• Title/Summary/Keyword: International competition

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USN's Efforts to Rebuild its Combat Power in an Era of Great Power Competition (강대국 간의 경쟁시대와 미 해군의 증강 노력)

  • Jung, Ho-Sub
    • Strategy21
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    • s.44
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    • pp.5-27
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this paper is to look at USN's efforts to rebuild its combat power in the face of a reemergence of great powers competition, and to propose some recommendations for the ROKN. In addition to the plan to augment its fleet towards a 355-ships capacity, the USN is pursuing to improve exponentially combat lethality(quality) of its existing fleet by means of innovative science and technology. In other words, the USN is putting its utmost efforts to improve readiness of current forces, to modernize maintenance facilities such as naval shipyards, and simultaneously to invest in innovative weapons system R&D for the future. After all, the USN seems to pursue innovations in advanced military Science & Technology as the best way to ensure continued supremacy in the coming strategic competition between great powers. However, it is to be seen whether the USN can smoothly continue these efforts to rebuild combat strength vis-a-vis its new competition peers, namely China and Russian navy, due to the stringent fiscal constraints, originating, among others, from the 2011 Budget Control Act effective yet. Then, it seems to be China's unilateral and assertive behaviors to expand its maritime jurisdiction in the South China Sea that drives the USN's rebuild-up efforts of the future. Now, some changes began to be perceived in the basic framework of the hitherto regional maritime security, in the name of declining sea control of the USN as well as withering maritime order based on international law and norms. However, the ROK-US alliance system is the most excellent security mechanism upon which the ROK, as a trading power, depends for its survival and prosperity. In addition, as denuclearization of North Korea seems to take significant time and efforts to accomplish in the years to come, nuclear umbrella and extended deterrence by the US is still noting but indispensible for the security of the ROK. In this connection, the naval cooperation between ROKN and USN should be seen and strengthened as the most important deterrents to North Korean nuclear and missile threats, as well as to potential maritime provocation by neighboring countries. Based on these observations, this paper argues that the ROK Navy should try to expand its own deterrent capability by pursuing selective technological innovation in order to prevent this country's destiny from being dictated by other powers. In doing so, however, it may be too risky for the ROK to pursue the emerging, disruptive innovative technologies such as rail gun, hypersonic weapon... etc., due to enormous budget, time, and very thin chance of success. This paper recommends, therefore, to carefully select and extensively invest on the most cost-effective technological innovations, suitable in the operational environments of the ROK. In particular, this paper stresses the following six areas as most potential naval innovations for the ROK Navy: long range precision strike; air and missile defense at sea; ASW with various unmanned maritime system (UMS) such as USV, UUV based on advanced hydraulic acoustic sensor (Sonar) technology; network; digitalization for the use of AI and big data; and nuclear-powered attack submarines as a strategic deterrent.

A Study on the Judgment Criteria for the Trademark Dilution of Famous Marks

  • Park, Jong-Ryeol;Noe, Sang-Ouk
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.24 no.10
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    • pp.225-232
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    • 2019
  • The trademark dilution of famous marks as a kind of unfair competition practice is defined and regulated in Article 2 (1) (c) of the Unfair Competition Prevention and Trade Secret Protection Act (hereinafter referred to as the Unfair Competition Prevention Act), which was newly established according to the amendment of the Act on February 3, 2001. Famous trademarks are universally protected in all around the world, which are likewise protected in the Republic of Korea by the Unfair Competition Prevention Actin line with such international trends. In order to establish the trademark dilution of famous marks, it is necessary to have the following characteristics: (1) high reputation of the original mark, (2) use of identical or similar markscompared to the original mark, (3) occurrence of blurring of discrimination or tarnishment of reputation; in particular, with respect to the degree of proof of 'blurring of discrimination or tarnishment of reputation', which is a constituent requirement of the trademark dilution of famous marks, it is reasonable to interpret the trademark dilution as concrete endangerment offense, neither harm-based offense nor abstract endangerment offense, and thus it should be considered that the crime is established if a specific realistic risk of blurring of discrimination or tarnishment of reputation occurs. Furthermore, in relation to the specific criteria of 'blurring of discrimination or tarnishment of reputation', it is necessary to comprehensively judge the degree of individual behavior in specific matters as a normative factor as well as the psychosocial viewpoint of the general public.

