• Title/Summary/Keyword: Individual Values

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A Study on the Concept of Korean Indie Fashion (한국 인디 패션 개념에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Nayun;Ha, Jisoo
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Clothing and Textiles
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.650-659
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    • 2016
  • This study is to comprehend indie fashion which pursues the realization of self-identity, values, freedom and a creation that deviates from conventional cultural flow. This study also aims to understand the definition and characteristics of indie fashion in Korean culture. A rigorous study on indie fashion has not yet been done; therefore, this study was conducted through both a literature study and empirical study. The empirical study asked individuals who engage in indie fashion to provide opinions on the definition and characteristics of indie fashion. The results are as follow. First, indie fashion does not impose conformity upon an individual nor does it pursue differentiation. Second, indie fashion based on self-identity is characterized by an individual's consistent and unchanging style. Third, images (or styles of indie fashion) cannot be uniformly defined as styles different from one individual to another. Fourth, indie fashion can be defined as when an individual perceives themselves as pursuing indie spirit and its attitude. Next was an empirical study that showed in what position indie fashion is and who the fashion leader is in indie fashion. People who enjoy indie fashion said that (regarding indie fashion) it exists independent from the flow of trends as it regards personal values and identity as important.

A Study on the Major Career Orientations of Korean MIS Personnel and the Differences in the Values of Job Factors between Career Orientations (한국 MIS요원의 주요 경력지향유형과 유형별 직무요소들의 가치 부여 차이에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jae-Beom;Kim, Gyeong-Gyu;Kim, Ik-Gyun
    • Asia pacific journal of information systems
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    • v.7 no.1
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    • pp.49-66
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    • 1997
  • Matching individual career desire and career path is desirable for individual motivation and organizational effectiveness. Some studies reported that major career orientations of MIS personnel are technical and managerial orientation. Furthermore, dual ladder system is based on the same notion above. However, subsequent research conclusions of this issues have been contradictory. Mnwhile, past studies on the work value of MIS personnel are mainly concentrated on the differences between MIS personnel and other occupations. To date, the study on the differences in the values of job factors between major career orientations is rare. The purpose of this study is to find out major career orientation of Korean MIS personnel and the differences of values of job factors between major orientations. The research result is two conclusions. First, major career orientations of Korean MIS personnel are technical and managerial orientation. Second, both group do not have different values about job property related factors, but managerial orientation group gives high values to the some organization related factors such as company policy, responsibility, authority, salary level and opportunity of promotion.

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Mixed Lanthanide Shift Reagents (혼합 란탄족 Shift Reagents)

  • Man-Ho Lee;Charles N. Reilley
    • Journal of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.24-30
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    • 1982
  • Contact-only (COM) and dipolar-only (DOM) mixtures of the lanthanide shift reagents were prepared based on the Fi and Gi values deduced using individual Ln$(fod)_3$ (Ln = Pr, Nd, Eu, and Yb) and 4-picoline. The $F_i$ and $G_i$ values obtained directly by COM 1 and by DOM 1, which were appropriate mixture of Pr$(fod)_3$ and Eu$(fod)_3$, agreed well with those values obtained by experiments using individual Ln$(fod)_3$ shift reagents. Ei and Gi values obtained directly by COM 2 and by DOM 2, which were mixtures of Nd$(fod)_3$ and Yb$(fod)_3$, deviated from the expected values. The error was traced to the behavior of the ytterbium complexes.

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An Analysis of the Tour and Recreation Values of the Parks (공원녹지의 관광위락가치에 관한 연구)

  • 임완현
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.1-16
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    • 1994
  • This paper examines the individual and social values of tour and recreation activities related to the characteristics and attractions of parks in urban area through a questionnaire. The data for this research consists of 2,942 samples based on interviews in sixteen parks in Daegu area. Implications of the findings for urban parks design and tour and recreation policy are discussed. Travel cost method and contingent valuation method are applied essentially. These methods yield a reasonable estimation of the relationship between tour and recreation values of the parks and the visit rate which can be used to estimate demand functions for tour and recreation experiences provided by a site. Semilog-type models can be used to estimate the use of the park. Finally, the tour and recreation value of each park per user-day is estimated by the total experiences of the users. This study is a modest but important step in the investigation of urban parks and recreation site demand and values. Many of the developments in contingent valuation method and travel cost modeling should now be applied to the urban scale parks and recreation sits. Such studies will contribute significantly to the improvement of methodology for tour and recreation values measuring, especially to individual and social benefits for the urban parks, and provide the much needed guidance for the allocation of scarce tour and recreation resources.

