• Title/Summary/Keyword: Inlier

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Study on 3 DoF Image and Video Stitching Using Sensed Data

  • Kim, Minwoo;Chun, Jonghoon;Kim, Sang-Kyun
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.11 no.9
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    • pp.4527-4548
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    • 2017
  • This paper proposes a method to generate panoramic images by combining conventional feature extraction algorithms (e.g., SIFT, SURF, MPEG-7 CDVS) with sensed data from inertia sensors to enhance the stitching results. The challenge of image stitching increases when the images are taken from two different mobile phones with no posture calibration. Using inertia sensor data obtained by the mobile phone, images with different yaw, pitch, and roll angles are preprocessed and adjusted before performing stitching process. Performance of stitching (e.g., feature extraction time, inlier point numbers, stitching accuracy) between conventional feature extraction algorithms is reported along with the stitching performance with/without using the inertia sensor data. In addition, the stitching accuracy of video data was improved using the same sensed data, with discrete calculation of homograph matrix. The experimental results for stitching accuracies and speed using sensed data are presented in this paper.

Voronoi Diagram-based USBL Outlier Rejection for AUV Localization

  • Hyeonmin Sim;Hangil Joe
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.115-123
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    • 2024
  • USBL systems are essential for providing accurate positions of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs). On the other hand, the accuracy can be degraded by outliers because of the environmental conditions. A failure to address these outliers can significantly impact the reliability of underwater localization and navigation systems. This paper proposes a novel outlier rejection algorithm for AUV localization using Voronoi diagrams and query point calculation. The Voronoi diagram divides data space into Voronoi cells that center on ultra-short baseline (USBL) data, and the calculated query point determines if the corresponding USBL data is an inlier. This study conducted experiments acquiring GPS and USBL data simultaneously and optimized the algorithm empirically based on the acquired data. In addition, the proposed method was applied to a sensor fusion algorithm to verify its effectiveness, resulting in improved pose estimations. The proposed method can be applied to various sensor fusion algorithms as a preprocess and could be used for outlier rejection for other 2D-based location sensors.

Traffic Sign Recognition, and Tracking Using RANSAC-Based Motion Estimation for Autonomous Vehicles (자율주행 차량을 위한 교통표지판 인식 및 RANSAC 기반의 모션예측을 통한 추적)

  • Kim, Seong-Uk;Lee, Joon-Woong
    • Journal of Institute of Control, Robotics and Systems
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.110-116
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    • 2016
  • Autonomous vehicles must obey the traffic laws in order to drive actual roads. Traffic signs erected at the side of roads explain the road traffic information or regulations. Therefore, traffic sign recognition is necessary for the autonomous vehicles. In this paper, color characteristics are first considered to detect traffic sign candidates. Subsequently, we establish HOG (Histogram of Oriented Gradients) features from the detected candidate and recognize the traffic sign through a SVM (Support Vector Machine). However, owing to various circumstances, such as changes in weather and lighting, it is difficult to recognize the traffic signs robustly using only SVM. In order to solve this problem, we propose a tracking algorithm with RANSAC-based motion estimation. Using two-point motion estimation, inlier feature points within the traffic sign are selected and then the optimal motion is calculated with the inliers through a bundle adjustment. This approach greatly enhances the traffic sign recognition performance.

A New Shape-Based Object Category Recognition Technique using Affine Category Shape Model (Affine Category Shape Model을 이용한 형태 기반 범주 물체 인식 기법)

  • Kim, Dong-Hwan;Choi, Yu-Kyung;Park, Sung-Kee
    • The Journal of Korea Robotics Society
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    • v.4 no.3
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    • pp.185-191
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    • 2009
  • This paper presents a new shape-based algorithm using affine category shape model for object category recognition and model learning. Affine category shape model is a graph of interconnected nodes whose geometric interactions are modeled using pairwise potentials. In its learning phase, it can efficiently handle large pose variations of objects in training images by estimating 2-D homography transformation between the model and the training images. Since the pairwise potentials are defined on only relative geometric relationship betweenfeatures, the proposed matching algorithm is translation and in-plane rotation invariant and robust to affine transformation. We apply spectral matching algorithm to find feature correspondences, which are then used as initial correspondences for RANSAC algorithm. The 2-D homography transformation and the inlier correspondences which are consistent with this estimate can be efficiently estimated through RANSAC, and new correspondences also can be detected by using the estimated 2-D homography transformation. Experimental results on object category database show that the proposed algorithm is robust to pose variation of objects and provides good recognition performance.

