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  • Title/Summary/Keyword: Input-output method

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Water Level Control of PWR Steam Generator using Knowledge Information and Neural Networks (지식정보와 신경회로망을 이용한 가압경수로 증기발생기 수위제어)

  • Bae, Hyeon-Bae;Woo, Young-Kwang;Kim, Sung-Shin;Jung, Kee-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.322-327
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    • 2003
  • The water level of a steam generator of pressurized light water nuclear Power generator is known as a subject whose control is difficult because of a shrinking and swelling effect that is been mutually contradictory in a variation of feed water. In this paper, a neural network model selects first coordinative controller by a inappropriate gain of two PI controllers and the selected controller's gain is tuned by a fuzzy self-tuner. Model inputs consist of the water level, the feed water, and the stream flow. One controller of both coupling controllers whose gain is handled firstly is decided based upon above data. The proposed method can analyze patterns of signals using the characteristic of neural networks and select one controller that needs to be tuned through the observed result in this paper. If one controller between both the water level controller and the feed water controller is selected by the neural network model then a gain of the PI controller is suitably tuned by the fuzzy self-tuner. Rules of the fuzzy self-tuner drew from the pattern of input and output data. In the summary, the goal of this Paper is to select the suitable controller and tune the control gain of the selected controller suitably through such two processes.

Estimation of Leaf Area, Leaf Fresh Weight, and Leaf Dry Weight of Irwin Mango Grown in Greenhouse using Leaf Length, Leaf Width, Petiole Length, and SPAD Value (엽장, 엽폭, 엽병장 및 SPAD 값을 이용한 온실 재배 어윈 망고의 엽면적, 엽생체중과 엽건물중 추정)

  • Jung, Dae Ho;Cho, Young Yeol;Lee, Jun Gu;Son, Jung Eek
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.146-152
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    • 2016
  • Due to complicate canopy structures of Irwin mangoes grown in greenhouses, it is difficult to determine their growth parameters accurately. Leaf area, leaf fresh weight, and leaf dry weight are widely used as indicators to diagnose the tree growth. Therefore, it is necessary to establish models that can non-destructively estimate these growth indicators. The objective of this study was to establish regression models to estimate leaf area, leaf fresh weight, and leaf dry weight of Irwin mangoes (Mangifera indica L. cv. Irwin) by using leaf length, leaf width, petiole length, and SPAD value. The input values of leaf length, leaf width, petiole length, and SPAD value of 6-year old Irwin mangoes were measured, and the corresponding output values of leaf area, leaf fresh weight, and leaf dry weight were also measured. After 14 models were selected among the existing models, coefficients of the models were estimated by regression analysis. Three models with higher R2 and lower RMSE values selected. In validation the R2 values for the selected models were 0.967, 0.743, and 0.567 in the leaf area, leaf fresh weight, and leaf dry weight models, respectively. It is concluded that this models will be helpful to conveniently diagnose the growth of the Irwin mango.

Optimization for Concurrent Spare Part with Simulation and Multiple Regression (시뮬레이션과 다중 회귀모형을 이용한 동시조달수리부속 최적화)

  • Kim, Kyung-Rok;Yong, Hwa-Young;Kwon, Ki-Sang
    • Journal of the Korea Society for Simulation
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.79-88
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    • 2012
  • Recently, the study in efficient operation, maintenance, and equipment-design have been growing rapidly in military industry to meet the required missions. Through out these studies, the importance of Concurrent Spare Parts(CSP) are emphasized. The CSP, which is critical to the operation and maintenance to enhance the availability, is offered together when a equipment is delivered. Despite its significance, th responsibility for determining the range and depth of CSP are done from administrative decision rather than engineering analysis. The purpose of the paper is to optimize the number of CSP per item using simulation and multiple regression. First, the result, as the change of operational availability, was gained from changing the number of change in simulation model. Second, mathematical regression was computed from the input and output data, and the number of CSP was optimized by multiple regression and linear programming; the constraint condition is the cost for optimization. The advantage of this study is to respond with the transition of constraint condition quickly. The cost per item is consistently altered in the development state of equipment. The speed of analysis, that simulation method is continuously performed whenever constraint condition is repeatedly altered, would be down. Therefore, this study is suitable for real development environment. In the future, the study based on the above concept improves the accuracy of optimization by the technical progress of multiple regression.

