• Title/Summary/Keyword: Intention of Service Use

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The Effects of Medical Service Qualities on Satisfaction, Relationship Quality, and Revisit Intent in Long Term Care Hospital an Elderly Out-patients (요양병원을 이용하는 노인에게 의료서비스품질이 환자만족, 관계품질 및 웹사이트 재이용의도에 미치는 영향)

  • Kim, Byung-Yong;Jeong, Myeong-Ae
    • Health Policy and Management
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.183-206
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    • 2012
  • Changing social conditions have resulted in a situation where elderly patients are no longer cared for by family and where medical care hospitals play a more prominent role. In this study, the unique elements of the medical service required from a long term care hospital were identified using conventional and exploratory analysis, and the causal relationship between medical service quality, relationship quality, and Revist intent was confirmed. The intermediary role and the quantitative importance of relationship quality (including trust and commitment) were also characterized. This study identifies the key points and indicators that the administrators of a long term care hospital can use to effectively plan their medical service offering in order to secure the commitment of customers through relationship quality. The theoretical indications of this study are set out below. First, four factors are selected as being the key elements determining service quality: medics, administrative service, healthcare environment, and subsidiary facilities. Second, it seems that medics, administration service, and the healthcare environment have some effect on the evaluations made in relation to trust and satisfaction (subsidiary facilities are not considered to be a key element). Third, patient satisfaction has a positive impact on trust and commitment and can be regarded as a key element for establishing connections. Fourth, commitment is likely to be strengthened when trust is significant. Fifth, as trust and commitment increase, revist intent strengthens. Lastly, this study illustrates how the levels of trust and commitment play a modulating role between patient satisfaction and revist intention. There are many practical indications from the findings of this study. First, the influences of medics, the administrative service, and the healthcare environment on trust and satisfaction vary. Especially, the healthcare environment is likely to be more important than medics. Accordingly, it is essential to establish an elderly-friendly environment, to improve a hospital's structure, and to maintain a clean environment. Second, medics must show compassion to their patients and be patient when providing explanations to elderly patients who often lack powers of concentration. Third, in order to establish patient trust, it is essential that medics provide an excellent medical service. Ultimately, these elements of relationship quality may strengthen the revist intention of elderly patients.

Analysis of Examining Facotrs Affecting the Intention to Accept Artificial Intelligence Technology by Creative Artists and Cultural Practioners (문화예술 종사자의 인공지능 기술 수용 의도에 영향을 미치는 요인들에 대한 연구)

  • Sang-Wook Park;Heeyoung Cho
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.7-14
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    • 2024
  • This study intendss to prepare specific support measures for cultural industry practioners and artists to respond to the development of artificial intelligence (AI) based on how they understand and accept AI. To this end, the acceptance attitude of practioners in the arts and cultural sectors toward AI technology was investigated based on the technology acceptance models and theories. The results show that, firstly, personal characteristics and service characteristics, which are influencing factors, have an effect on perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, and intention to use AI services. Secondly, when there are perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness in AI services, innovative and effective personal characteristics reinforce the intention to use artificial intelligence services. It is expected that this study can be used as a reference for establishing policy measures to support cultural artists related to AI technology.

A Comparative Study on the Influencing Factors of Continuous Use Intention of Korean and Chinese SNS Users: Focused on the Technology Readiness and Acceptance Model (한국과 중국 SNS 이용자의 지속적 이용의도의 영향요인에 관한 비교 연구: 확장된 기술준비도수용모형을 중심으로)

  • Yoon, Sung-Joon;Oh, Jong-Chul
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business
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    • v.9 no.4
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    • pp.181-199
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to verify the extended technology readiness and acceptance model according to the characteristics of technology for the continuous use motive of SNS users. In particular, we conducted a comparative study on the differences in technology readiness and acceptance model between countries through the empirical analysis of the users of SNS in Korea and China with different technological and cultural environments. The results of this study are as follows; First, Positive technology readiness index has a positive effect on performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and facilitating conditions, which are variables of UTAUT. Positive technology readiness also has a positive effect on Enjoyment, which is added in this study. Second, negative technology readiness index has negative effect on performance expectancy and social influence, which are variables of UTAUT. In addition, negative technology readiness index has not a significant effect on enjoyment, which was added in this study. Finally, the relationship between technology readiness index, motivation for technology acceptance, and continuously intention to use has a partially different influence on the Korean and Chinese users. Based on the results of this study, this study suggested academic implications and practical implications.

