• Title/Summary/Keyword: Information education promotion plan

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A Study on the Training Plan of Local Culture Promotion Personnel through the Migrant Women in Uljin-gun

  • Koo, Ja-Bong
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.186-198
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    • 2019
  • The means to train plan of local culture promotion personnel through the migrant women refers to the knowledge education of local cultural personnel through the accurate recognition of Korean culture and local culture and related information to foreign immigrants and workers in each region of the country. Through education courses in four areas, such as international manners, local promotion education, cultural heritage, and experience learning, the immigrant women will present a leading direction in which they can expect to play a role as experts in regional culture and public relations through the mother country's language.

Basic Study on the Establishment of AI Convergence Education Room (인공지능융합교육실 구축에 관한 기초연구)

  • Kim, Jeong-Rang
    • 한국정보교육학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2021.08a
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    • pp.321-326
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    • 2021
  • In this paper, the information education plan of the Ministry of Education and offices of education was analyzed in relation to the construction of the AI convergence education room. And based on this, an appropriate construction direction was suggested. For research, AI convergence education room construction plan, budget amount per school and etc were analyzed in the information education plan of the Ministry of Education, KERIS, KOFAC, and the plan of leading schools for AI education. Although the Ministry of Education is making various efforts to promote SW education and artificial intelligence convergence education, it is found that the number is far insufficient compared to the number of elementary, middle and high schools. Efforts to expand the information education room at the government level are continuously required, and in order to utilize the developed artificial intelligence convergence education room, it is necessary to provide abundant teaching and learning examples for the construction space model. In addition, school-level planning and execution must be followed so that the constructed space can be used appropriately, and management and maintenance plans for equipment are required.

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Research on an Effective Plan for Data Association Among Administrative Organizations for College Information Disclosure (대학정보공시를 위한 관리기관간 자료연계 내실화 방안 연구)

  • Lee, Gwang-Su;Ahn, Seong-Jin;Park, Jin-Sub
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.71-80
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    • 2010
  • This study has its purpose on analyzing the problems of data connection between general management institution and itemized management institution shown through the college information disclosure project and presenting the plan to substantialize data connection between general management institution and itemized management institution. To make close inquiry into the related problem and induce plans for substantialization, this study analyzed the previous related research data as well as the connection status of information disclosure item of Korea Foundation for the Promotion of Private School, the itemized management institution, to induce problems; induced substantialization plan for data connection of itemized connection institution. As for the substantialization plan based on such, plan to integrate schools and department codes, plan to automatize data connection and plan to secure reliability of information were established. It is anticipated that the plan to substantialize data connection between management institutions reckoned through the result of this study would be used as the basic data for information disclosure project providing various reliable information from Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, General management institution, itemized management institution and college.

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Future Directions for Health Promotion Programs in the Public Sector (공공부문 건강증진사업의 발전방향)

  • Lee, Ju-Yul
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.29-38
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    • 2012
  • Objectives: This paper aims to suggest some ways we could improve the efficiency and equity in health promotion programs in the public sector. Methods: Reports published by the Minister of Health and Welfare and web-site information were reviewed. And, the empirical results and theoretical considerations provided in this study could be used in making future direction for health promotion programs in the public sector. Results and conclusion: The public sector should play a leading role in health promotion programs. The role of public sector in health promotion program is to establish the health promotion plan based on the health survey, to develop the scientific programs, to provide the free health services, and to maintain a cooperative relationship with the private sector. In order to activate the health promotion programs in the public sector, establishing the role of the public sector, changing the operation of health promotion fund, block grants for health promotion, local health promotion fund, and integration of health statistics were suggested.

Development of "Drink Smart" Alcohol Education Program for University Students: Application of the Intervention Mapping and Transtheoretical Model (대학생 절주교육 프로그램(과음없는 캠퍼스 만들기) 개발: Intervention Mapping과 Transtheoretical Model의 적용)

  • Kim, Hye-Kyeong;Kim, Myung;Lee, Eun-Hee;Kwon, Eun-Joo;Cho, Han-Ik
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.145-160
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    • 2011
  • Objectives: This study attempted to apply the Intervention mapping and Transtheoretical models to develop a program to promote moderate alcohol drinking in university students. Methods: Surveyed data from 1,137 university students were analyzed to identify personal and environmental determinants for alcohol drinking. Based on these determinants, program objectives were established. Crossing the objectives with related important determinants resulted in matrices of learning objectives for which educational strategies were developed. Subsequently, an intervention program were designed to achieve those objectives. Results: Identified personal determinants included awareness, attitudes, self-efficacy and behavioral skills. Environmental determinants were binge drinking behaviors of family members and peers, and social pressure for drinking. Program, impact and learning objectives were developed to change the identified determinants. Program activities included provision of information on positive and negative consequences of binge drinking, opportunities for assessing one's drinking pattern, increasing outcome expectancies of and skill building for monitoring drinking, resisting peer pressure and managing stress. To facilitate adoption and maintenance of the program, an intervention diffusion plan was suggested. An evaluation plan was developed by utilizing RE-AIM framework. Conclusions: In order to expand evidence bases for effective theory-based programs, the developed program should be tested in diverse university settings.