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Motion Estimation Using 3-D Straight Lines (3차원 직선을 이용한 카메라 모션 추정)

  • Lee, Jin Han;Zhang, Guoxuan;Suh, Il Hong
    • The Journal of Korea Robotics Society
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.300-309
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    • 2016
  • This paper proposes a method for motion estimation of consecutive cameras using 3-D straight lines. The motion estimation algorithm uses two non-parallel 3-D line correspondences to quickly establish an initial guess for the relative pose of adjacent frames, which requires less correspondences than that of current approaches requiring three correspondences when using 3-D points or 3-D planes. The estimated motion is further refined by a nonlinear optimization technique with inlier correspondences for higher accuracy. Since there is no dominant line representation in 3-D space, we simulate two line representations, which can be thought as mainly adopted methods in the field, and verify one as the best choice from the simulation results. We also propose a simple but effective 3-D line fitting algorithm considering the fact that the variance arises in the projective directions thus can be reduced to 2-D fitting problem. We provide experimental results of the proposed motion estimation system comparing with state-of-the-art algorithms using an open benchmark dataset.

Robust Location Estimation based on TDOA and FDOA using Outlier Detection Algorithm (이상치 검출 알고리즘을 이용한 TDOA와 FDOA 기반 이동 신호원 위치 추정 기법)

  • Yoo, Hogeun;Lee, Jaehoon
    • Journal of Convergence for Information Technology
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    • v.10 no.9
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    • pp.15-21
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    • 2020
  • This paper presents the outlier detection algorithm in the estimation method of a source location and velocity based on two-step weighted least-squares method using time difference of arrival(TDOA) and frequency difference of arrival(FDOA) data. Since the accuracy of the estimated location and velocity of a moving source can be reduced by the outliers of TDOA and FDOA data, it is important to detect and remove the outliers. In this paper, the method to find the minimum inlier data and the method to determine whether TDOA and FDOA data are included in inliers or outliers are presented. The results of numerical simulations show that the accuracy of the estimated location and velocity is improved by removing the outliers of TDOA and FDOA data.

Robust Optical Flow Detection Using 2D Histogram with Variable Resolution (가변 분해능을 가진 2차원 히스토그램을 이용한 강건한 광류검출)

  • CHON Jaechoon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.49-57
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    • 2005
  • The proposed algorithm is to achieve the robust optical flow detection which is applicable for the case that the outlier rate is over 80%. If the outlier rate of optical flows is over 30%, the discrimination between the inliers and outlier with the conventional algorithm is very difficult. The proposed algorithm is to overcome such difficulty with three steps of grouping algorithm; 1) constructing the 2D histogram with two axies of the lengths and the directions of optical flows. 2) sorting the number of optical flows in each bin of the two-dimensional histogram in the descending order and removing some bins with lower number of optical flows than threshold. 3) increasing the resolution of the two-dimensional histogram if the number of optical flows in a specific bin is over 20% and decreasing the resolution if the number of optical flows is less than 10%. Such processing is repeated until the number of optical flows falls into the range of 10%-20% in all the bins. The proposed algorithm works well on the different kinds of images with many of wrong optical flows. Experimental results are included.