Understanding the Determinants of Behavioral Intentions towards Adoption of Web 2.0 Tools in Workplaces : An Empirical Study

  • Wang, Tao;Jung, Chul-Ho;Chung, Young-Soo
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.73-89
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    • 2011
  • More and more employees are implementing the use of emerging Web 2.0 tools such as blogs, wikis, social networks, etc in workplaces. However, their attitudes towards adoption of Web 2.0 tools in workplaces still lack theoretical support. The purpose of this study aims to provide a conceptual examination of the determinants that influence the intention to use Web 2.0 applications in workplaces in Korea. To achieve this objective, this study selected the theory of reasoned action (TRA) as a theoretical basis to explain variation in behavioral intentions. Structural equation modeling was employed to analyze data collected from 269 workers distributed in 5 companies in Korea. In addition, we classified respondents into extroverts and introverts and delineated the different factors for these two types of respondents that affect their intentions to use Web 2.0 tools in workplaces. The findings of this research could provide a theoretical foundation for academics on the validation of technology adoption. This research will also serve as a guideline for service providers in designing the Web 2.0 services.

Determinants of Live Commerce Acceptance: Focusing on the Extended Technology Acceptance Model (TAM)

  • Zhi Pan;Hee Jun Cho;Dong Hyuk Jo
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.17 no.10
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    • pp.2750-2767
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    • 2023
  • Live Commerce is rapidly emerging as a new paradigm for the digital economy and consumption activities in the post-COVID era. Many prior studies have been conducted on Live Commerce, but studies focusing on the characteristics of sources of Live Commerce are insufficient. This study aimed to investigate the human factors of sources that affect consumers' intention to use Live Commerce. For this purpose, based on an expanded TAM (Technology Acceptance Model) through literature research, variables were set, and a survey was conducted targeting Korean consumers who have experienced purchasing products through Live Commerce. Excluding unreliable data, 201 responses were utilized in the analysis of this study. At first, the measurement tools were checked through validity and reliability verification, and correlation analysis was conducted to identify the relationships between variables. Then, the proposed hypotheses were verified through multiple regression analysis. As a result, firstly, the human factors of sources had a positive effect on PU (Perceived Usefulness). Secondly, the PEOU (perceived ease of use) had a positive effect on both PU and CS (Consumer Satisfaction). Thirdly, PU had a positive effect on CS and ITU (Intention to Use). Finally, CS with Live Commerce had a positive effect on the ITU. Through this study, we try to provide an understanding of consumer behavior in the Live Commerce environment and contribute to enhancing the service provider's ability to offer high-quality Live Commerce content.

A Study on the Current Status of Use and Satisfaction in Aromatherapy (아로마테라피의 활용실태와 만족에 관한 연구)

  • Mo, Jeong-Hee;Song, Mi-Ra
    • Journal of environmental and Sanitary engineering
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.45-54
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    • 2007
  • With the rapid development of economy, scientific technology, and medical technology, as the current society is also changing competitively, we are compelled to have many psychological and problems such as pressure, mental stress and tension as well as physical problems. Therefore, the more current industries develops, the more attention is given to health in preventive level rather than treatment level. Contemporary people have paid more attention to management of health and have a desire for beautiful and healthy life. In other words, their interest in consistent management of their health and beauty are getting stronger. To satisfy the desire to live healthily and beautifully, many natural therapies that can be applied for actual living have been developed, which the public are willing to accept. Therefore, this study is to specifically demonstrate the followings through interviews with the customers who have armoatherapy: What effect customers' knowledge on aromatherapy, frequency of use, expenses, experiences of side-effects, and perception on its effect on skin care will have on customer satisfaction and intention to reuse the service. The results are presented as follows: Though customers' perception on aroma is high, they usually use it only on their faces. So is should be promoted in various ways. It is demonstrated that customers' satisfaction has a significant effect on their intention to reuse it.

