• Title/Summary/Keyword: Integrated health education

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Policy suggestions for active reporting of medical professionals for early detection of child abuse (아동학대의 조기발견을 위한 제도적 개선 방안: 「아동학대범죄의 처벌 등에 대한 특례법」이 정한 의료인에 의한 신고를 중심으로)

  • Bae, Seung Min;Lee, Sun Goo
    • The Korean Society of Law and Medicine
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.143-169
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    • 2017
  • The Act on Special Cases Concerning the Punishment, etc. of Child Abuse Crimes intends to encourage reporting and punishment of child abuse by using the concept of 'crime' in child abuse cases. Article 10 of the Act imposes duty to report child abuse on a number of different professions, including medical professionals. Currently, more than 80% of child abuse cases occur among family members and the detection rate of child abuse is as low as 0.5% in Korea. On the other hand, medical professionals can identify child abuse relatively clearly with specific medical opinions. Therefore, it is necessary that medical professions are informed of this duty and does not bear disincentive from reporting. This paper makes policy suggestions in this regard. First, it is necessary that medical students and medical professionals receive regular education about the obligation to report child abuse. Education should include details of the reporting duty, as well as the fact that there is legal obligation to report even if the child abuse is "suspicious", not certain. Second, it is imperative to establish and implement protective programs for medical professionals who report child abuse. The current law provides a rough framework for protection of people who report child abuse, but it is necessary to produce detailed guidelines that are applicable in the context of medical setting. Education for medical students and medical professionals should include the contents of these guidelines, so that they do not hesitate reporting because they fear the aftermath of reporting. Third, it is highly recommended that physicians use the national Baby/Infant Health Checkup Program as an opportunity to detect child abuse. In Korea, the Baby/Infant Health Checkup Program provides physicians to periodically monitor health condition of all babies and children until the age of 71 months. In order to utilize this program for early detection of child abuse, it is imperative that the bBaby/Infant Health Checkup Program is modified to involve child abuse experts and medical professionals who participate in the program are educated about child abuse.

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Mediating Effect of Depression on the Relationship between Academic Burnout and Clinical Practice Stress among Nursing Students in the Post-COVID-19 Era (COVID-19 이후 간호대학생의 학업소진과 임상실습 스트레스 간의 관계에서 우울의 매개효과)

  • Jin-Hee Jeong;Mi- Hyeon Park
    • Journal of Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.16 no.5_spc
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    • pp.793-802
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    • 2024
  • This study aimed to test a hypothetical model explaining the mediating effect of depression on the relationship between academic burnout and clinical practice stress among nursing students in the post-COVID-19 era. A cross-sectional survey was conducted with 200 senior nursing students from two universities in C province, South Korea, from December 1 to 9, 2023. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson's correlation, and structural equation modeling with SPSS/WIN 26.0 and AMOS 26.0. The hypothesized model explained 75.6% of the variance in clinical practice stress among nursing students. Depression did not mediate the relationship between academic burnout and clinical practice stress (β=.06, p=.160). However, both academic burnout (β=.77, p=.004) and depression (β=.23, p=.005) directly affected clinical practice stress. In the post-COVID-19 era, academic burnout significantly influences nursing students' clinical practice stress. While depression does not mediate this relationship, it directly affects clinical practice stress. These findings suggest the need for interventions focusing on reducing academic burnout through mentoring programs and stress management strategies, alongside depression management, to alleviate clinical practice stress among nursing students. Future nursing education should implement an integrated approach to manage students' academic burden and support mental health following clinical practice.

A Study on the Threat of Biological Terrorism in modern society (현대사회의 환경변화에 따른 Bio-Terror의 위협요인 연구)

