• Title/Summary/Keyword: Integrated health education

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Stress Experience of Nursing Students to Clinical Practice : Q-methodological Approach (간호학생의 임상실습 스트레스 경험유형 : Q방법론적 접근)

  • Jang Hye Sook;Kim Soon Ae;Kim Hung Kyu
    • Child Health Nursing Research
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    • v.5 no.1
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    • pp.5-17
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    • 1999
  • This study was designed to determine the schemata and their characteristics of stress experience the subjectivity of stress experience(structure of subjectivity) would be a basic step for the effective clinical education through the stress management for characteristics of these types. Q-methodological method was used for that purpose. The research method statements were collected prior to the study through indepth interviews. For the study, 31 Q-statements were selected. There were 34 nursing students as subjects for the research. The 34 nursing students sorted the 31 statements using the principal of forced normal distribution. The principle of forced normal distribution, which has 9 scales to measure the individual opinions, was called. Q-factor analysis by using PC QUANL program supply the material. According to the outcomes of this study, there were 3 types of special opinion about the stress experience of clinical practice. The first type is called 'Influence of practical atmosphere type'. Members of this type experienced stress by an inadequate orientation and undesirable role model of nursing. The second type is called 'conflict of nursing role type'. Members of this type experienced stress by an inadequate orientation and undesirable role model of nursing. The third type is called 'Lack of confidence type'. Members of this type experienced stress because of a lack of confidence for their own nursing knowledge and skill. As a result, we now need further study to identify individual psychological aspects of stress for clinical practice. The findings will guide the development in effective approaches for clinical education. Finally, the result of the study will provide us the need for developing systematic and integrated practice education program for students and active involvement of clinical instructor.

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The Influencing Factors on the Ego Integrity of Elderly Living Alone (독거노인의 자아통합감에 미치는 영향요인)

  • Jeong, Hyun Jeong;Yoon, Sook Hee
    • The Journal of Korean Academic Society of Nursing Education
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.499-508
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: This study was conducted in order to determine the extent of ego integrity and to confirm the association between the sense of ego integrity and integrated loneliness, social support, and social activities. Methods: For this study, 146 elderly people participated. The data was analyzed with SPSS/WIN 21.0, using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, correlation analysis, and hierarchical regression analysis. Results: In regards to differences between ego integrity according to general characteristics of subjects, there was a statistically significant difference in education (F=4.13, p=.007). In elderly living alone, ego integrity was significantly positive correlated with social support and social activities, but negative correlated with loneliness. These variables explained 43.2% of the sense of ego integrity. Conclusion: The study suggested that nursing programs and social activity programs designed to aid the elderly living alone must focus on reducing loneliness, as well as increasing social support and social activities, while taking education into consideration. Also, these programs should strive to build social support systems.

Evaluation of Respiratory Protection Program in Petrochemical Industries: Application of Analytic Hierarchy Process

  • Kolahi, Hadi;Jahangiri, Mehdi;Ghaem, Haleh;Rostamabadi, Akbar;Aghabeigi, Mandana;Farhadi, Payam;Kamalinia, Mojtaba
    • Safety and Health at Work
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.95-100
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    • 2018
  • Background: Respiratory protection equipment (RPE) is the last resort to control exposure to workplace air pollutants. A comprehensive respiratory protection program (RPP) ensures that RPE is selected, used, and cared properly. Therefore, RPP must be well integrated into the occupational health and safety requirements. In this study, we evaluated the implementation of RPP in Iranian petrochemical industries to identify the required solutions to improve the current status of respiratory protection. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted among 24 petrochemical industries in Iran. The survey instrument was a checklist extracted from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration respiratory protection standard. An index, Respiratory Protection Program Index (RPPI), was developed and weighted by analytic hierarchy process to determine the compliance rate (CR) of provided respiratory protection measures with the RPP standard. Data analysis was performed using Excel 2010. Results: The most important element of RPP, according to experts, was respiratory hazard evaluation. The average value of RPPI in the petrochemical plants was $49{\pm}15%$. The highest and lowest of CR among RPP elements were RPE selection and medical evaluation, respectively. Conclusion: None of studied petrochemical industries implemented RPP completely. This can lead to employees' overexposure to hazardous workplace air contaminants. Increasing awareness of employees and employers through training is suggested by this study to improve such conditions.

