• Title/Summary/Keyword: Industrial demands

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The Study on the Contents and Satisfaction of Oriental Medicine Examination Program (한방건강검진 프로그램의 내용과 참가자들의 만족도에 관한 연구)

  • Lee Eun-Kyoung;Jahng Doo-Sub;Song Yung-Sun;Lee Ki-Nam
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.51-95
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    • 2002
  • 1. As a point at issue of occidental medicine examination, followings have been indicated, 1) Occidental medical examination is performed by mainly test and instrument and therefore, role of doctors could be excluded and it could be diagnosed only for target disease and 2) in Korea, it could not be conducted in public medical system and therefore improvement effect of public health promotion could not be made due to increase of total medical expenses and infirmity of post management. These points are substantial limit of paradigm resided in occidental medicine and also problem caused by unique characteristics of medical system of Korea. In Korea, result of occidental medical examination show increased health risk from aged thirties and major diagnosed diseases are circulatory disease or chronic disease such as hepatic, hyperlipemic, hypertensional disease and diabetes, etc. Accounting that those chronic disease make a role as major public health risk, it is difficult that medical examination by only occidental medicine make effect on public health promotion. 2. Characteristics of oriental medicine examination could be summarized as diagnosis (information acquisition based on the facts) and demonstration (speculation based on acquired information) and in addition, quadruple diagnosis, as a medical examination method, include test as well as basic examination. Accounting on oriental medical examination, principally it is performed by independent herbalist and therefore, herbalist could acquire systemic result during first medical examination. Based on the theory of inner-outer examination, oriental medical examination has a principle of universe theory, systemic analysis of quadruple diagnosis, demonstration & reasoning. In addition, root of oriental medical examination could be found in pre-disease theory, a principal theory of oriental medicine. Pre-disease service could prove the advantage of oriental medicine in medical examination activities and therefore, it is needed that content of oriental medical examination should be actualized in current medical system. 3. In this study, oriental medical examination program, comprised of pulse-diagnosis, contrast muscular taking and medical consultation of herbalist is progressed communally with occidental medical examination. As pre-examination, questionary was given of general characteristics, health promoting life style, physical constitution and subjective symptom of musculoskeletal system. In addition, post-examination notification was given to subjects about health promoting control, physical constitution regimen and management of musculoskeletal system. During this study program, verification was conducted for input of acquired information and difference of each information after analysis and in addition, performed was analysis of factor influencing health promoting life style and musculoskeletal subjective symptom and evaluation of relationship of physical constitution and health promoting life study. In addition, it was verified of difference between musculoskeletal subjective symptom and result of muscle contrast picture evaluation. 4. Evaluation of oriental medical examination model is divided into 2 categories of oriental medical examination-consultation and result evaluation -post management. Oriental medical examination-consultation demands establishment of examination system, standardization of examination and establishment of examination form and in addition, it should be admitted as enlarged examination assists systemic quadruple diagnosis of herbalist not a key of oriental medical examination. In addition, information acquisition for research purpose should be performed according to the systemic research plan based on the separation of questionary for examination purpose and research purpose. For evaluation of the result, it was concluded that needed are result evaluation meets oriental medical system and post-notification system, informing health management information, based on examination result. 5. Accounting on satisfaction for oriental medical examination model, affirmative reply was much higher (66%) than negative (8.64%). Satisfaction of each area was in order of consultation of herbalist, systemic muscle contrast taking, pulse examination, post-notification and questionary fill-up and dissatisfaction was in order of post-notification, questionary fill-up, consultation of herbalist, systemic muscle contrast taking and pulse measurement. Satisfaction for collaborative examination of occidental and oriental medicine was over 60% and over 75% hope oriental examination would be included in later medical examination program. Based on this result, collaborative examination including occidental and oriental medicine could increase satisfaction of subjects for medical examination program.

