• Title/Summary/Keyword: Interactive Content

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Implementation of an Interactive Advertising platform Using the Kinect (Kinect를 이용한 Interactive 광고 플랫폼 구현)

  • Kim, Kyung-hyun;Lee, Ki-young
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2013.05a
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    • pp.89-92
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    • 2013
  • South Korea's advertising market in 2012, growing at a standard 10 trillion, but most advertising is in the form of one-way communication by advertisers. In this paper, at the time they are attracting the interest of consumers, more recent placement by Facebook or Youtube propose an advertising platform using the Kinect motion-sensitive controller that can communicate with consumers. In the proposed platform, by the simple enjoyment of the game accept ads without resistance, and can deliver content more effectively than advertising indirectly passing. Had occurred in the existing Windows forms drawing problem was solved by using the XNA game engine using the Facebook API was designed so that it can be integrated with SNS.The scored elements to attract the interest of the users with the introduction of the ranking system and the user's face image to extract added to the story line, and increased immersive.

  • PDF

EPUB eBook Converting Schemes for Improving User Interactions (사용자의 인터렉션 향상을 위한 EPUB eBook 변환 기법)

  • Lee, Namhui;Kim, Jai-Hoon;Kim, Kangseok
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.117-124
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    • 2017
  • To access PDF documents on an electronic book, PDF documents need to be converted into EPUB which is a standard format of the electronic book. When converting a PDF document into EPUB format, we need to convert color representations from CMYK into RGB representation. It is possible to give a visual effect and a user interaction using a video and JavaScript supported by EPUB format. The schemes for converting from PDF to EPUB are studied in this paper. (1) The first study is to carry out not to lose the color conversion effect using an ICC profile. (2) The second one is a layout configuration in the conversion process. (3) The third one is to highlight a specific content such as quiz platform to provide interactive visual effect for electronic book readers. Finally, in this paper we will show the usability of EPUB based eBook converting scheme through user study.

Projection Facade and Game System for Multi-Audience Participation using Smart Devices (스마트 기기를 활용한 다중 관람자 참여형 프로젝션 파사드 및 게임 시스템)

  • Jang, Seungeun;Tang, Jiamei;Kim, Sangwook
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.7
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2013
  • As yet the use of 3D projection mapping facade has been limited to advertising and performance in the outside. And interactive elements are lacking. In this paper, propose a interaction system which control of projection mapping facade for multi-audience participation using smart devices. The system can be interaction for the multi-façade. And single or multiple can participate in the game. A user test based on the result confirmed an effectiveness of the proposed method. This research showed a practical method in which interaction of projection facade system can be used to user devices. The results of this study can be used as a base module for projection facade interaction system. In addition, It can be utilized for converged content development such as performances, games, education and various applications services.

Designing Conversational AI Services Using RAG-Based Loneliness Analysis for Koreans (RAG 기반 한국인 외로움 분석을 통한 대화형 인공지능 서비스 설계)

  • Seungwoo Woo;Minwoo Lee;Seongmin Bae;Chaebean Song;Jihoon Seo
    • The Journal of the Convergence on Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.6
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    • pp.625-633
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    • 2024
  • In this study, we designed an interactive AI service using the generative AI GPT-4o(Omni) model and RAG(Retrieval-Augmented Generation) to solve the problem of loneliness among the elderly. In this process, a questionnaire was created based on the Korean Loneliness Measurement Tool(KGLS) to measure the loneliness felt by the elderly in Korea, and a focus group interview was conducted with 10 real elderly people. Afterwards, we saved the PDF file on Korean loneliness in GPT-4o(Omni) to the Vector Store using RAG, and when the actual survey content was entered, we analysed the type of loneliness each user was experiencing and output prompts accordingly. Finally, this study designed an interactive A.I. service that can provide differentiated prompts according to the type of loneliness felt by the elderly, and aims to contribute to reducing loneliness and stress among the elderly.