A Study on the strategic points(6C) of e-Port in KwangYang Port (e-CRM을 위한 광양항(光陽港)의 e-Port화(化) 전략요소(戰略要素)(6C)에 대한 연구(硏究))

  • Choi, Heung-Seob
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.139-155
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    • 2001
  • The managing strategies of each enterprise has been fundamentally changed due to the emergence of digital economics by using the internet. Therefore it is indispensable for each enterprise to be changed their business strategies. With a view to meeting the change of new economic paradigm, they are efforting to build a infrastructure for information and communication, induce foreign capital, reconsider their conditions of location, draw the law concerned and reinforce education for experts etc. In consideration of these change, the KwangYang port have to introduce e-Business for the purpose of increasing the level of their competition. We - our government, the companies - concerned with port management should recognize and use efficiently our core competence and potentiality of our port management. To achieve it, firstly port industries are to handle not only international logistic system but also communication, finance and sightseeing. Secondly, the developed off-line system have to be harmonizing with the on-line. Therefore, this paper are focused to suggest the theoretic background by analyzing the strategic points of e-port which are divided in 6C - Contents, Community, Connection, Commerce, Communication and Customization.

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A Study on the Airport and Airspace Management (공항 및 공역관리 제도 개선에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Byeong-Jong;Yang, Han-Mo
    • The Korean Journal of Air & Space Law and Policy
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    • v.12
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    • pp.246-274
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    • 2000
  • This paper discusses the qualification criteria for international hub airport and suggests the strategies for Inchon International Airport (IIA) to be the hub airport in the East Asia. Recently, many East and Southeast Asia countries have invested on large scale international airports like Chap Lak Kok airport, Pudong airport etc.. as Korea have done on IIA. IIA to be open in 2001 will face a serious competition with these airport. Being a hub airport requires geographic proximity. sufficient volume of local traffic. uncongested infrastructure, a good accessibility to surrounding industrial centers. high quality of service to the airline. In order to promote airlines to land at IIA. Korea Government need to establish Open Sky Policy to many countries and national flag carriers of Korea need to be involved in a global alliance. Developing vicinity of IIA as free trade zone will generated more local traffic which makes IIA as more attractive candidate for airlines. The Korea airspace is one of the most restricted area in the world becuase of the national security. which limits civil aircraft maneuvers. The airspace need to be re-structured to exploit the full capacity of IIA.

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An Empirical Study on Factors Affecting the Implementation of Information Technology in Korean Global Logistics Companies (국제물류업체의 정보기술(Information Technology) 수용에 관한 실증적 연구)

  • Lim, Jun-Hyeong
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.75-95
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    • 2010
  • This paper examined the factors affecting the implementation of information technology in Korean Global Logistics Companies. Nowadays, the spread of electronic commerce using internet demands a large changes doing business with company to company and give that company a change to recognize logistics. To support logistics activity, all kinds of companies are using the computer and are recognized that the efficient using of Cyber Logistics Information will mainly play a roll to strength the companies competition power. We gathered detailed data on our sample companies mainly from publicly available sources : Korea International Freight Forwarder Association (KIFFA), and companies' web sites. A structured questionnaire was used to collect information about: (1) the company (2) To investigate the factors of the three contexts described above on korean Global Logistics companies's electronic trade adoption and implementation. (3) Usage level of electronic logistics. Most of the approximately 70 questions enumerated in the questionnaire were open-ended, which was consistent with our primary objective of developing a conceptual framework that was informed by empirical evidence. This study suggests that top management support and influential power are main factors for the Korean Global Logistics Companies.

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A Study on the strategic points(6C) of Global e-Port in Pusan Port & KwangYang Port (Global e-Port화(化)를 위한 부산(釜山)/광양항(光陽港)의 6C 전략(戰略)에 관한 연구(硏究))

  • Choi, Heung-Seob;Song, Sun-Yok
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    • v.16
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    • pp.205-244
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    • 2001
  • The managing strategies of each enterprise has been fundamentally changed due to the emergence of digital economics by using the internet. Therefore it is indispensable for each enterprise to be changed their business strategies. With a view to meeting the change of new economic paradigm, they are efforting to build a infrastructure for information and communication, induce foreign capital, reconsider their conditions of location, draw the law concerned and reinforce education for experts etc. In consideration of these change, the Pusan port & the KwangYang port have to introduce e-Business for the purpose of increasing the level of their competition. We - our government, the companies - concerned with port management should recognize and use efficiently our core competence and potentiality of our port management. To achieve it, firstly port industries are to handle not only international logistic system but also communication, finance and sightseeing. Secondly, the developed off-line system have to be harmonizing with the on-line. Therefore, this paper are focused to suggest the theoretic background by analyzing the strategic points of e-port which are divided in 6C - Contents, Community, Connection, Commerce, Communication and Customization.