Rebuilding the School Library as Center in the School (′학교도서관′ 학교의 중심으로 육성)

  • 홍강표
    • Journal of the Korean BIBLIA Society for library and Information Science
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.5-12
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    • 2003
  • The knowledge-based society needs creative and active knowledge workers. To meet the need of this modern society, Korea education begins to focus on reading ability of students and project-based school education. The 7th School Education Program requires performance evaluation, optional activites, and extracurricular activites and the school library is a necessary facility for these educational activities. Ministry of Education of Korea made a master plan to rebuild the school library for The 7th School Education Program. The master plan includes the assistance for the school library facility, school library materials, budget, the library staff. And also the master plan includes promotion for school education in the library to develop the school library as the center of school education.

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Current Issues and Prospects of the Era of School Library Promotion Act - with a focus on manpower issue - (학교도서관진흥법시대의 과제와 전망 - 인력 문제를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Jong-Sung
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.159-180
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this paper is to investigate current issues and prospects which emerged by the revision of School Library Promotion Act in 2018. Based on the analysis of government's teacher placement plan, the writer insist expansion of teacher librarian supply through undergraduate course and graduate school of education. And the necessity of teacher librarians' competency promotion for reading education and information literacy education and unification of divided manpower system come up for the taking root of school library manpower system.

Proposition of Information Processing and Analysis Technology Education in the Era of Hyperconnection, Hyperintelligence, and Hyperconvergence

  • Seung-Woo, LEE;Sangwon, LEE
    • International Journal of Advanced Culture Technology
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.94-101
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    • 2022
  • For the purpose of this study, in order to adapt to the era of intelligent informatization in the 4th Industrial Revolution, we propose an information processing and analysis technology education plan that can solve problems through information search and collection. To this end, first, we explored the necessity and content of information processing and analysis technology in hyperconnection, hyperintelligence, and hyperconvergence under the theme of various majors in IT, focusing on understanding information technology in the software and hardware curriculum. Second, the curriculum improvement plan was proposed based on information literacy, computing thinking skills, and cooperative problem-solving skills for efficient software and hardware-linked curriculum operation based on information processing and analysis technology. Third, I would like to emphasize that it is essential to secure connectivity between other studies for future innovation in new technologies related to computer technology, machine technology, and infrastructure technology through hyperconnection, hyperintelligence, and hyperconvergence in the software and hardware curriculum. Through this, we intend to cultivate creative convergence talent required by the future society.

The Effects of "Healthy Life Plan" Program on the Management of Obesity for Korean Adults: A Pilot Study (비만 성인 대상 체중관리 프로그램 "Healthy Life Plan"의 시범운용 효과)

  • Park, Jiyoun;Kim, Hyekyeong;Cho, Seon;Cho, Han-Ik
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.89-101
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    • 2012
  • Objectives: This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of a lifestyle intervention on the improvement of obesity, health behaviors and behavioral determinants among Korean adults. Methods: Obese adults aged 30 to 59 years (n=76) were randomly assigned to the intervention group (IG) or the comparison group (CG). The IG received a 3-month multi-component lifestyle intervention, while the CG received minimal information on obesity. The program consisted of health counseling, health education booklet and health diary. Health examination and self-administered survey were conducted before and after the intervention to determine the effectiveness of the program. Results: After the intervention. health indices of the IG were significantly improved in weight(p=.003), waist circumference(p=.011), % body fat(p=.021), and total abdominal fat area(p=.041). The reduction of waist circumstance among IG participants was better than that of those in the CG(p=.017). The IG demonstrated significant improvements in dietary behaviors(p=.013), periodic measurement of waist circumstance(p=.005), pros of weight control(p<.001) and awareness of one's current biomarkers(p=.038) better than the CG did. The proportion of normalized participants in waist circumference was 21.1% in the IG and 8.7% in the CG(p=.017). Conclusions: Lifestyle intervention program can improve the obese status and health behaviors in adults.

A Study on Health Program of Broadcasting Media (방송 건강프로그램에 관한 연구)

  • 이주열;유혜선
    • Korean Journal of Health Education and Promotion
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.35-49
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study is to provide an effective program contents of information supplied by broadcasting media with the aim of developing health program models. Health programs which have been aired and are being aired on KBS I radio, KBS, EBS, Cable TV and SBS radio were analyzed in order to understand the issues of current health programs and to design a plan for improvement. In order to address current issues of health programs, the range of health information should be extended to meet various expectations from the public audience, in addition to dealing with diagnosis and treatment of illnesses. Programs should be capable of encompassing various issues such as health practice, prevention, information on medical facilities, public health policies, daily health information, and the role of patients. As health programs function as major information sources for health services, it is necessary to raise the quality and credibility of broadcasting. Broadcasting agencies has a responsible role for public health promotion through health programs. In order to make it possible for broadcasting to fulfill its social responsibility, it is advisable to develop programs that have a clear understanding of what is the cognition of the public and the level of demand in regard to health programs.