• Title/Summary/Keyword: Income ratio

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Differential Effects of Family Income on Self-rated Health by Age: Analysis of Seoul Citizens Health Indicators Survey 2001, 2005 (소득수준이 주관적 건강상태에 미치는 영향의 연령대별 차이: 2001, 2005년 서울시민보건지표조사 자료의 분석 결과)

  • Jung, Youn;Oh, Ju-Hwan;Cho, Young-Tae
    • Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
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    • v.40 no.5
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    • pp.381-387
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    • 2007
  • Objectives: This study was conducted in order to determine how the association between socioeconomic position(SEP) and health status changes with age among Seoul residents aged 25 and over. Methods: We utilized the 2001 and 2005 Seoul Citizens Health Indicators Surveys. We used self-rated 'poor' health status as an outcome variable, and family income as an indicator of SEP. In order to characterize the differential effects of socioeconomic position on health by age, we conducted separate multivariate analyses by 10-year age groups, controlling for sociodemographic covariates. In order to assess the relative health inequality across socioeconomic groups, we estimated the Relative Index of Inequality (RII). Results: The risk of 'poor health' is significantly high in low family income groups, and this increased risk is seen at all ages. However, the magnitude of relative socioeconomic inequality in health, as measured by the odds ratio and RII, is not identical across age groups. The difference in health across income groups is small in early adulthood (ages 25-34), but increases with age until relatively late in life (ages 35-64). It then decreases among the elderly population (ages more than 65). When the RII reported in 2005 is compared to that reported in 2001, RII can be seen to have increased across all ages, with the exception of individuals aged 25-34. Conclusions: The magnitude of health inequality is the greatest during mid- to late adulthood (ages 45-64). In addition, health inequalities have worsened between 2001 and 2005 across all age groups after economic crisis.

Factors Influencing Consumption Patterns of Household Recognizing Relatively Deprivation (상대적 박탈 인지가구의 소비유형과 영향요인)

  • Sim, Jung In;Kim, Soon Mi
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.53 no.5
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    • pp.489-502
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    • 2015
  • This study identifies the relation between recognition relatively deprivation and consumption patterns. The data used were the seventh Korea Welfare Panel Study (KOWEPS). The final sample of 1,597 households was selected based on several sampling steps standard weights suggested by KOWEPS were applied. The final sample was subdivided into household recognizing relatively deprivation (51.7%) and non-household recognizing relatively deprivation (48.3%) per level of subjective income and objective income. We derived six consumption patterns from the cluster analysis as per consumption ratio: transportation dominant consumption pattern, essential consumption pattern, other dominant consumption pattern, care attention consumption pattern, private transfer consumption pattern, and education dominant consumption pattern. The results of this study are as follows. The analysis of the determinants of recognizing relatively deprivation in regards to question one found that the household was likely to be relatively deprived when: the head of a household was older, a household had a dual income, children and more total assets then those assessed 1 year ago compared to household living conditions, result of comparing the consumption patterns difference between household recognizing relatively deprivation and non-household recognizing relatively deprivation indicated that household recognizing relatively deprivation was more likely to belong to the transportation dominant consumption pattern, other dominant consumption pattern, and private transfer consumption pattern. The multinomial logistic analysis conducted to understand the determinants affecting the consumption patterns of household recognizing relatively deprivation indicated differences in demographic characteristics, household-related variables, financial variables and perception of economic conditions.

Nutritional Intake Status of the Elderly Taking Free Congregate Lunch Meals Compared to the Middle-Income Class Elderly (무료점심급식을 이용하는 저소득층 노인의 영양소 섭취상태와 중류층 노인과의 비교)

  • 이정원;김경아;이미숙
    • Korean Journal of Community Nutrition
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.594-608
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    • 1998
  • Comparative studies regarding the nutritional status of 93 home-living elderly people taking free congregate lunch meals(FL) and 87 middle income class elderly people(MI) were performed in Taejon city. Data was obtained from questionaires, anthropometry and interviews for the 24-hour dietary recall of 2 nonconsecutive days during August, 1996. The average age for FL was 75.8 years. The monthly familly income for FL belonged to the low-income class. FL females had lower heights and weights than MI females. The average daily nutritional intake of both FL and MI were low, particularly in FL whose %RDA of energy was 68.5%, protein 65%, Ca 29.6%, Fe 50.8%, vitamin A 34.5%, vitamin E 30.5%, riboflavin 40.6%, vitamin C 76.9%. MI's %RDA of energy was 76.4%, protein 80.a2%, Ca 48.1%, Fe 78.6%, vitamin A 67.3%, vitamin E 117.4%, riboflavin 45.6%, vitamin C 136.5%. Comsumption of Zn, vitamin $B_6$ and folic daily average. There was no nutrient having average INQ(Index of nutritional quality) over 1 for either group. The INQs for protein, Ca, Fe and vitamin A were 0.802, 0.377, 0.625 and 0.296 in FL, and 0.900, 0.601, 0.784 and 0.602 in MI, respectively. The MAR(Mean adequacy ratio) was low with the value of 0.500-0.518 in FL and 0.630-0.723 in MI. The percentage of main nutrients from lunch was the highest among the three meals for FL males, while that from breakfast was the highest for MI. Free lunches taken by FL supported higher percentages of main nutrients than home-lunches taken by MI. Eating-out was done more frequently by MI than by FL and that eating-out brought them more nutritional intake. The above data indicated that the dietary nutritional intake status of the FL elderly was very poor in both quantity and quality and that free congregate lunch significantly contributed to the daily nutrient-intake for the FL elderly.