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The mutual link of a person's human nature and his or her sense of values (인성과 가치관의 상호연관성)

  • Kim, Ju-Wan
    • Journal of Korean Philosophical Society
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    • v.105
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    • pp.127-147
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to elucidate mutual link of a person's human nature and his or her sense of values. In general, a person's human nature and his or her personality is used differently in its concept. However, in this study, it is revealed that these two things are closely connected. A person's human nature without personality is meaningless and personality without human nature cannot be existed. A person's human nature is the ground for existence of personality and personality is individual thing that is made on the universal ground of human nature. Personality is colligation of value that a person pursues. Every person pursues value. Therefore every person cannot help being personality. However personality is not a joint thing but an individual thing. Spiritual-philosophically, personality is exactly individual spirit. Therefore personality cannot be classified as personality or impersonality. It can be classified as high-leveled personality or low-leveled personality. And the foundation for existence of morality lies not on a person's human nature but on a person's personality. A person can be moral or immoral according to the value he pursues. Because personality is made on the basis of a person's human nature and the colligation of value that an individual person pursues is personality, a person's human nature is a vessel that contains his or her sense of values. A person's human nature and his or her sense of values are changed affecting each other. These two things are the sons of the age that is affected by the age. That's because human who is a container of human nature and his or her sense of values is both a natural being and a moral being.

A Method of Speed-Adaptive Location Estimation Based on Hybrid(TDOA-RSSI) and Least Square Method in RTLS System (RTLS 시스템에서 Hybrid(TDOA-RSSI)와 최소자승법을 기반으로 한 속도적응형 위치추적방법)

  • Lee, Jung Woo;Ha, Deock-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2009.05a
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    • pp.737-740
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    • 2009
  • In this paper, in order to improve the location estimation error existing in RTLS(Real Time Location Service) system for the mobility individual, we proposed a method of speed-adaptive location estimation that the transmitting signaling period is adaptively changed according to the changing speed of a mobility individual for each location interval. To get the more accurate location estimation values, we analyzed both the location values measured by Hybrid(TDOA and RSSI) method by using AeroScout TM RTLS system and the estimated value obtained from the theoretical calculation by using the Least Squares Method. Finally, we compared the analyzed values with a real location of mobility individual. From the experimental results based on our proposed method, it can be seen that the location estimation error for the real location of a mobility individual can be improved.

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  • Clara I. Ikekeonwu
    • Proceedings of the KSPS conference
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    • 1996.10a
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    • pp.514-514
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    • 1996
  • Igbo, a new Benue Congo language has a vowel harmony system which, like that of Akan, is based on the pharynx size or tongue root position. In this study we examine Igbo vowel harmony with particular reference to assimilatory patterns of vowels in different harmony sets. This is to gain some insight into the factors involved in Igbo vowel assimilation, and to establish to what extent reports on Akan vowel assimilation are validated in Igbo. Tokens of the eight phonemic vowels of Standard Igbo are recorded from three native speakers of Igbo. The vowels are acoustically investigated (using the LPC analysis of CSL) in individual lexical items and within carefully designed carrier phrases. The F1 and F2 values of the vowels are obtained as these formant values are generally useful in establishing the salient characteristics of vowels. Vowels from the harmony sets are juxtaposed in the carrier phrases to ascertain the extent of assimilation. Results of the investigation show that the F1 values, to a large extend, are enough to characterize these vowels. The (-Expanded) vowels have higher F1 values than their (+Expanded) counterpart. Where there is an overlap in F1 values for some vowels the F1 bandwidth values serve to distinguish between the vowels. The overlap often reported in Akan for /I/ and /e/ on the one hand and /${\mho}$/ and /o/ on the other is not validated in Igbo. While the F1 values for these pairs of vowels are quite similar for one of our speakers, there is an appreciable difference between the F1 values of these vowels for the other two speakers. There is however an overlap for /e/ and /o/ for one of the speakers. Assimilations are generally regressive across word boundaries. It is, however, necessary to point out that the general perceptual impression that one of the vowels completely assimilates to the other, is not borne out by our investigation. Most of our F1 and F2 values for the vowels in individual lexical items are altered in assimilations. This then suggests that assimilation involving these vowels is partial rather than complete. The emerging 'allophones' are acoustically similar to the (+Expanded) vowel involved in the assimilation, that is when vowels from different harmony sets are involved. We conclude that while assimilation of Igbo vowels involves some phonological considerations, phonetic factors appear to be permanent in deciding the final form of the vowels.

