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Growth Characteristics of Small and Medium Type Watermelon According to Number of Stem Training and Position of Fruit Setting in the Winter Season (겨울철 줄기유인 수 및 착과 위치에 따른 중·소과종 수박의 생육 특성)

  • Kim, So-Hui;Choi, Gyeong-Lee;Choi, Su-Hyun;Lim, Mi-Young;Jeong, Ho-Jeong
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.189-195
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    • 2020
  • This research was carried out to find the proper number of stem training and position of fruit setting that can be stably produced for the cultivation in small and medium types of watermelon during winter. The treatments for the number of stem training were 2-, 3-, 4-stems, respectively. Growth characteristics (plant height, stem diameter, no. of node, etc.) by number of stem training were higher in 2-stem than in 3-4-stem. However, Fruit characteristics such as weight, length, width were high in the 4-stem. There is no significant difference between the soluble solids and fruit setting rate depending on the stem training. The position of fruit setting were three points: 2nd, 3rd, 4th female flower positions. The fruit setting is one fruit per plant. The average fruit setting nodes of 2nd, 3rd and 4th female flowers were 11.5, 15.8 and 23.1 nodes, respectively. The 4th female flower was 0.8 kg heavier than 2nd female flower because of its increased weight as position of fruit setting was higher. However, the soluble solids decreased as the position of fruit setting increased, with the second female flower being 1.3°Bx higher than the 4th female flower. The Fruit setting rate was no significant difference. Considering the growth and fruit characteristics, it is believed that the small and medium-sized watermelon in winter will have a high quality production of watermelon when the stem training is 3-stem and the position of fruit setting is 3rd female flower. However, it is thought that additional studies are needed to stabilize the income of watermelon-growing farms, such as planting distance and adhesion of small and medium-sized varieties.

A Study on the Lifestyle and Coffee Consumption Motivation (라이프스타일과 커피소비동기에 관한 연구)

  • Jung, Ja Young;Kim, Kwang Jin
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.53-65
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    • 2013
  • In Korea recently the consumption of coffee has been drastically increased and majority of people who are more than $20^{th}$ are drinking more than a cup of coffee every day. Nowadays coffee a kind of essential items in modern urban society. As the popularity of the coffee is increasing, As the coffee consumption is growing, the studies on coffee also have been increased. Many of the studies on coffee were focused on the consumer attitudes, coffee shops and franchise coffee shops, and coffee components or ingredients. As the products of the coffee are becoming diverse, the consumers of coffee also becoming diverse. There was a study showing that coffee has variety of types, and that motivations and attitudes for coffee consumption are different depend on demographic statistics such as age and life styles. On this study main focus was life style and consumer's motivation on coffee consumption. For this study the survey was conducted on the people living in Seoul City and Kyengkido from March 1, 2013 to March 31, 2013. 600 questionnaires were distributed and 480 were collected and 470 were used for analysis of this study. The statistics program used in this study was SPSS. The method used in the analysis wee factors analysis test, reliability test, validity test, t-testy, One-Way ANOVA, and regression analysis. In this study according to the factor analysis, the life styles were classified the following six categories ; wellbeing pursuit, taste pursuit, atmosphere pursuit, dine-out pursuit, instant pursuit, and economic value pursuit. The factors of coffee consumption motivation were 6; wellbeing consumption motivation, changing mood consumption motivation, social consumption motivation, habitual consumption motivation, and emotional consumption motivation. The demographic factors used in this study were age, marital status, occupation, educational background, residence, income, and eating-out expenses. The hypothesis used in this study were two. The first hypo-thesis was whether the coffee consumption was affected by the life styles. The second hypo-thesis was whether there was any statistical differences on the motivation of coffee consumption according to the characteristics of life style. The outcome of this study demonstrated that life styles had partial impact on coffee consumption motivations. According to the characteristics of the life style, except for the habitual consumption motivation, all the other factors showed statistical differences on coffee consumption motivations according the characteristics of life styles.

