• Title/Summary/Keyword: Industry foodservice

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A Study of the Prospects of the Korean Food Service Industry through GDP Forecasting - A Case of Comparing Korea.U.S.A and Japan - (GDP 예측을 통한 국내 외식 산업 전망에 관한 연구 - 한.미.일 비교를 중심으로 -)

  • Ko, Jae-Youn;Yoo, Eun-Yi;Song, Hak-Jun;Kim, Min-Ji
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.571-579
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    • 2007
  • The aim of this study was to predict the development process of the Korean food service industry by forecasting the per capita GDP. Forecasting the GDP, involved two primary approaches. One was related to looking at the Korean food service industry's situation by per capita GDP and comparing it to that of the US and Japan. The other was to predict food service industry projections in Korea by quantitative forecasting models. Holt's simple exponential smoothing method and new types of the series models(Damped trend exponential smoothing method), were employed to predict the per capita GDP. The accuracy of the models was measured by MAPE. The empirical results of the forecasting models indicate that the three time series models performed fairly well. Of these Damped trend Damped trend exponential smoothing performed best with the lowest MAPE(9.9%). The results show that the time for reaching a per capita GDP level of $20,000 was 2008 with the Damped trend model and 2009 with the Holt model. Moreover, we found that a per capita GDP level of $30,000 will be achieved in 2012 from the Damped trend model and in 2013 from the Holt model. Within this study, the implications for the Korean food service industry are further discussed. It was predicted there will be a stabilization period in 2008 or 2009 in Korea with achievement of a per capita GDP of $20,000. At this time, major food service industry companies will need to invest in equipment toy external growth and there will be industry trends toward ethnic food and theme restaurants. Also, if a per capita GDP of $30,000 is achieved by 2012 or 2013, the Korean food industry will need to be highly responsive. Therefore, food industry companies should forecast and study customer values and prepare for changes.

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A Study on the Effects of Strategic Alliance of the Foodservice Industry on Customer's Satisfaction and Revisiting (외식업체 전략적 제휴가 고객 만족 및 재방문 의도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Song, Ki-Ok
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.12 no.3 s.30
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    • pp.134-150
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    • 2006
  • This research is based on the survey of strategic alliance of the foodservice industry conducted by interviewing their customers. We found out that cooperating and information of benefits influenced revisiting followed by service quality and customer satisfaction. As a result of research, we noticed that for breaking through the depression and having synergic effects among the enterprises, providing high service and quality to customer is a key to success. It must be used as an essential part of marketing strategic plans for maintaining and increasing customers, guiding partner selection among the enterprises.

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A Study on the Factors of Dissatisfaction and Complaint in Foodservice Consumers (외식소비자 불만족의 요인 및 불평 행동에 관한 연구)

  • Jin, Yang-Ho;Jun, Jin-Hwa
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.11 no.2
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    • pp.14-31
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    • 2005
  • The findings of the study would be valuable for the basis of marketing strategies to be implemented in the foodservice industry. As a result of the exploratory factor analysis, major consumer dissatisfaction factors identified in this study can be categorized based on the followings: food, service, and facilities. It appears that most preferred medium for unsatisfied consumers to file their employees how to cope with complaints on the Internet. In terms of psychological compensation, it appears that consumers need to be provided with a through explanation in addition to a heartfelt apology against a complaint. On the physical side of compensation solution for everybody. The ideal timing of compensation for complaints can vary but it would be appropriate to leave it up to consumers to choose when they want to be rewarded.

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Evaluation of the Menus of Free Meal Service Centers for Home-bound Elderly (재가노인들을 위한 무료급식소의 식단 평가)

  • Han, Kyung-Hee;Park, Jung-Sook;Choi, Mee-Sook;Chung, Soon-Dool;Chai, In-Sook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.584-593
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the diet quality of the menus delivered by 17 free meal service centers for the low-income home-bound elderly in Chung- cheong buk-Do. Statistical data analysis was compleleted using the SPSS package program for descriptive analysis, T-test, and ANOVA. The meals offered by free meal service centers were not met the 1/3 recommended dietary allowances in calcium and vitamin $B_2$. There were significant differences between dependent variables(nutrient content, nutrient density, nutrient deficiency, NAR, MAR, food group intake patterns) and independent variables (operation type, operation status, operation period, nutritionist, food cost).

Analyzing the Effect of Food Material Supply System on Productivity in Institutional Foodservice (단체급식 회사의 식자재 공급체계 개선에 따른 생산성 분석 연구)

  • Kim, Youn-Tai;Choy, Tae-Ho;Park, Myun-Ae
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.133-144
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    • 2004
  • The object of this study was to investigate the effect of food material supply system on productivity in institutional foodservice. This study was examined by food service companies were enlisted under the influence of domestic enterprises, which used central supply system for the central kitchen operation and efficiency food material circulation system. The main result of this study was as follow: According to the analysis of these data, enlargement of efficiency in food utilization was placed at rising of utilization Processing food materials. And resulted in good expectations such as competitive strengthening, quality capacity strengthening and improvement in sanitary conditions from a productivity point of view.

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Quality Characteristics of Jeolpyon containing Astragalus membranaceus extract (황기 농축액을 첨가한 절편의 품질특성)

  • Hwang, Su-Jung;Ahn, Jong-Chul
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.266-271
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    • 2008
  • In this study, Jeolpyon(imprinted with flow patterns) was prepared with different amount of added Astragalus membranaceu extracts(0%, 3%, 6%, 9% and l2%)and then the quality and sensory characteristic effects were examined. All togather the chemical composition of the samples was as follows: $53.l2{\pm}0.04%$ of moisture, $l4.43{\pm}0.05$ crude protein, $7.6l{\pm}0.11%$ crude fat, and $21.35{\pm}0.09%$ crude ash. Hardness and cohesiveness significantly increased(p <0.001), and springiness, chewiness and adhesiveness decreased, with increasing amounts of Astragalus membranaceus extract. In the chromaticity analysis, the L-value(brightness)significantly decreased with increasing Astragalus membranaceus extract content, and the b-value(yellowness) increased in direct proportion to the extract content. Finally, in the sensory evaluation, the Jeolpyon containing 9.0% extract received the highest overall preference scores.