  • Kang, young-sook;Kim, Tae-hwan
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.3-26
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    • 2005
  • In recent years, there is growing concern about the potential use of biological agents in war or acts of terrorism accompanied an increased realization that rapid preparedness and response are needed to prevent or treat the human damage that can be caused by these agents. The threat is indeed serious, and the potential for devastating numbers of casualties is high. The use of agents as weapons, even on a small scale, has the potential for huge social and economic disruption and massive diversion of regional and national resources to combat the threat, to treat primary disease, and to clean up environmental contamination. Biological weapons are one of weapons of mass destruction (or mass casualty weapons, to be precise. since they do not damage non-living entities) that are based on bacteria, viruses, rickettsia, fungi or toxins produced by these organisms. Biological weapons are known to be easy and cheap to produce and can be used to selectively target humans, animals, or plants. Theses agents can cause large numbers of casualties with minimal logistical requirements (in wide area). The spread of disease cannot be controlled until there is awareness of the signs of infection followed by identification of agents; and if the organism is easily spread from person to person, as in the case of smallpox, the number of casualties could run into the tens of thousands. Biological weapons could be used covertly, there can be a lot of different deployment scenarios. A lot of different agents could be used in biological weapons. And, there are a lot of different techniques to manufacture biological weapons. Terrorist acts that make use of Biological Agents differ in a number of ways from those involving chemicals. The distinction between terrorist and military use of Biological Weapon is increasingly problematic. The stealthy qualities of biological weapons further complicate the distinction between terrorism and war. In reality, all biological attacks are likely to require an integrated response involving both military and civilian communities. The basic considerations when public health agencies establish national defence plan against bioterrorism must be 1) arraying various laws and regulations to meet the realistic needs, 2)education for public health personnels and support of concerned academic society, 3)information collection and cooperative project with other countries, 4)Detection and surveillance(Early detection is essential for ensuring a prompt response to biological or chemical attack, including the provision of prophylactic medicines, chemical antidotes, or vaccines) and 5) Response(A comprehensive public health response to a biological or chemical terrorist event involves epidemiologic investigation, medical treatment and prophylaxis for affacted persons, and the initiation of disease prevention or environmental decontamination measures). The purpose of this paper is providing basic material of preparedness and response for biological terrorism in modern society.

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The Early Childhood Care and Education Policy in the United Kingdom and Similar Policies in Korea : A Comparison of the Sure Start Children's Centres and Dream Start (영국의 영유아 보육정책 및 한국의 유사정책 현황 : Sure Start Children's Centres와 Dream Start 비교)

  • Lee, Yeon Jung;Bahn, Geon Ho;Lee, Soyoung Irene;Kim, Bongseog;Bhang, Soo-Young;Sohn, Seok Han;Yang, Jaewon;Lee, So Hee;Chung, Un-Sun;Joung, Yoo-Sook;Hong, Minha;Hwang, Jun-Won
    • Journal of the Korean Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.12-21
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    • 2015
  • In an effort to expand working opportunities for women and encourage childbirth, the government of Korea introduced the free infant care policy in 2013. This policy, however, was controversial with regard to issues, such as budget shortages and dissatisfaction based on socioeconomic status. In addition, the lack of evidence-based data regarding adequate age criteria for the entry of children into childcare facilities was noted as a challenge. As child development professionals who are concerned with mental health issues, we investigated the influence and challenges of the free infant care policy with regard to infant mental health. In this review, we examined the policies enacted by developed countries, such as the United Kingdom (UK), and compared them with those in Korea. The childcare systems in Korea and the UK differ historically and socially, but show some similarities, such as maternal responsibility for parenting and household issues. Like Korea, the need for UK childcare facilities increased in the 1990's in response to market recovery and associated increase in female employment. Among the new policies in the UK, the Sure Start program has begun to provide integrated services for infants, particularly to those 0-4 years of age, who are vulnerable to social exclusion. Similar to the Dream Start program in Korea, it has been successful in providing family-related services, resulting in improvements in problematic behaviors of children, enhanced parenting skills, and decreased rates of severely injured children.

Stockmanship Competence and Its Relation to Productivity and Economic Profitability: The Context of Backyard Goat Production in the Philippines

  • Alcedo, M.J.;Ito, K.;Maeda, K.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.428-434
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    • 2015
  • A stockperson has a significant influence on the productivity and welfare of his animals depending on his stockmanship competence. In this study, stockmanship competence (SC) is defined as the capacity of the stockperson to ensure the welfare of his animals by providing his animals' needs. The study was conducted to evaluate the SC of backyard goat raisers and examine its relationship to goat productivity and economic profitability. There were 101 respondents for this study who have all undertaken farmer livestock school on integrated goat management (FLS-IGM). Interview was conducted in Region I, Philippines on September 3 to 30, 2012 and March 4 to 17, 2013. Data on SC, goat productivity and farmer's income were gathered. Questions regarding SC were formulated based on the Philippine Recommendations for Goat Production and from other scientific literature. Housing, feeding, breeding and health and husbandry management were the indicators used in computing stockmanship competence index score (SCIS). Pearson correlation using Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) was carried out to analyse the relationship between SCIS, productivity and income. Based from the results of the study, a majority of the respondents raised native and upgraded goats. The computed mean SCIS before and after undergoing FLS-IGM were 38.52% and 75.81% respectively, a percentage difference of 65.23%. Both index scores resulted in significant differences in productivity and income. The median mature weight and mortality rate of goats before FLS-IGM was 14 kg and 30% respectively. After FLS-IGM, median mature weight was 19 kg and mortality rate decreased from 30% to 11.11%. Likewise, fewer goat diseases were observed by farmers who were able to undergo FLS-IGM. With regard to income, there was a 127.34% difference on the median net income derived by farmers. Result implies that improved SC could lead not only to increased productivity and income of backyard goat raisers but also to better animal welfare.

