• 제목/요약/키워드: Internal Exposure

검색결과 638건 처리시간 0.027초

The Eosinophil Count Tends to Be Negatively Associated with Levels of Serum Glucose in Patients with Adrenal Cushing Syndrome

  • Lee, Younghak;Yi, Hyon-Seung;Kim, Hae Ri;Joung, Kyong Hye;Kang, Yea Eun;Lee, Ju Hee;Kim, Koon Soon;Kim, Hyun Jin;Ku, Bon Jeong;Shong, Minho
    • Endocrinology and Metabolism
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    • 제32권3호
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    • pp.353-359
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    • 2017
  • Background: Cushing syndrome is characterized by glucose intolerance, cardiovascular disease, and an enhanced systemic inflammatory response caused by chronic exposure to excess cortisol. Eosinopenia is frequently observed in patients with adrenal Cushing syndrome, but the relationship between the eosinophil count in peripheral blood and indicators of glucose level in patients with adrenal Cushing syndrome has not been determined. Methods: A retrospective study was undertaken of the clinical and laboratory findings of 40 patients diagnosed with adrenal Cushing syndrome at Chungnam National University Hospital from January 2006 to December 2016. Clinical characteristics, complete blood cell counts with white blood cell differential, measures of their endocrine function, description of imaging studies, and pathologic findings were obtained from their medical records. Results: Eosinophil composition and count were restored by surgical treatment of all of the patients with adrenal Cushing disease. The eosinophil count was inversely correlated with serum and urine cortisol, glycated hemoglobin, and inflammatory markers in the patients with adrenal Cushing syndrome. Conclusion: Smaller eosinophil populations in patients with adrenal Cushing syndrome tend to be correlated with higher levels of blood sugar and glycated hemoglobin. This study suggests that peripheral blood eosinophil composition or count may be associated with serum glucose levels in patients with adrenal Cushing syndrome.

표준한국인(標準韓國人)의 최대허용(最大許容) 피폭선량(被曝線量) 설정(設定)에 관한 연구(硏究) - 체위(體位) 및 내(內).외부(外部) 피폭선량(被曝線量) 추정(推定) - (Studies on the Reference Korean and Estimation of Radiation Exposure Dose - PHYSICAL STANDARD AND ESTIMATION OF INTER-EXTERNAL RADIATION EXPOSURE DOSE -)

  • Kim, Yung-J.;Lee, Kang-S.;Chun, Ki-J.;Kim, Jong-B.;Chung, Gook-H.;Kim, Sam-R.
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 1982
  • 표준한국인(標準韓國人)의 체위(體位)와 내(內).외부(外部) 피폭선량(被曝線量)을 추정(推定)하기 위하여 한국인(韓國人)의 신장(身長), 체중(體重), 체표면적(體表面積)을 포함(包含)한 체위(體位)와 음식물섭취량(飮食物攝取量) 방사능물질섭취량(放射能物質攝取量) 그리고 환경방사능(環境放射能)에 의한 피폭선량(被曝線量)을 조사분석(調査分析)하여 다음과 같은 결론(結論)을 얻었다. 1) 표준한국인(標準韓國人)의 년령군(年齡群)은 남녀(男女) 모두 $20{\sim}30$세(歲)이며 남자(男子)에 있어서의 신장(身長)은 167cm, 체중(體重)은 61kg, 체표면적(體表面積)은 $1.67m^2$다. 그리고 여자(女子)에 있어서의 신장(身長)은 155cm, 체중(體重)은 51kg, 체표면적(體表面積)은 $1.51m^2$이다. 2) 한국인(韓國人) 성인(成人)은 1인(人) 1일(日) 812.8g(식물성((植物性) 669.6g, 동물성(動物性) 143.2g)의 음식물(飮食物)을 섭취(攝取)한다. 3) 한국인(韓國人) 성인(成人)은 음식물(飮食物)을 통(通)하여 1인(人) 1일(日) 약(約) 1,200pCi(${\beta}$-선(線))의 방사능물질(放射能物質)을 섭취(攝取)한다. 4) 한국인(韓國人) 성인(成人)은 년간(年間) 127mrem의 외부피폭(外部被曝)과, 8mrem의 내부피폭(內部被曝)으로 약(約) 135mrem의 환경방방선(環境放放線)에 피폭(被曝)되는 것으로 추산(推算)되나 이 선량치(線量値)는 앞으로 더 많은 자료(資料)가 보완(補完)됨에 따라 수정(修正)된다고 본다.

