• Title/Summary/Keyword: International competition

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Analyzing the Market Structure of Asian Construction Contracts : A Perspective on Korean Construction Firms (국내 건설기업의 아시아 계약실적 구조 분석)

  • Lee, Kang-Wook
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.39 no.5
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    • pp.623-630
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    • 2019
  • As the Asian region becomes strategically important in the international construction market, competition among construction firms has been more intense. While existing literature on the Asian construction market have mainly focused on qualitative approaches to market entry strategies and risk assessment, quantitative research to explain the dynamic competitive structure of the market has been rarely conducted. To address this issue, this study analyzes the structure of contract performance in the Asian region based on the data from 3,996 projects awarded to Korean construction firms from 2009 to 2017. In addition, this study applies a mathematical model using both static (market concentration) and dynamic (market mobility and instability) analyses. Consequently, the static analysis indicates that market concentration led by top-four firms tends to be increased, and on the dynamic aspect, the market position of Korean construction firms is recently weakened and fluctuated in most of the Asian regions and the construction sectors. The methodology and result of this paper would be meaningful not only to understand the underlying structure of industry-level performance but also to provide a useful reference for establishing competitive strategies towards the Asian market.

The Terrain Transformation of the Fishing Industry in East Sea Rim: Impact of Entering Chinese Fishing Fleets into East Sea on the Fishery Production, Employment and Life Threat (환동해 어업의 지형 변화: 중국어선의 동해 진출이 어업생산과 고용 및 생존 위협에 미치는 영향)

  • Choi, Young-Jin
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.52 no.1
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    • pp.1-22
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    • 2021
  • This study aims to face common threats from the depletion of fish resources, the decline of production and employment as well as the increase of life risk in East Sea Rim countries, North Korea, South Korea, Japan and Russia due to the Chinese fishing fleets entering East Sea. The recent competition in fishing among fishing vessels and fleets of national origin operating in the East Sea has induced a significant change in the ecological landscape of the fishing fleets cluster while having influenced production and employment in the fishing industries of South Korea and Japan as well as life threat on the fishermen in North Korea. It seems that the population organizational ecological theory can be applied to this change. It can be seen as the isomorphism of the selection process over the exclusive economic zone (EEZ) to avoid the environment in which these North Korean fishing vessels are pushed against the Chinese fleet in the North Korean part of the East Sea. To resolve the fishery disputes or conflict in the common waters in East Sea, first of all, Chinese fishing fleets will be required to put international pressure so as to solve the unfairness of the illegal fishing and overfishing by the International Fishery Organization or the UN violations of the sanctions against North Korea selling fishing rights to China. Although it is not easy for South Korea to cooperate with North Korea in the short term, South Korea will be able to support the fishery infrastructure in North Korea in the mid- to the long-term to prevent the loss of innocent lives for their fishermen and to raise their incomes.

An Empirical Analysis of Market Power in The Dallas-Forth Worth Milk Market (Dallas-Forth Worth 우유시장의 시장지배력 측정에 관한 연구)

  • KIM, Donghun
    • International Area Studies Review
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.35-60
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    • 2010
  • In this paper, we develop a dynamic structural model based on a dynamic supergame and measure market power for the Dallas-Forth Worth fluid milk market in the U.S. In particular, we compare the conduct parameter estimates from a static model with that from the dynamic model and illustrate bias in the market-power measure in a static model. And we also analyze the cyclical behavior of firm conduct. We find that the conduct parameter in a static model underestimates true market power if firms' behaviors are posited by a dynamic oligopoly game. We also verify that firm conduct in the Dallas-Forth Worth fluid milk market is countercyclical against demand shocks and expected future cost shocks. Our results indicate that the firms' conduct in the Dallas-Forth Worth fluid milk market is consistent with what dynamic oligopoly models predict. This implies that the firms consider not only the contemporary reactions of the other firms' but also future market competition. Therefore, the measurement of market power requires the specification of fully dynamic pricing relationship.

The effcient management strategies local government for Broad Exchange - focusing on case of china office - (국제교류협력 확대를 위한 지방정부의 효율적인 해외사무소 운영방안에 관한 연구 - 중국 사무소 사례를 중심으로 -)

  • Jang, Jung Jae
    • International Area Studies Review
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.235-256
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    • 2016
  • The local governments have utilized overseas offices of businesses within their jurisdiction as a forward operating base to discover and expand the overseas market. In addition, overseas offices of businesses are expected to play a big role in economic, cultural, and personal exchange, and collection of information regarding overseas market trends. Recently, inviting foreign capital, promoting cities, and attracting foreign tourists are being done through them. Since foreign capital invitation has an effect on creating jobs, the population influx, increasing local government revenues, there is a high degree of competition for it among local governments. Also, while local governments have set out to actively attract foreign tourists through city promotion marketing and developing products in connection with their region, overseas offices of businesses are playing a major role in doing the job. However, due to low performance satisfaction against the budget invested, there have been criticisms that they need to improve efficiency. As a result, each local government is faced with a task to seek efficient operational plans since overseas offices of businesses in each local government are expected to play a bigger role in trade support and international exchanges.

