• 제목/요약/키워드: Intention of Revisiting

검색결과 104건 처리시간 0.022초

한방병원의 서비스 품질요인이 고객 만족도와 재이용의도에 미치는 영향 (The Effects of Service Quality Factors on Customer Satisfaction and Intention of Revisit in Korean Medicine Hospital)

  • 이재은;양종현;장동민
    • 한국병원경영학회지
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    • 제22권3호
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    • pp.18-30
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    • 2017
  • This study was performed to analyze systematically and validate empirically the influence of korean medicine service quality on satisfaction factors and revisiting intention. The candidates were patients visiting the one korean medicine hospital in Gyeongnam. We took a direct survey collected during 15 days May 1 to 15, 2016. For the survey I distributed a total of 250 questionnaire and used the final 230 of them in verifying this research model except unreliable data. The collected data were used statistics program SPSS WIN 22.0 and the research model were examined by AMOS 18.0. The main research results are follows. First, the most influencing factors on consumer satisfaction were public image factors and then human factors. and then effectiveness factors. Second, the most influencing factors on reuse intention were public image factors and then physical factors. Third, human and effectiveness factors of service quality factors in korean medicine hospital did not effect on revisiting intention directly but, effected on revisiting intention through mediation role of the customer satisfaction. Forth, satisfaction on the significant effect on reuse intention. so satisfaction has proved to be a important factor for reuse intention. The results of this study are expected to contribute to management efficiency and developmental improvement on korean medicine hospital policy and management efficiency and be used as a basis for leading to national health promotion through the development of korean medicine service.

판매원의 유니폼과 체형에 따른 이미지가 고객만족 및 재방문의도에 미치는 영향 (The effect of images of saleswomen on customer satisfaction and revisiting intention by uniform and body type)

  • 유은성;박길순
    • 복식문화연구
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    • 제24권2호
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    • pp.166-179
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study was to identify images of saleswomen by uniform and body type and to determine if the images have an effect on customer satisfaction and revisiting intention. This study was conducted between February 10th and February 23rd 2015, using a questionnaire to collect data from 608 adults from Seoul, Deajeon, and Chungnam Province. A $2{\times}2$ (body $type{\times}clothes$) factorial experimental design was used. Frequency, factor, and reliability analysis, analysis of variance, one-way ANOVA, Tukey test, and multiple regression analysis methods were used to analyze data. The study results were as follows: First, images of saleswomen with different uniform and body types were classified based on the following three factors: professionalism, kindness and attractiveness. Second, the saleswomen's uniforms had significant impact on perceived attractiveness, with women who wore skirt suits being identified as more attractive than women with pant suits. The saleswomen's body types had significant effect on professionalism, kindness and attractiveness. Women with average body types were perceived positively in terms of professionalism and attractiveness, whilst women with large body types were perceived positively in terms of kindness. Third, the combination of uniform and body type had a significant effect on perceived professionalism. Women with average body types wearing pant suits were perceived to have high degree of professionalism and women with large body types wearing skirt suits were evaluated to have high professionalism. Fourth, the images described as attractive and kind for both uniform and body type had a positive influences on customer satisfaction and revisiting intention.

팝업스토어의 점포속성이 브랜드 태도와 재방문의도에 미치는 영향 - 스포츠 브랜드를 중심으로 - (The Influence of Pop-up Store Attributions Toward Brand Attitude and Revisiting Intention - Focus on Sports Brands -)

  • 채희주;최현영;장진희;고은주
    • 한국의류산업학회지
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    • 제14권3호
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    • pp.400-412
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    • 2012
  • This study explores the characteristics and effects of a pop-up store based on how the store attributions of a pop-up store influence brand attitude and brand patronage intention. The questionnaire consisted of 3 instruments: store attributes, brand attitude, and brand revisiting intention. Data were analyzed by factor analysis, frequency analysis, reliability analysis, and multiple regressions, using SPSS 18.0. We surveyed 123 males and females, who had an experience of a pop-up store, and interviewed five experts who work in the fashion related area. The results of this study were as follows. First, it was shown that VMD has positive impacts on brand patronage intention, but with no significant relationship to brand attitude. Second, a brand culture's experience of a pop-up store has a strong influence on brand attitude and brand patronage intention. Third, products in the store are the most important factors that influence brand attitude. The findings indicate that the promotion of diverse attributes of apop-up store is critical to make customers perceive brand attitude and brand patronage intention that are expected to be used to establish advanced marketing strategies.