KnowLearn: Evaluating cross-subjects interactive learning by deploying knowledge graph

  • Haolei LIN;Junyu CHEN;Hung-Lin CHI
    • International conference on construction engineering and project management
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    • 2024.07a
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    • pp.1256-1263
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    • 2024
  • In the realm of Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) education, various factors play a crucial role in shaping students' acceptance of the learning environments facilitated by visualization technologies, such as virtual reality (VR). Works on leveraging the heterogeneous educational information (i.e., pedagogical data, student performance data, and student survey data) to identify essential factors influencing students' learning experience and performance in virtual environments are still insufficient. This research proposed KnowLearn, an interactive learning assistant system, to integrate an educational knowledge graph (KG) and a locally deployed large language model (LLM) to generate real-time personalized learning recommendations. As the knowledge base of KnowLearn, the educational KG accommodated multi-faceted educational information from twelve perspectives, such as the teaching content, students' academic performance, and their perceived confidence in a specific course from the AEC discipline. A heterogeneous graph attention network (HAN) was utilized to infer the latent information in the KG and, thus, identified the perceived confidence, intention to use, and performance in a relevant quiz as the top three indicators that significantly influenced students' learning outcomes. Based on the information preserved in the KG and learned from the HAN model, the LLM enhanced the personalization of recommendations concerning adopting virtual learning environments while protecting students' privacy. The proposed KnowLearn system is expected to feasibly provide enhanced recommendations on the teaching module design for educators from the AEC domain.

Interactive Usage of Social Media for Contents Provider : Focusing on Twitter Activities of the TV Series (콘텐츠 공급자의 양방향적인 소셜 미디어 활동 연구 사례: TV 드라마 <한니발>의 트위터 활동을 중심으로)

  • Nam, Myoung Hee;You, Eun-Soon
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.565-573
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    • 2015
  • The development of social media in the 2000s led the unspecified individuals to band together for common interests. Social networking services served as a far-reaching tool for sharing different thoughts and interpretation of the pop culture and helped people build up close relations driven by their common interests for certain works of the pop culture. This Study introduces the TV Series as a case that displays specific patterns of communication between its producer and viewers. Producer Bryan Fuller of the Series as well as key production staffs were quite active on social networking sites with the understanding of what the audience desired and the willingness to sympathize with them, which were eagerly welcomed by the dedicated audience whose number, though, was not big. For the Hannibal production team, SNS was a means for them to just be consumers who appreciate the work instead of solely being the content provider. Their approach is quite different from unilateral marketing approaches employed in the past. Through this case, the Study aims to suggest that social networking sites serve as a powerful medium connecting producers and viewers or as an information hub, and that how interactive contents shall be delivered in the new media environment to be effective.

The Implementation of an EPUB3.0-Based Fixed Layout e-Book (EPUB3.0 고정형 레이아웃 전자책 구현)

  • Moon, Hyun-Suk
    • Journal of Digital Contents Society
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    • v.16 no.1
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    • pp.105-112
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    • 2015
  • The recent announcement of the EPUB3.0 e-book standard with enhanced features is expected to bring about much development and change to the production and circulation of e-books. This study thus set out to implement an EPUB3.0-based e-book containing various layout screens and interactive functions to stimulate readers' interest and investigate the production method considering the simultaneous publication of paper book and e-book. As for methodology and content, the investigator completed an edition and layout design and added an interactive function to it with Adobe Indesign CC(2014) and saved it as an EPUB3.0 file. She then opened the save EPUB file in the Sigil program, checked its specific codes and errors, and made revisions for its completion. The completed EPUB3.0 file was put to the test by installing four EPUB viewers, which were capable of implementing the EPUB3.0 features well based on the fitness results of epubtest.org and uploading files, in desktop and mobile devices. The present study claims its significance by implementing an EPUB3.0-based e-book capable of fixed layout and interactive features, cutting down the time and costs to make an e-book considerably by linking and using a production program, and proposing the possibility of simultaneous publication of paper book and e-book.

