• 제목/요약/키워드: Internal structure and external structure

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Formation of Resilience in the Context of Volunteer Activities Using Information and Communications Technology

  • Lazarenko, NataLiia;Sabat, Nataliia;Sabat, Nadiia;Sylenko, Nadiia;Rundong, Wang;Duchenko, Anna;Shuppe, Liudmyla
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.6
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    • pp.374-381
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    • 2022
  • The article identifies and theoretically substantiates the trends of national resilience in the context of establishing the security of the country and its civilizational subjectivity. The strategy of development of the pedagogical university in the conditions of European integration into the European educational and scientific space based on certain characterological features of the personality of the volunteer in the context of allocation of personal resilience is developed. The analysis of both external and internal challenges and threats to the civilization of the country needs to be understood in the context of economic, socio-political, legal, military-political, spiritual-cultural, educational-scientific and network-information resilience. The concepts of "national resilience" and "national security" are quite close - at first glance, even identical. However, a deeper understanding clarifies the differences: national security is a state of protection of the country identity and its very existence, the realization of its national interests. In turn, resilience is a fairly effective strategy and a fundamental guarantee of national security. At the same time, it is extremely important to understand that both national security as a state and national resilience as a strategy are only means of achieving and developing a strong and humanistic civilizational subjectivity of the country. After all, such subjectivity opens for citizens the opportunity for development, dignified self-realization and a proper life. The restructuring of the volunteer's motivational sphere is due to the dominance of such leading motives, which are focused mainly on maintaining and restoring health, which leads to distorted meaningful life goals: isolation, alienation, passivity, inertia, reduced activity, limited communication, etc. The characteristics of relatively stable human behavior include several primary and secondary properties. The primary (relevant) properties include patience, trust, hope, faith, confidence, determination, perseverance, and love; the secondary - punctuality, neatness, obedience, honesty, loyalty, justice, diligence, thrift, accuracy, conscientiousness, obligation, etc. The restructuring of the volunteer's motivational sphere is due to the dominance of such leading motives, which are focused mainly on maintaining and restoring health, which leads to distorted meaningful life goals: isolation, alienation, passivity, inertia, reduced activity, limited communication, etc. The characteristics of relatively stable human behavior include several primary and secondary properties. The primary (relevant) properties include patience, trust, hope, faith, confidence, determination, perseverance, and love; the secondary - punctuality, neatness, obedience, honesty, loyalty, justice, diligence, thrift, accuracy, conscientiousness, obligation, etc. The use of information and communication technologies in volunteering will contribute to the formation of resilience traits in the structure of personality formation. Directly to the personal traits of resilience should be included methodological competencies, which include methodological knowledge, skills and abilities (ability to define ultimate and intermediate goals, plan, conduct and analyze knowledge, establish and implement interdisciplinary links with disciplines of medical-psychological-pedagogical cycles, etc.). All these competencies form the professional resilience of the volunteer.

