement of BOD and COD were analyzed for trends over the past 10 years from 2005 to 2014 in the Geumho River. The Geumho River is expected to need non-biodegradable organics management because BOD was found to be reduced 61.1% and COD was found to be increased 50%. As a result of the analysis of land use, the Geumho-A is a unit watershed area of $921.13km^2$, which is the most common area that is occupied by forests. The Geumho-B is a unit watershed area of $436.8km^2$, which is the area that is highest occupied by agriculture and grass of 24.84%. The Geumho-C is a unit watershed area of $704.56km^2$ accounted for 40.29% of the entire watershed, which is the area that is occupied by urban of 15.12%. Load of non-biodegradable organics, which is not easy biodegradable according to the discharge, appeared to be increased because flow coefficient of COD and TOC at the Geumho-B were estimated larger than 1 value. The management of non-point sources of agricultural land is required because the Geumho-B watershed area occupied by the high proportion of agriculture and field. In this segment it showed to increase the organics that biodegradation is difficult because the ratio of BOD and TOC was decreased rapidly from GR7 to GR8. Thus, countermeasures will be required for this.

A Case of the competencies-based mathematics lessons of one French foreign school (핵심역량 제고를 위한 수학 수업 사례 고찰 - 한국내 프랑스 외국인학교를 중심으로 -)

  • Choe, Seung-Hyun;Hwang, Hye-Jeang
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.81-108
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    • 2012
  • One of the keyword in every nation's recent educational policy is key competencies. Considering national competitiveness originating from educational competitiveness, educational policy has been driven to identify key competencies and realize them through school education. Within this context some countries have developed competencies-based curriculum and discussed ways to relate key competencies and subject matter areas. However, there have been few researches on how to reflect or integrate key competencies into subject matter areas. Because of this reason, the ways to incorporate and integrate key competencies into three subject areas including mathematics were investigated. The recent trends of curriculum, teaching and learning, and assessment of domestic and foreign cases were explored by the subject of one Korean international middle school, one British foreign school in Seoul, one French foreign school in Seoul, and four middle schools in New Zealand. To establish competencies-based school education, there should be intimate connection system among curriculum, teaching and learning, assessment, and teacher education. Through analysis of domestic and foreign cases, some conclusions regarding how these aspects have changed with the emphasis of key competencies were drawn. In this paper, through classroom observation and teacher interview, a case of the competencies-based mathematics lessons of one French foreign school was investigated. As a result, summaries and recommendations related to ways to improve subject teaching and teacher education in light of key competencies were presented. In these recommendations, the ways to reconstruct subject-based curriculum, the content-specific teaching and learning, and educational assessment were included.

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