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Geochemical Study on the Alluvial Aquifer System of the Nakdong River for the Estimation of River Bank Filtration (강변여과수 개발을 위한 낙동강 충적층 지하수의 지구화학적 특성연구)

  • 김건영;고용권;김천수;김형수;김성이
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.83-105
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    • 2003
  • Geochemical studies on the alluvial aquifer system near the Nakdong River were carried out for the basic investigation of the estimation of artificial recharge for the river bank filtration. In-situ data do not show any distinct difference between the pumping well and river. Most of waters belong to $_3$ and Ca-$SO_4$ types and show high Mn concentration. In the borehole installed with Multi-Ca-HCOPacker (MP) system, Na, Ca, Mg, $HCO_3$ contents of the groundwater are increased with depth increasing. Cl and $SO_4$ contents of the groundwater show the lowest values at the bottom level (18m depth) and Mn content is very high at the middle level (13.5 m depth) of MP system. There is no distinct difference in the ${\delta}^{18}O$ and D values and tritium content between MP, borehole and surface water samples. The sulfur isotope data indicate that the possible sulfur source is dissolution of sulfate mineral from sedimentary rock. Strontium isotope ratio shows a little differences between the pumping well and observation borehole samples. Nitrogen isotope data indicate that the nitrogen of water samples is originated from fertilizer or organic materials.

Effect of modeling assumptions on the seismic behavior of steel buildings with perimeter moment frames

  • Reyes-Salazar, Alfredo;Soto-Lopez, Manuel Ernesto;Bojorquez-Mora, Eden;Lopez-Barraza, Arturo
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.183-204
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    • 2012
  • Several issues regarding the structural idealization of steel buildings with perimeter moment resisting steel frames (MRSFs) and interior gravity frames (GFs) are studied. Results indicate that the contribution of GFs to the lateral structural resistance may be significant. The contribution increases when the stiffness of the connection of the GFs is considered and is larger for inelastic than for elastic behavior. The interstory shears generally increase when the connections stiffness is taken into account. Resultant stresses at some base columns of MRSFs also increase in some cases but to a lesser degree. For columns of the GFs, however, the increment is significant. Results also indicate that modeling the building as planes frames may result in larger interstory shears and displacements and resultant stresses than those obtained from the more realistic 3-D formulation. These differences may be much larger when semi-rigid (SR) connections are considered. The conservativism is more for resultant stresses. The differences observed in the behaviour of each structural representation are mainly due to a) the elements that contribute to strength and stiffness and b) the dynamics characteristics of each structural representation. It is concluded that, if the structural system under consideration is used, the three-dimensional model should be used in seismic analysis, the GFs should be considered as part of the lateral resistance system, and the stiffness of the connections should be included in the design of the GFs. Otherwise, the capacity of gravity frames may be overestimated while that of MRSFs may be underestimated.

Factors Affecting Potential Disaster Damage and Perceptible Stress Influencing Evacuation Behavior (재난피해가능성불안 및 지각된 스트레스가 대피행동에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • JI, Youngil;Moon, YooMi
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.594-601
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: The purpose of the present study was to identify factors affecting anxiety about disaster damage potential in Gyonggi-do and evacuation behavior that influences evacuation behavior. Method: Multiple regression analysis was performed to test the hypothesis and to analyze the influence of anxiety about disaster damage potential and perceived stress, and analyzed similarity in correspondence between age and anxiety about disaster damage potential. Results: The anxiety about disaster damage potential of a group vulnerable to safety and anxiety about disaster damage potential of disaster system collapse were perceived in close proximity. Disaster system collapse, evacuation life, and natural disasters were found to be factors affecting perceived stress. Stress and natural disasters were found to be influencing factors on evacuation behavior. Conclusion: The necessity of managing stress was confirmed since anxiety about natural disaster damage potential and stress affect evacuation behavior. The recent experiences of heavy rain disasters indicate that the anxiety about disaster damage potential is expected to increase. The findings also indicate the importance of preventive planning and psychological management to manage the anxiety about disaster damage potential.

A Study on the Differentiation of Tip(標) and Root(本) in Zangfubiaobenxushihanreyongyaoshi(臟腑標本虛實寒熱用藥式) (『장부표본허실한열용약식(臟腑標本虛實寒熱用藥式)』의 표본병(標本病) 구분에 대한 고찰(考察))

  • Kim, Jong-Hyun;Baik, You-Sang;Jeong, Chang-Hyun;Jang, Woo-Chang
    • Journal of Korean Medical classics
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.385-396
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    • 2013
  • Zhang Yuan-Su(張元素) was a doctor of the Jin(金) period, who was followed by Li Dong-Yuan(李東垣) and Wang Hao-Gu(王好古), creating the Yishui School(易水學派). The most notable aspect of his theory is the internal organs(臟腑)-based diagnostic system. He organized previous methods based on the internal organs and applied the same methodology in treatment as well. The Zangfu-biaoben-xushi-hanre-yongyaoshi(臟腑標本虛實寒熱用藥式) is one of his major publications in which diagnostic and treatment methods are organized in a simple manner. In this book, the diseases of the organs are divided into the tip and root(標本). This paper investigates the standards of categorizing tip and root diseases through analysis of all symptoms of both tip and root diseases of the five internal organs. Then the results of the analysis were used in grasping the similarities and tendencies of the root disease and tip disease. Conclusively, root diseases indicate disorder in the internal organs themselves. Tip diseases indicate disorder in the channels and collaterals, diseases caused by exterior pathogens or symptoms that manifest in the exteriors of the body. Such categorization is thought to have been established to eliminate diagnostic error that could occur from using the same expressive means in describing symptoms with different causes, in the process of forming an uncomplicated diagnostic system.

