• Title/Summary/Keyword: Information graphic

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A Study on the Evaluation of Simplification Algorithms Based on Map Generalization (지도 일반화에 따른 단순화 알고리즘의 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Kam-Lae;Lee, Ho-Nam;Park, In-Hae
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.63-71
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    • 1992
  • The digital map database is often produced for multiple purposes, including mapping at multiple scales; it is increasingly rare that a base map is digitized for mapping at a single scale. The most important problems in process of line simplification in map generalization and multiple representation is that tolerance value selected for simplifying base map information must be modified as feature geometry varies within the digital file to ensure both accuracy and recognizability of graphic details on a generalized map. In this study, we explored various algorithms regarding to line simplication at many scales from a single digital file, and presents a rule by which to determine those scale at which line feature geometry might be expected to change in map representation. By applying two measured of displacement between a digitized line and its simplification, five algorithms have been evaluated. The results indicate that, of the five, the Douglas-Peucker routine produced less displacement between a line and its simplification. The research has proved to automating map simplification, incorporating numeric guidelines into digital environment about what magnitude and variation in geometric detail should be preserved as the digital data is simplified for representation at reduced map scales.

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Development of a Spectrum Analysis Software for Multipurpose Gamma-ray Detectors (감마선 검출기를 위한 스펙트럼 분석 소프트웨어 개발)

  • Lee, Jong-Myung;Kim, Young-Kwon;Park, Kil-Soon;Kim, Jung-Min;Lee, Ki-Sung;Joung, Jin-Hun
    • Journal of radiological science and technology
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.51-59
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    • 2010
  • We developed an analysis software that automatically detects incoming isotopes for multi-purpose gamma-ray detectors. The software is divided into three major parts; Network Interface Module (NIM), Spectrum Analysis Module (SAM), and Graphic User Interface Module (GUIM). The main part is SAM that extracts peak information of energy spectrum from the collected data through network and identifies the isotopes by comparing the peaks with pre-calibrated libraries. The proposed peak detection algorithm was utilized to construct libraries of standard isotopes with two peaks and to identify the unknown isotope with the constructed libraries. We tested the software by using GammaPro1410 detector developed by NuCare Medical Systems. The results showed that NIM performed 200K counts per seconds and the most isotopes tested were correctly recognized within 1% error range when only a single unknown isotope was used for detection test. The software is expected to be used for radiation monitoring in various applications such as hospitals, power plants, and research facilities etc.

Development of a Greenhouse Environment Monitoring System using Low-cost Microcontroller and Open-source Software (저비용 개방형 Microcontroller를 사용한 온실 환경 측정 시스템 개발)

  • Cha, Mi-Kyung;Jeon, Youn A;Son, Jung Eek;Chung, Sun-Ok;Cho, Young-Yeol
    • Horticultural Science & Technology
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    • v.34 no.6
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    • pp.860-870
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    • 2016
  • Continuous monitoring of environmental parameters provides farmers with useful information, which can improve the quality and productivity of crops grown in greenhouses. The objective of this study was to develop a greenhouse environment measurement system using a low-cost microcontroller with open-source software. Greenhouse environment parameters measured were air temperature, relative humidity, and carbon dioxide ($CO_2$) concentration. The ranges of the temperature, relative humidity, and $CO_2$ concentration were -40 to $120^{\circ}C$, 0 to 100%, and 0 to 10,000 ppm, respectively. A $128{\times}64$ graphic LCD display was used for real-time monitoring of the greenhouse environments. An Arduino Uno R3 consisted of a USB interface for communicating with a computer, 6 analog inputs, and 14 digital input/output pins. A temperature/relative humidity sensor was connected to digital pins 2 and 3. A $CO_2$ sensor was connected to digital pins 12 and 13. The LCD was connected to digital pin 1 (TX). The sketches were programmed with the Arduino Software (IDE). A measurement system including the Arduino board, sensors, and accessories was developed (totaling $244). Data for the environmental parameters in a venlo-type greenhouse were obtained using this system without any problems. We expect that the low-cost microcontroller using open-source software can be used for monitoring the environments of plastic greenhouses in Korea.

Dashboard Design for Evidence-based Policymaking of Sejong City Government (세종시 데이터 증거기반 정책수립을 위한 대시보드 디자인에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Jin-A;An, Se-Yun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.19 no.12
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    • pp.173-183
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    • 2019
  • Sejong, Korea's special multifunctional administrative city, was created as a national project to relocated government ministries, the aim being to pursue more balanced regional economic development and boost national competitiveness. During the second phase development will focus on mitigating the challenges raised due to the increasing population and urbanization development. All of infrastructure, apartments, houses, private buildings, commercial structures, public buildings, citizens are producing more and more complex data. To face these challenges, Sejong city governments and policy maker recognizes the opportunity to ensure more enriched lives for citizen with data-driven city management, and effectively exploring how to use existing data to improve policy services and a more sustainable economic policy to enhance sustainable city management. As a city government is a complex decision making system, the analysis of astounding increase in city dada is valuable to gain insight in the affecting traffic flow. To support the requirement specification and management of government policy making, the graphic representation of information and data should be provide a different approach in the intuitive way. With in context, this paper outlines the design of interactive, web-based dashboard which provides data visualization regarding better policy making and risk management.