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A Study on Argopecten irradians Aquaculture in the North East Sea Regions (해만가리비 (Argopecten irradians) 의 동해 북부에서의 양식 연구)

  • Kim, Young Dae;Lee, Chu;Kim, Gi Seung;Park, Mi Seon;Park, Young Chel;kim, Young Suk;Yoo, Hyun Il
    • The Korean Journal of Malacology
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.279-287
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    • 2016
  • NIFS conducted a feasibility study on the bay scallop Argopecten irradians aquaculture in the test site of Dongsanri, Yangyang-gun, Gangwon-do in June 2015. The transplantation for the test was also carried out in June. The average shell length was $5.79{\pm}0.6mm$ at the time, $15.83{\pm}0.8mm$ in July, $39.40{\pm}0.7mm$ in September, $55.72{\pm}5.8mm$ in November and $59.67{\pm}1.7mm$ in December. At the time of transplantation, the average shell height was $6.06{\pm}0.7mm$, and it grew to $16.40{\pm}0.9mm$ in July, $53.16{\pm}5.2mm$ in November and $55.80{\pm}2.9mm$ in December. Total weight was $0.78{\pm}0.5g$ in July but increased to $24.25{\pm}4.2g$ in November and $26.06{\pm}4.3g$ in December. The daily growth rate of shell length(DGR) was 0.33 mm / day in June, 0.43 mm / day in September and 0.13 mm / day in November. DGR of weight was 0.20 g / day in June, 0.27 g / day in September, 0.06 g / day in November. The relative growth of shell length and shell height was y = 0.9132x and $R^2=0.9923$. As a result, it was proved that bay scallop aquaculture is possible in Gangwon province, the northern part of the East Sea. This will definitely increase the income of fishermen by enabling them to culture more aquaculture species than the single large Patinopecten yessoensis in the region.

Characteristics and breeding of a new multi-generation oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus) variety 'Dagul' (다발성 신품종 느타리 '다굴'의 육성 및 자실체 특성)

  • Shin, Pyung-Gyun;Kim, Hee-Jung;Choi, Chan-Sik;Yoo, Young-Bok;Kong, Won-Sik;Jang, Kab-Yeul;Oh, Youn-Lee;Cheong, Jong-Chun;Suh, Jang-Sun;Oh, Se Jong;Lee, Keum-Hee
    • Journal of Mushroom
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.154-158
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    • 2013
  • To develop a new variety of oyster mushroom(Pleurotus ostreatus), parental strains was selected by the method of Mon-Mon crossing between monokaryotic strains derived from ASI 2596(Suhan No.3) and ASI 2782(Black pileus mutant). The SB-73(ASI 2596-11 x 2782-8) was shown the best cultural characteristics, selected to be a new variety and named as 'Dagul'. The 'Dagul' was formed incompatibility line distinctly in the confrontation growth of parental strains Suhan No.3 and ASI 2782. The optimum temperature for mycelial growth, fruiting body development and pH arrange were $25{\sim}30^{\circ}C$, $14{\sim}17^{\circ}C$ and pH5~8, respectively. Fruiting body production per bottle was about $68.0{\pm}24.1$ g which is almost 115% quantity compared to that of other variety Suhan No.3. And also the stipe is long and individual generation is multiple. Analysis of the genetic characteristics of the new variety 'Dagul' showed different DNA bands as that of the control strains, Suhan No.3 and ASI 2782, when RAPD(Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA) primers URP7 and Rcb1 were used. This new variety 'Dagul' of oyster mushroom is characterized by multiple of individual generation and the stipe is long. We therefore expect that this new strain will increase of the income by cultivation of field.