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PFOS (perfluorooctane sulfonate) 노출에 따른 조간대 칠게(Macrophthalmus japonicus)의 생태독성학적 판정점 제시 (Ecotoxicological End-points on Intertidal Mud Crab, Macrophthalmus japonicus, following PFOS (Perfluorooctane Sulfonate) Exposure)

  • 김원석;박기연;차밀라니;곽인실
    • 환경생물
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    • 제32권4호
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    • pp.311-318
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    • 2014
  • PFOS (Perfluorooctane sulfonate) 노출에 따른 Macrophthalmus japonicus의 생태독성학적 판정점을 탐색하고자 생존율, 부속지 탈락 수, 갑각 및 내장 색의 변화를 관찰하였다. 그 결과, PFOS 노출에 따른 생존율의 감소는 농도 의존적 패턴을 보여 상대적 고농도인 PFOS $30{\mu}gL^{-1}$에서 168시간 노출시 24%의 가장 낮은 생존율을 나타내었다. 부속지 탈락은 대조군에 비해 PFOS 노출군에서 탈락빈도가 증가하였다. 또한 대조군에서는 갑각색의 변화가 관찰되지 않았으나, PFOS 노출군에서는 백화현상이 농도의존적 패턴으로 관찰되었다. 내부 장기의 색 선명도도 PFOS 노출군에서 대조군에 비해 변화가 나타났다. 이러한 결과는 해양 저서환경의 모니터링을 위한 생물적 주요한 정보를 제공해 줄 것이다.

육일순기탕(六一順氣湯) 추출물(抽出物)이 생쥐의 전뇌허혈(全腦虛血)에 미치는 영향(影響) (The Effect of Yukilsunki-tang extracts on Global Cerebral Ischemia in mice)

  • 정승현;신길조;이원철
    • 동국한의학연구소논문집
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    • 제7권2호
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    • pp.149-154
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    • 1999
  • 생쥐의 전뇌허혈(全腦虛血) 모델에서 potassium cyanide 유발(誘發) 혼수시간(昏睡時間) 및 생존시간(生存時間), 감압성(減壓性) 무효소(無酵素) 부하시(負荷時) 생존시간(生存時間)을 측정(測定)하여 전뇌처혈시(全腦處血時) 뇌순환대사(腦循環代謝) 개선(改善) 효과(效果)를 관찰(觀察)하였다. KCN 유발(誘發) 혼수시간(昏睡時間)의 단축(短縮), 치사양(致死量)의 KCN에 대한 생존시간(生存時間)의 연장(延長), 감압(減壓)에 의한 무산소(無酸素) 부하시(負荷時) 생존시간(生存時間)의 연장(延長) 효과(效果)가 나타났다.

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안면마비 환자 802례의 임상적 특성: 족양명위경(足陽明胃經) 관련 문헌에 근거한 고찰 (Clinical Characteristics of 802 Patients with Facial Palsy: Based on Literature Related to Stomach Meridian)

  • 진동은;장수영;신현철
    • 대한한의학회지
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    • 제44권3호
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2023
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to suggest the clinical characteristics and risk factors of facial palsy from the perspective of Korean Medicine. Methods: Medical records of 856 patients, who visited the Korean Medicine hospital with facial palsy from 2004 to 2019, were retrospectively analyzed. The clinical characteristics of facial palsy were suggested by figuring out the distribution of age, sex, occupation, onset season, obesity, modes, signs, symptoms, past and family history. Results: By gender, there were more males (54.6%), and the most common age groups were in their 50s (27.4%) and 40s (23.6%). As for the occupation, unemployed (27.7%) and service and sales workers (14.6%) were the most common, and the onset season was the most common in winter (28.9%). The most common clinical characteristics were overwork (33.0%), mental stress (24.8%), and exposure to cold (19.3%) in modes, 'none' (64.3%), postauricular pain (33.2%) in signs, postauricular pain (26.9%), parageusia (14.8%) in symptoms. Hypertension and diabetes were the most common in both past and family history. In particular, the obesity rate of the subjects (59.8%) was much higher than that of Koreans (32.8%). Conclusions: Based on the historical Korean Medicine literature and the results of this study, it is suggested that overwork, stress, exposure to cold, and obesity are identified as risk factors for facial palsy. Furthermore, dysfunction of the stomach meridian is thought to contribute to the cause of facial palsy.

