• Title/Summary/Keyword: International marketing

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A Study on the Influencing Factors of Intention of Revisit in Fast Food Restaurant Visitors (패스트푸드 레스토랑 이용객의 재방문 의도 영향 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Seog-Jun;Jeong, Kwang-Hyeon;Cho, Yong-Bum
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.30-45
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    • 2008
  • The objective of this study is to examine how the factors influence each other by determining the appropriate measurement standard in fast food restaurants based on the evaluation of attributes, perceived pricing, value, satisfaction and intention of revisit, and present an effective marketing strategy for fast food restaurants based on the analytical results by patrons and market segmentations. The study surveyed 195 subjects and processed the result using SPSS for Win. V. 12.0. For statistical analysis, Frequency, Factor Analysis, Reliability Analysis, and Regression Analysis were put into operation. As a result of the Factor Analysis of the evaluation of attributes, 3 factors have been extracted. The results showed that restaurant attribution evaluation had a positive effect on the perceived value($R^2adj=0.357$, p=0.000), satisfaction($R^2adj=0.346$, p=0.000) and intent of revisiting($R^2adj=0.389$, p=0.000); perceived pricing had a positive affect on the perceived value($R^2adj=0.464$, p=0.000), satisfaction($R^2adj=0.113$, p=0.000) and intention of revisit($R^2adj=0.276$, p=0.000); perceived value had a positive affect on satis-faction($R^2adj=0.327$, p=0.000) and intention of revisit($R^2adj=0.515$, p=0.000); and satisfaction had a positive affect on intention of revisit($R^2adj=0.442$, p=0.000).

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Case Study on Treatment of Pneumothorax in Drama (기흉 질병의 치료 사례 연구)

  • Son, Jung Hwan;Jung, Ga Woon;Jung, Yong Gyu
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.1 no.3
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    • pp.77-82
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    • 2015
  • Recently there are a lot of cases of pneumothorax disease among young people. Also, thoracic Surgery is just a disease that often emerges in the background in the medical drama related to a pneumothorax. However, despite being exposed to a lot of diseases in the mass media pneumothorax, actual pneumothorax patient do not know cases that have early signs of tension pneumothorax, the disease occurs even when coming to the emergency room, and Patients are also looking for the hospital of right lung surgery. When early symptoms of pneumothorax helps to prevent the onset of these problems, it has been studied and dose not receive any treatment. In this paper pneumothorax is compared by the various methods of treatment, and pneumothorax is introduced patients with symptoms in many medical dramas. And Other internet sites including google were investigated for various treatment methods through academic papers related to pneumothorax.

The Effects of Customer Satisfaction of Automobile Distribution System on Corporate Financial Performance (자동차 유통시스템의 고객만족도가 기업의 재무적 성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Won-il
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.79-98
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    • 2008
  • The Automobile Industry is an end product, which is manufactured by more than 20,000 component parts and measure international competitiveness and technology of a country. It is basic industry leading national economy. The purpose of the present paper is to study The Effects of Customer Satisfaction of Automobile Distribution System on Corporate Financial Performance. The empirical analysis is as follows. First, the result of the difference between Distribution System and Customer Satisfaction shows similar differences with among confidence index, customer loyalty, oral publicity and wills of repeat purchasing. Second, the result of the difference between Customer Satisfaction and Corporate Financial Performance shows similar differences with among safety ratio, growth ratio, activity ratio.

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A Study on the impact of internal marketing action on food industry employers사 job satisfaction (내부마케팅활동이 외식종사원의 직무만족에 미치는 영향)

  • 우문호
    • Journal of Applied Tourism Food and Beverage Management and Research
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.59-78
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    • 2001
  • The domestic food service industry has established its industrial basis since the overseas brands were introduced and international events were held in Korea. It also has showed a prominent growth rate as consumers began to show more interests in leisure and quality of working life(QWL) At this, the employees, constituting Points of contacts with consumers of the food service industry, have emerged as a Primarily critical concern in order for the food service industry, which can affect people in various ways, to adopt our own food culture and develop its business quality. In the food service industry, as a relatively labour-intensive industry, the manpower service is considered very important. Whether the industry succeeds or not depends on the role of employees as the quality of service of employees can decide the quality of the industry itself. In spite of the importance of employees in the food service industry, not many researches have been Performed on the personnel management of the industry, as Koreans traditionally have hold a prejudiced view on the food service industry and it is only a short time since the food business began to be considered as an industry. This thesis aims at research on the factors affecting job satisfaction of the employees by dealing with the importance and characteristics of the role of employees of the food service industry and theoretical background of the job satisfaction. The presumable factors affecting the job satisfaction are divided into several groups ; characteristics of organization, working condition, human relationship, psychological factors, and its reputation in the labour market. Hypotheses and models, where those factors affect the employees, are formed. Statistical methods such as correlation analysis and multiple regression are used in order to verify those hypotheses. Alternatives to improve job satisfaction of employees are suggested based on the analysis. It is expected that there will be more active researches on employees of the food service industry, as this thesis has selected employees of the food service industry as its subjects while subjects of similar researches have been mainly hotel employees so far.