Maternal Acculturation Process of Married Immigrant Women in Korea (국내 결혼이주여성의 어머니 동화과정)

  • Kim, Kyung Sook;Kim, Min Kyeong
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.44 no.1
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2014
  • Purpose: This study was done to explore and understand acculturation focusing on reproductive health of immigrant women. Methods: For the research sixteen immigrant women were selected by snowball sampling. Qualitative data were accumulated by in-depth interviews and private document collection. Raw data was analyzed following Mandelbaum's conceptual framework. Results: The dimensions of immigrant women consisted of existence: emerging from the new environment in which it was hard to communicate and to get acquainted with others, reproduction: in the absence of learning and experience, reproductive health crisis, parenting: unmanageable burden. Turnings of life involved 'Inconvenience in one's eyes, vent for conflict and tension: pregnancy', 'strange medical care: accoucheur, rapid medical service', 'pain of morning sickness: poor maternal nutrition', 'manifestation of protective instinct for life'. In adaptations, content was as follows. 1) Standing alone as a Korean housewife, 2) Becoming aware of Korean maternal instinct: thirst for education supporting, 3) Rediscovery of family: growing maternal sense of existence. Conclusion: The results of this study show the acculturation process and the meaning of events related to reproductive health in current lives and can contribute to an integrated understanding of married immigrant women in Korean culture.

Lived Experience of Considering Tomorrow among North Korean Refugees (새터민의 내일을 향한 삶의 체험 - Parse의 인간되어감 연구방법론 적용 -)

  • Lee, Ok-Ja;Kim, Hyun-Kyoung
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.37 no.7
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    • pp.1212-1222
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    • 2007
  • Purpose: The present study was done to discover the structure of universal actual experiences 'Considering tomorrow' of health and quality of life among North Korean refugees in terms of the socio-cultural context of South Korea. Method: The research question was 'what is the structure of the actual experience of 'Considering tomorrow?', which was examined based on the Parse's human becoming research method. Five North Korean adult refugees were recruited from a National Reconciliation Committee in Seoul/Incheon. The data was gathered from dialogues and collected from February, 2006 to November, 2006. Results: The structures found in this study were: 'hope for future life by taking responsibility and having harmony with South Koreans, by forming an integrated identification; having a chance for positive engagement, by attaining human freedom and hope; feeling respected, by assimilating self to the new world; getting freedom back, by facing a new challenge and preparing self for a new social role; overcoming cultural differences with fortified hardiness for survival, by making a decision for a life course with individual growth. In addition, conceptual integration was that 'Considering tomorrow is transforming the enabling-limiting values'. Conclusion: Health professionals need to know North Korean refugees' psychological difficulties, expectations of treatment, help seeking behavior, and expectations from mainstream culture. Additionally, understanding North Korean refugees' needs for reality, health education and a multi-disciplinary team approach are necessary to improve their health.

A Study on the Health Information Management Practice Program Model for EMR Certification System Education -Focus on Patient Information Management- (EMR 인증제 교육을 위한 보건의료정보관리 실습 프로그램 모델 연구 -환자정보관리 중심-)

  • Choi, Joon-Young
    • Journal of the Health Care and Life Science
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2021
  • In this study, a model in which certification standards were added to the health information management practice program was studied and presented in order to understand the EMR certification standards implemented by the Korea Health and Medical Information Service. In the practice program, the certification standard function for patient information management was added to the health information management education system to practice and understand patient information management that corresponds to the functional standard of the EMR certification system. The EMR certification standard practice program for patient information management is composed of the following certification standards. registration number and personal information management, treatment reservation schedule management, personal information revision history management, identification of people with the same name, integrated management of multiple registration numbers, patient search by identification information, patient search by health care type, surgical procedure consent record and inquiry, record/inquiry of consent form for personal information use, display of life-sustaining medical decision information, registration/inquiry of external medical institution documents, registration and inquiry of external examination results. In this way, by operating and practicing the functions of the health information system according to the certification standards, it is possible to understand and practice the certification standards and details of patient information management in the functional area of the certification standards. In addition, since the function of the EMR certification standard can be checked, it will be possible to improve the management ability of the electronic medical record system of the health information manager in the medical institution.

A Study on Recognizing Value and Belief of Health with aged (노인이 인지하고 있는 건강의 가치신념에 관한 연구)

  • Shin, Dong-Sun;Hong, Chun-Sil
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.38-51
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    • 1996
  • There is a increasingly growing emphasis on health promotion, disease prevention and optimum functioning for peaple including the chronically ill and disabled. According as the purpose of the nursing is the promotion of health, the value and belief of heal th within the nursing paradigm need to be defined in every culture. The paradigm components must be explored for meaning given by the aged in their traditional thought and philosophy, The problem addressed by this qualitative study was how the aged recognize value and belief of health, which contribute to the development of Korean nursing theory. Theoretical support for the study was from Leininger's cultural care theory and Korean philosophy and traditional oriented thought. Literature review refers to literature on the aged, health of the aged, and definition and meaning of general health concept. Grounded theory methodology guied the research methodology and analysis to build a substantive theory. The informants were 119 from a variety of social levels and family patterns; traditionally the aged are responsible for the health. The concentrated interviewing period was from may to june, 1995 ; the interviews were done by the researcher with two supporter and most were recorded on audio tape. Result from analysis of base datas follows; The value and belief of health that emerged from the categories and properties were the physical stability, the stability of mind, the stability of mind and body, the smoothness (harmony) of body function, the family concord, and the perfection of self. These values and beliefs of health are affected by the cosmic dual forces thought is based on the Great Absolute, family principle of confucian scholar, and Buddism. Among the values and beliefs of health, family concord is found out Korean culture peculiarities. These values and beliefs are all integrated into the idea of health. The study provided implications for nursing theory research, education, and practice change and development.