A Case Study on the Discourse Characteristics of Docents Who Mediate Visitor's Learning in the Natural History Museum (자연사박물관에서 관람객의 학습을 중재하는 도슨트의 담화특성에 대한 사례연구)

  • Lee, Joo-Youn;Lee, Jeong-A;Kim, Chan-Jong
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.30 no.6
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    • pp.815-835
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    • 2010
  • This study aimed at understanding the characteristics of interactive discourses between docents and visitors in natural history museums. Two docents participated in this study. One worked in Seodaemoon Natural History Museum and the other in Gwacheon National Science Museum. To analyze the characteristics of interactive discourses, especially understanding the mediation of visitors' learning, Pedagogic Discourse Analysis method was adopted. The results show two contrasting types of interactive discourses, Encouraging Visitors' Meaningful Participation (EVMP) and Encouraging Visitors' Simple Participation (EVSP). In the EVMP discourse, structural cohesion is strong in thematic flow and information flow. Docent and visitors share the role of information provider and "Themes" are developed through the interactions between the docent and the visitors. On the contrary, in the EVSP discourse, structural cohesions are weak. Even though the visitors participate in the discourse, their discourse scarcely contribute to develop "Themes" in the discourse. Most of the information is developed and expanded by the docent. These results helped us to suggest that docents have to understand and use visitors' prior knowledge as a discourse "Theme." It is also suggested that docents need to have not only the competent content knowledge about exhibitions but also the capability to lead discourses that allow the visitors to participate meaningfully during the education processes.

Model Design and Applicability Analysis of Interactive Electronic Technical Manual for Planning Stage of Construction Projects (건설공사 기획단계 전자매뉴얼의 적용 모형 구성 및 효과 분석)

  • Kwak, Joong-Min;Kang, Leen-Seok
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.121-139
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    • 2021
  • Technical documents in the construction field are changing from paper documents to electronic ones. As a result, the industry witnesses a trend of using portable electronic devices in searching or retrieving necessary information such as relevant regulations. Despite the improvement in the accessibility to general technical documents, a limitation is still found in accessing the electronic documents on the regulations. We see the barrier for field engineers to enhance their technical knowledge. One of major barriers is that videos, animations, and virtual reality information to enhance the visual understanding of technical content related to regulations are not linked. It is the interactive electronic technical manual (IETM) that can address such issues. The IETM is an electronic document system that enables real-time information acquisition while operating in the form of conversations with users by linking multimedia functions to document types such as specifications and guidelines. This study establishes a model of the IETM that can be operated in the planning stage of a construction project. The study also verifies its usability with a hypothetical case study. This study aims to improve the usability of the IETM in the construction project by analyzing the application effect of the IETM using the AHP technique.

Effect of Light Intensity on Cell Growth and Carotenoids Production in Chlamydomonas reinhardtii dZL (Chlamydomonas reinhardtii dZL 균주의 광도가 세포 생장과 카로티노이드 생산량에 미치는 영향 연구)

  • Seong-Joo Hong;Hyunwoo Kim;Jiho Min;Hanwool Park;Z-Hun Kim;Chang Soo Lee;Eonseon Jin;Choul-Gyun Lee
    • Journal of Marine Bioscience and Biotechnology
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.82-89
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    • 2023
  • Microalgae, as photosynthetic organisms, possess the ability to produce a diverse array of bioactive compounds. This study focused on the transformant Chlamydomonas reinhardtii dZL and subjected it to cultivation under varying light intensities (60, 120, 180, and 240 µmol/m2/s). Our aim was to assess the impact of light intensity on both microalgal biomass and carotenoid production. The cultivation took place in 80 mL bubble column photobioreactors, specifically the Multi-cultivator. Notably, the culture exposed to 240 µmol/m2/s exhibited the most rapid cell growth, surpassing even the cell concentration achieved at 180 µmol/m2/s by day 8. A detailed analysis of the specific irradiance rate over time unequivocally revealed a sharp decline in growth rates when the rate fell below 2 × 10-10 µmol/cell/s. Although the culture with 60 µmol/m2/s yielded the highest carotenoid content (1.2% of dry weight), the culture exposed to 240 µmol/m2/s recorded the highest carotenoid concentration at 8.9 mg/L owing to its higher biomass. Our findings reveal the critical importance of maintaining a specific irradiance rate above 2 × 10-10 µmol/cell/s to enhance biomass and carotenoid productivity. This study lays the groundwork for defining optimal light intensity conditions applicable to mass culture systems, with the objective of augmenting C. reinhardtii biomass and optimizing carotenoid productivity.