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A Study on NCS-based Team Teaching Operation in Animation Related Department (애니메이션 관련학과 NCS기반 팀 티칭 운영방안에 관한 연구)

  • Jung, Dong-hee;An, Dong-kyu;Choi, Jung-woong
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.47
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    • pp.31-52
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    • 2017
  • NCS education was created to realize a society in which skills and abilities are respected, such as transcending specifications, establishing recruitment systems, and developing and disseminating national incompetence standards. At the university level, special lectures and job training are being strengthened to raise industrial experts. Especially, in the field of animation, new technologies are rapidly emerging and demanding convergent talents with various fields. In order to meet these social demands, there is a limit to the existing one-class teaching method. In order to solve this problem, it is necessary to participate in a variety of specialized teachers. In other words, rather than solving problems of students' job training and job creation, It is aimed to solve jointly, Team teaching was suggested as a method for this. The expected effects that can be obtained through this are as follows. First, the field of animation is becoming more diverse and complex. The ability to use NCS job-related skills pools can be matched with professors from other departments to enable a wider range of professional instruction. Second, it is possible to use partial professorships in other departments by actively utilizing professors in the university. This leads to the strengthening of the capacity of teachers in universities. Third, it is possible to build a broader and more integrated educational system through cooperative teaching of professors in other departments. Finally, the advantages of special lectures and mentor support of college professors' pools are broader than those of field specialists. A variety of guidance for students can be made with responsible professors. In other words, time and space constraints can be avoided because the mentor is easily met and guided by the university.

The Transition of Production, Consumption and Price of Non-ferrous Metals (비철금속(非鐵金屬)의 생산(生産), 소비(消費), 시세(時勢)의 추이(推移))

  • Moon, W.J.
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.2 no.3
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    • pp.1-25
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    • 1969
  • In considering the mining industry, it is necessary to study the production, consumption and price of ore and metals in every country of the world in order to determine the trend of the industry in the present and for the future. This study is necessary especially for exporting domestically produced are which is in excess of domestic consumption and for importing are, or metal where local production does not meet domestic demand. It will be treated of Au, Ag, Cu, Pb, Zn, W, Mo, which are the most important non-ferrous metals, and which greatly affect the mining industry of Korea. The presentation will concern itself only with the free world. About 1, 200 ton of gold are produced annually with little fluctiation in recent years. Most of the gold produced is consumed by advanced countries for industrial uses as well as for producing precious objects. The U.S.A. expends yearly about four times its domestic production and Japan about three times its domestic production for industry and arts. Because of the instability of the currency of the U.S.A., England and France, recently, the price of gold has been $ 41-42 per ounce, whereas the official price is $35.00 per ounce. It will be expected that the official price will be raised in the near future. As for silver, about 6,500 tons are produced annually with no special fluctuation change in recent years. However, the annual consumption is about 14,000 ton, so the supply and demand is extremely unbalanced. The shortage is made up by the sale of the U.S. treasury's reserve stock and the reclaiminig of silver from coins and other scrap. As the Treasury'S reserves will be exhausted in a year or two, the price of silver which is $1. 64 per ounce, will go up drastically in about a year. As for copper, 5,257,000 ton's were mined in 1966. It's production is being increased about 5% annually. However, consumption exceeds production by about 100,000 ton a year. The recent Foreign refinery copper price in the U.S.A is $ 60 per pound. The supply of copper being insufficient to meet international demands, the price will go up and with no prospect of being lowered in the near future even with the slight annual increase in production. About 2,100,000 to 2,200,000 tons of lead are produced annually. Consumption exceeds production by about 50,000-60,000 tons annually. The current price of lead in New York is $ 155 per pound. As the supply of lead is internationally stable, It will be believed that there will be no significant change in its price in the near future. In 1967, 3,926,000 tons of Zinc were produced. There is annual increase of 4-7% in production. The annual consumption exceeds production by 100,000 to 200,000 tons. The current zinc price in the St. Louis market inthe U.S.A. is $ 145 per pound. Even though its supply is stable and sufficient world wide, the consumption rate will increase at a faster pace than before; hence, the price will slowly go up. Tungsten mines yield about 11,000 tons a year. Its production has been relatively constant in the past few years. The amount of its consumption increases slowly world wide, but in the free world· there has been a slight annual decrease. However, since Red China has not been exporting their tungsten to other countries for several months, the price on the London market of S.T.U. of $Wo_3$ has increased to $ 44~46. Should Red China begin to export actively again the price will drop to $ 40~42. In 1967, 56,000 tons of Molybdenum were produced. Production exceeds consumption by 200,000 -30,000 tons annually. The current price in the U.S.A. is $ 1.72 per Mo pound. Since the rate of production in the U.S.A. is on the increase with large amounts of ore reserve, the price of molubdenum should not go up.

