• Title/Summary/Keyword: Intermediate Support

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Free Vibration Analysis of Circular Cylindrical Shell Structures with Elastic Supports by the Transfer Influence Coefficient Method (전달영향계수법에 의한 탄성지지를 갖는 원통형 셀구조물의 자유진동해석)

  • 문덕홍;여동준
    • Journal of KSNVE
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.469-478
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    • 1994
  • This paper desfcribes the formulation for the analysis of the free vibration of a circular cylindrical shell with elastic supports by the transfer influence coefficient method. This method was developed on the base of the concept of the successive transmission of dynamic influence coefficients. The analysis algorithm for circular cylindrical shell elastically restrained by springs, which plays an important role in many industrial fields, is discussed. The supporting springs have the axial, circumferential, radial and rotational spring constants uniformly distributed along the circumference of the shell. The simple computational results on a personal computer demonstrate the validity of the present method, that is, the numerical high accuracy, the high speed analysis method and the flexibility for programming, compared with results of the transfer matrixmethod and reference. We also confirmed that the present algorithm could obtain the solutions of high accuracy for system with a number of intermediate rigid supports. And we could easily treat the intermediate support and all boundary conditions by adequately varying the values of spring constants.

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Loosely supported multi-span tube damping according to the support clearance (지지점 간극을 갖는 다점지지 관의 지지점 간극 크기에 따른 감쇠특성 비교)

  • Lee, Kanghee;Kang, Heungseok;Shin, Changhwan;Kim, Jaeyong;Lee, Chiyoung;Park, Taejung
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering Conference
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    • 2014.10a
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    • pp.402-403
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    • 2014
  • Damping of multi-span tube with loose supports according to the finite support clearances is investigated through the experimental modal analysis. Loose intermediate support leads to strong nonlinearity in tube dynamics, provides statistical nature, and increases tube damping through impacting and friction at the supports. Fraction of critical damping was estimated by the modal curve fitting to parameter estimation from the measured frequency response functions. Magnitude of random excitation force, which can reproduce the in-situ excitation in operating environment, was maintained as constant value with a fine tolerance during vibration testing. Range of input force was carefully selected to cover from the low magnitude excitation for linearly behaved tube motion to high magnitude of force for nonlinearly-behaved tube motion. Estimated critical damping ratio shows scatters in data and tends to increase as the magnitude of rising force and decrease with upward frequency variation. Larger size of support gap increases multi-span tube damping for high magnitude of excitation.

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The Change of the Internal World in Middle School Girls Having Emotional and Behavioral Difficulties by Exploring Their Sandplay (모래놀이를 통해 본 정서·행동에 어려움이 있는 여중생의 내면세계의 변화)

  • Jang, Mi Ja;Sim, Hee-og
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.95-116
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    • 2017
  • Objective: Middle school girls who belonged to the concerned group in their school assessment were treated by sandplay for relieving their emotional and behavioral difficulties. The purpose of this study was to explore the change of the internal world of the girls through sandplay. Methods: Analytical psychology and sandplay theories were used for this exploration, especially Turner's (2005) content themes in sandplay. The participants were four first-grade girls. Pre-test measures, a 12-session sandplay program, and post-test measures were administered. Results: For the first girl, the initial phase was 1-6 (time trip), the intermediate phase was 7-9 (seeking for an inner island), and the final phase was 10-12 (seeking for a real stone). For the second girl, the initial phase was 1-5 (my heart was like cold weather), the intermediate phase was 6-10 (fallen, sick, and risen), and the final phase was 11-12 (trophy given to me). For the third girl, the initial phase was 1-5 (seeking for oasis), the intermediate phase was 6-10 (difficult trip for climbing with camel), and the final phase was 11-12 (discovering oasis). For the fourth girl, the initial phase was 1-3 (an island drowning shortly ), the intermediate phase was 4-10 (my unknowable mind), and the final phase was 11-12 (a tree growing well). Conclusion: This study showed psychological phenomena in the sandplay of four girls such as opposites and the union of masculinity and femininity as they explored their own identity. Drawing tests and counselling objects indicated positive changes; thus, these findings support the effectiveness of sandplay therapy for transforming the psyche of middle school girls.

A Study on the Support of Intermediate Node Mobility by Double Paths in CCN Real-Time Services (CCN 실시간 서비스 간 이중 경로에 의한 중간노드 이동성 지원에 관한 연구)

  • Keum, Suk-Ju;Kwon, Tae-Wook
    • The Journal of the Korea institute of electronic communication sciences
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.825-834
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    • 2021
  • With the development of various devices and Internet platforms, production and demand for content are increasing rapidly. However, effective response to exponentially increasing data usage is difficult in current TCP/IP schemes. As a result, with the emergence of an alternative called CCN, data can be transmitted and received from the host-centered to the content-oriented, and large-capacity content can be handled with more mitigated network resources. In this paper, we will address intermediate node mobility, which is one of the areas studied in CCN. In CCN, real-time services are a very important factor for information providers as well as requestors. However, when a node departure situation occurs, packet transmission and transmission speed decreases. Therefore, to ensure these numbers, even if the intermediate node deviates using a dual path, it provides a complete QoS (Quality of Service) using an alternative path.