Research and Development of Korea B(Benefit)-impact Model for Sustainable Development - in Case of Construction Sector -

  • Kwon, Sung-Sik;Lee, Myung-Sik
    • Architectural research
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    • v.21 no.2
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    • pp.41-48
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to research and development of 'Korea B(Benefit)-impact Model' for Sustainable Development. A concept evaluation model is 'B(Benefit)-impact model' in U.S.A. We use the results of surveys that examined the importance of social value issues to stakeholders in Korea to implement the benefit-impact model in Korea. In particular, in this paper, we use the KSI(Korean Sustainability Index) survey data conducted by the Korea Standards Association to evaluate the social value of the construction industry for representative stakeholders in the construction industry. The social value pool and the activity indicator pool used for the survey are created based on relevant International Standards; ISO 26000, ISO 14001, ISO 37001. As a result, Korea B-impact model for construction industry included the following five core social value issues; Strengthen transparency of corporate management, Ensure fair employment and employment relations, Efforts to prevent corruption, Conduct fair competition, Efforts to prevent environmental pollution. In addition, the US B-impact model has three limitations. First, it is unclear whether the key indicators have been derived while considering all issues of social value. Second, US B-impact model indicators are developed by the social responsibility experts, so it is necessary to review by stakeholders in each industry. Finally, it would be more effective for companies to use the B-impact model index as a more detailed activity indicator. When developing a Korea B-impact model, the following methods are used to supplement it. First, we reviewed all social value issues using international standards. Secondly, we used the KSI(Korean Sustainability index) survey results to derive the importance of the social value issue of construction industry in Korea. Finally, we have clearly matched the activity indicators by social value core issues based on the GRI Standard so that companies can actually use the Korea B-impact model for the construction sector. The detailed development stages and results of this study are as follows;.

Evaluating and Categorizing Brand Assets of Full-Service Carriers and Low-Cost Carriers (대형항공사와 저비용항공사의 브랜드 자산 평가와 유형화)

  • Jeong, Seung-Hwa
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.21 no.8
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    • pp.442-454
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    • 2021
  • Many domestic and international airlines that experienced dramatic recession due to COVID-19 pandemic are carefully being ready to normalise operations as a number of governments has begun to vaccinate for COVID-19. So with the same market share from domestic to short distant international services, the competition between Full Service Carriers (FSC) and low cost carriers (LCC) is anticipated to be more intensive. To explore the concepts such as the perception, value, attitude and faith of the object, this study implements Q methodology proposed to complement the limitations of quantitative and qualitative research methodology. As a result, the consumers of airlines' brand are divided into three types - the type of utility seeking, value-oriented and task-related. Using Q samples which consist of 25 statements, this study specifically approached the traits of each type by observing the subjectivity with the comparative P sample group that is made up for 20 participants. By discovering the type of FSC and LCC's brand asset and comparing the recognition of consumers, not only does this study evoke the need for a strategic direction of the effective management of Airlines' Brand asset but also have a signification in the way that especially provide hypotheses for follow up studies.

Market Power of Genetically Modified Soybeans Traded Between the United States and Korea

  • Son, Eun-Ae;Lim, Song Soo
    • Journal of Korea Trade
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.131-144
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    • 2019
  • Purpose - The purpose of this study was to investigate market power of soybeans exported by the United States to Korea. Particularly, this paper considered dichotomous characteristics of genetically modified (GM) soybeans and non-GM soybeans and conducted empirical analysis of these two segregated soybean markets to understand key tenets of market power in international soybean trade. Design/methodology - The difference in market power between GM and non-GM soybeans was analyzed using Residual Demand Elasticity (RDE) and Residual Supply Elasticity (RSE) models over the period of 2008~2018. RDE and RSE models under an imperfect competition condition were used to estimate market margins and determine whether GM and non-GM exporters or importers exercised market power in the destination market. Findings - Empirical results suggested that the U.S. had a market power on both GM and non-GM soybean exports. GM exports had greater market power than non-GM exports (14% vs. 9%). By contrast, Korea showed an inability to grab market margin or exert market power in soybean imports. Both export supply by the U.S. and import demand by Korea were found to be more responsive to price changes of GM soybeans than to prices changes of non-GM soybeans. This might be due to a self-interested, profit-seeking strategy by the exporter and many concerned consumers regarding potential adverse effects of GMOs in the importing country. Originality/value - This paper fills the literature gap by exploiting market power in both GM and non-GM markets with explicit consideration of price correlations between GM and non-GM soybeans in Korea. A number of existing studies have provided evidence for market power broadly embedded in international commodity trade. However, studies focusing on Korean markets are limited. No study has explored the country's soybean trade. Furthermore, the majority of prior studies have almost exclusively focused on the market power from a standpoint of exporting countries without discussing importers' market structure. This paper also sought to understand potentially distinguished patterns of market power between GM and non-GM markets.