Efficiency Analysis of Contract-managed Business and Industry Foodservice Operations Using Data Envelopment Analysis (자료포락분석(DEA)을 이용한 위탁급식전문업체의 산업체 급식소 효율성 평가)

  • Choi, Kyu-Wan;Park, Young-Min;Shin, Seo-Young;Kwak, Tong-Kyung
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.178-188
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    • 2007
  • This study was performed to suggest a new efficiency measurement indicator is necessary for evaluating management efficiency of food service operations in contract-managed foodservice companies, to distinguish efficient food service providers and inefficient ones by measuring comparative efficiency among food service operations, and to provide guidance for effective management through showing benchmarking targets for improving inefficient food service providers. The subjects of this study were the 93 B&I foodservice Operations of a domestic contract food service company. The analysis was conducted using CCR model in DEA model. A software, 'Frontier analyst', was used for the analysis. Based on the results derived from comparison of efficiency evaluation classified by providers with use of DEA, it was possible to identify efficient food providers and inefficient providers, and subsequently provide benchmarking guidelines for improvement of the inefficient groups. In analyzing the differences between the results of DEA efficiency evaluation by detailed operation status of food service providers, there was significant difference of efficiency outcomes in terms of contract types, while there was no significant difference in terms of business condition.

The Effects of Employees' Social Intelligence and Positive Psychology Capital in Foodservice Industry on Job Satisfaction (외식 종사원의 사회지능과 긍정심리자본이 직무만족도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Jung, Hyo Sun;Yoon, Hye Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.18-25
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    • 2014
  • The purposes of this study were to understand the influence of social intelligence and positive psychology capital in foodservice employees on job satisfaction and to analyze whether employees' positive psychology capital plays a moderating role between social intelligence and job satisfaction. Based on total 316 samples obtained from empirical research, this study reviewed the reliability and verified a total of 2 hypotheses and 1 proposition using the SPSS program. The results showed that social awareness (${\beta}$=0.546) and social skill (${\beta}$=0.152) in foodservice employees, were indicated to have positive (+) influence upon job satisfaction. And, employees' positive psychology capital (${\beta}$=0.307) had a significant positive (+) effect on the job satisfaction. However, the effect of the employees' social intelligence upon job satisfaction was not found to be moderated by positive psychology capital. Limitations and future research directions are also discussed.

Distribution Strategies for Food Safety in the Foodservice Industry: Microbial Contamination of Beverages and Cakes

  • Yunseon CHOE;Soyeon YEO;Seungjun LEE;Jinkyung CHOI
    • Journal of Distribution Science
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    • v.22 no.10
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    • pp.103-110
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    • 2024
  • Purpose: This study investigated the microbial status of beverages and desserts containing strawberries sold at coffee outlets in Busan, South Korea. The study sought to identify differencesin types of foodservice management and microbial status of beverages and desserts. Research design and methodology: This study compared microbial status between franchised and single-unit outlets via microbial laboratory tests. In addition, impact of risk factors on microbial status were investigated. We analyzed the data using independent t-tests and chi-square tests. In order to measure the impact of risk factors on microbial status, multiple regression was run. We expected franchised outlets to be more likely to apply food safety practices than single-unit outlets. The principal results: Results of microbial testing showed that franchised outlets had a higher microbial status than single-unit outlets. The results showed that franchise outlets were more inclined to adhere to food safety practices than single-unit outlets when it comes to total number of bacteria however for coliform group results showed otherwise. Major conclusions: These study results suggest that a standard food safety and sanitation manual for coffee outlets is needed, especially for single-unit coffee outlets. The current inspection items should be revised accordingly to ensure customer safety.

Relationship Between Foodservice Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty in Industry Contracted Foodservice (위탁급식 전문업체 산업체급식소의 고객 만족과 충성도와의 관계)

  • Kim, Hyeon-Ju;Lyu, Eun-Soon
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.42 no.8
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    • pp.1318-1324
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    • 2013
  • The purpose of this study was to improve the satisfaction of industry contracted foodservice customers by analyzing the correlation between satisfaction with foodservice and customer loyalty. To accomplish this, a questionnaire was distributed to 300 customers at five industry contracted foodservice establishments. The average customer satisfaction score was 3.51/5.00, and customer satisfaction was highest with sanitation, followed by service, food, and environment. Blue collar workers showed significantly higher foodservice satisfaction than white collar workers with respect to menu, service, sanitation, and environment (P<0.01). The average customer loyalty score was 3.46/5.00 and revisit intentions, word-of-mouth intentions, and intentions not to switch were 3.60, 3.52, and 3.46, respectively. Blue collar workers had significantly higher customer loyalty than white collar workers for word-of mouth intentions and intentions not to switch (P<0.01). Revisit intentions correlated significantly (P<0.01) with food (r=0.649), service (r=0.636), sanitation (r=0.648), and environment (r=0.579). Word-of mouth intentions and intentions not to switch showed significant (P<0.01) positive correlation with service. The explanation power ($R^2$) of foodservice satisfaction and revisit intention was 0.483, word-of-mouth intention was 0.526, and intention not to switch was 0.3641. The sanitation satisfaction had the highest positive influence on revisit intentions (P<0.01). Service and food satisfaction had a significant (P<0.01) positive influence on word-of-mouth intentions and intentions not to switch.