미용실 유형에 따른 미용실 직원의 직무 만족과 고객 만족에 관한 연구 (Job Satisfaction and Consumer Satisfaction of Beauty Shops - Compasing with Franchised and Non-franchised Beauty Shops -)

  • 박은주;오경숙
    • 복식문화연구
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    • 제14권5호
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    • pp.715-727
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    • 2006
  • The purposes of this study are to investigate the job satisfaction, customer satisfaction and revisiting intention to beauty shops, and to examine the difference of the job satisfaction, customer satisfaction, and revisiting intention between franchised and non-franchised beauty shops. Data were obtained via questionnaire, which developed by results of pretest and previous studies, from workers and consumers of beauty shops in Busan. They were analyzed by factor analysis, t-test and regression. The results were as follows; First, the job satisfaction of beauty shops workers was composed of Adaptation, Operation and Instruction. For both of franchised and non-franchised beauty shops, the operation of beauty shops greaty influenced the job satisfaction of workers, and job satisfaction is not significantly different. Second, consumer satisfaction related to services of beauty shops is composed of three factors: Policy, Personal service, and Physical environment. Regardless of shop types, the policy of shop influenced the consumer satisfaction. Consumers' revisiting intentions to beauty shops are influenced by consumer satisfaction. Third, consumers in franchised beauty shops is less likely to be satisfied and to have the intentions to revisit than those of non-franchised beauty shops. Resulted provide some insights to develop strategies for franchised and non-franchised beauty shops. Limitations and future research directions have been discussed.

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개별여행객의 라이프스타일 유형에 따른 관광만족도, 재방문의도 및 추천의도의 차이 연구 - 방한 중국인 관광객을 중심으로 (Analysis on the Difference of Tourist Satisfaction and Intention of Revisiting and Recommendation to the Clusters of the FIT's Life Style - Focused on Chinese Tourists into Visiting Korea)

  • 이서요;이태희
    • 한국심리학회지 : 문화 및 사회문제
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    • 제21권3호
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    • pp.535-550
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    • 2015
  • 이 연구는 중국 개별여행객의 라이프스타일 유형을 파악하고 라이프스타일에 따라 관광만족도와 재방문 의도, 추천의도에 어떤 차이가 있는지, 관광만족도와 재방문 의도, 추천의도간 어떤 관계가 있는지 살펴보았다. 중국인 여행객의 라이프스타일에 분석결과, 방한 중국개별 여행객의 라이프스타일 군집 유형별로 관광만족도, 재방문 의도, 추천의도에 통계적으로 유의미한 차이를 보였다. 라이프스타일에 따른 군집간의 차이분석 등을 통해 총 6개의 가설이 모두 채택되었다. 이 논문의 결과가 방한 중국개별여행객을 대상으로 한국관광 상품개발과 중국개별여행객 유치 전략의 방향을 모색하는데 유용한 자료로 활용될 수 있을 것이다.

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호텔 한식당의 서비스품질이 고객만족도, 재방문의도, 구전커뮤니케이션에 미치는 영향 (A Study on the Effects of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction, Revisiting Intention, and Word-of-Mouth Communication Regarding Korean Hotel Restaurants)

  • 민계홍
    • 한국식품조리과학회지
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    • 제24권6호
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    • pp.780-787
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    • 2008
  • The principal objective of this study was to determine the effects of service quality in a Korean restaurant in a Five Star Hotel in Metropolitan city causes on customers satisfaction, revisiting intentions and word of mouth communication. As a component of the study, 344 customers who had visited restaurants at 4 hotels were selected for our Q&A research, Our investigation was conducted largely frequency analysis, reliability analysis, factor analysis, and multiple regression analysis. First, as one of our study results, factors causing effects in service quality can be categorized into human service factors, physical service factors, and menu service factors. Second, the service quality of Korean restaurants has been found to exert effects on customer satisfaction, revisiting intentions, and word-of-mouth communication. Third, customer satisfaction has been determined to exert significant effects on revisiting intentions and word of mouth communication. Fourth, customer revisiting intentions has been found have been shown to exert significant effects on word-of-mouth communication. As one of the limits of this study, some difficulties did occur when attempting to implement Q&A research on customers who enjoyed restaurant services, as there was not sufficient space to interview them. As another limit, this study was conducted only with test subjects who had visited Korean restaurants in Five Star Hotels the results of our study cannot, then, be considered represent active of all Korean restaurants. Consistent with this future studies will need to be conducted not only with Korean restaurants, but also with Japanese, Chinese, and Western restaurants.

방송콘텐츠마켓 만족도와 재방문에 미치는 평가요인: 부산콘텐츠마켓(BCM) 사례를 중심으로 (Study on Evaluation Factors Determining Satisfaction and Revisiting of Broadcasting Contents Market)