A Study to Improve the Spatial Data Design of Korean Reach File to Support TMDL Works (TMDL 업무 지원을 위한 Korean Reach File 공간자료 설계 개선 연구)

  • Lee, Chol Young;Kim, Kye Hyun;Park, Yong Gil;Lee, Hyuk
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.46 no.4
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    • pp.345-359
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    • 2013
  • In order to manage water quality efficiently and systematically through TMDL (Total Maximum Daily Load), the demand for the construction of spatial data for stream networks has increased for use with GIS-based water quality modeling, data management and spatial analysis. The objective of this study was to present an improved KRF (Korean Reach File) design as framework data for domestic stream networks to be used for various purposes in relation to the TMDL. In order to achieve this goal, the US EPA's RF (River Reach File) was initially reviewed. The improved design of the graphic and attribute data for the KRF based on the design of the EPA's RF was presented. To verify the results, the KRF was created for the Han River Basin. In total, 2,047 stream reaches were divided and the relevant nodes were generated at 2,048 points in the study area. The unique identifiers for each spatial object were input into the KRF without redundancy. This approach can serve as a means of linking the KRF with related database. Also, the enhanced topological information was included as attributes of the KRF. Therefore, the KRF can be used in conjunction with various types of network analysis. The utilization of KRF for water quality modeling, data management and spatial analysis as they pertain to the applicability of the TMDL should be conducted.

Level of perception of changed lip protrusion and asymmetry of the lower facial height (하안면부에서 입술의 돌출 정도와 안면 비대칭의 인지도에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Kyu-Sun;Kim, Young-Jin;Lee, Keun-Hye;Kook, Yoon-Ah;Kim, Young-Ho
    • The korean journal of orthodontics
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.434-441
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    • 2006
  • Objective: While one of the most prevailing motivations for seeking orthodontic treatment is to achieve good facial esthetics, understanding the level of a person's perception to the changes that have occurred on the face after orthodontic treatment is critical to the process of orthodontic diagnosis and treatment planning. Methods: 40 students attending art school participated in determining the level of their perception of changed lip position and facial asymmetry. Computer-graphic frontal face and facial profile photographs with balanced proportions were used to evaluate the level of a participant's perception of the changes in facia! asymmetry and in lip position. Results: Change of lip position over 2 mm and over a 3 mm change of facial asymmetry was perceived significantly. Conclusion: The results indicated that at least a 2 mm change of lip position was needed to be perceived after orthodontic treatment. The level of perception of the change in facial asymmetry was lower than that of the change in lip position. Information about facial changes given prior to the evaluation enhanced the level of perception.


  • Kim Hyeong-Seop;Shin Sang-Wan
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.43 no.2
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    • pp.191-203
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    • 2005
  • Statement of problem. In Korea, the preliminary impression trays for dental and edentulous maxillae are manufactured on the base of the statistical value of Westerners. There had been less study on the dental and edentulous arches of Koreans. Purpose. The purpose of this study was to evaluate an average dental cast, preliminary impression trays, three-dimensional relation of dental and edentulous maxilla of Koreans Material and methods. The subjects for this study were 173 dental casts of maxilla (dental: 52, edentulous : 146) with ages $18\{\sim}60$ years old. Each of the master casts was measured 69 measuring points on the dental cast or maxilla, and 46 measuring points on the edentulous cast of maxilla with three-dimensional digital measuring machine. Each measuring points were analysed and were overlapped, that three dimensional dental graphic manufactured by CAD/CAM system. Results. 1. A standard of distribution to alveolar bone were width between left and right buccal border lines of the standard 3/4 line. The mean value of dental and edentulous casts were 67.27mm, 63.49mm respectively. 2. Morphological classification of dental casts were divided into three groups or V-shape, O-shape, U-shape, that proportion of distribution were 17%, 16%, 67%, respectively. Dimensional classification of the dental casts were divided into five groups of less than 63mm, 63 up to 65mm, 65 up to 67mm. 67 up to 69mm, more than 69mm, respectively. 3. Morphological classification of edentulous casts were divided into three groups or V-shape, O-shape, U-shape, that proportion of distribution were 18%, 17%, 65%, respectively Dimensional classification of the edentulous casts were divided into five groups of less than 57mm, 57 up to 61mm, 61 up to 65mm, 65 up to 69mm, more than 69mm, respectively. 4. Mean dental and edentulous cast of maxilla were overlapped, the proportion of bone resorption to alveolar bone is higher than that of palatal bone, its difference were higher anterior 2/4 area than posterior 3/4 area. Conclusion. It obtains information of preliminary impression trays for dental and edentulous maxilla of Koreans.