Relationship of Early Childhood Caries and the Influential Factor of Mothers in Children under 6 Years Old (6세 이하 어린이의 유아기우식증과 어머니 영향 요인의 관련성)

  • Kim, Young-Sun;Kim, Jung-In
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.14 no.3
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    • pp.311-318
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this study was to look into the perception, experience, treatment of early childhood caries (ECC) and influential factors of perception in order to provide basic data useful for preventing the ECC by examining the relationship between oral health of young children in infancy and mother. In this study, 277 mothers were surveyed who had children in children under 6 years old and visiting the pediatrics, day care center, and pediatric dental clinics located in Daegu and Gyeongsangbuk-do from July 10, 2013 to September 5 of the same year. The results obtained from the survey were analyzed through chi-square test, t-test, and binary logistic regression analysis by using the SPSS 18.0, a statistical program. The results of analysis showed that ECC in children under 6 years old was associated with mother's age, education background of mothers, number of children and monthly income and had a significant correlation with mother's oral health-related knowledge and oral health care of their children. Thus, it would be necessary to develop oral health education programs and implement such oral health education programs at a national level on a regular basis for the mothers of young children in infancy and would-be mothers in order to reduce the ECC in infancy and promote oral health.

Impact of Dentists' Attitudes and Dental Hygienists' Services on Dental Anxiety (치과의사의 태도와 치과위생사의 서비스가 치과불안에 미치는 영향)

  • Yang, Jeong A;Lee, Su-Young;Oh, Se-Jin
    • Journal of dental hygiene science
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.227-233
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the factors affecting dentists' attitudes and dental hygienists' services on dental anxiety in adults. The subjects were 300 adults older than 20 years of age living in Seoul, Gyeonggi, Daejeon, and Daegu. Data were collected using structured questionnaires. Among the distributed questionnaires, 225 respondents were selected as subjects, excluding 74 people who did not answer and 1 person who was not faithful. Data were analyzed using statistical software with a t-test, one-way ANOVA, and multiple regression. As a result, the gender was slightly higher in women (54.7%) than in men, and the last dental visit was less than one year in 59.6% of respondents. Most of the respondents' educational level was higher than college level (79.1%), and the monthly income was less than 2 million won in 53.8 of respondents. This study showed that distrust of dentists affected dental anxiety and anxiety stimulation. Higher reliability of the dentist was correlated with less dental anxiety in patients. Dental anxiety showed statistically significant results in dentist subcategories of patient slight and dentists' trust (p<0.01). Additionally, the factors affecting dental anxiety and anxiety stimulus were knowledge of dental hygienist and distrust of dentist (p<0.01). According to this study, dentists' and dental hygienists' trust of dental staff show the importance of oral health professionals' role in reducing dental anxiety in patients. It is also suggested that efforts should be made to improve public awareness of oral health experts. It is believed that dentists, and dental hygienists need to promoted to become professionals. In addition, a variety of programs have been developed to reduce dental anxiety, so patients need to be comfortable to receive dental treatment.

Health Lifestyle Patterns of Seoul Adults (서울 일부지역 성인의 건강생활양식 유형연구)

  • Lee, Hwa-Kyung;Lee, In-Young;Kim, Eun-Mi;Lee, Hun-Jae;Bae, Sang-Soo
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.31 no.2
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    • pp.145-156
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    • 2006
  • Objectives: Health behaviors are related to each other, or they may be essentially dependent upon each other. Hence the overall health behaviors of a given population could be better described in terms of health lifestyle patterns. This paper tried to classify such patterns in a sample population and suggest the socioeconomic and demographic characteristics of each groups. Methods: A sample population comprised of 2,775 adults who reported their health behaviors in a public health survey were classified according to their smoking, drinking, diet, and exercise related pattern of behaviors. Clustering analysis was used to classify them. Results: Six health lifestyle patterns were identified. Individuals in the passive lifestyle cluster (48.3%) had no active health promoting activities, but did avoid risk taking health behaviors. 24.8% of the sample (Health promoting lifestyle) had an overall healthy lifestyle. 13.5% of the sample were in the smoking cluster, and 8.4% were in the alcohol drinking cluster. The hedonic lifestyle (4.5%) was characterized by heavy smoking, alcohol drinking and poor diet and exercise. 0.7% of the sample (Smoking-Drinking lifestyle) had heavy smoking and drinking, but good diet and exercise. Each group could be characterized by sex, age, and income. Conclusions: A population sample of Seoul adults were successfully clustered into six health lifestyles. The socioeconomic and demographic characteristics were suggested for the characterization of the each health lifestyle groups. We can approach to a certain target population with specific strategy.

