• Title/Summary/Keyword: Interfacial Shear Strength

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Research of Diffusion Bonding of Tungsten/Copper and Their Properties under High Heat Flux

  • Li, Jun;Yang, Jianfeng
    • Proceedings of the Materials Research Society of Korea Conference
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    • 2011.05a
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    • pp.14-14
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    • 2011
  • W (tungsten)-alloys will be the most promising plasma facing armor materials in highly loaded plasma interactive components of the next step fusion reactors due to its high melting point, high sputtering resistance and low deuterium/tritium retention. The bonding technology of tungsten to Cu alloy was one of the key issues. In this paper, W/CuCrZr diffusion bonding has been performed successfully by inserting pure metal interlay. The joint microstructure, interfacial elements migration and phase composition were analyzed by SEM, EDS, XRD, and the joint shear strength and micro-hardness were investigated. The mock-ups were fabricated successfully with diffusion bonding and the cladding technology respectively, and the high heat flux test and thermal fatigue test were carried out under actively cooling condition. When Ni foil was used for the bonding of tungsten to CuCrZr, two reaction layers, Ni4W and Ni(W) layer, appeared between the tungsten and Ni interlayer with the optimized condition. Even though Ni4W is hard and brittle, and the strength of the joint was oppositely increased (217 MPa) due primarily to extremely small thicknesses (2~3 ${\mu}m$). When Ti foil was selected as the interlayer, the Ti foil diffused quickly with Cu and was transformed into liquid phase at $1,000^{\circ}C$. Almost all of the liquid was extruded out of the interface zone under bonding pressure, and an extremely thin residual layer (1~2 ${\mu}m$) of the liquid phase was retained between the tungsten and CuCrZr, which shear strength exceeded 160 MPa. When Ni/Ti/Ni multiple interlayers were used for bonding of tungsten to CuCrZr, a large number of intermetallic compound ($Ni_4W/NiTi_2/NiTi/Ni_3T$) were formed for the interdiffusion among W, Ni and Ti. Therefore, the shear strength of the joint was low and just about 85 MPa. The residual stresses in the clad samples with flat, arc, rectangle and trapezoid interface were estimated by Finite Element Analysis. The simulation results show that the flat clad sample was subjected maximum residual stress at the edge of the interface, which could be cracked at the edge and propagated along the interface. As for the rectangle and trapezoid interface, the residual stresses of the interface were lower than that of the flat interface, and the interface of the arc clad sample have lowest residual stress and all of the residual stress with arc interface were divided into different grooved zones, so the probabilities of cracking and propagation were lower than other interfaces. The residual stresses of the mock-ups under high heat flux of 10 $MW/m^2$ were estimated by Finite Element Analysis. The tungsten of the flat interfaces was subjected to tensile stresses (positive $S_x$), and the CuCrZr was subjected to compressive stresses (negative $S_x$). If the interface have a little microcrack, the tungsten of joint was more liable to propagate than the CuCrZr due to the brittle of the tungsten. However, when the flat interface was substituted by arc interfaces, the periodical residual stresses in the joining region were either released or formed a stress field prohibiting the growth or nucleation of the interfacial cracks. Thermal fatigue tests were performed on the mock-ups of flat and arc interface under the heat flux of 10 $MW/m^2$ with the cooling water velocity of 10 m/s. After thermal cycle experiments, a large number of microcracks appeared at the tungsten substrate due to large radial tensile stress on the flat mock-up. The defects would largely affect the heat transfer capability and the structure reliability of the mock-up. As for the arc mock-up, even though some microcracks were found at the interface of the regions, all microcracks with arc interface were divided into different arc-grooved zones, so the propagation of microcracks is difficult.

