• Title/Summary/Keyword: Input-output table

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An Analysis about Impact of Smart Home manufacturing and service Industry on National Economy (스마트홈 제조업과 서비스업의 국민경제적 파급효과 분석)

  • Kim, Kyunam
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.28 no.4
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    • pp.97-126
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    • 2020
  • This study evaluated its potentials by quantitatively analyzing the national economic impact of the smart home-related industry, which is attracting attention as a core industry of the 4th industrial revolution. For the analysis, the smart home-related industries were classified into manufacturing and service industries through a literature review of the previous studies. Using the 2018 input-output table, this paper analyzed linkage effects between industries as well as spillover effects in the production, value-added, employment and job. As a result, the smart home manufacturing and service sectors showed a higher spillover effect in value-added than other industries in each industrial field. In the smart home industry, the spillover effects of manufacturing sector to service sector are larger than those of service sector to manufacturing sector. Moreover, it was confirmed that smart home industry was highly related to not only the technology-intensive industry, but also the service sector for smart cities, smart cars, Fin-tech, and etc. On the other hand, the smart home manufacturing sector is a final demanding industry with relatively higher backward linkage effect than forward linkage effect. In the smart home service sector, the forward linkage effect was relatively high compared with the backward linkage effect, indicating that it was an industry with a high supply function to other industries.

A Comparative Study on the Employment Creation Effect of FinTech Industry in Korea and USA (한국·미국 핀테크(FinTech) 산업의 고용창출효과 비교 연구)

  • Shin, Yong Jae
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.16 no.12
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    • pp.185-195
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    • 2018
  • This study aims to explore the development of FinTech industry in Korea by comparing and analyzing the effect of job creation in the FinTech industry in Korea and the US. The industry Input-Output table used in the analysis used WIOD, which is composed of the same industrial classification and monetary unit in both Korea and the US. For the analysis, the FinTech industry is composed of ICT sector and financial sector as one industry. This study also compares the employment creation effect in the ICT sector and the financial sector, in addition to the FinTech industry, in order to distinguish the FinTech industry characteristics of the two countries. As a result of the analysis, when the investment or production of 1 million US dollars was made in the FinTech industry in Korea, the employment inducement effect was 11.33 and the employment inducement effect was 9.47, indicating a total employment creation effect of 20.8 persons. In the United States, the Direct employment effect was 8.07 and the indirect employment effect was 7.72, indicating that the employment creation effect was 15.79. However, as a result of classification by the average employment creation effect of the national economy, Korea 's FinTech industry is classified as indirect employment advantage with a high indirect employment inducement effect and the United States is classified as an employment creation advantage with high both direct and indirect employment inducement effect.

An analysis on Regional Economic Impact of Chungnam Following R&D Investment -Focused on Metal Industry- (R&D 투자에 따른 충남지역 경제효과 분석 -금속산업을 중심으로-)

  • Chung, Young-Keun;Lim, Eungsoon
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.10
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    • pp.72-76
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    • 2020
  • The central government operates a Balanced National Development Special Account, and wants more regional development. Many local governments try various ways to establish a foothold for independent governments. Establishing a regional base center is one of the major plans for economic development, and Chungnam is proceeding with "establishing a platform for Chungnam high-tech metal materials." This paper analyzes the effects on the regional economy based on the expense that goes into a regional base center in Chungnam. For the analysis, an input/output table is used, and we present the effects of the annual input cost in detail. This study specifically analyzes the production-inducing effects, the value-added inducing effects, and employment-inducing effects using a demand-drive model. Furthermore, we suggest the effectiveness of this same business. The analyzed results give 32,230,000,000 in production-inducing effects, 13,820,000,000 in value-added inducing effects, and 101 in employment-inducing effects. These results can be used as reasonable evidence to promote the project, since the production-inducing effects and value-added inducing effects show high results, compared to input. The employment-inducing effects can also be used to create new jobs and figure out the number of people employed through this project.

The Economic Effects of the New and Renewable Energies Sector (신재생에너지 부문의 경제적 파급효과 분석)