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Comparison of Acute Symptoms Between a Alpine Agricultural Workers and General Workers in Gangwon-do (강원도 일부지역 고랭지 농업 농민과 일반 농업 농민의 농약중독 증상 비교)

  • Song, Jae-Seok;Park, Woong-Sub;Kwak, Yeon-Hee;Seo, Jong-Chul;Choi, Hong-Soon
    • Journal of agricultural medicine and community health
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    • v.28 no.1
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    • pp.29-37
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    • 2003
  • Objectives: This study was performed to evaluate the pesticide exposure status and acute pesticide poisoning symtoms among agricultural workers at Gangwon-do province alpine area. Alpine area was defined as the area higher than 400m. Methods: We analyzed 257 interviwed questionnaire about pesticide exposure, acute pesticide poisoning symptoms and other variables. Results: The result was shown that agricultural workers at alpine area used more pesticide than general agricultural workers for annual usage days(35.9 days vs 14.4 days), daily usage hours(6.7 hrs vs 2.8hrs, p<0.05). But there was no difference between general and alpine agricultural worker's herbicide exposure. Moreover, the alpine agricultural worker's acute pesticide poisoning symtom score was higher than general agricultural worker's. These difference was also found at result of regression analysis, under control the age, sex, monthly income. Most frequently suffered symptom was headache and dermatological problems. The symptom prevalence of dermatological problem, headache, general weakness, eye irritation, nausea were higher among alpine agricultural workers than general agricultural workers. Conclusions: As a result, agricultural workers at alpine area were more exposed to pesticide and suffered from pesticide poisoning symptoms. To prevent the symptoms and disease from pesticide exposure among agricultural workers at alpine area, more research and political effort will be needed.

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Removal Efficiency of the Deodorization Equipment and Characteristics of Malodor during the Process in Co-treatment of Sewage and Food Waste of Su-young Wastewater Treatment Plant in Busan (부산수영하수처리장 하수와 음식물쓰레기 병합처리 시 공정별 악취특성 및 후처리시설 효율평가)

  • Lee, Hyung-Don;Kang, Dae-Jong;Lee, Min-Ho;Kang, Dong-Hyo;Oh, Kwang-Joong
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.379-389
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    • 2012
  • Environmental issues are being paid more attention due to income growth, urban overcrowding, and population growth in Korea. Among the various environmental problems, odor damage is the one of the serious factors. To take example for food waste combination treatment in Su-young wastewater treatment plant in Busan, many complaints occurred because this plant locate around residential areas. The purpose of this work is not only to analyze odorous elements and their contributions but also to evaluate odor quotient (OQ), sum of odor quotient (SOQ), and treatment efficiency of bio-filter. The results of dilution sensory test of complex odor, grinder, leachate, hopper indicated higher order complex odors happen in July and August. The main odorous elements consisted of hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, methly mercaptan and acetaldehyde, which were analyzed by instrumental detection method, and methyl mercaptan was exceeded over 3,571 times of threshold. In addition, result of contribution of odor was methyl mercaptan (49.95 to 59.08%), hydrogen sulfide (20.43 to 29.27%), trimethylamine (8.82 to 13.42%) and acetaldehyde (9.17 to 11.35%). Other facilities were compared with the contribution of the odor using OQ and SOQ during the process. Sulfur compounds, acetaldehyde, and trimethylamine are high contribution of odor using OQ as well as odor intensity of grinding process is highest. As a result, sulfur compounds (e.g., methyl mercaptan and hydrogen sulfide) are highest for OQ and SOQ of grinding process is highest as 7,067. The removal efficiency of deodorization equipment was more than 90.00% in ammonia and amines, but the average efficiency of sulfur compounds was 53.51%. Thus, this facility is more higher contribution of acetaldehyde and trimethylamine than other treatment facilities. And food waste treatment in environmental area needs to consider appropriate capacity and refers to other bio-filter operating conditions.