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Comparison of Mechanical and Interfacial Properties on Chemical Structures of Acrylic and Epoxy Adhesives (아크릴 및 에폭시 접착제의 화학적 구조에 따른 유리섬유 복합재료의 기계적 및 계면 물성 변화 평가)

  • Shin, Pyeong-Su;Kim, Jong-Hyun;Choi, Jin-Yeong;Kwon, Dong-Jun;Lee, Sang-Il;Park, Joung-Man
    • Composites Research
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.79-84
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    • 2016
  • An adhesive can be used to connect two different materials in structures. In comparing with other connecting methods, such as bolt, rivet, and hot melting, the adhesive does not need to use them. It leads to reduce the weight and decrease the stress concentration along the connecting line. This work studied the comparison of mechanical and interfacial properties of commonly-used two adhesives, acrylic type and bisphenol-A epoxy type. Tensile and flexural strength of neat adhesives were also compared. Lap shear test of two adhesives was deduced from the measurement of tensile and fatigue tests. After testing, the failure patterns of adhesive surfaces were observed by a microscope. Tensile strength and mechanical fatigue resistance at using bisphenol-A epoxy adhesive were better than acrylic adhesive. Also adding CNT reinforcement in epoxy adhesive can anticipate mechanical improvement.

Bond Performance of Magnesium Potassium Phosphate Cement Mortar according to Moisture Condition of Substrate (바탕면 함수조건에 따른 마그네시아 인산칼륨 시멘트 모르타르의 부착성능)

  • Kang, Suk-Pyo;Kim, Jae-Hwan
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.21 no.1
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    • pp.15-22
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    • 2017
  • This study focuses on the investigation of bond strength of magnesium potassium phosphate cement mortar(MKPC) according to moisture condition of substrate. Tensile bond test, shear bond test and interfacial bond test are adopted for evaluating the adhesion characteristics of MKPC to conventional cement mortar substrate. The main experimental variables are test methods and moisture levels of substrate. Because the moisture condition of the substrate may be critical to achieving bond, optimum moisture condition for a conventional concrete substrate has evaluated in this study. The results are as follows ; The effects of moisture condition at substrate into the bonding of MKPC are less different than polymer cement mortar and epoxy mortar. But the saturated and surface dry condition is the most appropriate moisture level among the considered, followed by saturated condition and wet condition. Thus, an adequate moisture level of substrate for MKPC is essential for good bond strength.

A Study on the Fabrication and Mechanical Properties Evaluation of Natural Fiber Composites added Eco-friendly Materials (친환경 소재를 첨가한 천연섬유 복합재의 제조 및 기계적 물성 평가 연구)

  • Kim, Jae-Cheol;Lee, Dong-Woo;Prabhakar, M.N.;Song, Jung-Il
    • Composites Research
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.213-219
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    • 2020
  • Recently, global facing environmental issues have been raised caused by plastic waste. Hence, increasing the demand for interest in environmentally friendly materials. In this row, research on engineering composite materials also replacing the synthetic reinforcement by introducing natural fibers. However, focus on the strength and interfacial adhesion between matrix and reinforcement is very essential in natural fiber composite, which is insufficient in the literature. There are number of approaches for improving the mechanical strength of the composites, one of the common methods is to reinforce additive nanoparticles. The present investigation, bio-additives were synthesized utilizing bio-waste, cheap, bio-degradable sea-weed powder that could replace expensive nanomaterials and reinforced into the CFRP composite through Hand lay-up followed by a vacuum process. Mechanical properties were evaluated and analyzed through microanalysis. The results concluded that synthesized additives are effective for improving mechanical properties such as tensile, flexural, impact, and shear strength. Overall, the results confirmed that the fabricated composites have potential applications in the field of engineering applications.