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Determinants of the Share of Labor Income among Primary Firms and Subcontractors (원·하청기업의 노동소득분배율 결정요인)

  • Moon, Young-Man;Kim, Jong-Ho
    • 사회경제평론
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.239-270
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    • 2018
  • This study empirically analyzed the labor income share of primary and subcontractors. The results are as follows. First, panel regression analysis showed that the variables of transaction concentration, outsourcing cost, capital intensity, and market share had a significant negative effect, while union organization rate and R & D investment had positive effects. In particular, the R & D variable had a negative effect on the share of labor income in the year of investment (t), but had a positive impact on the long-term (t-1, t-2). Second, the share of labor income during the last 11 years (2006~2016) was higher in subcontractors with lower wage levels. This analysis implies that the wage inequality between the primary and subcontracting enterprises can not be eliminated without improving the solvency of subcontractors.

A Case Study of Hospital Business Analysis (병원경영분석에 관한 사례연구)

  • Lee, Eun-Hyung;Jung, Key-Sun;Do, Key-Hyun;Kim, Young-Bae
    • Korea Journal of Hospital Management
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.79-112
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to examine the differences of profitability based on the analysis of business and medical service performances of four hospitals in Incheon area with similar size. and to compare hospitals with the best and the worst performances and analyze the factors behind the differences. The differences could be caused by differences in medical service statistics, number of staff, and financial results, etc. The data was acquired through the homepage of the National Tax Service(financial statements for the fiscal year 2009) and the Medical Record Association of Incheon(medical service statistics for the years 2008 and 2009) along with questionnaire survey to the hospitals(personnel data for the year 2009). The results of the study are as follows. Medical profits to medical revenues ratio for the hospitals(referred as Hospital A, B, C, and D) shows, in order, C(8.2%), A(8.0%), B(7.8%), and D(7.4%). However, net income to medical revenues ratio shows otherwise: C(8.5%), D(5.8%), A(3.0%), and B(0.6%). Hospital B shows a high medical profit to revenue ratio but the lowest net income to revenue ratio due to large interest expenses. The leverage ratio of Hospital B is the highest (419.6%), resulting in a very low interest coverage ratio(1.1). On the other hand, Hospital C shows favorable results in both profit ratios, with 8.2% and 8.5% each. Hospital C has the lowest leverage ratio(53.0%) and the highest interest coverage ratio(34.9). Therefore, the results show Hospital C has the best performance while Hospital B the worst. The two hospitals(B and C) show similar results in certain areas and big differences in other areas. The area that has the biggest influence on financial results turns out leverage ratio. Hospital B shows 'very good' to 'good' results in terms of medical service statistics in general. However, the leverage ratio is too high and the liquidity ratio too low, resulting in a very low profit ratio. The results of this study have some limitations in terms of generalization as only four hospitals in Incheon area were selected for the study, resulting in a deficiency in the representativeness of the sample. Further studies with bigger sample size and deeper analysis are expected in this area.

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Tax Planning For Physician Under Base Expense System (기준경비율 제도 하에서 의원의 세무계획)

  • 오동일
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.102-107
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    • 2003
  • A new base expense .system is implemented to substitute the standard income ratio system which has been used for more than 50 years. A base expense system requires a rigorous documentary evidences of important expenses such as purchase cost, labour cost, or rent. In order to make a successful tax savings, it is necessary to know the critical factors affecting tax payment in a base expense system. In this article, operating mechanisms of the base expense system and tax strategy under this system are introduced. If base expense system is successfully implemented, it will contributes considerably to progress in inducing tax compliance of non book keeping professionals who earn relatively high income in Korea.

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A study on oral health behavior of shipbuilding company workers (조선소 근로자들의 구강보건행태에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Eun-Ju;Lee, Heung-Soo
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.275-284
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    • 2012
  • Objectives : The purpose of this study was to examine the oral health behavior of shipbuilding company workers in some regions in a bid to provide information on the oral health plans for industrial fields. Methods : The subjects in this study were 310 workers in 10 shipbuilding companies and suppliers in Jeolla Namdo Province, on whom a self-administered survey was conducted. Results : 1. Concerning general information about the subjects who participated in the research, gender was possessed 94.8% by men and 5.2% by women. Age was the largest in 31~40 years old with 44.2%. Marital status was the largest in the married with 64.5%. It was the largest in under high school graduate with 71.9% for academic background, in 2,000,000 won~3,000,000 won with 49.0% for monthly family income, and in cooking with 33.9% for work field. 2. Research subjects' toothbrushing time was indicated to be the largest in after having breakfast. It was indicated to be twice a day with 41.3% for toothbrushing frequency. 90.3% of the respondents are not using auxiliary oral hygiene devices. 3. Recognition on periodontal health status was found larger in workers whose response was that their own periodontal health status is 'healthy' than workers who responded that their status is 'not healthy.' Workers, who don't have subjective symptom on periodontal status, were indicated to be larger. 4. Ratio of subjects with tooth scaling experience accounted for 59.7%. The ratio of tooth scaling experience was indicated to be different depending on academic background and monthly family income. Conclusions : Academic credential, monthly family income and the line of work were identified as the main factors to affect oral health care of the shipbuilding workers. Oral health education and dynamic implementation of corporate oral health promotion which are designed to meet the needs of workers are required.