Effects of Executive Compassion and Forgiving Behavior on Organizational Activities and Performance (중소기업에서 경영자의 배려와 용서가 학습조직 활동과 조직성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Soo-Yong;Hawang, Moon-Young;Chol, Eun-Soo
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.13 no.6
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    • pp.105-118
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    • 2015
  • Purpose - Currently, strengthening small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) in terms of competitiveness is a key economic issue. However, the problem is that many SMEs lack the internal competence required to cope with a rapidly changing market structure. Such problems can act as an obstacle to economic development, yet most SMEs in Korea are dealing with this problem today. A company's source of competitive advantage is changing from quantity to quality, facility to knowledge, and hardwork to creativity. Under such circumstances, a company should place learning and sharing of knowledge and continuously creating new knowledge as its priority. This study aims to identify the effect of a chief executive officer's (CEO) compassion and forgiveness - positive factors in organizational emotion - on learning organization activities and organizational performance, through a theoretical comparison. Research design, data, and methodology - For this study, SMEs based in Daejeon and Chungcheong area were selected. To secure credibility of the data, the subjects were selected among those who have been working at the business for six months or longer. The survey was conducted for 30 days from March 5, 2015 to April 5, 2015. Both offline and online surveys were conducted. Fifty companies were chosen and 700 questionnaires were distributed, with 506 used for analysis. Fifty subject companies (25 from Daejeon, 10 from Chungnam, 10 from Chungbuk, and five from Sejong) were selected and the objective, target, and survey content were explained to a manager at each company either face-to-face or on the phone. Of the total of 700 questionnaires distributed via mail or e-mail, 78.6% or 550 copies were returned. Excluding 44 insufficient questionnaires, the remainder, 506 questionnaires, were used for analysis. Results - This study analyzed how the CEO's compassion and forgiveness affects learning organization activities and organizational performance. First, compassion of the CEO at the SMEs directly affected the learning organization activities and indirectly affected the organizational performance. Second, forgiveness of the CEO at the SMEs did not affect the learning organization activities and organizational performance directly or indirectly. Conclusions - The study conclusions are as follows. First, CEO compassionate behavior at the SMEs was a significant variable that directly and indirectly affected learning organization activities and organizational performance. Therefore, the CEO of an SME can create a positive organizational atmosphere through compassionate behaviors in the organization. Second, the forgiving behavior of the CEO did not have direct or indirect effects on learning organization activities and organizational performance. However, the reason for a CEO to continue his or her forgiving behavior is because it strengthens employee resilience, commitment, and self-efficacy to protect the organization from negative influences such as layoffs, risks, and wrongdoings. The action of forgiveness does not have direct or indirect effects. However, the CEO shall continue such behavior to strengthen members' physiological resilience, commitment, and self - effectiveness, and to protect the organization from risks including layoff and external negative factors.

Stream of Confucianism and a Study of Dongmu Lee Jema's Formation of Sasang through Hado and Nock-seo, along with Four Character and Seven Feeling Theory (유학의 흐름과 하도낙서(河圖洛書) 및 사단칠정을 통한 동무(東武) 이제마(李濟馬)의 사상인 형성에 대한 연구)

  • Song, See-Won;Kang, Jung-Soo
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.29-37
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    • 2005
  • According to Confucianism, the world before Confucius focused on respecting the heaven which meant that everything could be done by the heaven. After the period of Confucianism, Joo-Ja asserted that everything could be done by nature. During the Chosun Dynasty, philosophers such as Seo Kyung-duck, Lee Hwang, and Lee Yi talked about four characters and seven passions of human being. They started to focus more on the inside of human nature. During the later period of the Chosun Dynasty, a philosopher by the name of Dongmugong Lee Jema analyzed that one's nature and feelings can change his or her external matter and the function of internal organs by purity or impurity of one's mind. Based on these analysis, Dongmugong discovered 'sasangin' which puts more emphasis on one's state of mind compared to the outside the world. Also, Dongmugong tried to figure out the connections between Confucianism and medical science. If you use change fire and stone theory which is difference between hado and nock-seo to expain four seven theory one's mind could be define as four natural characters and seven feelings. From four seven theory four is ying and seven is yang. This is the method of cure and understand the structure of human body. And also, four natural characters and seven feelings can be divided into heaven and earth. You can see Four natural characters is far more similar to heaven and seven feelings are similar to earth. According to four-seven theory hado is permanent and you can find out 'sasangin' is permanent also. Since seven feelings are influenced by sam-jae, you can analogize there are 21 different types in 'sasangin'. An underlying principle should there be 28 different types of sasangin instead of 21 different types of sasangin but one quater of sasangin is hidden according to samhyuniljang theory. All creations in the world are organized by unification of the great absolute and symmetry distinction of yingyang. With these facts identity of the heaven, earth and man which is named samjae generates symbols of independent sasang. And also, sasang generates relations between five element, six energy and the six family relation. From six family relation comes seven feelings of man which creates a category of the eight trigrams for divination and unification of nine palace. All these process are united.