방사능 폭발물의 X-ray 영상판독에 관한 연구 (A Study on the X-ray Image Reading of Radiological Dispersal Device)

  • 정근우;박경진
    • 한국산업융합학회 논문집
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    • 제27권2_2호
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    • pp.437-443
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    • 2024
  • The purpose of radiological Dispersal Device(RDD) is to kill people by explosives and to cause radiation exposure by dispersing radioactive materials. And It is a form of explosive that combines radioactive materials such as Co-60 and Ir-192 with improvised explosives. In this study, we tested and evaluated whether it was possible to read the internal structure of an explosive using X-rays in a radioactive explosive situation. The improvised explosive device was manufactured using 2 lb of model TNT explosives, one practice detonator, one 9V battery, and a timer switch in a leather briefcase measuring 41×35×10 cm3. The radioactive material used was the Co-60 source used in the low-level gamma ray irradiation device operated at the Advanced Radiation Research Institute of the Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute. The radiation dose used was gamma ray energy of 1.17 MeV and 1.33 MeV from a Co-60 source of 2208 Ci. The dose rates are divided into 0.5, 1, 2, and 4 Gy/h, and the exposure time was divided into 1, 3, 5, and 10 minutes. Co-60 source was mixed with the manufactured explosive and X-ray image reading was performed. As a result of the experiment, the X-ray image appeared black in all conditions divided by dose rate and time, and it was impossible to confirm the internal structure of the explosive. This is because γ-rays emitted from radioactive explosives have higher energy and stronger penetrating power than X-rays, so it is believed that imaging using X-rays is limited By blackening the film. The results of this study are expected to be used as basic data for research and development of X-ray imaging that can read the internal structure of explosives in radioactive explosive situations.

일개 대학병원에서 경험한 5년간의 약물이상반응 (Adverse drug reactions reported over 5 years in a regional university hospital)

  • 이재천;조대홍;김철우
    • Journal of Medicine and Life Science
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    • 제21권3호
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    • pp.83-91
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    • 2024
  • Adverse drug reactions (ADRs) are closely associated with increased morbidity and mortality rates, prolonged hospitalization durations, and higher healthcare costs. This study aimed to estimate the incidence, clinical features, and reporting status of ADRs to improve the current ADR reporting system and prevent recurrent ADRs in hospitals. This retrospective study was conducted at a regional referral hospital. Patients diagnosed with ADRs over a 5-year period (2009-2014) were recruited for this study. An ADR was identified as an ADR-related diagnosis in a patient's medical record or an ADR registered through the in-hospital ADR reporting system. The incidence, culprit drug, clinical manifestations, reporting source, severity, related management, and recurrence rate were assessed. Among 1,112 patients, 1,375 ADR events were collected, an estimated 0.06% of the total number of patient visits. Diagnostic contrast agents (46.4%) were the most common culprit drugs, followed by antibiotics (22.0%), nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (9.9%), and opioids (4.5%). Skin reactions (67.5%) such as rashes and hives were the most frequent manifestations. Additional ADR-related medical attention was necessary in two thirds of cases. One hundred eighty ADR events (13.1%) were categorized as severe, and 19 patients (1.4%) experienced re-exposure to the culprit drugs. Four patients (0.3%) experienced fatal ADRs. Physicians were the most frequent ADR reporters in the in-hospital ADR reporting system. In conclusion, many ADR events may be overlooked, and re-exposure to causative drugs commonly occurs. Continuous education and maintenance of a reporting system may be important for preventing recurrent ADRs.