A Comparison of the Methodologies in Food Consumption Surveys and Daily Dietary Fat Intake between America and Korea (한국과 미국의 식품 섭취 조사 방법 및 지방섭취량의 비교)

  • 박선민
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.29 no.10
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    • pp.1121-1131
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    • 1996
  • The nutritional status is America has been monitored by National Monitoring System since 1960's, mainly conducted by United States Department of Agriculture. The data from these programs were computerized and distributed to researchers. Researchers have manipulated and recalculated the data to produce meaningful results. Korean nutritional status has been investigated by National Nutrition Survey ever year, including food consumption, biochemical measurements and demographic variables. The Korean Nutritional Survey has not been organized and integrated as much as the nutritional survey in the United States and its results have been presented no more than as a report. Its raw data should be distributed to researchers and researchers could use the data to get more information. The purpose of this study is to compare the measurement of food consumption in Korean and America using Korean Nutrition Survey and Continuing Survey of Food Intake by Individuals(CSFII), respectively, and to compare the consumption of fat and foods with a high fat content. The fat consumption in the Unite States has been decreased from more than 40% of total energy intake to 35%, while Koreas have consumed more fat according to the economic growth. However, the fat consumption in Korea was still much lower than that in the United States. Korean should pay attention to saturated fat consumption(animal fat), especially rich middle aged men, since they ate meat as much as much as men in the United States according to a recent study. In America availability of food with a low fat content(e.g. low-fat milk) and new recipes along with nutritional education has decreased fat consumption, especially animal fat, any more. Also, each consumption of polyunsaturated fat and saturated fat should be measured since the ratio of them are more important for preventing heart disease and some cancers.

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Prevalence of Obesity among Adolescent Girls in Seoul and its Relationship to Dietary Intakes and Environmental Factors (서울시내 사춘기 여학생의 비만실태와 식이섭취양상 및 일반환경 요인과 비만과의 관계)

  • 이인열
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.41-51
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    • 1986
  • The prevalence of obesity and its related factors in adolescent girls in Seoul area were investigated from April, 18 to June, 29 1985 bymeans of anthropometry, dietary intakes and general environmental factors. Nine hundred and sixty junior high school girls were selected and invterviewed for 24-hour food intakes. Weight, height, a 우 skinfold thickness(triceps, abdominal) were measured and information on the general backgroun of the subjects were obtained by questinnaire. Subjects were divided into six groups according to their relative weights. It was observed that majority of the parents were under fifty years old and had high school education . In general, father was older and higher in educational levels than mother. Two thirds of subjects lived in their own houses and had three to four siblings. AVerage weight and height of subjects were 46.0kg and 154.4cm, which were higher than Korean natianl average. Average relative weight was 29.75 and average Kaup index was 1.925. Skinfold thickness was 13.4mm fo rtricepts and 16.4mm for abdominal . Prevalence of obesity was 12.9% and 4.8% by criteria of relative weight and skinfold thickness. Average intakes of most of nutrients except iron were acceptable but about one third of the subjects had less than 2/3 of RDa for calcium, iron, vitamin A, and riboflavin. As a whole, prevalence of obesity in this study was higher than those observed in the past surveys. Relationship of dietary intakes and general environmental factors that seemed to influence the obesity were integrated as such. As parents educational levels were higher, it tended to be higher in living standard and have fewer family members and siblings. These may influence more nutrient intakes so that fatness of the subjects seemed to be greater. In the meantime, parents fatness was closely related to those of children indicating an involvement of genetic factors. And also, food habits of individuals such as frequency of snack and bedtime snack were related to fatness significantly.