Anisotropic Mechanical Properties of Tantalum-Continuous-Fiber-Reinforced Zr-based Amorphous Matrix Composites Fabricated by Liquid Pressing Process (액상가압공정으로 제조된 탄탈륨 연속섬유 강화 Zr계 비정질 복합재료의 기계적 성질의 이방성)

  • Lee, Kyuhong;Lee, Sang-Bok;Lee, Sang-Kwan;Lee, Sunghak
    • Korean Journal of Metals and Materials
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    • v.47 no.9
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    • pp.542-549
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    • 2009
  • Zr-based amorphous alloy matrix composites reinforced with tantalum continuous fibers were fabricated by the liquid pressing process, and their anisotropic mechanical properties were investigated by tensile and compressive tests of $0^{\circ}$(longitudinal)-, $45^{\circ}$-, and $90^{\circ}$(transverse)-orientation specimens. About 60 vol.% of tantalum fibers were homogeneously distributed inside the amorphous matrix, which contained a small amount of polygonal crystalline particles. The ductility of the tantalum-continuous-fiber-reinforced composite under tensile or compressive loading was dramatically improved over that of the monolithic amorphous alloy, while maintaining high strength. When the fiber direction was not matched with the loading direction, the reduction of the strength and ductility was not serious because of excellent fiber/matrix interfacial strength. Observation of the anisotropic deformation and fracture behavior showed the formation of multiple shear bands, the obstruction of crack propagation by fibers, and the deformation of fibers themselves, thereby resulting in tensile elongation of 3%~4% and compressive elongation of 15%~30%. These results suggest that the liquid pressing process was useful for the development of amorphous matrix composites with excellent ductility and anisotropic mechanical properties.

Effect of Cold Temperature Dry and Elevated Temperature Wet on Mechanical Properties of CFRP Composites (냉각($-55^{\circ}C$) 및 고온다습 조건($82.2^{\circ}C$)이 탄소섬유강화 복합재의 기계적 특성에 미치는 영향 연구)

  • Kim, Hyo-Jin;Lee, Sih-Joong;Han, Sang-Ho;Kim, Sang-Kuk;Park, Seong-Jun
    • Composites Research
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.60-65
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    • 2009
  • The mechanical behavior of carbon fiber reinforced polymeric (CFRP) composites was investigated. Both strength and modulus were measured at room temperature dry, cold temperature dry, $-55^{\circ}C$, and elevated temperature wet, $82.2^{\circ}C$ on seven different laminate configurations consisting of $[0_6]_T$, $[90_{12}]_T$, $[0_{16}]_T$ and $[90_{16}]_T$ unidirectional laminates, $[{\pm}45]_{5S}$ angle-ply laminate, $[0/90_{12}/0]_T$ cross-ply laminate, a 36-ply laminate $[0/45/-45/45/-45/0]_{3S}$. Based on the experimental data presented, it is shown that the strength at cold temperature dry, $-55^{\circ}C$ is increased with the brittleness of fiber or matrix. Moreover, it is shown that both shear strength and modulus at elevated temperature wet, $82.2^{\circ}C$ are decreased by the cause of interfacial deterioration between fiber and matrix with moisture absorption.


  • Tak, Heung-Soo;Park, Sang-Jin;Min, Byung-Soon;Choi, Ho-Young;Choi, Ki-Woon
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.197-212
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    • 1998
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of fluoride application on the aspect of shear bond strength of three aesthetic restorative materials to dentin. One light-cured composite resin(Palfique Esterite) and two light-cured glass ionomer cements(Fuji II LC and Compoglass)were used in this study. 120 permanent molars were used for this study. The teeth were extracted due to the origin of periodontal disease. The crowns of all teeth were removed, and the remaining roots were embedded in epoxy resin. The mesial or distal surfaces of roots were ground flat to expose dentin and polished on wet 320-, 400-, and 600 grit SIC papers for a total of 120 prepared flat root dentin surfaces. The prepared samples were divided into six groups. Group 1, 3, and 5 were control groups and group 2, 4, and 6 were experimental groups. Sixty samples for experimental groups were treated with 2% NaF solution for 5 minutes. Group 1 and 2 were bonded with Plafique Esterite, group 3 and 4 were bonded with Fuji II LC, and group 5 and 6 were bonded with Compoglass. After 24 hours water storage at $37{\pm}1^{\circ}C$, all samples were subjected to a shear to fracture with Instron universal testing machine(No.4467) at 1.0 mm/min displacement rate. Dentin surfaces treated with each conditioners before bonding and interfacial layers between dentin and aesthetic restorative materials were observed under Scanning Electron Microscope(Hitachi S-2300) at 20Kvp. The data were evaluated statistically at the 95% confidence level with ANOVA test. The result were as follows; 1. Among the control groups, group 1 showed strongest bond strength and group 3 showed weakest. 2. Among the experimental groups, group 2 showed strongest bond strength and group 6 showed weakest. 3. Statistical analysis of the data showed that pretreatment of dentin with 2% NaF solution significantly decreased the bond strength of three aesthetic restorative materials to dentin(P<0.05). 4. SEM findings of fluoride treated dentin surfaces (2, 4, 6 group) demonstrated dentin surfaces covered with fluoridated reaction products. 5. Except group 4 and 6, resin tags were formed in all groups.