Recent Progress and Tasks of Arms Control in South and North Korea (최근 남북한 군비통제의 추진현황과 과제)

  • Kim, Kang-nyeong
    • Korea and Global Affairs
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.87-130
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    • 2019
  • This paper aims to analyze the recent progress(current situation) and tasks of arms control in North and South Korea. To this end the paper is composed of 5 chapters titled instruction; recent progress(current situation) of arms control in South and North Korea; constraints and tasks of arms control on the Korean peninsula; and conclusion. One of the most important tasks for the establishment of a peace structure for the coexistence of the Korean people in the 21st century is the realization of military control in order to resolve the acute military confrontation situation and mutual threats. With the 2018 PyeongChang Winter Olympics, the North-South summit and the subsequent talks for peace and denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula, the North Korea-US summit, and subsequent talks are creating conditions for trust building and arms control between the two Koreas. The military trust between the two Koreas and operational arms control are being achieved through the declaration of the April 27 Panmunjom and the 'Military Agreement for the Implementation of the Panmunjom Declaration.' However, since there are constraints on the control of arms control, such as the persistence of hostility and distrust of the two Koreas, the defense treaty between the two Koreas and neighboring countries, the competition of neighboring countries and the complex interests of the Korean peninsula, Trust Building is important. We should resolve the issue of arms control between the two Koreas, taking into account the trend of international arms control over the internal and external dynamics of the Korean peninsula gradually and carefully, with a vision of long-term unification security.

VLSI Design of DWT-based Image Processor for Real-Time Image Compression and Reconstruction System (실시간 영상압축과 복원시스템을 위한 DWT기반의 영상처리 프로세서의 VLSI 설계)

  • Seo, Young-Ho;Kim, Dong-Wook
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.29 no.1C
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    • pp.102-110
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    • 2004
  • In this paper, we propose a VLSI structure of real-time image compression and reconstruction processor using 2-D discrete wavelet transform and implement into a hardware which use minimal hardware resource using ASIC library. In the implemented hardware, Data path part consists of the DWT kernel for the wavelet transform and inverse transform, quantizer/dequantizer, the huffman encoder/huffman decoder, the adder/buffer for the inverse wavelet transform, and the interface modules for input/output. Control part consists of the programming register, the controller which decodes the instructions and generates the control signals, and the status register for indicating the internal state into the external of circuit. According to the programming condition, the designed circuit has the various selective output formats which are wavelet coefficient, quantization coefficient or index, and Huffman code in image compression mode, and Huffman decoding result, reconstructed quantization coefficient, and reconstructed wavelet coefficient in image reconstructed mode. The programming register has 16 stages and one instruction can be used for a horizontal(or vertical) filtering in a level. Since each register automatically operated in the right order, 4-level discrete wavelet transform can be executed by a programming. We synthesized the designed circuit with synthesis library of Hynix 0.35um CMOS fabrication using the synthesis tool, Synopsys and extracted the gate-level netlist. From the netlist, timing information was extracted using Vela tool. We executed the timing simulation with the extracted netlist and timing information using NC-Verilog tool. Also PNR and layout process was executed using Apollo tool. The Implemented hardware has about 50,000 gate sizes and stably operates in 80MHz clock frequency.