Competition in the Life Insurance Market: Evidence from Korea using the Panzar - Rosse Model (국내 생명보험산업의 경쟁도 변화에 대한 융합적 연구: 방카슈랑스와 퇴직연금제도의 시행을 중심으로)

  • Choi, Sungho
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.7 no.5
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    • pp.201-211
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    • 2016
  • This paper uses the Panzar Rosse model to investigate the competitive conditions in the Korean life insurance companies over the period of 1999 2012. We break down the entire sample period into four distinctive groups and analyze the competitiveness of each period. The results indicate that for the pre-introduction of Bancassurance period, the H-statistic is -1.3984 and the life insurance market is found to be in monopoly or cartel. However, for the post-introduction of Bancassurance period, the H-statistic is 0.9107 and the life insurance market appears to be in monopolistic competition. The results from the introduction of retirement pension system are very similar to those of the introduction of Bancassurance. Overall, the findings indicate that the Korean life insurance market is in long-run equilibrium before the new system introduction, but make adjustments to the new equilibrium.

Efficiency assessment of L-profiles and pipe fore-poling pre-support systems in difficult geological conditions: a case study

  • Elyasi, Ayub;Moradi, Taher;Moharrami, Javad;Parnian, Saeid;Mousazadeh, Akbar;Nasseh, Sepideh
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.57 no.6
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    • pp.1125-1142
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    • 2016
  • Tunneling is one of the challenging tasks in civil engineering because it involves a variety of decision making and engineering judgment based on knowledge and experience. One of the challenges is to construct tunnels in risky areas under shallow overburden. In order to prevent the collapse of ceilings and walls of a large tunnels, in such conditions, either a sequential excavation method (SEM) or ground reinforcing method, or a combination of both, can be utilized. This research deals with the numerical modeling of L-profiles and pipe fore-poling pre-support systems in the adit tunnel in northwestern Iran. The first part of the adit tunnel has been drilled in alluvial material with very weak geotechnical parameters. Despite applying an SEM in constructing this tunnel, analyzing the results of numerical modeling done using FLAC3D, as well as observations during drilling, indicate the tunnel instability. To improve operational safety and to prevent collapse, pre-support systems, including pipe fore-poling and L-profiles were designed and implemented. The results of the numerical modeling coupled with monitoring during operation, as well as the results of instrumentation, indicate the efficacy of both these methods in tunnel collapse prevention. Moreover, the results of modeling using FLAC3D and SECTION BUILDER suggest a double angle with equal legs ($2L100{\times}100{\times}10mm$) in both box profile and tee array as an alternative section to pipe fore-poling system while neither $L80{\times}80{\times}8mm$ nor $2L80{\times}80{\times}8mm$ can sustain the axial and shear stresses exerted on pipe fore-poling system.

HspBP1 Is the Negative Regulator of the Bovine Progesterone Receptor

  • Park, K.M.;Song, J.W.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • v.16 no.9
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    • pp.1261-1267
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    • 2003
  • We have investigated whether HspBP1, a Hsp70 binding protein, could have effect on the assembly of the bovine progesterone receptor (bPR) with a chaperone complex consisting of bovine Hsp90 (bHsp90), bovine Hsp70 (bHsp70), Hop, Ydj-1, and p23. The bPR, isolated in its native conformation, loses its function to interact with progesterone hormone in the absence of this protein complex. However, in the presence of bHsp90, bHsp70, Hop, p23 and Ydj-1, its function could be restored in vitro. Our findings here indicate that the inclusion of HspBP1 to five-protein system prevented the proper assembly of progesterone receptor-chaperone complex and induce the loss of bPR ability to interact with hormone. Immunoprecipitation assays of bPR with HspBP1 show that the presence of HspBP1 did not have any effect on the assembly of Ydj-1 and bHsp70 with the progesterone receptor. However, further assembly of Hsp90, Hop and p23 was completely prevented and the function of the bPR was lost. In vitro competition and protein folding assays indicated that the binding of HspBP1 to bHsp70 prevented the ternary complex formation of bHsp70, bHsp90, and Hop. These results indicate that HspBP1 is a negative regulator of the assembly of Hsp90, Hop and Hsp70, and thus, prevent the proper maturation of unliganded bPR with chaperones assembly system.