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The influence of Instagram's posts information attributes on acceptable intentions and word of mouth effect: focusing on college student in South Korea and the United states (인스타그램의 게시글 정보특성과 수용의도 및 구전효과의 영향관계 연구: 한국, 미국 대학생을 중심으로)

  • Park, Se-June;Cho, Seung-Ho
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.13 no.9
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    • pp.115-128
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    • 2015
  • As generation of Web 2.0 comes in, enormous information of corporation from various platform are being produced. However, corporations should understand features of each platform and appropriate strategies in order to attract the public in the midst of such flood of information. Numerous studies have been conducted regarding SNS which has grown rapidly in recent but a study relating a specific medium is relatively in short. So this study analyzed how information of Instagram bulletin board is accepted in perspective of consumer in Korean and America, We examined the relationship between intention of acceptance and Word Of Mouth effect through meditating effect of information usefulness. To answer the research question, we conducted online survey with Korean and USA college students. The result showed that usefulness of the information was shown to the major intermediary variable between the information characteristics of bulletin board and the intention of acceptance intention and Word Of Mouth(WOM).

Comparative Analysis on Fisheries Subsidies between Major Countries and Korea (주요 수산국과 한국간의 수산보조금 비교 분석)

  • 이광남
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.27-52
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    • 2003
  • The object of this paper is to review the fisheries subsidies of the major FFG(Fish Friends Group) which argue the elimination and the phasing-out, to compare with Korea's subsidies category and provide the basic information for planning of fisheries subsidies policy and the negotiation strategy in the future. The result from the comparative analysis of the subsidies between the major FFG showed that WWF(World Wildlife Fund) fisheries subsidies categories, with the exception of Marketing and Price Support Program which is similar to Korea in terms of the supporting type and methods, differ from those of Korea. Also, The unique type of WWF Fisheries Subsidies, which is beyond Korea's subsidies, are Direct Payment for Fishermen and Fishery Wokers, Capital & Infrastructure Support, Fishery Management and Protection, etc. In case of capital support and fisheries fuel, the payment method or other institutional backgrounds is somewhat different from each nation. On the base of this analysis, this paper is suggesting the direction of the Korea's Fisheries subsidies policy as follows ; First, developing new policy methods and supporting ways such as Direct Payment for Fisherman is needed. Second, Converting fisheries subsidies category expected to be classified to Red Amber into another type of non-negative subsidies should be carried out, demonstrating that these kinds of subsidies give no negative effect to the environment and the trade, Third, Reviewing the categorize system of Korea's subsidies and revising it according to international trends is necessary as well. In respect to WTO/DDA, the watchful analysis of Korea's fisheries program must be preceding in ahead of making the negotiation strategy. And Korea firstly need to stress the fact that, while the major FFG can directly pay for fisheries section, other nations have no choice but supporting in preferential tax or loan manner. Using this kind of strategy, it is may enlarge the negotiating power in the WTO/DDA to reflect fully Korea's position.

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A Comparison on the Factors Influencing Customer Values in Electronic Commerce between Korea and China (전자상거래 고객가치 요인의 한·중 비교)