기관(Trachea) 폐쇄를 일으킨 종물 (Mass Nearly obstructing the Trachea)

  • 이숙영;최영미;김치홍;권순석;김영균;김관형;문화식;송정섭;박성학
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • 제41권2호
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    • pp.171-175
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    • 1994
  • Tumor of the trachea are uncommon. Trachea tumor are usually diagnosed late in their natural history, because the tracheal lumen may be extensively involved before symptoms occur, and because symptoms may be confused with those of asthma. Some 19% to 29% of the trachea tumor have laryngeal or lung malignancy. Squamous carcinoma is by far the most frequent among tracheal tumor, although adenocarcinoma and oat cell carcinoma have been described so. Oat cell carcinoma in the trachea are aggressive tumors as they are in the lung and elsewhere. Oat cell carcinoma as well as squamous cell carcinoma are related with tobacco exposure. We presented a case of small cell carcinoma nearly obstructing the trachea and right main bronchus which was partially removed after bronchoscopic ethanol injection, along with a review of the literature.

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Gemcitabine 투여 후 발생한 방사선 회귀 피부, 근육염 (Gemcitabine-Induced Radiation Recall Dermato-Myositis)

  • 노희선;임희환;김정훈;조장현;허정권;조성인;유지영;김철현;이재철
    • Tuberculosis and Respiratory Diseases
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    • 제61권2호
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    • pp.167-170
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    • 2006
  • 대퇴골 전이를 동반한 비소세포폐암 환자에서 전이 부위에 대한 방사선 치료 후 시행한 항암화학요법 도중, gemcitabine으로 인한 방사선 회귀 피부, 근육염이 발생하였다. 대퇴부의 부종, 발적과 통증 등은 스테로이드 사용 후 모두 사라졌으며, gemcitabine 투여를 중지한 이후 현재까지 재발이 없었다.

방사성옥소 투여에 따른 말초혈액 림프구 수의 변화 및 염색체이상 빈도의 관찰 (Observation on The Frequency of Chromosomal Aberration and Changes in Number of Peripheral Lymphocytes in Radioactive Iodine Treatment)

  • 구천희;신민호;박영주;이정임;박태용;이재용;김종순;한승수;김광회;김희근;강덕원;송명재
    • 대한핵의학회지
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    • 제29권3호
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    • pp.343-349
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    • 1995
  • 배경 : 방사선 외부 피폭에 대한 생물학적 선량측정방법에는 혈액학적 지표인 림프구 변화와 세포유전학적 지표인 염색체 분석을 통한 Ydr값이 가장 많이 사용되고 있다. 방사성 옥소 투여시와 같은 방사선 내부 피폭에 대해서는 생물학적 선량측정 방법에 대한 연구가 미흡하여 피폭정도는 물론 방사성 옥소 투여용량을 반영할 수 있는지의 여부도 알려져 있지 못하다. 목적 : 갑상선 질환자에게 방사성 옥소 투여후 림프구 변화와 Ydr값을 추적관찰하여 이들을 방사선 내부 피폭에 대한 지표로 이용할 수 있는지 알아보고자 하였다. 방법 : 갑상선 기능항진증 5명과 갑상선암 수술을 받은 35명의 환자를 대상으로 방사성 옥소 투여후 말초혈액 림프구 수를 2개원이상 추적검사 하였고, 림프구의 염색체 분석을 통해 Ydr값을 구했다. 결과: 1) 림프구 수는 방사성 옥소 투여 2주후 부터 감소되기 시작하여 6주와 8주후에 최대로 감소된후 점차 회복되었다. 2) 방사성 옥소량이 증가할 수록 림프구 수는 감소했다 (P<0.01) 3) Ydr값은 2주-8주 사이에는 대체로 일정하였다. 4) 방사성옥소 투여량에 따른 최대 Ydr값의 변화는 유의한 상관관계를 보였다 (p<0.00) 5) 2주째 Ydr값은 방사성옥소 투여량이 증가할 수록 증가하였다 (p<0.00) 6) 2주째 Ydr값은 2주째 림프구 수의 감소정도와 비례관계를 보였다 (p<0.00) 결론: 1) 방사성 옥소의 통상적 치료용량은 일시적 골수부전과 경도의 염색체이상을 초래하므로 8주 이상의 면밀한 추적관찰이 요구된다. 2) 생물학적 선량측정 방법으로서의 최대 림프구 감소치와 2주째 Ydr값과 최대 Ydr값은 방사성옥소 투여용량을 반영하는 지표로 사용할 수 있다.

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