A Study on the Time of Examination of Buyer in Contract for International Sale of Goods (국제물품매매계약(國際物品賣買契約)에서 매수인(買受人)의 물품검사시기(物品檢査時期))

  • Oh, Won-Suk
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    • v.20
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    • pp.63-82
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    • 2003
  • The time of examination of buyer in international sales contract is very significant, because the time is related with the period of claim in buyer's aspect. From the legal point of view, the time of delivery, the time of examination and the time of quality decision should be in accord. But the buyer, whose main place of business is located in importing country, wants to examine the goods in his own country. Therefore in CIF or FOB Contract, the place of delivery and the place of examination are divided. Thus the CISG, the Common Law System and the Civil Law System including Korean Law stipulate the buyer's examination at the destination if the sales contract involves carriage of the goods. This author, from the buyer's perspective, would like to make the following suggestions in regard to the time of examination when the sales contract is made. First, the time of examination and the time of quality decision should be in accord, even though the time of delivery is different. Second, the buyer should clearly indicate the time, the place, the inspector, the particulars and the burden of proof in regard to examination when contracting. Third, the buyer should also clearly indicate the period of notice for the lack of conformity in Claim Clause of sales contract, which should be counted from the time of examination. Fourth, the buyer should remember that he many lose the right to rely on the lack of conformity of the goods if he does not give the seller notice thereof within the stipulated time or reasonable time. Finally, if the buyer wants, to examine the goods at the place of shipment, it is desirable for the buyer to designate internationally recognized inspection organization like SGS.

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The Effects of anti-Alzheimer in pCT105-induced Neuroblastoma cell lines by Radix Polygalae and Rhizoma Acori Graminei mixture extract (원지와 석창포 혼합추출액의 pCT105로 유도된 신경세포암 세포주에 대한 항치매 효과)

  • Lee Sung Ryull;Kang Hyung Won;Kim Sang Tae;Lyu Yeoung Su
    • Journal of Physiology & Pathology in Korean Medicine
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.1037-1049
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    • 2003
  • Numerous lines of evidence indicate that some of the neurotoxicity associated with Alzheimer's disease (AD) is due to proteolytic fragments of the amyloid precursor protein (APP). Most research has focused on the amyloid 6 (M). However, the possible role of other cleaved products of APP is less clear. Lately It has been reported that a recombinant carboxy-terminal 105 amino acid fragment (CT105) of APP induced strong nonselective inward currents in Xenopus oocyte. In a brain with Alzheimer's disease (AD), to investigate the roles of carboxyl-terminal fragment (CT105) of amyloid precursor protein (APP) in apoptosis processes possibly linked to neurodegeneration associated with AD, we examined the effects of the CT of APP with 105 amino acid residues (CT105) on the alteration of apoptosis triggers in neubroblastoma cells. We have investigated whether Radix Polygalae and Rhizoma Acori Graminei mixture extract (RP+RAG) inhibits CT105-induced apoptosis of neuroblastoma cells. We found that RP+RAG inhibits CT105-induced apoptosis in SK-N-SH cells. Treatment of the cells with RP+RAG inhibited CT105-induced DNA fragmentation and Tunel assay of nuclear chromatin and inhibited the caspase-3 expression in SK-N-SH cells. As the result of this study, In RP+RAG group, the apoptosis in the nervous system is inhibited, the repair against the degerneration of neuroblastoma cells by CT105 expression is promoted. These results indicate that RP+RAG possess strong inhibitory effect of apoptosis in the nervous system and repair effect against the degeneration of neuroblastoma cells by CT105 expression

Fusion of Blockchain-IoT network to improve supply chain traceability using Ethermint Smart chain: A Review

  • George, Geethu Mary;Jayashree, LS
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.16 no.11
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    • pp.3694-3722
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    • 2022
  • In today's globalized world, there is no transparency in exchanging data and information between producers and consumers. However, these tasks experience many challenges, such as administrative barriers, confidential data leakage, and extensive time delays. To overcome these challenges, we propose a decentralized, secured, and verified smart chain framework using Ethereum Smart Contract which employs Inter Planetary File Systems (IPFS) and MongoDB as storage systems to automate the process and exchange information into blocks using the Tendermint algorithm. The proposed work promotes complete traceability of the product, ensures data integrity and transparency in addition to providing security to their personal information using the Lelantos mode of shipping. The Tendermint algorithm helps to speed up the process of validating and authenticating the transaction quickly. More so in this time of pandemic, it is easier to meet the needs of customers through the Ethermint Smart Chain, which increases customer satisfaction, thus boosting their confidence. Moreover, Smart contracts help to exploit more international transaction services and provide an instant block time finality of around 5 sec using Ethermint. The paper concludes with a description of product storage and distribution adopting the Ethermint technique. The proposed system was executed based on the Ethereum-Tendermint Smart chain. Experiments were conducted on variable block sizes and the number of transactions. The experimental results indicate that the proposed system seems to perform better than existing blockchain-based systems. Two configuration files were used, the first one was to describe the storage part, including its topology. The second one was a modified file to include the test rounds that Caliper should execute, including the running time and the workload content. Our findings indicate this is a promising technology for food supply chain storage and distribution.