  • Lee, Hyun-Kyu;Han, Jae-Ho
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.155-183
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    • 2012
  • Means-Ends Network model was used to identify factors of means objective(means supplied by vendor) and fundamental objectives(purchasing motivations) for purchasing decision-making structure and dimensions of customer values on purchasers of internet shopping mall in Korea and China. In Means-Ends Network 6 factors(shopping travel, shipping assurance, vendor trust, online payment, product choice, and recommender systems) were found as a means objectives and 3 factors(shopping convenience, internet environment, customer support) as a fundamental objectives of shopping. However the results of hypotheses test for Means-Ends Network show some important differences between two countries. Something important to notice here is that Chinese customers shopping in China recognize shipping assurance factor and vendor trust factor as important factors satisfying all fundamental objectives unlike as in the case of our country. As these two factors are attribution factors responsible to the sellers, it is identified that customers do not trust the sellers and sellers have not met the expectations of customers. Therefore, these results show that the seller efforts assuring the reliability of the seller themselves, such as conducting its own compensation scheme are more important rather than the establishment of the guarantee institution to guarantee reliability and delivery assurance of sellers and implementation of legal and institutional apparatus such as the settlement of e-commerce licence system. Though this study presents such an important marketing implications, it can be pointed out that the limits are this research was done on the general Internet shopping malls without considering the Internet shopping mall types of diversity, the survey was designed around the student samples for convenience of the investigation because it was an international survey and the collected data has been limited to the western coast cities, such as China's Beijing, Shanghai, and Dalian.

SOA-based Web Service Application and Analysis - forcused to Japan Electronic Government (SOA 기반 웹 서비스 적용 현황 분석 - 일본의 전자정부를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Han Joo;Lee, Heul Suk;Jung, Yong Gyu
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.25-28
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    • 2017
  • Although Korea's e-government is at the level of developed countries, it has been pointed out that the introduction of SOA is too slow. It also points out that the government's low SOA level has a negative impact on the UN's e-government rankings. In 2002, Korea introduced the first web service in the domestic public sector. At that time, there were few cases in the world where Web services were introduced in the public sector. However, the advanced e-government advanced countries already have SOA ideology based on e-government. Denmark and so on have SOA ideologies on the basis of e-government, and many countries make and use service repositories. In this environment, we analyze the application status of web service centered on the case of e - government in Japan.

A Study on App Factory Design for Improving App Development Software Productivity (앱 개발 소프트웨어 생산성 향상을 위한 개발 자동화 설계에 대한 연구)

  • Chang, Younghyun
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.35-41
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    • 2017
  • Smart phone based IT support programs are faced with difficulties due to the following reasons first, long development period is required as separate developments are necessary respectively depending on the operating system of Smart phone second, it is also difficult to secure high development cost for the outsourcing of the development. It is a big problem for improving app developing productivity. Smart App Factory which is suggested in this thesis is the business strategy to surpass the Android market of Google and App Store of Apple within short period of time based on App productivity of Smart App Authoring Tool and to accomplish the materialization of App market which is in the 1st global position and all potential customers who need programs for their works regardless of budget, scope, complexity and scale will be implemented by unfolding unprecedented low price policy and global online marketing activities for App development.

A Balance of Primary and Secondary Values: Exploring a Digital Legacy

  • Cushing, Amber L.
    • International Journal of Knowledge Content Development & Technology
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.67-94
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    • 2013
  • This exploratory research explores the concept of a digital legacy as a general concept and as a collection of digital possessions with unique characteristics. The results reported in this article are part of a larger study. In Cushing (2013), the author identified the characteristics of a digital possession. In this study, these characteristics of a digital possession were utilized to explore how the characteristics of several digital possessions could form a collection, or a digital legacy. In addition to being explored as a collection of digital possessions, data was collected about the general concept of a digital legacy. In part I of the study, 23 participants from three age groups were interviewed about their general concept of a digital legacy. Five general characteristics describing a digital legacy were identified. In part II of the study, interview data from Cushing (2013) was used to create statements describing digital possessions. The statements were classified utilizing the archival concept of primary and secondary values, as well as the consumer behavior concepts of self extension to possessions and possession attachment. Primary value refers to the purpose for which the item was created, while secondary value refers to an additional value that the participants can perceive the item to hold, such as a perception that an item can represent one's identity. Using standard Q method procedure, 48 participants were directed to rank their agreement with 60 statements (written on cards), along a distribution of -5 to +5, according to the characteristics of the digital possession they would most like to maintain for a digital legacy. The ranked statements were analyzed using Q factor analysis, in order to perceive the most common statements associated with maintaining digital possessions for a digital legacy. Q method results suggested that most individuals described the digital possessions they wanted to maintain for a digital legacy using various combinations of characteristics associated with primary and secondary values. This suggests that while some participants will respond to personal archiving based on the concept of preserving identity (a perceived secondary value), this will not appeal to everyone. Information professional could consider this difference in appeal when marketing personal archiving assistance to patrons.