  • Lim, Seul-Ye;Park, So-Yeon;Yoo, Seung-Hoon
    • Journal of Energy Engineering
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.31-40
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    • 2014
  • The Korean government made the 2nd Energy Basic Plan to achieve 11% of new and renewable energies distribution rate until 2035 as a response to cope with international discussion about greenhouse gas emission reduction. Renewable energies include solar thermal, photovoltaic, bioenergy, wind power, small hydropower, geothermal energy, ocean energy, and waste energy. New energies contain fuel cells, coal gasification and liquefaction, and hydrogen. As public and private investment to enhance the distribution of new and renewable energies, it is necessary to clarify the economic effects of the new and renewable energies sector. To the end, this study attempts to apply an input-output analysis and analyze the economic effects of new and renewable energies sector using 2012 input-output table. Three topics are dealt with. First, production-inducing effect, value-added creation effect, and employment-inducing effect are quantified based on demand-driven model. Second, supply shortage effects are analyzed employing supply-driven model. Lastly, price pervasive effects are investigated applying Leontief price model. The results of this analysis are as follows. First, one won of production or investment in new and renewable energies sector induces 2.1776 won of production and 0.7080 won of value-added. Moreover, the employment-inducing effect of one billion won of production or investment in new and renewable energies sector is estimated to be 9.0337 persons. Second, production shortage cost from one won of supply failure in new and renewable energies sector is calculated to be 1.6314 won, which is not small. Third, the impact of the 10% increase in new and renewable energies rate on the general price level is computed to be 0.0123%, which is small. This information can be utilized in forecasting the economic effects of new and renewable energies sector.

Analysis of CO2 Emission Intensity per Industry using the Input-Output Tables 2003 (산업연관표(2003년)를 활용한 산업별 CO2 배출 원단위 분석)

  • Park, Pil-Ju;Kim, Mann-Young;Yi, Il-Seuk
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.279-309
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    • 2009
  • Greenhouse gas emissions should be precisely forecast to reduce the emissions from industrial production processes. This study calculated the direct and indirect $CO_2$ emission intensities of 401 industries using the Input-Output tables 2003 and statistical data on the amount of energy use. This study had some limitations in drawing study findings because overseas data were used given the lack of domestic data. Other limiting factors included the oil distribution problems in the oil refinery sector, re-review of carbon neutral, and insufficient consideration of waste treatment. Nonetheless, this study is very meaningful since the direct and indirect $CO_2$ emission intensities of 401 industries were calculated. Specifically, this study considered from the zero-waste perspective the effects of waste, which attract interest worldwide since coke gas and gas from the steel industry are obtained as byproducts for the first time in Korea. According to the results of the analysis of $CO_2$ emission intensity per industry, typical industries whose indirect $CO_2$ emission intensity is high include crude steel making, Remicon, steel wire rods & track rail, cast iron, and iron reinforcing rods & bar steel. These industries produce products using the raw materials produced in the industrial sector whose $CO_2$ emission intensity is high. The representative industries whose direct $CO_2$ emission intensity is high include cement, pig iron, lime & plaster products, andcoal-based compounds. These industries extract raw ore from nature and refine them into raw materials that are useful in other industries. The findings in this study can be effectively used for the following case: estimation of target $CO_2$ emission reduction level reflecting each industrial sector's characteristics, calculation of potential emission reduction of each policy to reduce $CO_2$ emissions, identification of a firm's $CO_2$ emission level, and setting of the target level of emission reduction. Moreover, the findings in this study can be utilized widely in fields such as System of integrated Environmental and Economic Accounting(SEEA) and Material Flow Analysis(MFA) as the current topic of research in Korea.

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An analysis of the Effects of Software Industry on the Local Economy (소프트웨어산업이 지역경제에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Kim, Shin-Pyo;Kim, Tea-Yeol;Jung, Su-Jin
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.137-151
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    • 2011
  • This dissertation aims to empirically analyze the effect of cultivation of software industry on the local economy through Inter-regional Software Input-Output Analysis. The temporal range of analysis of effect of software industry on the local economy shall be for the year 2005 since analysis is made on the basis of the Regional Industrial Input-Output Table published by the Bank of Korea in 2005, and spatial domain shall be limited to the 16 metropolitan cities and provinces, which are the standards for each administrative zone. Results of analysis of this dissertation are as follows. Firstly, average inverse matrix coefficient of software industry for each region was computed to be 1.6248, which is lower than the average inverse matrix coefficient of 1.7979 for the entire industries. Secondly, among these, inverse matrix coefficient of software industry for each region on other industry within the same region was 0.1794, which is higher than that of entire industries at 0.1382. However, average inverse matrix coefficients of software industry for each region on self-industry within the same region and entire industries in other regions were found to be 1.0119 and 0.4335, respectively, which is lower than those of entire industries at 1.0982 and 0.5616, respectively. Thirdly, domestic produces induced by final demand items of software industry for each region was the highest for Seoul with 17.3309 trillion Korean won, accounting for 81.0% of the total, followed by Gyeonggi with 2.3370 trillion Korean won, 10.9% of the total. Fourthly, distribution ratios of domestic produces induced by final demand items of software industry for each region were found to be 19.1%, 72.1% and 8.8% with respect to the weight of consumption, investment and export, respectively, thereby illustrating very high level of distribution ratios of domestic produces being induced by investment in comparison to the distribution ratios of domestic produces being induced for the entire industries at 47.3%, 19.8% and 32.9%, respectively.