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Effects of gender, age, and individual speakers on articulation rate in Seoul Korean spontaneous speech

  • Kim, Jungsun
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.19-29
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    • 2018
  • The present study investigated whether there are differences in articulation rate by gender, age, and individual speakers in a spontaneous speech corpus produced by 40 Seoul Korean speakers. This study measured their articulation rates using a second-per-syllable metric and a syllable-per-second metric. The findings are as follows. First, in spontaneous Seoul Korean speech, there was a gender difference in articulation rates only in age group 10-19, among whom men tended to speak faster than women. Second, individual speakers showed variability in their rates of articulation. The tendency for some speakers to speak faster than others was variable. Finally, there were metric differences in articulation rate. That is, regarding the coefficients of variation, the values of the second-per-syllable metric were much higher than those for the syllable-per-second metric. The articulation rate for the syllable-per-second metric tended to be more distinct among individual speakers. The present results imply that data gathered in a corpus of Seoul Korean spontaneous speech may reflect speaker-specific differences in articulatory movements.

Measuring the severity of close encounters between ringed small bodies and planets

  • Jeremy Wood;Jonti Horner;Tobias C Hinse;Stephen C Marsden
    • Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
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    • v.480 no.3
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    • pp.4183-4198
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    • 2018
  • Rings have recently been discovered around the trans-Neptunian object (TNO) 136108 Haumea and the Centaur 10199 Chariklo. Rings are also suspected around the Centaur 2060 Chiron. As planetary close encounters with ringed small bodies can affect ring longevity, we previously measured the severity of such encounters of Chariklo and Chiron using the minimum encounter distance, dmin. The value of dmin that separates noticeable encounters from non-noticeable encounters we called the 'ring limit', R. R was then approximated as 10 tidal disruption distances, 10Rtd. In this work, we seek to find analytical expressions for R that fully account for the effects of the planet mass, small body mass, ms, ring orbital radius, r, and velocity at infinity, v, for fictitious ringed Centaurs using ranges 2 × 1020 kg ≤ms≤ 1 Pluto mass and 25 000 ≤r ≤ 100 000 km. To accomplish this, we use numerical integration to simulate close encounters between each giant planet and ringed Centaurs in the three-body planar problem. The results show that R has a lower bound of approximately 1.8Rtd. We compare analytical and experimental R values for a fictitious Haumea, Chariklo, and Chiron with r= 50 000 km. The agreement is excellent for Haumea, but weaker for Chariklo and Chiron. The agreement is best for Jupiter and Saturn. The ring limits of the real Haumea, Chariklo, and Chiron are <4Rtd. Experimental R values for the fictitious bodies make better approximations for the R values of the real bodies than does 10Rtd. Analytical values make good first approximations.

Fashion Leadership and Expected Values of Appearance Management According to Individualism-collectivism Orientation (개인주의-집단주의 성향에 따른 유행선도력과 외모관리 기대가치)

  • Park, Eun-Hee
    • Korean Journal of Human Ecology
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.85-99
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to classify individualism-collectivism orientation into groups and analyze the difference of fashion leadership and expected values of appearance management by the groups. Questionnaires were administered to 376 adults in 20's and 30's living in Deagu and Kyungbook area through June 10~June 20, 2013. Frequency, factor analysis, reliability analysis, cluster analysis, correlation analysis, ANOVA, Duncan-test, t-test, and $X^2$-test were used for data analysis. Survey method was used to collect data for this study and the measures such as individualism-collectivism orientation, fashion leadership and expected values of appearance management consisted of 5-point Likerties scale. Individualism-collectivism orientation was categorized into collectivism, competition consciousness, love of family, and individual focus. Fashion leadership were found as opinion leadership, double leader, and innovator. Expected values of appearance management were found as pleasure/individuality, other consciousness, and conformity. This indicates that women showed high opinion leader, double leader, and innovator of fashion leadership and pleasure/individuality, and conformity of expected values of appearance management while men care more about competition consciousness, love of family, and individuality focus of individualism-collectivism orientation. Individualism-collectivism orientation showed significant correlation with the sub-variable of fashion leadership and expected values of appearance management. Individualism-collectivism orientation were classified into three groups such as competition collectivism, individuality, and low individual-collectivism. A test of significance in groups was determined by demographic variables like gender, age, occupancy and monthly income. Groups showed significant difference in fashion leadership and expected values of appearance management.