A Study on the Major Career Orientations of Korean MIS Personnel and the Differences in the Values of Job Factors between Career Orientations

한국 MIS요원의 주요 경력지향유형과 유형별 직무요소들의 가치 부여 차이에 관한 연구

  • 이재범 (서강대학교 경영학과) ;
  • 김경규 (인하대 경상대학 경영학부) ;
  • 김익균 (한국 생산성본부 경영컨설팅사업부)
  • Published : 1997.06.30


Matching individual career desire and career path is desirable for individual motivation and organizational effectiveness. Some studies reported that major career orientations of MIS personnel are technical and managerial orientation. Furthermore, dual ladder system is based on the same notion above. However, subsequent research conclusions of this issues have been contradictory. Mnwhile, past studies on the work value of MIS personnel are mainly concentrated on the differences between MIS personnel and other occupations. To date, the study on the differences in the values of job factors between major career orientations is rare. The purpose of this study is to find out major career orientation of Korean MIS personnel and the differences of values of job factors between major orientations. The research result is two conclusions. First, major career orientations of Korean MIS personnel are technical and managerial orientation. Second, both group do not have different values about job property related factors, but managerial orientation group gives high values to the some organization related factors such as company policy, responsibility, authority, salary level and opportunity of promotion.