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Examination of the Current Situations of Security Dogs and it's Development Plans (경호탐지견의 운용실태 및 발전방안)

  • Park, Hyung-Kyu;Kim, Doo-Hyun
    • Korean Security Journal
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    • no.14
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    • pp.215-234
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    • 2007
  • Our country security industry 1960's service expense of the beginning U.S. army unit it accomplishes the growth which is quick with start, currently about 2,500 triumph the security enterprises which it goes over are being active. But the majority in these enterprise about lower cotton can a forever characteristic with pressure and the manpower civil official ability insufficient back of faithlessness management and capital power. To sleep with afterwords it presents the security dogs deployment plan for an efficient security together from the research which it sees hereupon and it does. First, it cultivates the domestic mountain progress dog which is a breed which is suitable with the security dogs and the shovel flesh dog back with the security dogs. Specially the Jindo of the breed which is excellent training which is suitable in task of the security dogs it leads and if it uses appropriately, it industrializes our specific the Jindo and protection there is a possibility of getting the effect which falls to also the gist which it rears rightly. It cultivate the second, security dogs and it magnifies training. The security dogs consequently is it will be able to accomplish the task above 2 branches to training method. Namely, after finishing obedience training, it is to be in security activity it will execute guard or detection back special training which is suitable in task and it will be able to commit. Third, it uses the security dogs which is trained rightly in task. The security dogs the adult escorts, facility expense, the explosive and narcotic drug detection, it will be able to use with the other blind man guidance dogs back. The narcotic drug detection dogs which currently is used specially technique intelligence anger, when considering the tendency of the narcotic drug smuggling offense field which becomes diversification that the role very it is important is a possibility of saying at day. It cultivate a fourth, escort relation specialty manpower and it improves the breed of the security dogs. The hazard which cultivate the security dogs use necessary personnel the breed of security dogs, the security dogs training center it opens the security crane relation subject of the college which stands and (university) it improves it establishes and training which is suitable in task it is to do to execute letting in the training map company. Specially, the hazard which improves the breed of security dogs in the progress mind quality which stands against the portion where the breed improvement is demanded as the portion where the internal organs research and investment are necessary sees. The security dogs compares in labor cost and the expense holds few, if it uses the our specific domestic dogs it will be able to use efficiently in the task which is various it solves the multi branch plans for wisly with the security dogs industrial development security of course contemporary history sliced raw fish sees demands compared to being immediacy and the life which is happy business the place where it does it sees it will be able to contribute a lot as.

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Spatial and Seasonal Water Quality Variations of Han River Tributries (한강 주요지천의 지역적 및 계절적 수질변화)

  • Lee, Young Joon;Park, Minji;Son, Juyeon;Park, Jinrak;Kim, Geeda;Hong, Changsu;Gu, Donghoi;Lee, Joonggeun;Noh, Changwan;Shin, Kyung-Yong;Yu, Soon-Ju
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.418-430
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    • 2017
  • The quality of surface water is a very important issue to use various demands like as drinking water, industrial, agricultural and recreational usages. There has been an increasing demand for monitoring water quality of many rivers by regular measurements of various water quality variables. However precise and effective monitoring is not enough, if the acquired dataset is not analyzed thoroughly. Therefore, the aim of this study was to estimate differences of seasonal and regional water quality using multivariate data analysis for each investing tributaries in Han River. Statistical analysis was applied to the data concerning 11 mainly parameters (flow, water temperature, pH, EC, DO, BOD, COD, SS, TN, TP and TOC) for the time period 2012~2016 from 12 sampling sites. The seasonal water quality variations showed that each of BOD, TN, TP and TOC average concentration in spring and winter was higher than that of summer and fall, respectively. In summer each flow rate and average concentration of SS was higher than any other seasons, respectively. The correlation analysis were explained that EC had a strong relationship with BOD (r=0.857), COD (r=0.854), TN (r=0.899) and TOC (r=0.910). According to principal component analysis, five principal components (Eigenvalue > 1) are controlled 98.0% of variations in water quality. The first component included TP, DO, pH. The second component included EC, TN. The third component included SS. The fourth component included flow. The last component included Temp. Cluster analysis classified that spring is similar to fall and winter with water quality parameters. AnyA, WangsA, JungrA and TancA were identified as affected by organic pollution. Cluster analysis derived seasonal differences with investigating sites and better explained the principal component analysis results.

