• Title/Summary/Keyword: International competition

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A Study on the Application of Transfer Equipment Pooling Systems for Enhancing Productivity at Container Terminals (컨테이너터미널에서 생산성 향상을 위한 이송장비 풀링시스템 적용방안에 관한 연구)

  • Cha, Sang-Hyun;Noh, Chang-Kyun
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.399-407
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    • 2014
  • Due to the increase of container terminals, as the volume of terminals become distributed, the competition of preserving existing volume and inviting new volume are becoming fierce, and various ways for processing terminal volume and inviting volume are being sought. Container terminal efforts to maximize efficiency in order to improve the volume handling capability and productivity by both expansion of the latest equipment and development of the latest terminal system. There are a variety of factors that influence the improvement of productivity at container terminals. Among them, in the case of yard transfer equipment, if it were to convert from the method of a Yard Tractor(YT) being fixed allocated to a certain Gantry Cranes(GC) to a Pooling System that processes in a method that properly distributes and allocates a Yard Tractor(YT) to multiple Gantry Cranes(GC), the terminal productivity and the fusibility of YT may be increased. The KPI which is an indicator for the productivity at container terminals is GC productivity and since GC productivity cannot exceed the speed of physical GC operations, a Pooling System is applied to increase productivity which its meaning and effect is massive. Here in the Report, we produce the Pooling Algorithm system to improve the efficiency of the transported equipments in container terminal which is actually applying for this method and have compared Non pooling system with Pooling system in the fields. By introducing a transfer equipment pooling system and enhancing the productivity compared to other terminals, it may become an essential factor for increasing the continuous service quality and profitability in terms of terminal business.

An Analysis of Relationship between Market Structure and Efficiency in Agricultural Products Wholesale Market (농산물도매시장의 시장구조와 효율성 간의 관계분석)

  • Kim, Hyo-Mi;Kim, Yoon-Doo
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.238-245
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    • 2020
  • The objective of this study was to analyze the market structure of the Garak Agricultural Products Wholesale Market, which has the greatest influence among agricultural products wholesale markets and plays a key role in domestic agricultural products distribution. In addition, through analysis of the management efficiency of the wholesale market corporation, which is a major distributor of the Garak Market, the connection relationship between the market structure of the Garak Market and the management efficiency of the wholesale market corporation was able to be identified. From 2007 to 2018, it was found that the market structure of Garak Market was a monopoly. In addition, the average production efficiency of the five wholesale market corporations was 0.95, indicating that the wholesale market corporation in Garak Market has an efficient production structure with high output compared to input. Therefore, in order to activate the agricultural products wholesale market and protect the rights of producers and consumers based on the analysis results, it is necessary to implement a policy that can establish a competition system among agricultural products wholesale market distributors.

Managing Store Images by Discount Retailers in Korea (부산지역 할인점의 점포이미지 관리전략)

  • Koo, Dong-Mo;Kang, Myong-Ju
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.14
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    • pp.145-169
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    • 2004
  • With the full liberalization of distribution sector in 1997, both multinational and domestic discount retailers have been competing to gain more market share in Korea. Increased competition among domestic and international retail stores forces marketing academics and practitioners to understand the various factors affecting discount retail store satisfaction and loyalty. This study examines how store image of a retailer influences consumers' attitudes, satisfaction and intention to re visit that store. The data, collected from a sample of 416 customers in Busan, Korea, indicate that store image is exerting positive influences in the formation of attitude, satisfaction. But favorable store image does not have positive impact on the intention to revisit the store. Rather the impact of store image on intention to re visit is mediated by attitudes and satisfaction. And unlike the overall store image, attitudes have positive effect on the formation of consumers' intention to revisit, not mediated by satisfaction. And satisfaction also results in higher possibility of forming intention to revisit that same discount store. Based on these results, we provide theoretical and managerial implications, limitations of this research, and useful directions for future study.

