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The Analysis of Cost Structure and Productivity in the Korea and Japan Railroad Industry (한국과 일본 철도산업의 비용구조와 생산성 분석)

  • Park, Jin-Gyeong;Kim, Seong-Su
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.24 no.2 s.88
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    • pp.65-78
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    • 2006
  • This paper investigates the cost structure ot the Korea and Japan railroad industry with respect to density, scale and scope economies as well as productivity growth rate using a generalized trans)og multiproduct cost function model. The paper then assumes that the Korea and Japan railway companies pi·educe three outputs (incumbent railway passenger-kilometers. Shinkansen passenger-kilometers, ton-kilometers of freight) using four input factors (labor, fuel, maintenance, rolling stock and capital). The specified cost function includes foul other independent variables: track lengths to reflect network effects, two dummies to reflect nation and ownership effects, and time trend as a proxy for technical change. The simultaneous equation system consisting of a cost function and three input share equations is estimated with the Zellner's iterative seemingly unrelated regression. The unbalanced panel data used in the paper, a total of 154 observations. are collected from the annual records of the Korea National Railroad (KNR) for the yews $1977{\sim}2003$, Japan National Railways (JNR) for the years $1977{\sim}1984$. seven Japan Railways (JR's) for the years $1987{\sim}2003$. The findings show that the Korean and Japanese railways exhibit product-specific and overall economies of density but product-specific diseconomies of scale with respect to incumbent railway passenger-kilometers, Shinkansen-kilometers and ton-kilometers. However, the railways experience mild overall economies of scale which result from economies of scope associated with the joint production of incumbent railway/Shinkansen and feight, freight/incumbent railway and Shinkansen except Shinkansen/incumbent railway and freight. In addition, the economies of density and scale in the KNR, JR east, JR central, and JR west companies at the point of the years $1990{\sim}2003$ average is generally analogous to the above results at the point of sample average. There also appear to be economies of ssope associated with the joint Production of the incumbent railway and Shinkansen in JR central but diseconomies of scope in JR East and JR West. The findings also indicate that the productivity growth rate of the privately-owned JR's is larger than that of the government-owned KNR.

Performance Measurements of Positron Emission Tomography: An Investigation Using General Electric $Advance^{TM}$ (양전자방출단층촬영기의 표준 성능평가 방법: GE $Advance^{TM}$에 적용한 예)

  • Lee, J.R.;Choi, Y.;Choe, Y.S.;Lee, K.H.;Kim, S.E.;Shin, S.A.;Kim, B.T.
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.548-559
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    • 1996
  • A series of performance measurements of positron emission tomography (PET) were performed following the recommendations of the Computer and Instrumentation Council of the Society of Nuclear Medicine and the National Electrical Manufacturers Association. We investigated the performance of the General Electric $Advance^{TM}$ PET. The measurements include the basic intrinsic tests of spatial resolution, scatter fraction, sensitivity, and count rate losses and randoms. They also include the tests of the accuracy of corrections: count rate linearity correction, uniformity correction, scatter correction and attenuation correction. GE $Advance^{TM}$ PET has bismuth germanate oxide crystals (4.0mm transaxial ${\times}$ 8.1mm axial ${\times}$ 30.0mm radial) in 18 rings, which form 35 imaging planes spaced by 4.25mm. The system has retractable tungsten septa 1mm thick and 12cm long. Transaxial resolution was 4.92mm FWHM in 2D and 5.14mm FWHM in 3D at the center. Average axial resolution in 2D decreased from 3.91mm FWHM at the center to 6.49mm FWHM at R=20cm. Average scatter fraction of direct and cross slices was 9.57%. Dead-time losses of 50% corresponded to a radioactivity concentration of $4.86{\mu}Ci/cc$ and a true count rate of 519 kcps in 2D. The accuracy of count rate linearity correction was 1.84% at the activity of $4.50{\mu}Ci/cc$. Non-uniformity was 2.06% in 2D and 2.93% in 3D. Remnant errors after scatter correction were 0.55% in 2D and 4.12% in 3D. The errors of attenuation correction were 6.21% (air), 0.20% (water), -6.32% (teflon) in 2D and 5.00% (air), 6.94% (water), 3.01% (teflon) in 3D. The results indicate the performance of GE $Advance^{TM}$ PET scanner to be well suited for clinical and research applications.

