• 제목/요약/키워드: In-plane test

검색결과 1,258건 처리시간 0.024초

평면변형장출실험을 이용한 스탬핑 성형성 평가 (A plane strain punch stretching test for evaluating stamping formability)

  • 김영석;남재복
    • 오토저널
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    • 제15권2호
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    • pp.121-129
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    • 1993
  • Plane strain punch stretching test (PSST) was developed to evaluate stamping formability of sheet materials. In this test, the rectangular specimen of sheet material is uniformly stretched up to fracture by raising a specially designed punch to certainly assure plane strain stretching deformation along the longitudinal direction of the specimen. The stamping formability was evaluated by limit punch height(LPH) in plane strain punch stretching test compared to limit dome height(LDH) in hemispherical punch stretching test. LPH-value in PSST well ranks the stamping formability of various material and correlates with press performance. Moreover by using ultrasonic thickness gauge the plane strain intercept-limit plane strain(FLCo)-in forming limit curve can be accurately determined from thickness measurement around the fracture area. The FLCo derived from thickness measurement well correlates with the results from circle grid analysis for the deformed circle grid marked on the surface of the specimen.

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인장특성이 자동차용강판의 평면변형장출성에 미치는 영향 (The Effects of Tensile Properties on Plane Strain Stretchability of Automotive Steel Sheets)

  • 김영석;박기철;김선원
    • 대한기계학회논문집
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    • 제17권11호
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    • pp.2676-2683
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    • 1993
  • Plane strain punch stretching test(PSST) was performed for various automotive steel sheets. To clarify the effect of tensile properties on plane strain stretchability, the limiting punch height(LPH) values were obtained in plane strain punch stretching test and related to the tensile properties of the materials. The results show that the total elongation El and work hardening exponent n compared to other parameters obtained from tensile test well correlate with the LPH value. In comparision with the Erichsen test and LDH test the PSST can be statistically used as an alternative in assessing the stamping formability of automotive steel sheets with the advantages of good reproducibility and easy testing method.

Vision-based multipoint measurement systems for structural in-plane and out-of-plane movements including twisting rotation

  • Lee, Jong-Han;Jung, Chi-Young;Choi, Eunsoo;Cheung, Jin-Hwan
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • 제20권5호
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    • pp.563-572
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    • 2017
  • The safety of structures is closely associated with the structural out-of-plane behavior. In particular, long and slender beam structures have been increasingly used in the design and construction. Therefore, an evaluation of the lateral and torsional behavior of a structure is important for the safety of the structure during construction as well as under service conditions. The current contact measurement method using displacement meters cannot measure independent movements directly and also requires caution when installing the displacement meters. Therefore, in this study, a vision-based system was used to measure the in-plane and out-of-plane displacements of a structure. The image processing algorithm was based on reference objects, including multiple targets in Lab color space. The captured targets were synchronized using a load indicator connected wirelessly to a data logger system in the server. A laboratory beam test was carried out to compare the displacements and rotation obtained from the proposed vision-based measurement system with those from the current measurement method using string potentiometers. The test results showed that the proposed vision-based measurement system could be applied successfully and easily to evaluating both the in-plane and out-of-plane movements of a beam including twisting rotation.

평면투수 실험을 통한 기존 배수재와 고투수성 배수재의 성능 평가 (Performance Assesment of the Existing Tunnel drain and higher permeable for the In-plane Test)

  • 마상준;이흥수;최희섭;김경덕
    • 한국지반공학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국지반공학회 2008년도 추계 학술발표회
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    • pp.1581-1584
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    • 2008
  • In this study, performance Assesment of the existing tunnel drain and higher permeable for the In-plane Test. Two separate simulation tests from geotexitile and Lightweight Foamed Mortar compare. perfomed:the one is the in-plane test and the other is the clogging phenomenon test. As a result, NATM Composite used to Ligheweight Foamed Mortar pemability 80%, more than existing tunnel drain. Also, clogging phenomenon test do low assesment more than existing tunnel drain geotextile.