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Landscape Design Proposal for Gangbuk Large Park (강북 대형공원 기본계획)

  • Kim, Do-Kyong;Choi, Won-Man;Hong, Hyoung-Soon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2008
  • Although the Dreamland site was the only flat amusement park in the northern part of Seoul, the site lost its function as a regional park due to aging and, therefore, was no longer in use. The site is surrounded by currently existing high dense low-story housing blocks and proposed new towns. A renovation plan for Dreamland was raised by the City of Seoul to enhance the quality of the urban environment in the northern part of Seoul. This study articulates the design concepts and strategies of the prizewinning work of the International Design Competition for Gangbuk Large Park. The three key points can be summarized as follows: First, this design proposal tried to find a new possibility for a large mountain park in an urban areas. These days, mountain parks are used limitedly as ordinary living spaces for activities such as a walking, hiking, and physical training. New strategies were sought to reconstruct the sentiment with which our ancestors enjoyed the mountains. Second, this proposal tried to make Dreamland a socially self-sufficient park. We designed a park which generates self-energy and which communicates with the city, not a park which only exists as a green island in a city. Lastly, rain fed paddy fields, a typical Korean vernacular landscape, was a tangible space which represented people's life-styles harmonizing with the nature. Rain fed paddy fields is a design motif which puts the three surrounding mountains together with the site. It is expected that the new design will works as a noted place.


  • Yamamoto, Naotoshi;Kameda, Kazuhiko;Nishida, Akari;Kitano, Shinichi
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.39 no.1
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    • pp.87-114
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    • 2008
  • The cultured tuna production which has suddenly expanded at the short time and the demand for it attract attention. Farming mode, distribution transactions, change of the market (domestic and international) and the price trend are reviewed from the Japan's position which is the biggest consuming country. This paper tries to describe the current status of the food system related to the cultured tuna. Japanese government began the development of the tuna culture technology in 1970. It was by the Fisheries Agency's project. Kinki University which is the large scale private university in Japan participated in the project. After that, 32 years have passed. Kinki University established the full farming of the bluefin tuna in August, 2002. On the other hand, in 1974, one Japanese private enterprise began its tuna farming business in Canada. Kinki University gave this company technical cooperation. Also, in the early stages of the 90s, as for the policy of the overseas fishery cooperation foundation, it supported the tuna farming business in Australia. It is very clear to understand that the long-term technological-development has supported the take-off scene of the tuna culture business not only in foreign countries but also in Japan. The total shipment scale of the cultured tuna expanded very much within about 10 recent years. However, the decrease of the wild tuna catch, the reinforcement of the fisheries regulation and the tuna body to dwarf are remarkable now. Under the condition as the mentioned above, Japan's tuna consumption, especially, in the market at the fatty meat of tuna of the cultured tuna is building up firm status. At present, the Mediterranean Sea coastal countries, Australia, Mexico and Japan have the tuna farming sites. Australia farms the southern bluefin tuna. The others do the bluefin tuna. About for 3 years, Japan farms the juvenile of the tuna. The global production areas are as follows. 8 coastal countries of the Mediterranean Sea; 18,000 tons (61 % of the cultured tuna quantity in foreign countries), Mexico; 4,500 ton (15%), Australia; 7,000 tons (24%). In 2003, Japan has 32 managements and 39 offices for tuna farming. In Japan, Kyushu and Okinawa district, the share shows itself as 80 % of the domestic production quantity. Especially, the share of Amami-oshima Island in Kagoshima Prefecture exceeds 60 %. Therefore, this island has the maximum production scale of Japan. The amount of supply of BT and SBT was 56,000 tons in 2004. In Abroad, the tuna farming business forms a fixed connection between the importer and the wholesaler which have their office in Japan. In the field of the capital composition, the payment in advance, transaction and the way of settlement, each maintains their fixed relation. The market conditions of the cultured tuna are supported by "the decline of price level" and "the expansion of the general public consumption segment". These lead a team merchandising, and it is supported by the fixed business connection of each. This makes the profit of each business which are on the cultured tuna distribution. However, they have competition on the power balance among them.

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IR and Relationship Marketing Management (IR의 관계마케팅관리에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Kyung-Hoon;Park, Kee-Hong
    • Journal of Global Scholars of Marketing Science
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    • v.8
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    • pp.341-373
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    • 2001
  • Firms are confronting the age of an infinite competition. In order to respond to the rapidly changing business environment and make a success and survival in the international and domestic securities market, firms must take a consideration on the stockholders value-oriented philosophy which has greatly contributed not only to the maximization of corporate profits but also to the stability of financial markets. To pursue stockholders value-oriented philosophy, a firm should build strong relationship with investors by providing exact information of firm's state, financial statement, management policy. Stockholders value-oriented philosophy contributes to long-term growth and development of the firm as well as efficient equity financing and friendship with stockholder. IR is the key factor to attain successful implementation of company's objective. It should be equipped with the most suitable organization and qualified man-power for IR activities. The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between IR and relationship marketing management. Strategic implications of this study are as follows: First, This study provides a new explanations of IR activities in Relationship Marketing Management. Second, IR activities were key determinants of Trust and Commitment. That means the more a firm does IR activities, the more Trust and Commitment a firm has for their investors. Third, The variables of trust and commitment are highly related to marketing and financial success. IR have a positive effect on a company total value and its cost of capital relative to that of the overall market.

