• 제목/요약/키워드: Industry Input-Output Table

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Quantitative Estimation of Firm's Risk from Supply Chain Perspective (공급사슬 관점에서 기업 위험의 계량적 추정)

  • Park, Keun-Young;Han, Hyun-Soo
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.201-217
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    • 2015
  • In this paper, we report computational testing result to examine the validity of firm's bankruptcy risk estimation through quantification of supply chain risk. Supply chain risk in this study refers to upstream supply risk and downstream demand risk, To assess the firm's risk affected by supply chain risk, we adopt unit of analysis as industry level. since supply and demand relationships of the firm could be generalized by the industry input-output table and the availability of various valid economic indicators which are chronologically calculated. The research model to estimate firm's risk level is the linear regression model to assess the industry bankruptcy risk estimation of the focal firm's industry with the independent variables which could quantitatively reflect demand and supply risk of the industry. The publicly announced macro economic indicators are selected as the candidate independent variables and validated through empirical testing. To validate our approach, in this paper, we confined our research scope to steel industry sector and its related industry sectors, and implemented the research model. The empirical testing results provide useful insights to further refine the research model as the valid forecasting mechanism to capture firm's future risk estimation more accurately by adopting supply chain industry risk aspect, in conjunction with firm's financial and other managerial factors.

CO2 Emission Structure Analysis of Industrial Sector with Environmental Input-Output Table 2005 (환경산업연관표 2005를 이용한 산업부문의 이산화탄소(CO2) 배출 분석)

  • Kim, Yoon Kyung
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.1-31
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    • 2011
  • By employing Environmental Input-Output Table 2005, which has 76 intermediate sector and 21 energy sources, this paper analyses the flow of energy demand and $CO_2$ after estimating an induced $CO_2$ emissions from 76 industrial sectors. Index of $CO_2$ intensity($CO_2/GDP$) and other index of $CO_2$ intensity($CO_2/calory$) showed that final demand sector uses more high calory energy source. Intermediate sector used less environmental friendly energy source and emit more $CO_2$ at same calory. Industries those has high induced $CO_2$ emissions are Thermal Power($32.587CO_2-g/Won$), Cement($10.370CO_2-g/Won$), Road Transportation($7.255CO_2-g/Won$), Cokes and Other Coal Products($5.791CO_2-g/Won$), Steam and Hot water supply, Sewage, Sanitary services($4.575CO_2-g/Won$). It is shown that industry such as Iron and Steel which has low $CO_2$ intensity, high backward linkage effect and high forward linkage effect makes high induced $CO_2$ emissions. Environmental load and $CO_2$ emissions in overall economy will decrease when not high $CO_2$ intensity industry but also low $CO_2$ intensity industry makes lower $CO_2$ intensity.

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A Study on Economic Effect of SW Industry through Reconstruction of Industry Classification (산업분류 재구성을 통한 SW산업의 경제적 파급효과 분석에 관한 연구)

  • Jang, Jung-Hwan;Lee, Doo-Yong;Zhang, Jing-Lun;Jho, Yong-Chul;Lee, Choon-Seop;Im, Dong-Gi;Lee, Chang-Ho
    • Journal of the Korea Safety Management & Science
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.313-319
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    • 2012
  • SW industry is important at entire industry in Korea and also one of new growth engine industry. This paper deals with the economic effect of SW industry through input-output analysis. We reconstruct the SW industry by extracting and combining SW portion from other industries of the inter-industry relation table. We obtain that production inducement coefficients, value added inducement coefficients, employment inducement coefficients, and job position inducement coefficients are higher than average inducement coefficients of all industries.