A Study of the Factors influencing User Acceptance of Social Shopping based on Social Network Service (소셜네트워크 서비스 기반의 소셜쇼핑 사용자 수용에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Hwang, Hyun-Seok;Lee, Xintao
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.61-71
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    • 2014
  • Recently social shopping, combining e-Commerce with Social Network Service, become a brand-new eBusiness model. In this paper, we aim to identify the structural relationship of the factors affecting the intention of using social shopping. Reviewing the previous works of social shopping, internet shopping and TAM (Technology Acceptance Model), we extract factors affecting the intention of using social shopping and build a structural research model among these factors. To analyze the structural relationship among theses factors, we perform an empirical study - gathering data from a survey and analyzing gathered data using EFA (Exploratory Factor Analysis) and SEM (Structural Equation Model) to identify the structural relationship. We also analyze moderating effect of past experience of social shopping and gender. As a result, We also can find that two factors - Perceived usefulness and Expected enjoyment - are the key factors influencing acceptance of social shopping and that more segmented strategies are required to attract customers since factors affecting Intention to use are somewhat different according to past experience and gender of respondents.

A Study on Factors Affecting Intention to Continuous Use Metaverse Platform Service (메타버스 플랫폼 서비스의 지속사용의도에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Minji;Lee, Seungzoon;Choi, Jeongil
    • Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management
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    • v.51 no.1
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    • pp.97-117
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the factors affecting the intention to continue using the metaverse platform service from the user's point of view. Methods: The study conducted a survey of experienced people using Zepeto, Ifland, Gather Town, Zep, Roblox, Fortnite, and Minecraft, which are virtual world types among metaverse types, and valid 415 data were analyzed by SPSS (ver 22.0) and R (ver 4.1.0) program packages. Results: As a result of empirical analysis, it was found that interactivity and social presence among the characteristics of metaverse affected expectation confirmation, and sensory affordance and functional affordance affected expectation confirmation as affordance factors. In addition, all four characteristics of metaverse, reliability, playfulness, interactivity, and social presence, were found to have the greatest affect on perceived usefulness, and it was analyzed that playfulness, social presence, and reliability were influenced in order. The affordance factor was also found to have a positive effect on physical affordance, sensory affordance, and functional affordance. This study was found that it had a positive effect on the relationship between expectation confirmation and satisfaction and the relationship between perceived usefulness and satisfaction. satisfaction was analyzed to lead to continuance intention. Conclusion: This study is meaningful in that it examines the perspective of users who can be called customers of metaverse platform services. Based on the results of this study, it is expected to have a significant effect on the development of metaverse platform services not only on platform operators that provide metaverse platform services but also on providers who plan events and education using metaverse platform services.

A Study on Factors Affecting Continuous Usage Intention of Emoticon : Focused on Mobile Messenger Service (이모티콘의 지속적 사용의도에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구 : 모바일 메신저 서비스를 중심으로)

  • Lee, Sora;Jang, Jungbin;Kim, Kwanghoi;Choi, Jeongil
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.13 no.4
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    • pp.289-308
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    • 2014
  • Mobile instant messaging (MIM) has been widely used in modern society due to its portability, speed and ease of use. In addition to simple text-based messaging, mobile instant message has now expanded to include graphics, images, and video. Many instant message service providers attempt to differentiate their service by providing an unique emoticon. Therefore, understanding the factors that affecting the continuous usage of emoticon is essential to capture users' interest. There is relatively little study on emoticon in information systems field. Hence, this study attempts to explore the continuous usage of emoticon through exploring the property of emoticon and usage motivation of emoticon. Based on the results, this study attempts to demonstrate practical implication of marketing on understanding user interest to mobile instant messenger service provider.

The Structural Relationships Among Factors Affecting the Usage of Social Network Service:Focusing on the Technology Acceptance Model(TAM) and the Flow (소셜 네트워크 서비스(SNS) 이용요인간 구조적 관계 : 기술수용모델(TAM)과 플로우(Flow)를 중심으로)

  • Park, Yoon-Seo;Kim, Yong-Sik
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.247-272
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    • 2012
  • Social Network Service(SNS) is a kind of advanced Internet service that acts as personal media. This study was intended to find out the structural relationships among factors affecting the usage of social network services by extending the Technology Acceptance Model(TAM). For this purpose, the variable 'Flow' was first integrated into the TAM in order to understand the internal motivations of users. And then the external factors of SNS usage were derived from the perspective of users, contents, and media side of SNS, and finally the dependent variable was set with the intention of sustainable use. Then these factors were carefully integrated into a structural model. We expect the findings of this study will be very helpful for the internet marketing professionals, SNS developers, and the others.