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A Research on the Relationship between Duty Free' Locations and Sales of its Product Attributes at Airport : a Case of Departure and On-Arrival Duty Free at Incheon International Airport (공항 면세점 위치와 판매품목별 매출액 간 관계성 연구: 인천국제공항 출국장 및 입국장 면세점 사례를 중심으로)

  • Yoon, Han-Young;Cho, Sung-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.103-114
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    • 2020
  • On-arrival duty free will prevent Korean outbound passengers from keeping the duty free items they purchased at the departure during their travel. Most Korean tourists have requested the airport authority to install on-arrival duty free since the grand-opening of Incheon int'l airport. Considering the fierce hub airport competition in the North East Asian region, the Korean government's decision to install on-arrival duty free is regarded as a well-timed intervention. The purpose of the research was to analyze sales correlation based on a comparison of sales of both departure and on-arrival duty free and to propose an administrative implication. Compared to business conglomerates running departure duty free, on-arrival duty free operators, who are small or medium companies, have weakness in product composition, marketing, and merchandising capabilities. According to the analysis, outbound passengers, who purchased fashion accessories and leather products at the departure duty free, tended to purchase cosmetics/perfume or liquor on the arrival duty free. Such complementary purchasing behavior of passengers showed there is barely a negative correlation between departure and on-arrival duty free.

The Effect of Airline Brand Authenticity: Focus on the Difference of LCC from FSC (항공사 브랜드 진정성이 소비자 태도에 미치는 영향 : LCC와 FSC의 차이를 중심으로)

  • Song, Sang-Yeon
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.14 no.5
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    • pp.115-123
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    • 2016
  • Purpose - Nowadays the competition between companies has been intensified in the aviation industry. It is hard to maintain successful market share in challenging managerial environment. Not long ago, a Korean major aviation company had faced social condemnation cause of managerial staff's immoral behaviors. That company suffers great losses in company brand value in terms of authenticity as an aviation company. This research tried to show the effect of brand authenticity in the aviation industry. First of all, this research tried to define the dimensions of the brand authenticities based on the former researches. This research suggested the airline brand authenticities as three kinds of dimensions. The dimensions of authenticities consist of performance aspects, symbolic aspects and moral aspects. And this research also tried to show the relationships between brand authenticities and consumers attitudes. Research design, data and methodology - The empirical research design is based on the experiments with six types of advertisement prototypes. The advertisement prototypes were based on three types of authenticities' characteristics. The prototypes were made of core statements about each authenticity. And the advertisement prototypes also were based on the aviation company types. The types of aviation companies could be divided into FSC(full service carrier)and LCC(low cost carrier). So the whole experiments were performed with six kinds of advertisement prototypes(3 brand authenticities X 2 aviation company types). The age of participants were from 20s to 40s. The proportion of participants' demographics are as follow. Age proportion is 50% of 20s and 50% of 30s and 40s. Gender proportion is 46% males and 54% females. The experiments performed through mobile devices. Advertisement prototypes were exposed to the participants through their mobile devices, and they answered the questionnaires. All the process of experiments were performed by a professional research firm to maintain the quality of data. Results - This research suggested some important outcomes as follow. First, brand authenticity had an important role to make a positive consumer attitude on the aviation company. All the three types advertisement of authenticities had a positive impact on the consumer attitude for the aviation company. Second, the three types of brand authenticities in the performance aspects, symbolic aspects, and moral aspects had a major impact on the consumers attitudes. The performance authenticity had the biggest effect on the consumer attitudes. Third, the types of aviation companies like FSC and LCC had a different correlation with types of authenticities. All the types of authenticities affected on the consumers attitudes in the FSC case. The symbolic authenticity had the biggest effect in the FSC case. But the performance authenticity showed the most striking effect in the LCC case. Conclusion - From this research, we can get a conclusion. The brand authenticity of aviation company should be managed carefully to maintain a positive brand image and consumers attitudes. And airline brand authenticities can be consist of three type dimensions. All the types of authenticities affects on the consumers attitudes positively. The symbolic authenticity affects more in the FSC case, and the performance authenticity influences more in the LCC case.