A Correlation Analysis among Regional Industrial Diversification, Job Creation and Regional Competitiveness (산업구조 다양성과 고용창출 및 지역경쟁력간 관계 분석)

  • Kim, Dae-Jung;Kyung, Jong-Soo;Jung, Sung-Hoon
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.786-800
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    • 2014
  • The aim of this article is to analyze the relationship between the change of the diversity of the industrial structure, and regional employmentability and the intensification of regional competitiveness, and consequently, is to present policy implications. As a result of the analysis of the whole industry such as the primary, secondary and tertiary industry in Chungnam Province, the existing strategic implementation on the employmentability and regional competitiveness throughout the policy on the existing specialized industries can be regarded as appropriate. However, under the condition that danger and stability in each industry are fluctuated and the internal and external circumstances are varied, the detailed analysis and rapid policy prescription on the primary and tertiary industry are required. Along with these results, policy implications are as follows; Firstly, in terms of effectiveness, regional policy are simultaneously conducted along with industrial, technological and regional development's policies while consider ing complex and comprehensive characteristics of the regional industry and rapid changing the global market conditions. Secondly, with respect to equity, regional policy is needed to implement by reducing the socio-economic gap across regions and mixing regional and sectoral policies along with regional and local uniqueness.

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Study on the stress distribution depending on the bone type and implant abutment connection by finite element analysis (지대주 연결 형태와 골질에 따른 저작압이 임프란트 주위골내 응력분포에 미치는 영향)

  • Park, Hyun-Soo;Lim, Sung-Bin;Chung, Chin-Hyung;Hong, Ki-Seok
    • Journal of Periodontal and Implant Science
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.531-554
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    • 2006
  • Oral implants must fulfill certain criteria arising from special demands of function, which include biocompatibility, adequate mechanical strength, optimum soft and hard tissue integration, and transmission of functional forces to bone within physiological limits. And one of the critical elements influencing the long-term uncompromise functioning of oral implants is load distribution at the implant- bone interface, Factors that affect the load transfer at the bone-implant interface include the type of loading, material properties of the implant and prosthesis, implant geometry, surface structure, quality and quantity of the surrounding bone, and nature of the bone-implant interface. To understand the biomechanical behavior of dental implants, validation of stress and strain measurements is required. The finite element analysis (FEA) has been applied to the dental implant field to predict stress distribution patterns in the implant-bone interface by comparison of various implant designs. This method offers the advantage of solving complex structural problems by dividing them into smaller and simpler interrelated sections by using mathematical techniques. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the stresses induced around the implants in bone using FEA, A 3D FEA computer software (SOLIDWORKS 2004, DASSO SYSTEM, France) was used for the analysis of clinical simulations. Two types (external and internal) of implants of 4.1 mm diameter, 12.0 mm length were buried in 4 types of bone modeled. Vertical and oblique forces of lOON were applied on the center of the abutment, and the values of von Mises equivalent stress at the implant-bone interface were computed. The results showed that von Mises stresses at the marginal. bone were higher under oblique load than under vertical load, and the stresses were higher at the lingual marginal bone than at the buccal marginal bone under oblique load. Under vertical and oblique load, the stress in type I, II, III bone was found to be the highest at the marginal bone and the lowest at the bone around apical portions of implant. Higher stresses occurred at the top of the crestal region and lower stresses occurred near the tip of the implant with greater thickness of the cortical shell while high stresses surrounded the fixture apex for type N. The stresses in the crestal region were higher in Model 2 than in Model 1, the stresses near the tip of the implant were higher in Model 1 than Model 2, and Model 2 showed more effective stress distribution than Model.

Structural Components Of The Digital Competence Of The Master Of Production Training Of The Agricultural Profile