The Effects of e-Business on Business Performance - In the home-shopping industry - (e-비즈니스가 경영성과에 미치는 영향 -홈쇼핑을 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Sae-Jung;Ahn, Seon-Sook
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.22
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    • pp.137-165
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    • 2007
  • It seems high time to increase productivity by adopting e-business to overcome challenges posed by both external factors including the appreciation of Korean won, oil hikes and fierce global competition and domestic issues represented by disparities between large corporations and small and medium enterprises (SMEs), Seoul metropolitan and local cities, and export and domestic demand all of which weaken future growth engines in the Korean economy. The demands of the globalization era are for innovative changes in businessprocess and industrial structure aiming for creating new values. To this end, e-business is expected to play a core role in the sophistication of the Korean economy through new values and innovation. In order to examine business performance in e-business-adopting industries, this study analyzed the home shopping industry by closely looking into the financial ratios including the ratio of net profit to sales, the ratio of operation income to sales, the ratio of gross cost to sales cost, the ratio of gross cost to selling, general and administrative (SG&A) expense, and return of investment (ROI). This study, for best outcome, referred to corporate financial statements as a main resource to calculate financial ratios by utilizing Data Analysis, Retrieval and Transfer System (DART) of the Financial Supervisory Service, one of the Korea's financial supervisory authorities. First of all, the result of the trend analysis on the ratio of net profit to sales is as following. CJ Home Shopping has registered a remarkable increase in its ratio of net profit rate to sales since 2002 while its competitors find it hard to catch up with CJ's stunning performances. This is partly due to the efficient management compared to CJ's value of capital. Such significance, if the current trend continues, will make the front-runner assume the largest market share. On the other hand, GS Home Shopping, despite its best organized system and largest value of capital among others, lacks efficiency in management. Second of all, the result of the trend analysis on the ratio of operation income to sales is as following. Both CJ Home Shopping and GS Home Shopping have, until 2004, recorded similar growth trend. However, while CJ Home Shopping's operating income continued to increase in 2005, GS Home Shopping observed its operating income declining which resulted in the increasing income gap with CJ Home Shopping. While CJ Home Shopping with the largest market share in home shopping industryis engaged in aggressive marketing, GS Home Shopping due to its stability-driven management strategies falls behind CJ again in the ratio of operation income to sales in spite of its favorable management environment including its large capital. Companies in the Group B were established in the same year of 2001. NS Home Shopping was the first in the Group B to shift its loss to profit. Woori Home Shopping has continued to post operating loss for three consecutive years and finally was sold to Lotte Group in 2007, but since then, has registered a continuing increase in net income on sales. Third of all, the result of the trend analysis on the ratio of gross cost to sales cost is as following. Since home shopping falls into sales business, its cost of sales is much lower than that of other types of business such as manufacturing industry. Since 2002 in gross costs including cost of sales, SG&A expense, and non-operating expense, cost of sales turned out to have remarkably decreased. Group B has also posted a notable decline in the same sector since 2002. Fourth of all, the result of the trend analysis on the ratio of gross cost to SG&A expense is as following. Due to its unique characteristics, the home shopping industry usually posts ahigh ratio of SG&A expense. However, more than 80% of SG&A expense means the result of lax management and at the same time, a sharp lower net income on sales than other industries. Last but not least, the result of the trend analysis on ROI is as following. As for CJ Home Shopping, the curve of ROI looks similar to that of its investment on fixed assets. As it turned out, the company's ratio of fixed assets to operating income skyrocketed in 2004 and 2005. As far as GS Home Shopping is concerned, its fixed assets are not as much as that of CJ Home Shopping. Consequently, competition in the home shopping industry, at the moment, is among CJ, GS, Hyundai, NS and Woori Home Shoppings, and all of them need to more thoroughly manage their costs. In order for the late-comers of Group B and other home shopping companies to advance further, the current lax management should be reformed particularly on their SG&A expense sector. Provided that the total sales volume in the Internet shopping sector is projected to grow over 20 trillion won by the year 2010, it is concluded that all the participants in the home shopping industry should put strategies on efficient management on costs and expenses as their top priority rather than increase revenues, if they hope to grow even further after 2007.