Robust Optical Flow Detection Using 2D histogram with Variable Resolution (가변 분해능을 가진 2차원 히스토그램을 이용한 강건한 광류인식)

  • CHON Jaechoon;KIM Hyongsuk
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.42 no.3 s.303
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    • pp.51-64
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    • 2005
  • The proposed algorithm is to achieve the robust optical flow detection which is applicable for the case that the outlier rate is over $80\%$. If the outlier rate of optical flows is over $30\%$, the discrimination between the inliers and outlier with the conventional algorithm is very difficult. The proposed algorithm is to overcome such difficulty withthree steps of grouping algorithm; 1) constructing the 2 D histogram with two axies of the lengths and the directions of optical flows. 2) sorting the number of optical flows in each bin of the two-dimensional histogram in the descendingorder and removing some bins with lower number of optical flows than threshold 3) increasing the resolution of the two-dimensional histogram if the number of optical flows in a specific bin is over $20\%$ and decreasing theresolution if the number of optical flows is less than $10\%$. Such processing is repeated until the the number of optical flows falls into the range of $10\%-20\%$ in all the bins. The proposed algorithm works well on the different kinds of images with many of wrong optical flows. Experimental results are included.

Application of Multivariate Statistics and Geostatistical Techniques to Identify the Distribution Modes of the Co, Ni, As and Au-Ag ore in the Bou Azzer-East Deposits (Central Anti-Atlas Morocco)

  • Souiri, Muhammad;Aissa, Mohamed;Gois, Joaquim;Oulgour, Rachid;Mezougane, Hafid;El Azmi, Mohammed;Moussaid, Azizi
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.53 no.4
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    • pp.363-381
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    • 2020
  • The polymetallic Co, Ni, Cu, As, Au, and Ag deposits of Bou Azzer East are located in the western part of the Bou Azzer inlier in the Central Anti Atlas, Morocco. Six stages of emplacement of the mineralization have been identified. Precious metals (native gold and electrum) are present in all stages of this deposit except the early nickeliferous stage. From the Statistical analysis of the Co, As, Ni, Au, and Ag contents of a set of 501 samples, shows that the Pearson correlation coefficient between As-Co elements (0.966) is the highest followed by that of the Au-Ag couple (0.506). Principal component analysis (PCA) and hierarchical ascending classification (HAC) of the grades show, that Ni is associated with the pair (As-Co) and Cu is rather related to the pair (Au-Ag). The kriging maps show that the highest values of the Co, As and Ni appear in the contact of the serpentinite with other facies, as for those of Au and Ag, in addition to anomalous zones concordant with those of Co, Ni and As, they show anomalies at the extreme South and North of the study area. The development of the anomalous Au and Ag zones is mainly along the N40-50°E and N145°E directions.

Geological Structures of the Southern Jecheon, Korea: Uplift Process of Dangdusan Metamorphic Complex and Its Implication (옥천대 제천 남부의 지질구조: 당두산변성암복합체의 상승과정과 그 의미)

  • Kihm, You-Hong;Kim, Jeong-Hwan;Cheong, Sang-Won
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.302-314
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    • 2000
  • Keumseong area in the southern part of the Jecheon city, the Ogcheon Belt, consists of Precambrian Dangdusan Metamorphic Complex, Dori Formation of the Choseon Supergroup, and Jurassic Jecheon Granite. The Dangdusan Metamorphic Complex consists of quartz schist, mica schist. quartzite and pegmatite. The Dori Formation is composed of mainly laminated limestone. The rocks in the study area have been undergone at least three phases of deformations since Paleozoic period. The Dangdusan Metamorphic Complex is outcrop at three areas in the study area, which are exposed along the faults and occurred as inlier within the Dori Formation. Previous authors interpreted the uplift of the Dangdusan Metamorphic Complex by the Dangdusan Fault, but we could not find any evidences related to the Dangdusan Fault. Thus, we interpret the uplift of the Dangdusan Metamorphic Complex due to the D$_2$ Weolgulri and Dangdusan thrusts and post-D$_2$ Jungbodeul, Kokyo and Jungjeonri faults. The uplift of the Busan Metamorphic Complex to the west of the study area was interpreted by ductile deformation. However, the Dangdusan Metamorphic Complex is formed by brittle thrusts and faults in this study. According to deformation sequence, the characters of deformations in the Choseon and Ogcheon suprergroups had been changed from ductile to brittle deformations through the time. Therefore, we interpret the Dangdusan Metamorphic Complex is exposed later than the Busan Metamorphic Complex.

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