Economic Analysis of Rice Production by Seed Broadcasting -In the Case of Daeho Large Scale Tidal and Development Area- (수도 직파재배의 경제성분석 -대단위 대호간척농지를 중심으로-)

  • Lim, Jae Hwan;Ryu, Yong Hee
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.23 no.2
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    • pp.301-322
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    • 1996
  • This study is first aimed at identifying the possibility of labour saving and production cost decreasing in rice production with respect to seed broad casting technology. Comparison of labour inputs and production costs of rice in-between USA and Korea and recommendation of policy guidelines for the continous rice cultivation are the second objective of this study. Under the WTO system, rice enterprice is the most vulnerable crop in the sense of labour productivity and price competitiveness in the international market. How to adapt labour saving technology and how to decrease production costs are the most imminent problems to be solved in rice production. To achieve the objectives, survey on nine rice enterprice farms were made in Daeho tidal farmland with respect to the size of farm, labour inputs, productivity, farm mechanization and farm land base development. The existing data on labour saving technology by seed broadcasting which had surveyed by Rural Development Administration were collected to compare the surveyed data from Daeho tidal farm land The study results and policy recommendation are summarized as follows; 1. Labour requirements per 10a for rice enterprise farms with seed broadcasting and with transplanting were estimated 11.4 and 18.5hours respectively. 'This above labour inputs were equivalent to 1/3-1/5 of the national average labour inputs of 53.6 hours which were included transplanting and harvesting by machinery. Considering the labour requirement of 1.7 hours per 10a for the USA rice production, Korea rice culture has possibility to decrease labour demand upto USA level of labour inputs. 2. Production cost of rice in Korea were estimated US$4,181 per ha which were higher than that of USA by 3.00 times and production costs per ton were shown as US$313 for USA rice and US$1,018 for Korean rice. 3. Land productivity of rice per 10a in America was reached to 4,325kg and the counterpart of Korea was about 4,181kg in recent year. In the sense of land productivity, both yields of rice were comparable. 4. The price of japonica type rice similar to Korean traditional rice in international market in 1994 was f.o.b US$466 per ton which was equivalent to import parity price of US$830 per ton in domestic market. The price of rice purchased by Korean G't and received by farmers were amounted to US$ 2,013 and US$ 1,663 respectively in the same year. Domestic prices mentioned above were higher than the import parity price as US$830 by 2.0-2.4 times. 5. American rice production competitive to Korean rice was equivalent to 17,012 thousand tons, 1.28% of the world production of rice in 1991 and consumption of rice in America was amounted to 2,633 thousand tons. Exportable quantity of USA rice were estimated as 4,379 thousand tons of which 52.3%, 2,300 thousand tons, were exported indeed in the same year. 6. The quantity of Korean rice produced in 1991 was estimated 1.00% of the world production. The world amount of rice exported in 1991 was reached to 2.45% of the world production of which 34.2% was occupied by USA The remaining quantities of world exported rice were dominated by Tiland, Pakistan and Vietnam where produced indica variety. 7. Under the given technology, labour inputs per 10a for rice production could be possible to save by 70% of the national average labour requirement of 53.6 hours through implmenting complete farm mechanization with land consolidation and on-farm development and improvement of fanning practices like seedbroad casting txchnology etc. On the other hand, prduction costs of rice could be decreased by 10% rather than 49% as target indicated in the Rural Development Counter Measures of Korean Government in 1994 owing to increasing farm mechanization cost and interest on land service with high price. Accordingly production cost of rice per kg could be decreased only by 10% of the 1994 production cost. 8. Rice policy of Korean government in the future should take into account the labour saving technology to solve labour shortage in rural area and to enhance off-farm incomes by creating job opportunities in agro-industrial zones and special production area. On account of the staple food and main energy source for people's health, rice production even encountered vulnerable economic settings should be continued without price distortion policies and discouraging farmer's intention to cultivate rice by importing institutionally the direct income subsidy system.

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