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Landscape Design Proposal for Gangbuk Large Park  

Kim, Do-Kyong (College of Art and Design, Kyunghee University)
Choi, Won-Man (SynWha Consulting Co., Ltd.)
Hong, Hyoung-Soon (Dept. of Landscape Architecture, Joongbu University)
Publication Information
Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture / v.36, no.4, 2008 , pp. 1-14 More about this Journal
Although the Dreamland site was the only flat amusement park in the northern part of Seoul, the site lost its function as a regional park due to aging and, therefore, was no longer in use. The site is surrounded by currently existing high dense low-story housing blocks and proposed new towns. A renovation plan for Dreamland was raised by the City of Seoul to enhance the quality of the urban environment in the northern part of Seoul. This study articulates the design concepts and strategies of the prizewinning work of the International Design Competition for Gangbuk Large Park. The three key points can be summarized as follows: First, this design proposal tried to find a new possibility for a large mountain park in an urban areas. These days, mountain parks are used limitedly as ordinary living spaces for activities such as a walking, hiking, and physical training. New strategies were sought to reconstruct the sentiment with which our ancestors enjoyed the mountains. Second, this proposal tried to make Dreamland a socially self-sufficient park. We designed a park which generates self-energy and which communicates with the city, not a park which only exists as a green island in a city. Lastly, rain fed paddy fields, a typical Korean vernacular landscape, was a tangible space which represented people's life-styles harmonizing with the nature. Rain fed paddy fields is a design motif which puts the three surrounding mountains together with the site. It is expected that the new design will works as a noted place.
Large Mountain Park; Independent Park; Paddy Fields; Vernacular Landscape;
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  • Reference
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