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Formation and Evolution of the Paleo-Seomjin River Incised-Valley System, Southern Coast of Korea: 1. Sequence Stratigraphy of Late Quaternary Sediments in Yosu Strait (한반도 남해안 고섬진강 절개곡 시스템의 형성과 진화: 1. 여수해협의 후기 제 4기층에 대한 순차층서)

  • Chun, Seung-Soo;Chang, Jin-Ho
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.142-151
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    • 2001
  • Detailed interpretation of some high-resolution seismic profiles in Yosu Strait reveals that Late Quaternary deposits consist of three allostratigraphic units (UH, LH, PL) formed by fluvial and tidal controls. The top mud unit, UH, thins onshore, and overlies the backstepping modem Seomjin delta deposits, which is interpreted as a transgressive systems tract (757) related to Holocene relative sea-level rise. The unit LH below the unit UH is composed of delta, valley- and basin-fill facies. The delta facies (Unit $LH_1$) occurs only in Gwangyang Bay and shows two prograding sets retrogradationaly stacked, thus it is also interpreted as a transgressive systems tract(757). On the contrary, the valley- and basin-fill facies (Unit $LH_2$), interpreted as 757, occur between the units UH and PL (Pleistocene deposits) in Yosu Strait. The bounding surface between UH and $LH_2$ can be interpreted as a tidal ravinement surface on the basis of trends thinning toward inner bay and becoming young landward. Furthermore its geomorphological pattern is similar to that of recent tidal channels. This allostratigraphy in'ffsu Strait suggests that two 757 deposits (UH and $LH_2$), divided by tidal ravinement surface, have been formed in Yosu Strait, whereas in Gwangyang Bay backstepping delta deposits ($LH_1$) without tidal ravinement surface have been formed during Holocene sea-level rise. These characteristics indicate that different stacking patterns could be formed in these two areas according to different increasing rate of accommodation space caused by different geomorphology, sediment supply and tidal-current patterns even in the same period of Holocene sea-level rise.

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A Study of the Relationship to the Student's Health Behavior, Belief, Value and Health Service Utilization -With Emphasis on Family Structure and Other Variables- (학생(學生)의 건강행위(健康行爲), 신념(信念), 가치(價値) 및 보건의료(保建醫療) 이용(利用)에 미치는 영향(影響)에 관(關)한 연구 -가족(家族)의 형태(形態) 및 제특성(諸特性)을 중심(中心)으로-)