Analysis of Economic Effects for Information Security Industry in Korea (정보보호 산업의 경제적 파급효과 분석)

  • Jeong, Woo-Soo;Min, Kyoung-Sik;Chai, Seung-Woan
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.385-396
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    • 2014
  • With development of Information Security industry and recognizing value of information as an asset, demand for information protection is foreseen to be expanding gradually. The Information Security industry in this paper defines as an industry where relative products as well as consulting services are developed, produced, and distributed. This study reclassifies sub-sectors of the Information Security industry based on the definition of product and services defined above, and it uses the RAS technique to broaden a scope of an input-output table to include the Information Security industry with purpose of analyzing economic spill-over effects industry will encounter during 2013~2017. Results show that investment in the Information Security industry during 2013-2017 induces total economic outputs to KRW 3,206.9 billion and is expected to employ additional 27,406 workforce.

Analysis of Employment Creation Effect Model for SW Industry (SW산업 일자리 창출효과 모델분석)

  • Lim, Gyoo Gun;Lee, Ji Yoon
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.63-78
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    • 2019
  • Despite the government's efforts, the jobs in SW industry are not easily created and only many problems of unemployment have been pointed out, failing to solve the basic problem. Sustainable decent jobs were recognized as a national task. Emotional connection between things and people is the SW industry, which is a core industry of the 4th industrial revolution. In order to be globally competitive, SW job creation, manpower planning for generating core human resources and highly educated manpower is a necessary issue. Basic estimation of job creation using the Input Output Table by Bank of Korea has some limitations and did not consider the SW industry characteristics. This study proposes an assessment model of SW policies and the practices a case of assessment of 113 projects supported by the Korean government. We propose a flowchart that can divide the government budgets according to the portion of the direct investment for SW industry by introducing investment types. We use an adjusted Input Output Table for SW industry and the model also considers the effect of SW promotions and regulations effects. This model can be used practically and flexibly by adjusting the SW fusion areas portions. It also considers the characteristics of the project, supporting areas, project size, short-term and long-term types. 113 projects of 'MSIT', 'SMBA' and 'NIPA' were analyzed and classified into 'policy' and 'business' to reflect SW job creation effect model considering domestic SW characteristics. By analyzing the practical data, 47,254 jobs are expected to be created within five years in optimistic cases and 27,211 jobs would be created in pessimistic cases.

A study on the estimation of the K-address information industry and its economic effect (주소정보산업 규모 산정 및 경제적 효과 분석)

  • Kim, Daeyong
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.54 no.1
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    • pp.33-48
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    • 2024
  • This study aims to establish the scope and statistics of the K-address information industry in Korea, estimating its size and prospects and estimates the economic effects through K-address information industry based on Input-Output analysis. Considering the characteristics and sectoral structure of the K-address information industry, the study delineates the scope and specific sectors, constructing sectoral statistics linked to the KSIC and the Bank of Korea's industrial classification. The study estimates the sectoral industry size, taking into account potential markets. Furthermore, it analyzes the economic impact of each sector within the K-address information industry. To figure out the economic effects, the study conducts Input-Output analysis by setting the K-address information industry as an exogenous sector in the input-output table. The results indicate that the overall size of the K-address information industry is estimated to grow from 406.1 billion KRW in 2021 to 3.65 trillion KRW in 2030. The economic effects of the K-address information industry vary by sector, emphasizing the importance of synergies and integration with related sectors, particularly those with significant inducement effects in high value-added manufacturing and service sectors. Furthermore, the industry's sensitivity to economic fluctuations is evident through the input-output analysis of inter-industry chain effects.

Measuring the Economic Impacts of Hydrogen Economy in South Korea: An Input-output Approach (산업연관분석을 이용한 수소경제의 경제적 파급 효과 분석)

    • Journal of Hydrogen and New Energy
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.398-412
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    • 2023
  • The Korean government is actively promoting the hydrogen industry as a key driver of economic growth. This commitment is evident in the 2019 hydrogen economy activation roadmap and the 2021 basic plan for hydrogen economy implementation. This study quantitatively analyzes the economic impact of the hydrogen economy using input-output analysis based on the Bank of Korea's 2019 input-output table, projecting its size by 2050. Four parts dealt with production-inducing, value-added creation, employment-inducing, and wage-inducing based on a demand-driven model. The results reveal that transportation had the most remarkable economic effect throughout the hydrogen economy, and production was the least. The hydrogen economy is projected to reach 71.2 trillion won by 2050.