An Analysis of Activities for Scientifically-Gifted in an International Science Competition from the Perspective of the Social Aspects of Creativity - The Case of the 'International Young Physicists' Tournament' (과학 영재의 국제경진대회 활동에서 창의성의 사회적 측면 분석 -국제 청소년 물리 토너먼트 사례를 중심으로-)

  • Choi, Jae-Hyeok;Seo, Jeong-Hee
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.25 no.spc5
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    • pp.582-590
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    • 2007
  • In this paper, the activities for scientifically-gifted high school students in the 2006 International Young Physicists' Tournament were analyzed, from the perspective of the social aspects of creativity. To understand this, the process by which the activities were similar to the system model of creativity developed by Csikszen-tmihalyi were analyzed. Our aim was to elicit the educational implications of cooperative science problem solving skills and to discuss the results from their social perspective. It was found that participants interacted consistently with peers, teachers, and the culture that was developed during the course of the tournament. This was found to be very similar to the way in which novel knowledge in the system model of creativity is produced. In the tournament, the juries' assessment was based on students' presentations, discussions, and reviews. This was also very similar to how novel knowledge in the model is selected. Solving problems cooperatively and evaluating the results through group discussion are well reflected the social aspects of creativity. Due to the fact that such tournaments for scientifically-gifted elementary students are rapidly increasing in popularity, such activities will increasingly become more important. It is necessary, therefore, to study the social aspects of creativity for the gifted in elementary and middle school.

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Emergence of New Business Mode in the Chinese Water Market - Hefei Wangxiaoying Wastewater TOT Project -

  • Lee, Seung-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.20-20
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    • 2011
  • The purpose of this research aims to evaluate the emergence of new business mode in the Chinese water market since the mid-2000s - Transfer-Operate-Transfer(TOT) Projects. The study pays special attention to the case of the Hefei Wangxiaoying Wastewater Treatment TOT Project, which was awarded to the consortium of Berlin Water International and its Chinese partner in late 2004. The consortium secured an exclusive operating right for 23 years on the basis of a TOT scheme and would take responsibility of all the profits and losses in the operation of the plant. The total investment for the transfer amounted to RMB 491 million(US$70 million). The price was more than 288% of the original value, RMB 170 million (US$24 million). The project can be regarded as a successful case because of the following three causes. First, the Hefei government followed a series of standardized procedures in the international bidding, which ignited best-performed international players' competition for the project. Second, the project will bring in cutting-edge operation skills and management know-how. Third, the government succeeded in raising public asset values, and thanks to this, the government is able to consider other similar projects not only in the water sector but also other sectors in public utility services. Nevertheless, Berlin Water's point of view, there are several challenges. First, the company took a risk to pay such a large amount of cash to the Hefei government. Although such premium can be recouped in the operation period of 23 years, whether or not the company would be able to recover the initial investment and realize profits is in question due to an uncertainty of socio-political circumstances in China. Second, Berlin Water should expect a steep rise of water tariffs over the contract period in order to get the investment back. Water pricing is still a sensible matter to Chinese authorities, and therefore, it is uncertain if such rise of water tariffs would be possible. Third, the TOT mode leads to creation of a large amount of cash to government officials, which might have caused corruption between those who are involved in TOT deals. Then, the final contract fee would soar, which often results in the burden of normal customers. As discussed, the TOT mode has drawn much attention of foreign investors as a new alternative to enter into the Chinese water market. But it is important to note that foreign investors should be aware of possible risks in water TOT projects, which reflects some features of the Chinese political economy landscape and social norms. The Hefei case indicates that benefits can overshadow risks in TOT projects, which will continue to attract foreign investors that are dedicated to establishing their strongholds in the Chinese water market.

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Impact of Enterprise R&D Investment on International Trade in Korea under the new Normal Era (뉴 노멀 시대하 한국기업의 R&D투자가 무역에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Seon-Jae;Lee, Young-Hwa
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.9
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    • pp.357-368
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to empirically examine the impact of enterprise R&D investment on international trade in Korea under the new Normal Era. In order to test whether the time series data of trade variables are stationary or not, we put in operation unit root test and cointegration test. Based on VECM (Vector Error Correction Model), we also apply impulse response functions and variance decomposition to estimate the dynamic effects in the short-run and long-run. The results show that the relationship between enterprise R&D investment and international trade (export and import) exists in the long-run as well as in the short-run. The results of applying impulse response functions and variance decomposition also indicate that the impact of enterprise R&D investment on international trade is positive, and a significant portion of fluctuations in the trade variable is explained by enterprise R&D investment. Therefore, enterprise R&D investment must be continuously increased to improve economic growth with promoting trading competition power in Korea under the new Normal Era.