Understand the Current Status of Teaching and Learning Informatization and Develop Indicators in the 4th Industrial Revolution (4차산업혁명 시대를 대비한 대학의 교수학습 정보화 현황 파악 및 지표 개발)

  • Kim, Sang-Woo;Lee, Myung-Suk
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.67-74
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study has developed a teaching and learning informatization indicator that provides the basis for utilizing or disseminating the beneficial teaching and learning informatization environment promoted by each university. The research method analyzes various informatization indicators developed by KERIS from 2002 to 2015 and recent environment such as Edutech, future education report, teaching and learning field report, and reflects them in indicator development. The development of the third indicator was completed by dividing it into Input, Process, Output stages by reflecting expert opinions in the first and second indicators. As a result, the core words of the university's teaching-learning informatization infrastructure building, sharing of educational resources, open development and sharing, joint purchase of resources, information safety system and literacy education, current status grasping, and resource utilization were derived. In the future, I will fill out the questionnaire to supplement the question through a pilot test and to grasp the current status of teaching and learning informatization in the entire university.

A Study for Hybrid Honeypot Systems (하이브리드 허니팟 시스템에 대한 연구)

  • Lee, Moon-Goo
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.51 no.11
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    • pp.127-133
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    • 2014
  • In order to protect information asset from various malicious code, Honeypot system is implemented. Honeypot system is designed to elicit attacks so that internal system is not attacked or it is designed to collect malicious code information. However, existing honeypot system is designed for the purpose of collecting information, so it is designed to induce inflows of attackers positively by establishing disguised server or disguised client server and by providing disguised contents. In case of establishing disguised server, it should reinstall hardware in a cycle of one year because of frequent disk input and output. In case of establishing disguised client server, it has operating problem such as procuring professional labor force because it has a limit to automize the analysis of acquired information. To solve and supplement operating problem and previous problem of honeypot's hardware, this thesis suggested hybrid honeypot. Suggested hybrid honeypot has honeywall, analyzed server and combined console and it processes by categorizing attacking types into two types. It is designed that disguise (inducement) and false response (emulation) are connected to common switch area to operate high level interaction server, which is type 1 and low level interaction server, which is type 2. This hybrid honeypot operates low level honeypot and high level honeypot. Analysis server converts hacking types into hash value and separates it into correlation analysis algorithm and sends it to honeywall. Integrated monitoring console implements continuous monitoring, so it is expected that not only analyzing information about recent hacking method and attacking tool but also it provides effects of anticipative security response.

A Brief Efficiency and Clustering Measurement Way of Containerport by Using the Game Cross-efficiency Model (게임교차효율성모형을 이용한 컨테이너항만의 효율성 및 클러스터링 측정방법 소고)

  • Park, Rokyung
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.151-168
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this paper is to show the brief efficiency and clustering measurement way by using the game cross-efficiency model which is newly introduced in this paper for 13 container ports during 3 years(2009, 2010, and 2013) with 3 input variables(depth, total area, and number of crane) and 1 output variable(container TEU). The main empirical results are as follows. First, the average rankings of game cross-efficiency model are Ningbo, Hongkong, Shanghai, Dubai, Singapore, Qingdao, Kaosiung, Busan, Tokyo, Incheon, Nagoya, Manila, Gwangyang ports in order. Second, according to ANOVA analysis, three models show the similar results in terms of the efficiency rankings. Third, in the clustering analysis using dendrogram, group A(Shangahi and Busan), group B(Ningbo and Nagoya), and group C(Incheon and Manila) show the common clustering ports during 3 or 2 years. The policy implication of this paper is that Korean port policy planner should introduce the game cross-efficiency method when measuring the individual port efficiency. Also port authority should consider the merits of the clustering ports for improving the port management and operations.

A Study on the Utilization and Control Method of Hybrid Switching Tap Based Automatic Voltage Regulator on Smart Grid (스마트그리드의 탭 전환 자동 전압 조정기의 다중 스위칭 제어 방법 및 활용 방안에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Gwang-Yun;Kim, Jung-Ryul;Kim, Byung-Gi
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.17 no.12
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    • pp.31-39
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    • 2012
  • In this paper, we propose a microprocessor-based automatic voltage regulator(AVR) to reduce consumers' electric energy consumption and to help controlling peak demanding power. Hybrid Switching Automatic Voltage Regulator (HS-AVR) consist of a toroidal core, several tap control switches, display and command control parts. The coil forms an autotransformer which has a serial main winding and four parallel auxiliary windings. It controls the output voltage by changing the combination of the coils and the switches. Relays are adopted as the link switches of the coils to minimize the loss. To make connecting and disconnecting time accurate, relays of the circuit have parallel TRIACs. A software phase locked loop(PLL) has been used to synchronize the timings of the switches to the voltage waveform. The software PLL informs the input voltage zero-crossing and positive/negative peak timing. The traditional voltage transformers and AVRs have a disadvantage of having a large mandatory capacity to accommodate maximum inrush current to avoid the switch contact damage. But we propose a suitable AVR for every purpose in smart grid with reduced size and increased efficiency.