  • Chung, Yeon Kang
    • Journal of the Korean Society of School Health
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.9-44
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    • 1993
  • An explorative and descriptive study in order to determine the effect of family structure and other socio-demographic variables on health behavior, belief, locus, and value and utilization of public health service was carried out. Data were collected from 1,653 subjects randomly sampled in three areas, Seoul, Kyunggi province, and Cheju province. From Seoul 849 subjects were selected, 397 subjects Kyunggi, and 407 subjects from Cheju, respectively. Self-reporting questionaires were administered during the period from March to June, 1992. The major findings were as follows: 1) The subjects visited herb-doctor's at irregular intervals mainly to have tonic medicine prepared. They preferred herb-doctor's rather than with doctors at clinics and hospitals. Statistically significant difference was found among the regions studied (p<0.05). 2) The reason for visiting hospitals was primarily for treatment of diseases. They preferred hospital because they felt that the hospitals offer much highly reliable treatment services as well as medical accessibility. For the purpose of hospital utilization, statistically significant differences existed among sex, educational level, family type and region. However, no significance was found among sex, educational level, and region (p<0.05). 3) The subjects utilized general hospitals mainly for diagnosis and treatment of diseases. They preferred general hospitals because of their much better facilities and reliability. Statistical significance was found among sex, educational level, and region (p<0.05). 4) The subjects visited dentist at irregular intervals basis. They visited once half a year or three to four months. their purpose of visit was mainly for diagnosis and treatment of diseases. Statistical significance differences were found among educational level, region and economic standard (p<0.05). 5) Whenever their illnesses were mild and the pharmacies was located in nearby they visited to pharmacies. They visited once a month and patient medicines. Statistically significant differences were found among sex, educational level and region (p<0.05). 6) The subjects believed that herb medicine was quite efficacious for treatment of some diseases, particularly by information handed down through time-honored tradition and experience. However, they recognized that the efficacy of folk medicine can vary with type and severity of diseases. Statistical significance was among sex, educational level, region and economic standard (p<0.05). 7) The reason why subjects believed that pray and superstition are effective for treatment of certain type of diseases, particularly in neuropathy, was the belief in God's almighty. Statistically significant differences were found among sex, educational level, regions and economic standard (p<0.05). 8) Most of subjects under same condition preferred western medicine because they believed that it is more scientific and prompts in showing therapeutic effect. Statistical significance was not found in the choice of type of public health service among, regions. But significant differences were found among sex, educational level and region (p<0.05). 9) The subjects looked for pharmacy if they thought the symptom was mild. However, they visited hospitals for chronic disease and general hospitals for emergency treatment. Statistical significances were found among educational level, region and economic standard (p<0.05). 10) Although most of students wanted to have a healthy life as for the component of health standard and value, they think that they are not healthy (p<0.05). As for the health behavior, significant difference was found in the proportion of smoking and drinking between educational level and region (p<0.05). The health locus was affected by educational level, and health behavior was influenced by region, sex and educational level. The utilization of type of public health service was influenced by family type and region, and health belief by region and educational level, and the health values by region and economic standard respectively, most of correlation showed statistical significance. Among them, the highest correlation was seen between locus of control and external/internal locus of control, which is quite obvious. The correlation between health belief and behavior was the next highest, but still low (0.343). All the other variables are low but significant except only a few of those. These findings indicate that health education should be incorporated into the curriculum so as to develop desirable health habit, and ability of self-control in accordance with their growth stages. A systematic and scientific understanding on the herb/folk medicine is needed, and greater reliability of the utilization of public health services are is still required. Health policy for equal distribution of health service throughout the country along the hierarchical health service system and complementary mutual assistance and cooperation among various health organizations are also required.

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Longitudinal Root Anatomy, Cell Dynamics, and Physiological Cell Responses in Root Growth Zones of Two Tall Fescue Genotypes at Two Nitrogen Levels (톨페스큐 뿌리생장부위의 종적해부구조, 세포역학 및 생리적 반응에 대한 질소효과)

  • Beom Heon, Song;Curtis J, Nelson
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.285-296
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    • 1995
  • Anatomical studies of sink tissues are required for better understanding the biological plant growth system and energy metabolism. Kinematics of root growth zones of two genotypes of tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.) receiving 50 or 200 ppm N were determined. Longitudinal anatomy and cell dynamics of root growth zones were studied and calculated. The root growth zone is organized similarly to the leaf growth zone which has cell division, elongation, and maturation zones, but the root growth zone is only about 3.0 mm long compared to 25 to 30 mm for the leaf growth zone. The root cap extends about 0.4 to 0.5 mm from the apical initial, while the cell elongation zone for both cortical and metaxylem cells extends about 3.3 mm from the apical initial for both genotypes and N levels. Root cap cells elongate from an initial length of about 5$\mu{m}$ long to a final length of about 40$\mu{m}$ before being sloughed. Initial lengths of cortical and metaxylem cells were about 8.5 $\mu{m}$ and 13.0 $\mu{m}$, respectively. Elongation of cortex and metaxylem cell showed sigmoidal curves with final lengths of about 120 $\mu{m}$ for cortex cells and 650 $\mu{m}$ for metaxylem cells. Initial size and final size for both types were not affected by N level, but cell fluxes and cell elongation rates of cortical and metaxylem cells were about double in low N. Cell production rates were about 5 to 6 times higher in cortical cells than in metaxylem cells. Differences in N caused a larger change in cell production rate, duration of cell elongation, and relative cell elongation rate than did the genotypes. These data indicate that N application affects root growth longitudinally by changing cell production rate and elongation rate.