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A Case Study on imposing anti-dumping duty against Chinese Ceramic Tile (중국산 도자기질 타일 반덤핑관세부과 사례에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hee-Kil
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    • v.42
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    • pp.337-364
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    • 2009
  • Trade remedy is the system that additional duty or import quantity restriction would be imposed on the import products, in case that unfair imports damage domestic industry or even proper import products damage significantly domestic industry. The system is secured by the act of unfair trade practice investigation & industrial damage remedy, tariff act, WTO agreement. Anti-dumping duty act is the system that duties are assessed with the equal or less amount of the difference between normal transaction price and dumping price, in case that the product imported under dumping price causes or may cause damages in domestic industry, or the development of domestic industry should be delayed practically. Recently, the problems related with anti-dumping duty imposed as the part of the trade remedy occur frequently. It is necessary to discuss whether the anti-dumping duty act is practically trade remedy which does comply with GATT regulations and WTO agreements as the criteria of international law and is in line with the intent of domestic act in the suffered country, or it does return to protective trade or reduce the protection of consumer. On the basis of this discussion, it would be difficult to impose the antidumping duty on industrial products in order to protect domestic industry, when considering the expected free trade agreements of Korea-US, Korea-China and Korea-Japan. In order to survive under the current severe competition of world trade market, companies should raise the competitiveness by themselves without relying on the current trade acts to provide with a certain protection. This thesis should bring those attentions.

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A Study of the Impacts on Electronic Distribution Industry after Korea-China FTA

  • Zhang, Ming-Lai;Lee, Sung-Joon
    • The Journal of Industrial Distribution & Business
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.33-40
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    • 2017
  • Purpose - This study attempted to discover the impact of the Korea-China FTA(Free Trade Agreement) on electronic products distribution industry. Strategies will be provided to expand both countries' trade after the Korea-China FTA. Research design, data, and methodology - This study analyzed the differences before and after the Korea-China FTA, using an RCA(Revealed Comparative Advantage) index, TC(Technology Sophistication Index) index and TSI(Trade Specialization Index) that considered the FTA tariff situation. Data was collected from the International Trade Statistics Database and Korea, China Customs Service. Results - The results indicate that following the Korea-China FTA, China and Korea's bilateral trade of electronic products is expected to expand, and both countries will experience net welfare gains from the markets' expansion. Korea is competitive in several key products, although it faces competition from China. China's electronic products' competitiveness have indicated an increasing trend. Conclusions - The two countries should closely cooperate and communicate with each other. Ultimately, Korea should focus on high-tech, sophisticated techniques to gain market advantage. On the other hand, with the tariff decrease as well as the labor cost and labor force base, China will greatly be able to benefit from the manufacturing of medium- to low-end products in the future.

Origins of Brand Image, Customer Satisfaction, and Loyalty toward Telecommunication Service: An Emerging Market Perspective

  • Hossain, Md. Alamgir;Kim, Min-Ho;Jahan, Nusrat;Min, Bo-Yeon
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.39-57
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    • 2018
  • As competition grows in the telecommunication service industry, understanding the origins of brand image and consumer behavioral intentions challenges practitioners to design an effective marketing strategy and branding plan. In this paper, brand image and behavioral relationships are investigated in Bangladesh, an emerging market that has a particular socio-cultural and economic context of one of the most densely populated countries of South Asia. This study employs confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling to analyze the database. Empirical testing and the proposed model suggest that brand image is the prime determinant of consumer satisfaction and loyalty. The results highlight the importance of perceived value, perceived trust and price structure to project brand image and satisfaction. Additionally, confirmation exhibits a stronger total effect of brand image on customer loyalty. Empirical findings extensively contribute to the theoretical and managerial understanding of subscribers' attitudes toward telecommunication service in an emerging market context.

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A Study for risk management on Documentary Collection(D/P, D/A) Payment (추심결제(D/P, D/A)방식에서의 위험관리에 관한 연구)

  • Kwak, Su-Young
    • International Commerce and Information Review
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.283-304
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    • 2008
  • According to globalization and localization of world economics international trade payment method was also changed. A traditional payment was Letter of Credit basis, however it is being increased to various methods such as remittance, documentary collection(D/P, D/A) and open account. In order to acquire a secure export payment, exporters prefer to L/C basis which is guaranteed by a reliable bank. However, the L/C should bear a security so that importers would rather documentary collection than L/C. The reasons for the preference of collection payment rather than L/C are a low commission cost, the conversion of buyer's market from seller's market due to severe competition in the world market, transaction increase between main office and branches and a right to control the goods until executing the payment by exporters. Besides of them, collection payment can handle safer and faster than open account basis. However, the collection payment has a risk which it isn't guaranteed by bank for the payment so that I would suggest countermeasures to minimize the payment risk utilizing the collection basis as follows; using export credit insurance system, a large domestic credit report provider such as D&B for absolutely fresh and new information, a collection proxy service for overseas deferred credit and suggestion specifying to order B/L not straight one on consignee in order to transfer the right of ownership with endorsement without problem.

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