A Delphi Study of Standardization Strategies for Disruptive Technologies (파괴적 기술 분야에 대한 표준화 전략 연구: 전문가 델파이 조사를 중심으로)

  • Eom, Doyoung;Kim, Dong-hyu;Lee, Heejin
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.483-510
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    • 2016
  • Disruptive technology is increasingly gaining attention by industries, standards development organizations (SDOs), academia, government and regulatory bodies due to its massive scope of impact on the incumbents and consumers. Companies that take a lead in new technologies intend to dominate the global market by making their technologies into an international standard. However, they tend to seek ways of by-passing the slow procedures of formal SDOs that often hinder prompt action in response to rapid changes in technology and market situations. In the area of disruptive technologies, there is a need to harmonize standardization efforts in formal SDOs for various companies and stakeholders to reap the benefits of technological development and diffusion of innovation. This paper examines the reasons why standardization is more active using market-based mechanisms than through formal SDOs for disruptive technologies. We conducted a Delphi study to investigate standardization strategies in the area of disruptive technologies. This research found that experts understood the core element of disruptive technologies as creating new markets and changing the competition basis in existing industries through the transformation of consumers' behavior. Based on these core characteristics, experts agreed that flexibility and speed are the most important factors for standardization. Results also show that the perception that standardization activities are not directly connected to companies' profit-making is the key barrier to links between research and companies' participation in standardization. This research provides implications for formal SDOs and policymakers.

The Influence of Low Cost Airline's Flexible Fare Policy on Consumers' Perceptions of Price Fairness (저가항공사의 유동적 요금 전략이 소비자의 가격공정성 지각에 미치는 영향)

  • Hwang, Hee-Joong;Choi, Young-Keun
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.12 no.10
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    • pp.123-128
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    • 2014
  • Purpose - The purpose of the study is to reexamine the price fairness as practiced by low cost airlines, as a consumer has to experience such inconveniences as inferior airport transportation, extra fees on in-flight meals, and non-negotiable seats, and consumers evaluate such experiences keeping in mind their total costs. This evaluation includes price fairness and allows a reasonable and overall consideration of factors of low cost airlines. It tries to set up a measurement of the indicators consumers' perceptions of price fairness academically as it adapts price fairness to airline services which are renowned for price volatility. Research design, data, and methodology - The research proposes an alternative pricing strategy for the long term profit of low cost airlines after going over conflicts between the traditional theory of consumers' price perception mechanism and flexible fair policy of low cost airlines. It was meaningful when it relates to the early stage of the business, while it enhances the risks relating to the long term survival of low cost airlines. In addition, it is significant as it highlights the negative influences on consumers' perceptions of price fairness, as low cost airlines run on extremely low cost perspectives. Results - The results of the research provide insight into four perspectives, as consumers' perceptions of price fairness are influenced by the frequency and range of price changes and services. The first perspective is that it would lead to positive price evaluation when a low cost airline cuts prices frequently with little changes than one big change. It also would lead to the same result when it comes to necessary services. The second perspective is that one big increase of price would rather undermine the negative aspects of price changes than those of several smaller ones. The third perspective is that additional services would be good to consumers' perceptions of price fairness as compared to discount benefits with respect to the cost. Finally, a low cost airline should consider that consumers will change airlines or defer their flight schedule if the flight fares increase beyond their limits. Conclusions - Low cost airlines should reconsider their pricing policies for services that were provided free earlier. A consumer would not like discount benefits when made to pay for services that were, for long, free of charge. If a low cost airline can provide services with no charge, it should improve volumes if the costs are standardized and, moreover, should consider the charging fees. Alternatively, a consumer can choose between services and fair discount. Low cost airlines are implementing sales promotion strategies, as the competition is more intense than it used to be. In these days, they should regard services over sales promotion, as consumers may prefer to spend money on good premium services. Some differentiation in services could create a good market position for the airlines and, hence, good financial performance.