A Collision detection from division space for performance improvement of MMORPG game engine (MMORPG 게임엔진의 성능개선을 위한 분할공간에서의 충돌검출)

  • Lee, Sung-Ug
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.10B no.5
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    • pp.567-574
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    • 2003
  • Application field of third dimension graphic is becoming diversification by the fast development of hardware recently. Various theory of details technology necessary to design game such as 3D MMORPG (Massive Multi-play Online Role Flaying Game) that do with third dimension. Cyber city should be absorbed. It is the detection speed that this treatise is necessary in game engine design. 3D MMORPG game engine has much factor that influence to speed as well as rendering processing because it express huge third dimension city´s grate many building and individual fast effectively by real time. This treatise nay get concept about the collision in 3D MMORPG and detection speed elevation of game engine through improved detection method. Space division is need to process fast dynamically wide outside that is 3D MMORPG´s main detection target. 3D is constructed with tree construct individual that need collision using processing geometry dataset that is given through new graph. We may search individual that need in collision detection and improve the collision detection speed as using hierarchical bounding box that use it with detection volume. Octree that will use by division octree is used mainly to express rightly static object but this paper use limited OSP by limited space division structure to use this in dynamic environment. Limited OSP space use limited space with method that divide square to classify typically complicated 3D space´s object. Through this detection, this paper propose follow contents, first, this detection may judge collision detection at early time without doing all polygon´s collision examination. Second, this paper may improve detection efficiency of game engine through and then reduce detection time because detection time of bounding box´s collision detection.

Object Modeling for Mapping from XML Document and Query to UML Class Diagram based on XML-GDM (XML-GDM을 기반으로 한 UML 클래스 다이어그램으로 사상을 위한 XML문서와 질의의 객체 모델링)

  • Park, Dae-Hyun;Kim, Yong-Sung
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.17D no.2
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    • pp.129-146
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    • 2010
  • Nowadays, XML has been favored by many companies internally and externally as a means of sharing and distributing data. there are many researches and systems for modeling and storing XML documents by an object-oriented method as for the method of saving and managing web-based multimedia document more easily. The representative tool for the object-oriented modeling of XML documents is UML (Unified Modeling Language). UML at the beginning was used as the integrated methodology for software development, but now it is used more frequently as the modeling language of various objects. Currently, UML supports various diagrams for object-oriented analysis and design like class diagram and is widely used as a tool of creating various database schema and object-oriented codes from them. This paper proposes an Efficinet Query Modelling of XML-GL using the UML class diagram and OCL for searching XML document which its application scope is widely extended due to the increased use of WWW and its flexible and open nature. In order to accomplish this, we propose the modeling rules and algorithm that map XML-GL. which has the modeling function for XML document and DTD and the graphical query function about that. In order to describe precisely about the constraint of model component, it is defined by OCL (Object Constraint Language). By using proposed technique creates a query for the XML document of holding various properties of object-oriented model by modeling the XML-GL query from XML document, XML DTD, and XML query while using the class diagram of UML. By converting, saving and managing XML document visually into the object-oriented graphic data model, user can prepare the base that can express the search and query on XML document intuitively and visually. As compared to existing XML-based query languages, it has various object-oriented characteristics and uses the UML notation that is widely used as object modeling tool. Hence, user can construct graphical and intuitive queries on XML-based web document without learning a new query language. By using the same modeling tool, UML class diagram on XML document content, query syntax and semantics, it allows consistently performing all the processes such as searching and saving XML document from/to object-oriented database.

Differences of Driving Performance and Physiological Responses Between Young Male and Female Drivers for Unexpected Situation Using a Ggraphic Vehicle Ssimulator (화상 자동차 시뮬레이터를 이용한 돌발 상황 발생 시 젊은 남녀 운전자의 운전 수행 능력과 생리 반응의 차이에 관한 연구)

  • Min, Byung-Chan;Kang, Jin-Kyu;Min, Soo-Young;Lee, Su-Jeong;Kim, Hyo-Seong;Yang, Jae-Woong;Choi, Mi-Hyun;Chung, Soon-Cheol;Lim, Dae-Woon;Lee, Jeong-Whan
    • Journal of Korean Society of Industrial and Systems Engineering
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.108-113
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    • 2010
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the differences of driving performance and physiological responses between young male and female drivers for unexpected situation using a graphic vehicle simulator. The participants included 20 college graduates; 23 males aged $24.3\;{\pm}\;1.4$ with $2.3\;{\pm}\;1.5$ years of driving experiences and 23 females aged $23.2\;{\pm}\;2.1$ with $2.2\;{\pm}\;1.7$ years of driving experience. The participants were instructed to drive the vehicle simulator which was programed unexpected situation for two minutes. The physiological measurements used were autonomic responses of electrocardiogram (ECG) and skin conductance response (SCR), and the driving performance measurements used were the reaction time of break and the rate of collision for unexpected situation. Results showed that there were no significant differences between male and female drivers in the reaction time of break and the rate of collision for unexpected situation. Averaged R-R interval decreased and LF IHF and SCL amplitude increased for unexpected situation. There were no significant differences between male and female in the averaged R-R interval and LF/HF for unexpected situation. On the other hand, SCL amplitude of female was higher than male. Rising time to maximum SCL amplitude of female was longer than male.