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Ecological Role of Urban Stream and Its Improvement (도시하천의 생태학적 역할과 개선방안)

  • Son, Myoung-Won
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.15-25
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    • 1998
  • A stream plays an important role as the source of drinking water, the ecological space and the living space. But the today's urban stream whose ecosystem is destroyed and water quality become worse in consequence of covering, concrete dyke construction, and the adjustment of high-water-ground[dunchi], is deprived of the function as a stream. Therefore this paper aims to elucidate the role that urban stream plays ecologically and to try to find a improvement to the problem. A stream is the pathway through which several types of the solar radiation energy are transmitted and the place which is always full of life energy. In the periphery of a stream, primary productivity is high and carrying capacity of population is great. Thus ancient cities based on agricultural products grew out of the fertile surroundings of stream. In Korea most cities of the Chosen Dynasty Period based on the agriculture have grown out of the erosional basins where solar energy is concentrated. The role of a stream in this agricultural system is the source of energy and material(water and sediment) and a lifeline. In consequence of the growth of cities and the rapid growing demands of water supply after the Industrial Revolution, a stream has become a more important locational factor of city. However, because cities need the life energy of urban streams no longer, urban streams cannot play role as a lifeline. And As pollutant waste water has poured into urban streams after using external streams' water, urban streams have degraded to the status of a ditch. As the results of the progress of urbanization, the dangerousness of inundation of urban stream increased and its water quality became worse. For the sake of holding back it, local governments constructed concrete dyke, adjusted high-water-ground[dunchi], and covered the channel. But stream ecosystem went to ruin and its water quality became much worse after channelization. These problems of urban stream can be solved by transmitting much energy contained in stream to land ecosystem as like rural stream. We should dissipate most of the energy contained in urban stream by cultivating wetland vegetation from the shore of stream to high-water-ground, and should recover a primitive natural vigorous power by preparation of ecological park.

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A Study on the Activation of Construction Practical Course through the Analysis of the Satisfaction Level in NCS Learning Module (NCS 학습모듈 만족도 분석을 통한 건설 교과 실무과목 수업 활성화 방안)

  • Lee, Jae-Hoon;Kim, Sun-Woo;Park, Wan-Shin;Jang, Young-Il;Kim, Tae-Hoon
    • 대한공업교육학회지
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    • v.45 no.1
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    • pp.63-83
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study is to provide the basic materials needed to plan the NCS Learning Module to be used effectively in practical courses. In this study, teachers and students' satisfaction surveys were collected about the NCS (National Competency Standards) learning module, career and field practice, practical environment used in the construction subject course. This study was conducted on public high schools in Chungcheong province (including Daejeon), which is operating practice course using the NCS learning module. The research questions are as follows; First, how was the satisfaction of teachers and students in the practical subject class using NCS learning module? Second, what is the degree of satisfaction of teacher's career and field practice guidance, student's career decision and field practice after the practical course using NCS learning module? Third, the satisfaction level of the developed NCS learning module and practical subject class using the same was determined by setting whether the number of training of NCS-related teachers or the presence or absence of on-the-job training of students were affected? The results of the study are as follows; As a result of comparing the teachers' and students' satisfaction, the students showed satisfaction in all items, whereas the teachers showed 'content level', 'interest', 'necessary knowledge', 'skill acquisition', 'Improvement of practical skills (level of skill performance)', 'scale of experimental practice', and 'items of experimental practice equipment' were dissatisfied. It was found that the number of NCS related teachers' training (or absence) or the presence of students on the field had an effect on the satisfaction of the developed NCS learning module and the practical course using it. In order to fully utilize the developed NCS learning module in the practical course, it is required to develop and construct the teaching material of the teacher who can serve as an intermediary for conceptualization and understanding of job skills. It is necessary to increase the number of education and training specialists to positively reflect the demands of the education field.