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Applicability of plate tectonics to the post-late Cretaceous igneous activities and mineralization in the southern part of South Korea( I ) (한국남부(韓國南部)의 백악기말(白堊紀末) 이후(以後)의 화성활동(火成活動)과 광화작용(鑛化作用)에 대(對)한 판구조론(板構造論)의 적용성(適用性) 연구(硏究)( I ))

  • Min, Kyung Duck;Kim, Ok Joon;Yun, Suckew;Lee, Dai Sung;Joo, Sung Whan
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.123-154
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    • 1982
  • Petrochemical, K-Ar dating, Sand Rb/Sr isotopes, metallogenic zoning, paleomagnetic and geotectonic studies of the Gyongsang basin were carried out to examine applicability of plate tectonics to the post-late Cretaceous igneous activity and metallogeny in the southeastern part of Korean Peninsula. The results obtained are as follows: 1. Bulgugsa granitic rocks range from granite to adamellite, whose Q-Ab-Or triangular diagram indicates that the depth and pressure at which the magma consolidated increase from coast to inland varying from 6 km, 0.5-3.3 kb in the coastal area to 17 km, 0.5-10 kb in the inland area. 2. The volcanic rocks in Gyongsang basin range from andesitic to basaltic rocks, and the basaltic rocks are generally tholeiitic in the coastal area and alkali basalt in the inland area. 3. The volcanic rocks of the area have the initial ratio of Sr^{87}/Sr^{86} varying from 0.706 to 0.707 which suggests a continental origin; the ratio of Rb/Sr changing from 0.079-0.157 in the coastal area to 0.021-0.034 in the inland area suggests that the volcanism is getting younger toward coastal side, which may indicate a retreat in stage of differentiation if they were derived from a same magma. The K_2O/SiO_2 (60%) increases from about 1.0 in the coastal area to about 3.0 in the inland area, which may suggest an increase indepth of the Benioff zone, if existed, toward inland side. 4. The K-Ar ages of volcanic rocks were measured to be 79.4 m.y. near Daegu, and 61.7 m.y. near Busan indicating a southeastward decrease in age. The ages of plutonic rocks also decrease toward the same direction with 73 m.y. near Daegu, and 58 m.y. near Busan, so that the volcanism predated the plutonism by 6 m.y. in the continental interior and 4 m.y. along the coast. Such igneous activities provide a positive evidence for an applicability of plate tectonics to this area. 5. Sulfur isotope analyses of sulfide minerals from 8 mines revealed that these deposits were genetically connected with the spacially associated ingeous rocks showing relatively narrow range of ${\delta}^{34}S$ values (-0.9‰ to +7.5‰ except for +13.3 from Mulgum Mine). A sequence of metallogenic zones from the coast to the inland is delineated to be in the order of Fe-Cu zone, Cu-Pb-Zn zone, and W-Mo zone. A few porphyry type copper deposits are found in the Fe-Cu zone. These two facts enable the sequence to be comparable with that of Andean type in South America. 6. The VGP's of Cretaceous and post Cretaceous rocks from Korea are located near the ones($71^{\circ}N$, $180^{\circ}E$ and $90^{\circ}N$, $110^{\circ}E$) obtained from continents of northern hemisphere. This suggests that the Korean peninsula has been stable tectonically since Cretaceous, belonging to the Eurasian continent. 7. Different polar wandering path between Korean peninsula and Japanese islands delineates that there has been some relative movement between them. 8. The variational feature of declination of NRM toward northwestern inland side from southeastern extremity of Korean peninsula suggests that the age of rocks becomes older toward inland side. 9. The geological structure(mainly faults) and trends of lineaments interpreted from the Landsat imagery reveal that NNE-, NWW- and NEE-trends are predominant in the decreasing order of intensity. 10. The NNE-trending structures were originated by tensional and/or compressional forces, the directions of which were parallel and perpendicular respectively to the subduction boundary of the Kula plate during about 90 m.y. B.P. The NWW-trending structures were originated as shear fractures by the same compressional forces. The NEE-trending structures are considered to be priginated as tension fractures parallel to the subduction boundary of the Kula plate during about 70 m.y. B.P. when Japanese islands had drifted toward southeast leaving the Sea of Japan behind. It was clearly demonstrated by many authors that the drifting of Japanese islands was accompanied with a rotational movement of a clock-wise direction, so that it is inferred that subduction boundary had changed from NNE- to NEE-direction. A number of facts and features mentioned above provide a suite of positive evidences enabling application of plate tectonics to the late Cretaceous-early Tertiary igneous activity and metallogeny in the area. Synthesizing these facts, an arc-trench system of continental margin-type is adopted by reconstructing paleogeographic models for the evolution of Korean peninsula and Japan islands. The models involve an extention mechanism behind the are(proto-Japan), by which proto-Japan as of northeastern continuation of Gyongsang zone has been drifted rotationally toward southeast. The zone of igneous activity has also been migrated from the inland in late-Cretaceous to the peninsula margin and southwestern Japan in Tertiary.