Establishing the Methodology of Economic Analysis to Take into Account Opportunistic Valuation for a Radio Communication & Train Control System (철도무선신호제어시스템 실용화의 기회가치성을 고려한 경제성분석 체계 정립 -일반 및 고속철도용 무선 및 제어시스템 실용화 사례를 중심으로-)

  • Cho, Shin-hyung;Seo, Young-hyun;Kho, Seung-young;Rhee, Sung-mo
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Railway
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.373-379
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    • 2016
  • Development of a train wireless signal control system using LTE-R technology is expected to have a great ripple effect to the existing signal control market. To make inroads into the international market, it is an urgent issue to practicalize the train wireless signal control system. Because it will require a huge budget to commercialize the wireless signal control system, it is necessary to analyze the feasibility beforehand, with a consideration of the domestic and foreign marketability and the impact on related industries. This study investigated the effect of the practicalization of train control system on future railway and national industrial sectors. We suggested the establishment of a framework for economic feasibility analysis, one that can provide criteria for opportunistic valuation. We also verified this framework through case analysis.

An Analysis on the Characteristics of Global Automotive Production Network using the OECD Trade in Value Added Data (OECD 부가가치 기준 교역자료를 이용한 자동차산업 글로벌 생산 네트워크의 특성 분석)

  • Jeong, Jun Ho;Jo, Hyung Je
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.491-511
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    • 2016
  • This paper attempts to understand the nature and dynamics of global value chains in the auto industry using the OECD TiVA 2015 edition on the bilateral foreign value added in exports over the period 1995-2011 and employing the techniques of social network analysis such as the computation of network measures and visualization of value added trade flows. It is shown that there has been a tendency towards increasing production fragmentation both within and across regions. The automotive value-added network is found to have small-world properties with a hierarchical, clustered and dense structure. The differences among the US, Germany and China as major suppliers of foreign value added in global automotive value chains are remarkably revealed. Although the fragmentation of production has been developed on a global scale, a dichotomous tension between center and periphery and domestic and foreign capital lies behind it.

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A Study on the Ubiquitous Industryz's Effects on Korean Economy using Interindustry Analysis (산업연관분석을 이용한 국내 유비쿼터스 산업의 경제적 파급효과에 관한 연구)

  • Baik Kwang-Hyun;Suk Young-Ki
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.494-505
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    • 2006
  • In this paper, we investigate the national effects of the ubiquitous industry(UI) for a u-Korea(ubiquitous Korea) project. As the UI has now been playing the more and more important role in Korean economy, it will be very appropriate to provide the policy makers with the accurate and reliable implications regarding the role of UI in the national economy. This paper applies the interindustry analysis to examine the impact of UI under the unique situation of Korea. To do this, we use the Input-Output Table published by the Bank of Korea in 2000. Our results shows that the economic effects of UI on the production-inducing, value added-inducing, export & import-inducing and employment-inducing in Korea will approximately be 240 trillion won from 2005 through 2010.

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A Study on the Development of Emergency Medical Dispatch Information System using ASP (응급통신관리 정보시스템 구축과 ASP 활용에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Keun-Myung
    • The Korean Journal of Emergency Medical Services
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.27-37
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    • 2002
  • The health and medical service attracts more public attention as the economy of Korea is rapidly growing up and the standard of living is elevated. Especially, the interest and demand on the prehospital emergency medical service that consists of the important part of primary medical service that is directly related to the life of patients are gradually increased. However, as compared with other advanced countries such as America in this area, Korea actually fell behind in the utilization of IT (Information Technology) to maximize the efficiency of emergency service system as well as has a problem in the general service system. This study suggested the necessity to introduce EMD (Emergency Medical Dispatch) system that takes a great role as the core part in the prehospital emergency medical service that is not systemized in Korea yet. In addition, this study proposed the implementation model of EMD ASP system using ASP (Application Service Provider) in EMD system to flexibly deal with the change of IT and efficient implementation and integration of information system as well as to significantly reduce cost through wire/wireless high speed Internet network that is politically promoted in Korea on the basis of EMD. The system analysis and design was executed by HIPO (Hierarchy Plus Input Process Output) analysis that was the conceptual design technology for EMD information system modeling based on ASP and DFD (Data Flow Diagram). This study proposed DB table configuration and data schema to implement the application of web browser interface in EMD system through ERD(ER-Diagram) of EMD ASP system. Finally, this study described how to implement and utilize EMD information system. This study aims to facilitate the qualitative development of emergency medical service in the future as suggesting the concrete models for the implementation of high value-added prehospital emergency medical information system as applying ASP concept to EMD system of prehospital emergency medical service area.

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