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A Study of the Trends in Korean Nursing Research on Critical Care in the Last 10 Years (2008-2017) Using Integrated Review and Key Word Analysis (통합적 고찰과 키워드 분석을 이용한 최근 10년(2008-2017) 동안의 국내 중환자간호 연구 동향 분석)

  • Kang, Jiyeon;Kim, Soo Gyeong;Cho, Young Shin;Ko, Hyunyoung;Back, Ji Hyun;Lee, Su Jin
    • Journal of Korean Critical Care Nursing
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.75-85
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    • 2018
  • Purpose : The purpose of this study was to examine the possible direction of critical care nursing research in the future by analyzing the trends of recent Korean studies. Method : Using a database search, we selected 263 articles on critical care nursing that were published in Korean journals between 2008 and 2017. Then, we conducted an integrative review of the contents of the selected articles and analyzed the English abstracts using the relevant packages and functions of the R program. Results : The number of studies concerning critical care nursing has increased over the 10-year period, and the specific topic of each study has diversified according to the time at which it was conducted. In terms of quality, the majority of the research was published in high-level academic journals. The key words regularly studied over the past decade were: knowledge, delirium, education, restraint, stress, and infection. Studies related to vancomycin-resistant enterococci infection, compliance, and standards have decreased, while studies related to death, communication, and safety have increased. Conclusion : Randomized controlled trials and protocol research for evidence-based critical care need to be conducted, as does research on family involvement. The key word analysis of unstructured text used in this study is a relatively new method; it is suggested that this method be applied to various critical care nursing research and develop it methodologically.

The status of clinical practice for students in the department of dental hygiene (치위생과 학생의 임상실습 교육 실태에 관한 조사연구)

  • Kim, Jeong-Suk;Kang, Eun-Ju;Kim, Sun-Ju
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.439-455
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    • 2009
  • The number of dental hygiene students is increasing as dental hygiene departments are extended or newly installed continuously, and in other to keep up with the quantitative increase, we need to standardize dental hygiene curriculums. The present study conducted a questionnaire survey with dental hygiene students who had completed clinical practice. The obtained results as follows. 1. According to the contents of clinical practice at dental clinics, the frequency of dental hygiene students' observation practice was high in basic medical service, dental prosthesis, and orthodontics. 2. The frequency of performance practice was high in basic medical service, oral medicine, preventive dentistry, pediatric dentistry, periodontology, and oral surgery. According to the area of clinical practice. 3. According to the contents of clinical practice at university hospitals, the frequency of dental hygiene students' observation practice was high in basic medical service, dental prosthesis, and orthodontics. 4. The frequency of performance practice was high in basic medical service, oral medicine, preventive dentistry, pediatric dentistry, periodontology, and dental prosthesis. 5. The students' satisfaction was high in basic medical service, oral medicine, preventive dentistry, and periodontology. The period of clinical practice varies according to school curriculum and circumstance among dental clinics and university hospitals where clinical practices are performed, students' satisfaction with their observation practice and performance practice may be different. Thus, for dental hygiene students' clinical practice, it is considered desirable to prepare integrated education programs that standardize the period and contents of clinical practice.

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The demand for the change in Korean dental hygiene curriculum (한국 치위생(학)과의 교육과정 개편 방향에 대한 요구도)

  • Won, Bok-Yeon;Jung, Ui-Jung;Jang, Jong-Hwa
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.161-169
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    • 2015
  • Objectives: The purpose of the study was to examined the demand for the change in Korean dental hygiene curriculum. This study compared the dental hygiene curriculum of domestic and overseas university and tired to provide the basic data for the development of standard curriculum that meets the education policy changes. Methods: Data were obtained from a cross-sectional survey of 1,192 participants including dental hygiene professors, dental hygienists and students. Data were collected by mail, telephone call from the professors and research assistants, email, and direct visit from June 10 to August 10, 2013. The questionnaire consisted of 4 questions of general characteristics of the subjects and 13 questions of dental hygiene curriculum. Results: The professors answered the development of integrated dental hygiene curriculum as the first priority(48.9%) and dental hygienists(51.6%) and students(42.6%) chose the development of new dental hygiene curriculum(p<0.001). In the analysis of validity of dental hygiene curriculum, the professors gave 3.29 to the validity of evaluation for basic job performance, and the clinical dental hygienists and the students gave 3.05 and 3.26 points, respectively(p<0.001). In relation to the necessity of the change of the dental hygiene curriculums, the professors gave 4.17 points which implied that curriculum change is the most important and necessary thing to do. The clinical dental hygienists and the students gave 3.90 and 3.47 points, respectively(p<0.001). Conclusions: The above-mentioned findings suggest that the revision of the current Korean dental hygiene curriculums is required. Therefore organizations related to dental hygiene including professor association and Korean Dental Hygienists Association should carefully rebuild the curriculum to improve the competency of dental hygienists. They should take the initiative in the development of a standardized curriculum.