A Study on the Adolescent's Recognition of Science and Technology, Environment, Climate Change in Korea (우리나라 청소년의 과학기술과 환경, 기후변화 관련 인식 연구)

  • Seo, Keum-Young;Kim, Woo Hyun;Kim, Hyun-Ah;Lee, Jae-Hyung
    • Journal of Climate Change Research
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.409-416
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    • 2013
  • Recently, the property damage has been increasing due to climate change in South Korea. While the general public has become more aware of the environmental issues, but the environmental education system has not been able to meet up with the demands of the public. The purpose of this study is to suggest preliminary data which is needed for developing a environmental textbook. A survey was conducted to meet the following requirements. Respondent's level of interest in problems or situations concerning the following eight themes: fundamental science, health and medicine, aerospace engineering, life science, electrical electronics, telecommunication, mineral and energy resources, environment. The data was collected from 139 students in Seoul and Gyeonggi province. The results showed that health and medicine issues interest students the most (49.6%), followed by environment (46.8%). We asked the respondents who were very interested in each question for their reasons, and they answered that environmental issue is related to the improvement of their life quality (53.8%) than their curiosity (38.5%). Students were very interested in the other issues because of just curiosity. Most students (90.6%) said seasonal change was not same each year. 18.0% of respondents replied that they and their friends had experienced climate change. The majority of students (94.2%) thought that they will experience natural disaster blamed on climate change during their life. In other words, climate change is already the day-to-day events of their lives. The majority of their opinions, more then three than ten students(30.9%) said the South Korean government should conduct an energy saving campaign to climate change problems followed by expanding new renewable energy (24.5%), conducting adaptation policies of climate change(22.3 %), introducing of a system as like $CO_2$ emissions trading(20.9%) and so on. There are more Stu- dents (69.1%) who know of new renewable energy than students who don't know it; however, respondents who know the meaning very well were just 18.7% showing that most students dimly know the meaning of new renewable energy.

Influx and Development of Popular Culture at the Open Port : Focusing on Trot Inflow of Mokpo and Its prosperity (개항장의 대중문화 유입과 전개-목포의 트로트 유입과 흥성원인을 중심으로)

  • 곽수경
    • The Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences (IHSS)
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.27-49
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    • 2019
  • Mokpo is a port city located in the southwest of Korea, facing the seaside town of southern China along the West Sea, and connecting Incheon and Busan with Japan. Also, since it was a place where the rich agricultural and Fishery Products of Dadohae and Naju plain were gathered, it received the attention of Japan from the beginning, and it opened for the fourth time in Joseon in 1897 after Busan, Wonsan, and Incheon. This is also the fist Jagaehang (Jagaehang means a port that was opened in the judgment that it would benefit Korea) opened by King Gojong's decree. With the opening of the port, Mokpo developed into a modern city with the influx of people and the economy. In the process, new popular culture also came in and developed. Based on these facts, this manuscript examines the characteristics of Mokpo's open ports and analyzed the influx and development factors of trot, a representative modern pop song. Joseon did not accept the demands of Japan and established a common residence in Mokpo but did not receive the attention of other countries. As a result, only Japanese restrictive concession existed, and Korean and Japanese lived together. The population increased greatly as the Korean and Japanese who lived in Busan or Incheon, which opened port before Mokpo, moved to Mokpo. Besides, Mokpo mainly served as a port for carrying agricultural and fishery products from the surrounding area to Japan, but the economy developed deformed despite lacking a special industrial base. Economic prosperity enabled the popularization of mass media such as gramophones, and especially in the 1930s and 1940s, Lee Nan-young's <Tears of Mokpo> and <Mokpo the Harbor> became very popular nationwide. In all respect, the trot, which had a great influence from Japan, was first spread to Mokpo through Busan. It can be seen that the influence and dependency of Japan are stronger in the overall aspect of society than the characteristics of Jagaehang, which is distinguished from the previous ports opened by Mokpo as a treaty.