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견갑면에서의 견관절 외전정도에 따른 등속성회전운동의 근력 평가 (An Evaluation for Isokinetic Strength During Shoulder Rotation Movement in the Scapular Plane with Various Abduction)

  • 최재원;김수민;김현애;김경;황보각;배성수
    • The Journal of Korean Physical Therapy
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    • 제12권2호
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    • pp.95-105
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    • 2000
  • Glenohumeral internal and external rotation with shoulder abducted in the frontal plane often causes impingement of the supraspinatus tendon. whereas similar activity in scapular plane does not cause impingement. The Purpose of this study was to determine if assessment among the three positions as 30 degrees, 60 degrees, 90 degrees abduction in the sitting position of the scapular plane could be affected the comparison between intemal and external peak torque, total work, average power. In this study, Isokinetic shoulder rotational strength was evaluated in twenty healthy male university students, using the Cybex NORMTM System (CYBEX Division of LUMEX, Inc., Ronkonkoma, New York). Test data was gathered in the plane of the scapular, 30 degrees of horizontal flexion anterior to coronal plane, and the subjects performed the test with the arm 30, 60, and 90degrees abducted in the sitting position. also, test speed was set at deg/sec. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS 7.5 for Windows software and mean and standard deviations were calculated. ANOVA was used to analyze the difference of the values in the three test positions. A paired t-test was used of examining the difference in the means peak torque between external and internal rotation. Not any significant difference was found among three abduction positions in scapular plane, even though there was a consistent pattern of greater strength in the abducted position of 60 degrees. Internal relation strength peak torque and total work were greater than those of external rotation in every test positions.

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하프 PC판과 후타설콘크리트 접합면의 면내전단강도에 관한 실험적 연구 (An Experimental Study on In-Plane Shear Strength of the Interface between Half PC Plate and Cast-in-Place Concrete Plate)

  • 신동원;고만영;이동우;김용부
    • 한국콘크리트학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국콘크리트학회 1998년도 가을 학술발표논문집(II)
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    • pp.513-518
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    • 1998
  • In Half Precast Concrete Method, such as composite slab and composite wall, Interface between half PC plate and cast-in-place concrete is occurred. And this interface endure lastly in-plane shear which is occurred by external force. Therefore, test was executed to study in-plane shear strength of interface between half PC plate and cast-in-place concrete. In this test, Experimental parameters are finishing condition of the interface, cohesion of concrete, existence and nonexistence of re-bar truss, and angle and direction of lattice of re-bar truss. Comparing and analyzing experimental results, conclusions are obtained as follows. (1) In-plane shear strength of wide interface in composite plate is more affected by the roughness of interface than re-bar truss. And cohesion of concrete contribute to increasing in-plane shear strength. Therefore it seems that the interface should be roughen and kept clean to improve in-plane shear strength. (2) It seems that shear friction equation in ACI code can be sagely available for design of in-plane shear of composite plate.

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체간 굴곡-신전운동 후 체간 각 부위 별 시상면 높이변화에 대한 조사 (A study of variation level for each region changed in trunk at sagittal plane after Trunk Flexion-Extension Exercise)