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Petrogenetic Study on the Foliated Granitoids in the Chonju and the Sunchang area (II) - In the Light of Sr and Nd Isotopic Properites - (전주 및 순창지역에 분포하는 엽리상 화강암류의 성인에 대한 연구 (II) - Sr 및 Nd 동위원소적 특성을 중심으로 -)

  • Na, Choon-Ki;Lee, In-Seong;Chung, Jae-Il
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.249-262
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    • 1997
  • The Sr and Nd isotopic compositions of two foliated granitic plutons located in the Chonju and Sunchang area were determined in order to reconfirm the intrusion ages of granitoids and to study the sources of granitic magmas. The best defined Rb-Sr isochron for the whole rock samples of the Chonju foliated granite (CFGR) give an age of $284{\pm}12Ma$, suggesting early Permian intrusion age. In contrast, the whole rock Rb-Sr data of the Sunchang foliated granite (SFGR) scatter widely on the isochron diagram with very little variation in the $^{87}Rb/^{86}Sr$ ratios and, therefore, yield no reliable age information. Futhermore they show the concordance of mineral and whole rock Rb-Sr isochron and divide into two linear groups with roughly the same slopes and significantly different $^{87}Sr/^{86}Sr$ ratios, indicating some kind of Rb-Sr distortion in whole rock scale and a difference in source material and/or magmatic evolution between two subsets. The reconstructed isochrons of 243 Ma, which was defined from the proposed data by the omission of one sample point with significantly higher $^{87}Rb/^{86}Sr$ ratio than the others, and 252 Ma, from the combined data of it and some of this study, strongly suggest the possibility that the SFGR was intruded appreciably earlier than had previously been proposed, although the reliability of these ages still questionable owing to high scatter of data points and, therefore, further study is necessary. All mineral isochrons for the investigated granites show the Jurassic to early Cretaceous thermal episode ranging from 160 Ma to 120 Ma Their corresponding initial $^{87}Sr/^{86}Sr$ ratios correlate well with their whole rock data, indicating that the mineral Rb-Sr system of the investigated granites was redistributed by the postmagmatic thermal event during Jurassic to early Cretaceous. The initial ${\varepsilon}Sr$ values for the CFGR (64.27 to 94.81) tend to be significantly lower than those for the SFGR (125.43 to 167.09). Thus it is likely that there is a marked difference in the magma source characteristics between the CFGR and the SFGR, although the possibility of an isotopic resetting event giving rise to a high apparent initial ${\varepsilon}Sr$ in the SFGR can not be ruled out. In contrast to ${\varepsilon}Sr$, both batholiths show a highly resticted and negative values of initial ${\varepsilon}Nd$, which is -14.73 to -19.53 with an average $-16.13{\pm}1.47$ in the CFGR and -14.78 to -18.59 with an average $-17.17{\pm}1.01$ in the SFGR. The highly negative initial ${\varepsilon}Nd$ values in the investigated granitoids strongly suggest that large amounts of recycled old continental components have taken part in their evolution. Furthermore, this highly resticted variation in ${\varepsilon}Nd$ is significant because it requires that the old crustal source material, from which the granitoid-producing melts were generated, should have a reasonably uniform Nd isotopic composition and also quit similar age. Calculated T2DM model ages give an average of $1.83{\pm}0.25Ga$ for CFGR and $1.96{\pm}0.19Ga$ for SFGR, suggesting the importance of a mid-Proterozoic episode for the genesis of two foliated granites. Although it is not possible to determine precisely the source rock compositions for the investigated foliatic granites, the Sr-Nd isotopic evidences indicate that midcrustal or less probably, a lower crustal granulitic source could be the most likely candidate.