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Delineating and Defining School-Based Arts Therapy (예술치료교육의 개념 정립과 정의)

  • Chong, Hyun Ju
    • Journal of Music and Human Behavior
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2008
  • Arts Therapy Education is an area under major arts therapy field which focuses on the children in school setting who has emotional, behavioral problem, and the need of it has been increasing as for after-school programs. The study purports to delineate arts therapy education by identifying the elements that differentiate from the major arts therapy approaches, respectively. Arts therapy education is an integrated approach which focuses on primarily alleviating children's emotional problem through therapeutic experiences of arts, and then secondarily helping them to actualize their potentials in learning and achieve educational outcomes. It is also examined that arts therapists working in school setting who need to acquire knowledge in education related theories and further be able to work with emotional, psychological issues from ecological factors. Also it is needed to seek efficient strategies to promote professionality of arts therapy education.

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Effects of Oral Health Behavior and Mental Health on Metabolic Syndrome in Korean Adults

  • Jung, Jin-Ah;Cheon, Hye-Won;Moon, Sang-Eun;Hong, Sun-Hwa
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.90-98
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    • 2022
  • Background: Integrated management of general, mental, and oral health is necessary to improve an individual's quality of life. This study aimed to identify the effects of mental and oral health behaviors on metabolic syndrome. Methods: A total of 4,227 Korean adults aged 20 years or older were selected as study subjects using raw data from the first year (2019) of the 8th period of the Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES). A complex sample chi-square test and a complex sample logistic regression analysis were performed using the PASW Statistics ver. 18.0 program. Results: The effect on metabolic syndrome was significantly higher in male than in 1.833 times in male, 2.914 times in 30~49 years old, and 3.855 times in 50~64 years old, and 3.929 times in people over 65 years old compared to 20~29 years old, and compared to those with a college degree or higher, those with a middle school degree or lower are 2.116 times, those with lower income levels are 1.507 times higher, those with middle-lower are 1.359 times higher, those with middle-high are 1.401 times. Compared to non-smokers, smokers were 1.570 times higher than non-smokers and compared to those without speech problem and chewing difficulty, they were 1.717 times and 1.397 times higher, respectively and 1.973 times higher in those with 0~1 brushing times per day. Mental health did not affect prevalence of metabolic syndrome. Conclusion: It is necessary to improve maintain a healthy lifestyle to lower the risk of metabolic syndrome. It is necessary to establish effective dental hygiene customized education and an efficient health management system at the national level that can induce improvement of oral health behavior for the prevention and management of metabolic syndrome.

Factors Related to Physical Health Monitoring in Community-Dwelling Patients with Schizophrenia Spectrum Disorder (지역사회 거주 조현병 범주 장애 환자의 신체건강관리 관련 요인)

  • Kim, Mina;Jhon, Min;Lee, Ju-Yeon;Kim, Seon-Young;Kim, Jae-Min;Yoon, Jin-Sang;Kim, Soo-Jin;Kim, Sung-Wan
    • Korean Journal of Schizophrenia Research
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.14-20
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    • 2019
  • Objectives: To identify factors related to physical health monitoring of patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorder. Methods: A total of 172 patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorder registered in mental health welfare centers and rehabilitation facilities in Gwangju were recruited. Physical health monitoring was defined by two health behaviors; fasting blood tests within recent 2 years in all participants and routine medical check-ups covered by national insurance within recent 5 years in participants aged 40 years or older. Demographic and clinical characteristics including overweight, metabolic syndrome and knowledge about physical illness were compared according to physical health monitoring. Results: Prevalence of overweight and metabolic syndrome were 62.8% and 40.1%, respectively. The rates of fasting blood tests and routine medical check-ups were 34.9% and 67.9%, respectively. The rates of fasting blood tests were significantly higher in general hospital and university hospital compared to mental hospital or private clinic. Rates of routine medical check-ups were significantly lower in individuals using daily rehabilitation service and smokers. Knowledge about cancer and chronic illness were significantly better in individuals receiving routine medical check-ups compared with those not receiving it. Conclusion: Education about physical health should be integrated to mental health service in community mental health center.