Prevalence of Abdominal Obesity and Associated Factors among Korean Adults: The 2001 Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (한국 성인의 복부비만 빈도와 관련 인자: 2001 국민건강영양조사)

  • Chung, Hae-Rang
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.39 no.7
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    • pp.684-691
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    • 2006
  • Abdominal obesity (AO) is a strong risk factor for type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease, which has shown a remarkable increase in Korea. This study aimed to identify prevalence of AO and related risk factors in Korean adults. A total of 5,132 men and women aged 20-85 years old from the 2001 Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey were included in the analyses. AO was defined as waist circumference >=90 cm in men and >=85 cm in women as proposed by Korean Society of Obesity. Multiple logistic regression was carried out to identify risk factors for AO. Three models were specified: (i) demographic and socioeconomic factors (model 1: age, education, poverty income ratio, employment), (ii) lifestyle factors and covariates (model 2: physical activity, cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, dietary quality, type 2 diabetes, co-morbidity) and (iii) demographic, socioeconomic and lifestyle factors (model 3). The prevalence of AO was 24.1 % in men, 23.5% in women. High poverty income ratio in men and low education attainment in women were risk factors for AO in model. 1. There was a significant association of AO with alcohol consumption, physical inactivity and dietary quality in men, alcohol consumption and cigarette smoking in women. These factors except alcohol consumption in men became insignificant in model 3. This findings underscore the importance of developing AO prevention programs in Korea that target the at risk groups identified in this study. A program focusing on low income men or less educated women would be more efficient.

Estimating the Benefits of the Korean Public Housing Program for Low-Income Families Under Non-Homothetic Preference (비동조적 선호체계를 이용한 우리나라 공공임대주택의 편익 추정)

  • Song, Joonhyuk
    • KDI Journal of Economic Policy
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.159-175
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    • 2007
  • It is widely accepted that public rental housing programs affect both the allocation of resources and the distribution of welfare. This paper explains institutional arrangements of public housing program in Korea and assesses the benefits of the program. In contrast to the previous studies which employed homothetic preferences, the benefits of the public housing were estimated based on non-homothetic preferences to allow for different income effects across households. Empirical results suggest that average benefit-cost ratio of public housing program is 0.91, and hence, the deadweight loss seems to be well-contained in Korean public housing program compared to other countries. However, the distribution of the benefits reveals that the transmission of the benefits should be improved to achieve the desired goals of residential welfare for low income families.

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A study on the total housing cost of households living in rental house (임차가구의 주거비용에 관한 연구)

  • 곽인숙;김순미
    • Journal of the Korean Home Economics Association
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.127-144
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    • 1999
  • The purposes of this study were to identify the housing maintenance cost, imputed rent fee and total housing cost of households living in rental house, to analyze the factors related to their housing maintenance cost, imputed rent fee and total housing cost and to investigate the factors contributing to total housing cost to total household income ratio. The data used for these purposes, was 97 KHPS of Daewoo Economic Research Institute. Sample size of households living in rental house, was 663. Statistics performed for the analysis were frequencies, percentiles, t-test, Lorenz cutie and Gini coefficient, Tobit analysis, OLS and Logistic analysis. The results of this study were as fellows: First, monthly cost of monthly rent & maintenance and repairs of households living in rental house with a deposit was lower than rental house, while the imputed rent fee of households living rental house with a deposit was higher than monthly rent households'And, total housing cost of households living in rental house with a deposit was higher than monthly rent households'. Second, Gini coefficient of the housing maintenance cost was 0.440, Gini coefficient of imputed rent fee was 0.362, and Gini coefficient of total housing cost was 0.291. Third, the variables related to their housing maintenance cost were family type, total household expenditure of socio-demographic characteristics and residence, type of rent, housing type of housing environmental factor. Also, the variables contributing to imputed rent fee were job type and educational attainment of household hearts, the number of family members, total household expenditure, residence, type of rent, housing type and tole number of rooms. In addition, the variables associated with total housing cost were job type and educational attainment of household head, total household income and residence, type of rent, housing type and the number of room. Finally, age, job type, educational attainment of household head, wife's employment status, the number of family members, family type, total household expenditure, residence, rent type of rent, housing type, the size of living space, and the number of room were significant variables contributing to total household cost to total household income ratio.

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