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Nondestructive Evaluation and Microfailure Modes of Single Fibers/Cement Composites using Electro-Micromechanical Technique and Acoustic Emission (Electro-Micromechanical 시험법과 음향방출을 이용한 단섬유시멘트복합재료의 미세파괴구조와 비파괴적 평가)

  • Lee, Sang-Il;Kim, Jin-Won;Park, Joung-Man;Yoon, Dong-Jin
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society For Composite Materials Conference
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    • 2001.05a
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    • pp.258-262
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    • 2001
  • The contact resistivity was correlated with IFSS and microfailure modes in conductive fiber/cement composites electro-pullout and AE. As IFSS increased, the number of AE signals increased and the contact resistivity increased latter to the infinity. In dual matrix composite (DMC) test and AE, the number of signals with high amplitude and energy in g]ass fiber composite is significantly larger than that of no-fiber composite. Many vertical and diagonal cracks were observed in glass fiber and no-fiber composite under tensile test, respectively. Electro-micromechanical technique and AE can be used efficiently for sensitive nondestructive (NDT) evaluation and to detect microfailure mechanisms in various conductive fibers reinforced brittle and nontransparent cement composites.

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Intermediate crack-induced debonding analysis for RC beams strengthened with FRP plates

  • Wantanasiri, Peelak;Lenwari, Akhrawat
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.56 no.3
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    • pp.473-490
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    • 2015
  • This paper presents the analysis of intermediate crack-induced (IC) debonding failure loads for reinforced concrete (RC) beams strengthened with adhesively-bonded fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) plates or sheets. The analysis consists of the energy release and simple ACI methods. In the energy release method, a fracture criterion is employed to predict the debonding loads. The interfacial fracture energy that indicates the resistance to debonding is related to the bond-slip relationships obtained from the shear test of FRP-to-concrete bonded joints. The section analysis that considers the effect of concrete's tension stiffening is employed to develop the moment-curvature relationships of the FRP-strengthened sections. In the ACI method, the onset of debonding is assumed when the FRP strain reaches the debonding strain limit. The tension stiffening effect is neglected in developing a moment-curvature relationship. For a comparison purpose, both methods are used to numerically investigate the effects of relevant parameters on the IC debonding failure loads. The results show that the debonding failure load generally increases as the concrete compressive strength, FRP reinforcement ratio, FRP elastic modulus and steel reinforcement ratio increase.

Mechanical Properties of Three-dimensional Glass Fabric-reinforced Vinyl Ester Matrix Composites (삼차원 유리직물 강화 비닐에스테르 복합재의 기계적 특성)

  • Park, Won-Bae;Park, Soo-Jin;Lee, Jae-Rock
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.9 no.5
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    • pp.715-718
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    • 1998
  • In this work, bisphenol type vinyl ester was impregnated into the three-dimensional glass fabrics fabricated from different thickness changes. Their mechanical properties of the specimens have been investigated by three-point bending and flatwise compression tests. Also, interlaminar shear strength (ILSS) has been determined through short-beam test for the evaluation of interfacial adhesion at interfaces between fibers and matrix of the composites. The effect of thickness changes in three-dimensional glass fabric-reinforced composites have been described in this work.

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