Economic Analysis of a 2.4 GW Offshore Wind Farm in Southwest Korea (서남해안 2.4 GW 해상풍력단지 건설의 경제적 파급효과 분석)

  • Hyunjeung Ko;Jaepil Park
    • Journal of Wind Energy
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.30-37
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    • 2024
  • Since the Paris Agreement, countries around the world have been planning to introduce RE100, CF100 and the Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanism to achieve carbon neutrality. In these policies, advanced and renewable energy sources such as wind power, solar power and geothermal heat are recognized as core power resources to deal with climate change. The contribution of this study is that the wind power industry was added to the 33 major categories in the 2015 regional input-output table, published by the Bank of Korea, expanding the total to 34 sectors. As a result, the spillover effects of the 2.4 GW offshore wind power project are as follows. First, the domestic direct and indirect production effect amounts to 25.0 trillion won. Among these, Jeonbuk's production effect reaches 6.3 trillion won. Second, the domestic direct and indirect value-added effect is 9.3 trillion won, of which the Jeonbuk region's value-added effect is 2.4 trillion won. Third, the domestic direct and indirect employment effect is 450,643 people, of which the Jeonbuk region's employment effect is 125,085 people. The limitation of regional input-output analysis is that an increase in input due to inflation can lead to an increase in output, which may lead to a discrepancy from economic reality.

Investigation and Empirical Validation of Industry Uncertainty Risk Factors Impacting on Bankruptcy Risk of the Firm (기업부도위험에 영향을 미치는 산업 불확실성 위험요인의 탐색과 실증 분석)

  • Han, Hyun-Soo;Park, Keun-Young
    • Korean Management Science Review
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    • v.33 no.3
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    • pp.105-117
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, we present empirical testing result to examine the validity of inbound supply and outbound demand risk factors in the sense of early predicting the firm's bankruptcy risk level. The risk factors are drawn from industry uncertainty attributes categorized as uncertainties of input market (inbound supply), and product market (outbound demand). On the basis of input-output table, industry level inbound and outbound sectors are identified to formalize supply chain structures, relevant inbound and outbound uncertainty attributes and corresponding risk factors. Subsequently, publicly available macro-economic indicators are used to appropriately quantify these risk factors. Total 68 industry level bankruptcy risk forecasting results are presented with the average R-square scores of between 53.4% and 37.1% with varying time lag. The findings offers useful insights to incorporate supply chain risk to the body of firm's bankruptcy risk level prediction literature.

A Multi-Period Analysis on the Economic Effects of Fisheries Processing Industry Using 2000-2019 Input-Output Table (2000-2019년 산업연관표를 이용한 수산가공품 산업의 경제적 파급효과 분석)

  • Um, Kwon-O;Lee, Heon-Dong
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.52 no.4
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    • pp.45-63
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    • 2021
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the structure, status and economic ripple effects of the fisheries processing industry in Korea using interindustry analysis. Five input-output tables published over the past twenty years have been reclassified with a focus on the fisheries processing sector. Through these multi-period tables, we analyzed changes in the inducing effects in production, value added and employment as well as the backward-forward linkage effects. As a result of the analysis, it was found that the industrial scale of the fisheries processing industry is very small compared to other food manufacturing industries. The backward linkage effect of the fisheries processing industry was greater than that of other industries, but the forward linkage effect was rather low. This means that the fisheries processing industry can be greatly affected by industrial depression of the downstream industries such as fishery and aquaculture. Production and employment-inducing effects of the fisheries processing industry have shown a decreasing trend in recent years. This reflects the reality that intermediate inputs are gradually being replaced by imports from domestic production due to the expansion of market opening and the depletion of fishery resource. In the future, it is necessary to prepare a strategy to increase the value-added productivity of the fisheries processing sector and foster it as an export industry.