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Changes of Soil Properties through the Remediation Processes and Techniques for the Restoration of Remediated Soils (오염 토양 정화공정에 의한 토양의 특성 변화 및 정화토의 회복기술)

  • Lee, Sang-Woo;Lee, Woo-Chun;Lee, Sang-Hun;Kim, Soon-Oh
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.53 no.4
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    • pp.441-477
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    • 2020
  • There have been raised other environmental issues related to remediated soils piled up in numerous carry-out processing facilities because a considerable quantity of them have been produced every year, but most of them have not been relevantly reused or recycled. Thus, this article reports the trend of researches on the development of techniques to restore the quality of remediated soils to activate their reuse and recycling. Firstly, the tendency of change in soil properties through remediation processes was looked over, and then the degradation of soil quality was characterized according to the type of remediation processes. Besides, the direction of policy to promote the reuse and recycling of remediated soils was introduced, and finally, the future works needed were suggested. This article was prepared based on the results of the survey of domestic and foreign literature. A number of literature were reviewed to scrutinize the change of soil properties due to remediation processes and diverse techniques for the amendment and restoration of remediated soils. Furthermore, the policies related to the reuse and recycling of remediated soils were arranged with the reference of the first and second versions of the Soil Conservation Master Plan of Korea. The literature survey focused on three kinds of remediation technologies, such as land farming, soil washing, and thermal desorption, which were most frequently used so far in Korea. The results indicate that the tendency of change in soil properties was significantly different depending on the type of remediation processes applied, and the degradation characteristics of soil quality were also totally different between them. The soil amendment and restoration can be categorized as three techniques depending on the type of substances used, such as inorganic, organic, and biological ones. Diverse individual materials have been used, and the soil properties improved or enhanced were dependent on the type of specific materials utilized. However, few studies on the restoration of soil qualities degraded during the remediation processes have not been carried out so far. The second Soil Conservation Master Plan states the quality certification and target management system of remediated soils, and it is expected that their reuse and recycling will be facilitated hereafter. With the consideration of the type of remediation processes implemented and public utility, the restoration technologies of remediated soils should be developed for the vitalization of their reuse and recycling. Besides, practical and specific measures should be taken to support the policy specified in the second Soil Conservation Master Plan and to promote reuse/recycling of remediated soils.