  • 구종상;이완수;이진로
    • 한국언론정보학보
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    • 제52권
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    • pp.111-134
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    • 2010
  • 이 논문은 2009년 부산콘텐츠마켓(BCM) 참가자를 대상으로 수행한 행사의 평가요인별 만족도와 재방문 의사에 대한 실증적 연구이다. 구체적으로 이 연구는 부산콘텐츠마켓 본 행사, 방송통신융합포럼, 방송경영마케팅포럼, 세계문화콘텐츠포럼, BCM 아카데미 등 다섯 개 개별 프로그램별을 서로 다른 평가문항별로 만족도와 향후 재방문 의사여부 관계에 대해 회귀분석을 실시했다. 심층 분석 결과를 정리하면 다음과 같다. 첫째 BCM 본 행사 참가자들은 숙박시설과 국제적 행사로서의 가능성에 대해서는 대체로 만족을 표시했지만 시설, 운영, 홍보, 콘텐츠 질과 수량, 쇼핑, 친절성에 대해서는 만족하지 못했다. 또 본 행사 평가요인별 재방문 의사여부에 대한 분석에서는 개최지로서의 부산의 지역적 매력과 통역 및 외국어 안내 요소만이 재방문 의사에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째 BCM 본 행사의 재방문 의사에 미치는 경쟁력 요인으로는 제작 및 투자분야의 만족도가 유일하게 포함됐다. 셋째 BCM 포럼 행사에 대한 분석에서는 포럼의 내용, 주제, 발표자와 토론자의 수준에 대한 만족도가 재방문 의사를 결정하는 것으로 나타났다. 넷째 BCM 아카데미 교육 프로그램 행사에서는 교육내용과 강사진에 대한 만족도가 높았으며, 특히 교육내용, 교육시간, 강사진의 구성이 재방문 의사를 결정하는 것으로 나타났다. 다섯째 개별 교육 프로그램에서는 다큐멘터리 국제 공동제작 현황 및 비전, <차마고도> 및 <인사이트 아시아> 마케팅 성공요인, <한반도 공룡> 및 의 성공요인, 국내 다큐멘터리의 해외합작 제작 사례, 성공하는 다큐멘터리 기획 및 마케팅 요소가 재방문 의사에 미치는 변수로 꼽혔다. 방송콘텐츠 마켓의 재방문 동기성과 활용가치를 중심으로 토론했다.

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의료기관 이용자가 지각한 전환비용, 부정적 구전이 재이용의도에 미치는 영향 (The Effects of Switching Cost Perceived by Patients and Negative Word of Mouth on Revisiting Intention for Hospital Patients)

  • 고유경;김병진
    • 간호행정학회지
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.5-13
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    • 2011
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of patient perception of the switching cost and negative word of mouth on revisit intention of patients in out-patient departments (OPDs) of general hospitals. Method: The participants were 306 patients in general hospital, selected through convenience sampling. Data were collected using a structured questionnaire and analyzed using descriptive statistics, Spearman correlation coefficient, and logistic regression with SPSS Win. Results: Relational switching cost was positively correlated with revisit intention (r=.58, p=<.001), but not financial switching cost or procedural switching cost. Negative word of mouth was negatively correlated with revisit intention (r=-.22, p=<.001). The significant predictors influencing revisit intention in patients was relational switching cost. Conclusion: The findings of this study suggest that hospital and nursing managers should seek to bolster perceptions of switching costs and negative word of mouth, which subsequently increases revisit intentions in small hospitals located in the country as well as urban large hospitals.

로컬푸드 매장의 서비스품질이 고객만족과 재방문의도에 미치는 영향 (The Impacts of Service Quality of Local Food stores on Customer Satisfaction and Revisit Intention)

  • 한진;한상혁;장동헌
    • 농촌계획
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    • 제22권1호
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    • pp.81-91
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    • 2016
  • This study identified the impact of the service quality of local food stores on customer satisfaction and revisiting intention of the customers as the interest into local foods is increasing. The main outcomes are as follows: First, many of the respondents said that they use the local food stores based on the trust in the origin of the products and good quality. Second, reliability and validity were suitable for factor analysis and the correlation had a positive (+) directivity. Third, reliability, assurance, empathy and tangibles were analyzed to have a positive (+) impact among the 5 aspects of service quality except for responsiveness. Fourth, customer satisfaction had a positive (+) impact on the intention to revisit the local food stores, and reliability, assurance and empathy had a positive (+) impact on revisiting intention at the statistical significance level except for responsiveness and tangibles among the 5 service quality aspects. Therefore, it is thought to be required to keep having interests into service quality to gain a competitive edge as a sustainable management system since the service quality of local food stores has impacts on customer satisfaction and intention to revisit.

자연휴양림 이용자 만족이 충성도에 미치는 영향 : 33개소 국유자연휴양림을 대상으로 (The Effects of Recreation Forest Visitors' Satisfaction on Loyalty : A Case of 33 National Natural Recreation Forests)

  • 전문장;심규원
    • 한국환경과학회지
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    • 제19권8호
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    • pp.961-969
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    • 2010
  • This study was carried out to analyze conceptional structure between visitor's satisfaction and loyalty in the national natural recreation forests. The results of this study showed that facility, natural resources and view, staff service of recreation forest had positive effect on visitor's satisfaction. Reservation system, accessibility, and usage fee of recreation forest was not related to visitor's satisfaction. In addition, visitor's satisfaction was found to have positive effect on visitor's loyalty such as revisiting intention and word of mouth. As a result, managers of recreation forest need to enhance visitor's satisfaction, to improve rate of revisiting intention and to incite word of mouth through building management strategy.