Effect of Dance Instructors' Education Support on Instructor' Trust and Dance Attachment (무용지도자의 교육지원이 지도자신뢰 및 무용애착도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Jeong-Ryeon;Kim, Myong-Ju;Yoon, Min-Suk
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.12 no.11
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    • pp.145-154
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    • 2012
  • The major purpose of this study is to examine how the support for dance education of dance majors affects the instructor' trust and dance attachment. This research was executed as the subjects who are currently the student of dance majors of a college in Seoul, Kyonggi, Daejeon and Chungchungnam-do, one college were selected from each district. And by using purposive sampling method, total of 262 peoples that were used in final analysis was extracted. In this study, adequacy and reliability of the questionnaire were verified by factor analysis, reliability analysis, regression analysis and course analysis by using SPSS18.0. The conclusion is as follows. First, instructor's support for dance education influences on instructor' trust. Secondly, support for dance education partly influences on dance attachment. Thirdly, instructor' trust influences on dance attachment. Lastly, support for dance education influences dance attachment throughout instructor' trust. Especially, support for dance education' influence for dance attachment throughout instructor' trust is more influential than support for dance education' influence for dance attachment directly. Now it is obvious that instructor' trust is the important variable that intermediate support for dance education and dance attachment.

A Study on Building Web Services for Implementing Real Time Enterprise

  • Lee, Jung-Min
    • 한국경영정보학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2007.11a
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    • pp.377-382
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    • 2007
  • To transform the enterprise system into the 'Real Time Enterprise' with respect to IT, I suggest the conceptual application model which is composed of pieces(components) extracted from different packaged applications working in a heterogeneous environment based on the 'business activity' in other words, business services provided by internal (inter-enterprise) and external (extended enterprise) application to support a business activity within in an enterprise and the design mechanism focusing service tier which acts as intermediate tier within application architecture.

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A Study on Theoretical Analysis for Reinforced Concrete Transfer Girder of Hybrid Structures (복합구조의 철근콘크리트 전이보에 대한 이론적 해석 연구)

  • 권기혁;이춘호;김민수;이한선;고동우
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2000.10a
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    • pp.623-628
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    • 2000
  • In this paper, the behavior for transfer girder of the upper-wall and lower-frame structures was studied by the nonlinear finite element analysis. It was analyzed and compared with the experimental results. Analysis results showed that failure modes were progressed by a initial diagonal crack in the shear span between the edges of the load and intermediate support plate. The nonlinear finite element analysis could predict deformation, principal stress, ultimate load and concrete crack. Also analysis results showed good agreement the test results.

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Eigenvalue Analysis of Double-span Timoshenko Beams by Pseudo spectral Method

  • Lee, Jin-Hee
    • Journal of Mechanical Science and Technology
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    • v.19 no.9
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    • pp.1753-1760
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    • 2005
  • The pseudo spectral method is applied to the free vibration analysis of double-span Timoshenko beams. The analysis is based on the Chebyshev polynomials. Each section of the double-span beam has its own basis functions, and the continuity conditions at the intermediate support as well as the boundary conditions are treated separately as the constraints of the basis functions. Natural frequencies are provided for different thickness-to-length ratios and for different span ratios, which agree with those of Euler-Bernoulli beams when the thickness-to-length ratio is small but deviate considerably as the thickness-to-length ratio grows larger.

A Study on the Types of Social Networks of Housewives in Urban Nuclear Families (가족의 사회관계망 유형화 연구 - 도시 핵가족 주부를 중심으로 -)

  • 원효종;옥선화
    • Journal of Families and Better Life
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.149-164
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to identify the types of social networks of urban housewives according to different network composition patterns and to analyze the structural and functional characteristics of identified types. The data used in this study were collected from 589 full-time housewives residing in Taejeon city. The major findings are as follows: 1) The social networks of housewives in urban nuclear families were classified into eight types: the kin network, the non-kin network, the kin-centered network, the friend-centered network, the neighbor-centered network, the associate-centered network, the parallel network, and the decentralized network. 2) The structual characteristics (size, density, homogeneity, duration, proximity, frequency, closeness, direction) varied according to the type. The kin network type and the non-kin network type showed extreme degrees in network characteristics. The parallel network type and the decentralized network type showed an average level of network characteristics. The kin-, friend-, neighbor-, and the associate-centered types showed network characteristics of an intermediate level between the single-category types and the decentralized type. 3) The average levels of function of social network types were different in only two(service support, interference) of the six function areas(emotional support, service support, material support, information support, social companionship support, interference). The average level of service support by the non-kin network type was higher than other types. The average level of interference by the kin-centered network type was higher than other types, and that of the neighbor-centered network type was lower than other types. On the other hand, the total amount of function performance of social network types was different in all function areas. The total amount of social support given by the decentralized network type was greater than the other types. The total amount of interference given by the non-kin network type was smaller than the other types.

A Case Study for the Support Pattern Appropriateness in Rock Tunneling Designs (지하철 설계시의 지보형식 적정성에 관한 연구)

  • 김수정;장태우
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.167-179
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    • 1995
  • The only three elements such as RQD, N -value and Es were used as a quantitative standard for the design of supporr pattern determidetion on subway line 8th in Seoul. Because the support pattern that was obtained by these elements could not he determined on the basis of the quantitative of geology and the orientations and properties of discontinuity planes, there have been some problems in determining the economic support pattern and tunnel stability. Therefore, in an attempt to determine the stable and economic support pattern with more quantitative elements, more flerrible rock mass classification with geologic conditions was performed by using RMR at 1745 sections and Q-system at 374 sections within Seongnam block on subway line 8th. Then, rusults by these two methods were compared with standard support pattern of the subway line 8th. Moreover, relationships between geology, geologic structures and topography to rock mass grades were studied. According to the rusult of this study, it is judged that the standard support pattern designed with PD-4 or PS - 4 should have been subdivided into 4~6 support patterns. Some sections where geologic structures such as faults and joints are developed tend to have rock mass grades. And they also have low rock mass grades near valley. On thr other hand, they show intermediate grades at piedmont area and the greatest ones at high mountains.

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