  • Kovalchuk, Vasyl;Zaika, Artem;Hriadushcha, Vira;Kucherak, Iryna
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.7
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    • pp.259-267
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    • 2022
  • With the rapid development and introduction of digital technologies, both everyday human life and technological processes of any production are changing, which stimulates the transformation of the economy and education. Digital technologies are not only a tool, but also a living environment of modern human, which opens up new opportunities: learning at any convenient time, continuing education, the ability to form individual educational learning trajectories and more. However, the digital environment requires teachers to take a modern approach to the organization of the educational process, the formation of new skills and abilities to work in the digital educational environment. As a result of the study, it was found that the system of vocational education should provide training for masters of industrial training who have a high level of digital competence. The purpose of the article is to single out, theoretically substantiate and determine the level of formation of structural components of digital competence of future masters of agricultural training. The structure of digital competence of agricultural master was analyzed on the basis of domestic and foreign scientists researches. Systematized research results indicate that digital competence consists of four components: motivational-value (combination of internal and external motives for the use of digital technologies in future professional activities), cognitive (a set of theoretical knowledge, skills and abilities of future master of industrial training to effectively build educational process with the use of digital technologies), activity-professional (expansion and deepening of knowledge, skills, necessary skills for effective implementation of digital technologies in the educational process) and evaluative-reflexive (ability to analyze and self-analyze own activities and its results taking into account professional characteristics, self-realization in professional activities through the use of digital technologies). These components are comparable with the indicators that describe the knowledge, skills and abilities needed by the future master of industrial training to organize the modern educational process. A questionnaire was conducted to determine the levels of this competence formation, which allows us to conclude that it is necessary to increase the level of formation of all components of digital competence of future masters of industrial training in agriculture. The results of the study can be used as a basis for the development of disciplines that form the special competencies of masters of industrial training in agriculture and programs of advanced training of teachers.

Comparative Morphology and Morphometry of the Olfactory Organ of Carassius auratus and Carassius cuvieri (Cypriniformes, Cyprinidae) (붕어 Carassius auratus와 떡붕어 Carassius cuvieri 후각기관의 형태 및 형태계측학적 비교 연구)

  • Hyun-Tae Kim;Jin-hui Lee
    • Korean Journal of Ichthyology
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.171-176
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    • 2023
  • The olfactory organ of Carassius auratus and C. cuvieri was compared morphologically and morphometrically using stereomicroscopy and statistical program (SPSS version 18.0). The external morphology of the olfactory organ consists of the open semicircular anterior and posterior nostril, and nasal flap. The internal structure showed the oval rosette consisting of several lamellae arranged radiately. In statistical analysis of standard length (SL), olfactory lamellar number (LN), and SL/LN ratio between two species using independent two sample t-test and Pearson's correlation and coefficient, C. cuvieri is the longer SL than that of C. auratus and C. auratus LN (14~20) is lager than that of C. cuvieri (14~16) (P<0.001) and C. auratus LN/SL ratio (12.7±0.7%) is larger than that of C. cuvieri (8.2±0.6%). These results suggest that i) open semicircular nostrils is functional morphology to offset the boundary layer and ii) the lager LN of smaller C. auratus may be a morphological adaptation to reflect its higher olfactory dependence than C. cuvieri and iii) such interspecific difference in LN and LN/SL ratio could be applied as a new taxonomic trait for identification.

A study of relevant model of information management system based on business process for embodying BPM on construction company (건설기업 BPM 구현을 위한 업무 프로세스 기반의 업무지원 시스템 연계모델에 관한 연구 -공정관리 업무 프로세스를 중심으로-)

  • Lee, Jung-Woo;Song, Young-Woong;Choi, Yoon-Ki
    • Korean Journal of Construction Engineering and Management
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.13-27
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    • 2009
  • Construction companies are trying to apply process management to their business to improve efficiency in business circumstance of high competition and globalization. Since 1990s, construction firms adopted process management to improve internal and external business structure based on process. It however has a few improvement functions. In addition, business support systems for business process efficiency improvement were developed, but separation between business process and IT system occurred because it focused on function-based individual construction and data input/output. To solve this problem, this study proposed business process and IT integration model for supporting user to use business information and system based on visualized business process and improving use of previous business support system. Business efficiency is expected to be improved with this model which based on integration required business condition(stakeholder, business data, functions of business supporting system). This study developved process model, architecture, and BPA of whole construction management business. According to BPA, it analyzed business process stakeholder, detail activities, and input-output data. And also it examined 12 main business supporting system of Korean construction firms. Based on analyzed data, this study developed business process supporting integration model based on business process through PDCA and CRUD analysis.