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Dashboard Design for Evidence-based Policymaking of Sejong City Government  

Park, Jin-A (국립한밭대학교 User-centered Smart Cities Research Cluster)
An, Se-Yun (국립한밭대학교 산업디자인학과)
Publication Information
Sejong, Korea's special multifunctional administrative city, was created as a national project to relocated government ministries, the aim being to pursue more balanced regional economic development and boost national competitiveness. During the second phase development will focus on mitigating the challenges raised due to the increasing population and urbanization development. All of infrastructure, apartments, houses, private buildings, commercial structures, public buildings, citizens are producing more and more complex data. To face these challenges, Sejong city governments and policy maker recognizes the opportunity to ensure more enriched lives for citizen with data-driven city management, and effectively exploring how to use existing data to improve policy services and a more sustainable economic policy to enhance sustainable city management. As a city government is a complex decision making system, the analysis of astounding increase in city dada is valuable to gain insight in the affecting traffic flow. To support the requirement specification and management of government policy making, the graphic representation of information and data should be provide a different approach in the intuitive way. With in context, this paper outlines the design of interactive, web-based dashboard which provides data visualization regarding better policy making and risk management.
Sejong City Government; Data; Evidence-based; Policymaking; Dashboard;
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  • Reference
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