Changes of Tomato Growth and Soil Chemical Properties as Affected by Soil pH and Nitrogen Fertilizers (토양 pH와 질소 관비 비종에 따른 토마토 생육 및 토양화학성 변화)

  • Kang, Yun-Im;Roh, Mi-Young;Kwon, Joon-Kook;Park, Kyoung-Sub;Cho, Myeong-Whan;Lee, Si-Young;Lee, In-Bok;Kang, Nam-Jun
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.328-335
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    • 2010
  • This study was conducted to determine effects of soil pH and form of nitrogen fertilizers on tomato growth and chemical properties of greenhouse soil using ferigation system. Tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill. cv. Superdoterang) were grown for three months in 18 L pots filled with two soil (pH 6.8 and pH 8.7). 4 different nitrogen fertilizers (urea, ammonium nitrate, ammonium sulfate, and potassium nitrate) were fertigated with different concentrations of 0, 10, 50, and 100 mg N/L during tomato cultivation. Soil pH 8.7 decreased yield and chlorophyll fluorescence compared with soil pH 6.8. Yield at soil pH 8.7 increased by ammonium nitrate and ammonium sulfate fertigation. Soil pH 6.8 induced increment of yield by nitrogen concentration than form of nitrogen fertilizers. Soil pH after cultivation of tomato decreased by application of ammonium nitrate and ammonium sulfate. Soil EC by 100 mg N/L application of ammonium sulfate was twice as much as other fertilizers. Form of nitrogen fertilizer had less effect on concentration of soil $NH_4^+$-N and $NO_3^-$-N in soil but the concentrations slightly reduced at pH 8.7. These results indicate that application of urea and ammonium nitrate for a nitrogen source of fertigation has little affects on soil chemical properties before and after tomato cultivation.

Antioxidative Activity and Componential Analysis of Chamaecyparis obtusa Leaf Extract (편백나무 잎 추출물의 항산화 활성과 성분분석에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Dong Sook;Lim, Myoung Sun;Kwan, Soon Sik;Kim, Sun Young;Park, Soo Nam
    • Applied Chemistry for Engineering
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.93-99
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    • 2012
  • In this study, the evaluation of antioxidative activity and componential analysis of C. obtusa leaf extracts was carried out. Reactive oxygen species (ROS) scavenging activities ($OSC_{50}$) of C. obtusa leaf extracts on ROS generated in $Fe^{3+}-EDTA/H_2O_2$ system were investigated using the luminol-dependent chemiluminescence assay. The ethyl acetate fraction ($OSC_{50}$; 0.22 ${\mu}g/mL$) and aglycone fraction of C. obtusa leaf extracts (0.20 ${\mu}g/mL$) showed about 7 times more prominent ROS scavenging activity than L-ascorbic acid (1.50 ${\mu}g/mL$). The cellular protective effects of fractions obtained from C. obtusa leaf extracts on the rose-bengal sensitized photohemolysis of human erythrocytes were investigated. The ethyl acetate fraction and aglycone fraction of C. obtusa leaf extracts showed the cellular protective effects in a concentration dependent manner (5~25 ${\mu}g/mL$). The inhibitory effect ($IC_{50}$) of ethyl acetate fraction and aglycone fraction on tyrosinase exhibited 74.43 and 53.80 ${\mu}g/mL$, repectively. The aglycone fraction showed four times higher tyrosinase inhibitory effect than arbutin (226.88 ${\mu}g/mL$), known as a whitening agent. The aglycone fraction of C. obtusa leaf extracts showed three bands in TLC chromatogram and three peaks in HPLC chromatogram (360 nm). Three compounds were identified as taxifolin, quercetin and kaempferol. These results indicate that the fractions of C. obtusa leaf extracts can function as antioxidants in biological systems, particularly skin exposed to UV radiation by scavenging $^1O_2$ and other ROS, and protect cellular membranes against reactive oxygen species. The fractions of C. obtusa leaf extracts can be applicable to new functional cosmetics for antioxidan and whitening effects.