Design of Optimized pRBFNNs-based Face Recognition Algorithm Using Two-dimensional Image and ASM Algorithm (최적 pRBFNNs 패턴분류기 기반 2차원 영상과 ASM 알고리즘을 이용한 얼굴인식 알고리즘 설계)

  • Oh, Sung-Kwun;Ma, Chang-Min;Yoo, Sung-Hoon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Intelligent Systems
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    • v.21 no.6
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    • pp.749-754
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    • 2011
  • In this study, we propose the design of optimized pRBFNNs-based face recognition system using two-dimensional Image and ASM algorithm. usually the existing 2 dimensional face recognition methods have the effects of the scale change of the image, position variation or the backgrounds of an image. In this paper, the face region information obtained from the detected face region is used for the compensation of these defects. In this paper, we use a CCD camera to obtain a picture frame directly. By using histogram equalization method, we can partially enhance the distorted image influenced by natural as well as artificial illumination. AdaBoost algorithm is used for the detection of face image between face and non-face image area. We can butt up personal profile by extracting the both face contour and shape using ASM(Active Shape Model) and then reduce dimension of image data using PCA. The proposed pRBFNNs consists of three functional modules such as the condition part, the conclusion part, and the inference part. In the condition part of fuzzy rules, input space is partitioned with Fuzzy C-Means clustering. In the conclusion part of rules, the connection weight of RBFNNs is represented as three kinds of polynomials such as constant, linear, and quadratic. The essential design parameters (including learning rate, momentum coefficient and fuzzification coefficient) of the networks are optimized by means of Differential Evolution. The proposed pRBFNNs are applied to real-time face image database and then demonstrated from viewpoint of the output performance and recognition rate.

Analysis on the Performance Degradation of MIMO-OFDM Receiver and Hybrid Interference Cancellation with Low Complexity for the Performance Improvement Under High-Mobility Condition (MIMO-OFDM 수신기의 성능 열화 분석 및 고속 이동환경에서의 성능 향상을 위한 저복잡도 HIC 간섭제거 기법)

  • Kang, Seung-Won;Kim, Kyoo-Hyun;Chang, Kyung-Hi
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.32 no.2C
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    • pp.95-112
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    • 2007
  • Spatial Multiplexing techniques, which is a kind of Multiple antenna techniques, provide high data transmission rate by transmitting independent data at different transmit antenna with the same spectral resource. OFDM (Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing) is applied to MIMO (Multiple-Input Multiple-Output) system to combat ISI (Inter-Symbol Interference) and frequency selective fading channel, which degrade MIMO system performance. But, orthogonality between subcarriers of OFDM can't be guaranteed under high-mobility condition. As a result, severe performance degradation due to ICI is induced. In this paper, both ICI and CAI (Co-Antenna Interference) which occurs due to correlation between multiple antennas, and performance degradation due to both ICI and CAI are analyzed. In addition to the proposed CIR (Channel Impulse Response) estimation method for avoiding loss in data transmission rate, HIC (Hybrid Interference Cancellation) approach for guaranteeing QoS of MIMO-OFDM receiver is proposed. We observe the results on analytical performance degradation due to both ICI & CAI are coincide with the simulation results and performance improvement due to HIC are also verified by simulation under SCM-E Sub-urban Macro MIMO channel.

The Development of 63nm Diode Laser System for Photodynamic Therapy of Cancer (광역학적 암치료를 위한 635nm 다이오드 레이저 시스템 개발)

  • 임현수
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.24 no.4
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    • pp.319-328
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this paper is to develop a medical laser system using the semiconductor diode laser in order to photodynamic cancel therapy as a light source. The ideal light source for photodynamic therapy would be a homogeneous nondiverging light with variable spot size and specific wavelength with stability. After due consideration in this point, in this paper, we used a diode laser resonator of 635nm wavelength. The development laser system have a statistical laser out beam with accuracy control using the constant current control of method and clinic-friendly with compact. In order to protect the diode resonator from the over-current, the rush-current and electrical fault, we specially designed. The most importance therapeutic factor are the radiation mode for cancer therapy. So we developed the radiation mode of CW(Continuous Wave), long pulse, short pulse, and burst pulse and can adjust the exposure time from several milli-second to several minute. The experimental result shows that laser beam power was increased linear from 10mW to 300mW according to the increasing input current and the increasing exposure time. The developed new compact diode laser system have a stability of output power and specific wavelength with easy control and transportable for many applications of PDT.