  • 김근조;이규리;정병옥
    • 대한정형도수물리치료학회지
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    • 제14권2호
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    • pp.1-15
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    • 2008
  • Purpose : This survey was to investigate on the effect of each region changed in trunk through sagittal plane after Trunk Flexion-Extension Exercise. Methods : 18 students of Gimcheon College participated in this study for the period of July 9-30, 2007. Analyzed factor were 1) degree of pain 2) presence of Gillet test and 3) difference of right-left for 7 landmark region in trunk applying I.B.S.-2000 after Trunk Flexion - Extension Exercise. We used the SPSS $PC^+$ program for classifying into analysis of frequency, $x^2$-test, t-test and Simple Linear Regression analysis test. Results: Followings are concluded For degree of pain, 13(72.2%) of students answered "No pain" after Trunk Flexion-Extension Exercise and in the result 4 more students decreased the pain. In the Gillet test, 14(77.8%) of students answered "positive" after Trunk Flexion-Extension Exercise and in the result 4 more students increased mobility of Sacroiliac joint. In the differences of right-left for 7 landmark region in trunk by B.M.I. scale, Slim type was decreased both Acromion(0.45mm), both Iliac crest(0.44mm), and both ASIS(0.31mm) to anterior plane, Normal type was decreased both inferior angle of Scapular(0.02mm), both L4-5(0.07mm), and both PSIS(0.09mm) to posterior plane Fatness type was decrease both Acromion(0.05mm), both ASIS(0.05mm) to anterior plane. In the differences of right-left for 7 landmark region in trunk for degree of pain No pain group was decreased both Acromion(0.17mm), both Nipple(0.25mm) to anterior plane and both PSIS(0.13mm) to posterior plane Pain group was decreased both Acromion(0.04mm), both Iliac creast(0.03mm) to anterior plane and both inferior angle of Scapular(0.18mm) both PSIS(0.13mm) to posterior plane. In the difference of right-left for 7 landmark region in trunk for each of the exercises, Both iliac crest(0.1mm), both ASIS(0.12mm) to anterior plane were decreased after Flexion Trunk Exercise. Both acromion(0.27mm) to anterior plane, both inferior angle of scapular(0.14mm) and both PSIS(0.12mm) to posterior plane were decreased after Extension Trunk Exercise. Each of the exercises, The both inferior angle of Scapular showed high scores($0.65{\pm}0.23$) at Trunk Extension Exercise group and there was statistical significance between Trunk Flexion Exercise group and Extension exercise group(t :-2.502, p < 0.05). 7. At Pre-exercise group, Both inferior angle of Scapular showed low scores($0.23{\pm}8.27$) at Trunk Extension Exercise group and there was statistical significance between Pre- Exercise group and Trunk Extension Exercise group(t :-2.5430, p<0.05). Conclusion : The simple linear regression analysis was presented at Acromion(-0.243), L4-5(-0.753), PSIS(0.576) and there was statistical significance in BMI scale(p<0.01).

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평면트러스로 지지된 리프트 게이트의 진동특성 (Dynamic Characteristic of Lift Gate Supported by Plane Truss)

  • 이성행;양동운;함형길;공보성;신동욱
    • 한국농공학회논문집
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    • 제54권3호
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    • pp.133-139
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    • 2012
  • Dynamic characteristic of lift gate supported by plane truss is studied by a model test scaled with the ratio of 1 : 31.25 in the four major rivers project. The vibrations of gate supported by the plane truss is assessed in comparison with those of gate supported by the space truss which was tested formerly. The gate model is made of acryl panel and calibrated by lead. A model test is conducted under the different gate opening and upstream water levels conditions in the concrete test flume dimensioned 1.6 m in width, 0.8 m in height and 24 m in length. In order to verify the model, natural frequencies of the model gate are measured, and compared with the numerical results. The vibrations of gate model supported by the plane truss in opening height of 1.0 cm~2.0 cm shows greater than one supported by the space truss. It is found that the gate model supported by the plane truss is less desirable than one supported by the space truss. thus, the latter type of gate model is requested to design.

X-Plane 기반 비행훈련장치의 FAA Level 5 FTD(Flight Training Device) 인증을 위한 QTG(Qualification Test Guide) 생성방법 연구 (A Study on QTG(Qualification Test Guide) Generation for a Flight Training Device to be Qualifiable at FAA Level 5)

  • 김일우;박태준;윤석준
    • 한국항공우주학회지
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    • 제44권12호
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    • pp.1035-1042
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    • 2016
  • 상용 비행시뮬레이션 게임 엔진 X-Plane을 이용하여 구성한 비행시뮬레이터에 대해 FTD level 5를 만족시킬 수 있는 QTG작성에 대해 연구하였다. 모델은 Cirrus사(社)의 SR-20을 대상으로 하였다. QTG의 테스트항목 중에는 조종반력을 측정하는 항목도 있다. 따라서 Brunner사(社)의 CLS(Control Loading System)을 조종 장치에 설치하여 조종반력을 측정할 수 있도록 구성하였다. X-Plane은 자체적으로 트림루틴을 제공하지 않으므로 외부에서 Autopilot을 구성하여 항공기가 트림상태에 도달할 수 있도록 하였다. 또한 테스트를 자동으로 수행할 수 있는 알고리듬을 개발하여 수동으로 조종하여 테스트하는 번거로움을 피하고 같은 테스트를 같은 조건으로 진행할 수 있도록 하였다. FTD Level 5의 경우 실제 비행데이터가 아닌 alternative data source를 적용할 수 있으며 이를 활용하여 모든 테스트 결과가 주어진 범위를 만족하였다.