• 제목/요약/키워드: Improvement of water quality

검색결과 1,149건 처리시간 0.029초

물환경 종합평가의 현황과 선진화 방안 (Status and its Improvement of Comprehensive Water Quality Evaluation)

  • 최지용;이지현;이재관;김창수
    • 한국물환경학회지
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    • 제22권5호
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    • pp.748-756
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    • 2006
  • Accurate and timely information on status and trends in the environment is necessary to shape sound water quality management policy and to implement water quality improvement programs efficiently. One of the most effective ways to communicate information on water quality trends to policy-makers, scientists, and the general public is with comprehensive water quality indices. The derivation and structure of a water quality index (WQI) for the classification of surface water quality is discussed. The WQI generally developed through the selection, transformation and weighting of determinants with rating curves based on legal standards and quality directives or guidelines. The representative pollutants should be included in the index, and the relationship between the quantity of these pollutants in the water and the resulting quality of the water should be based on scientific results. The WQI be simply and meaningfully formulated that nonscientifically trained users can easily become familiar with the framework of the system and use the output data to evaluate their own pollution problems.

조건부가치측정법을 이용한 부산시 상수도 수질개선에 대한 WTP 추정 (Estimating willingness-to-pay for the tap water quality improvement in Busan using contingent valuation method)

  • 표희동;추재욱
    • 상하수도학회지
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    • 제28권5호
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    • pp.561-571
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    • 2014
  • The paper is to estimate willingness-to-pay (WTP) for tap water quality improvement in Busan, using parametric approach in contingent valuation method(CVM). For parametric approach linear logit model and log logit model are employed in double-bounded dichotomous choice format of CVM. For the reliability and the validity of contingent valuation method a survey was conducted for 665 respondents, who were sampled by stratified random sampling method, by personal interview method. The result of mean WTP for the tap water quality improvement in Busan was estimated to be 3,687 won and 3,660 won per month per household, while median WTP being 1,884 won and 1,892 won per month per household, respectively by linear logit model and log logit model. Provided that our sample is broadly representative of the Busan's population, an estimate of the annual aggregated benefit of residential water improvement for all Busan households is approximately 29.7 billion won to 29.8 billion won based on median WTP.

하수처리장 분산방류에 의한 방류수역의 수질개선효과 (Improvement Effect of Water Quality along the Water Discharged Area by Water Dispersion from the Sewage Disposal Plant)

  • 김동수;박종태;김용구;박성천
    • 한국환경과학회지
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    • 제17권1호
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    • pp.113-118
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    • 2008
  • [ $6{\sim}13mg/L$ ] base water concentration on monthly BOD has been kept at the Geukrak bridge point for this research target and it indicates the water quality under the existed rank. Due to this present condition of water quality, the demage of ecology from the upper stream to the lower one of the bridge could be conjectured. Moreover, nonstructural extinction of the ecology seems to have gotten worse between both the streams of Yeoungsan River. On this research, eco-corridor between the upper stream and the lower stream of the river should be ensured, the ecological demage needs to be cut off, a dispersed discharge method which the existed method of the 1st sewage plant in Gwangju was enhanced to should be inducted for the procuring of various water ecosystem, and the conditions by the scenario suggested from this research could be applied to a water quality model. then, analysis the improvement effect of the water quality adjacent the river. From the test result, Case3-Type1 scenario is thought to be the best one. From the test result with Case3-Type1 when the concentrated discharge was never done, 0.07 mg/L of BOD concentration was increased at the lower stream where Yeoungbon B point (Haksan Bridge) is but the water improvement effect of $0.24{\sim}2.87mg/L$ is thought to have been done at the area of water deterioration.

NPS-WET 습지 모델링을 이용한 습지 증설에 따른 수질개선 효과 분석 (Analysis of Water Quality Improvement Effects on Wetland Expansion using NPS-WET Model)

  • 박종석;이경훈;한창화
    • 한국습지학회지
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    • 제19권4호
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    • pp.393-402
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    • 2017
  • 본 연구는 바이오파크 유역 내 인공습지에 대하여 습지규모와 수질개선효과의 관련성을 분석하여, 최적의 습지규모 설계를 위한 기초 자료를 제공하기 위하여 수행되었다. 본 연구를 통해 인공습지에 대한 합리적인 규모 설계 및 운영에 기여할 것으로 판단되며, 연구결과를 통해 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 인공습지의 0-100 % 증설범위의 설계별 시나리오 분석결과, '기존규모 대비 75 % 증설'의 경우, '기존규모의 현 상태 운영' 설계 기준과 비교하여 수질이 BOD5는 66.7 %, TSS는 69.9 %, T-N은 64.7 %, T-P는 85.5 %, Chl-a는 51.8 % 만큼 개선되어 가장 양호한 효과를 보여주었으며, 특히 4계절 중 여름철에 Chl-a를 제외한 수질항목에서 효과가 크게 나타나는 경향이었다. 그리고 설계규모와 수질개선 효과간 정비례관계가 성립되지 않은 것으로 나타났다.

농업용 호소의 수질개선을 위한 오염총량관리제의 적용에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Application of Total Pollution Load Management System for Water Quality Improvement in Agriculture Reservoir)

  • 오대민;이영신
    • 한국환경보건학회지
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    • 제35권5호
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    • pp.365-375
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    • 2009
  • Agriculture reservoirs need a systematic approach that can control water purity and water improvement. The area under study, Bunam Lake exceeds the agricultural water standard level due to contamination from the upper stream. When the Taean Enterprise City was planned, the water quality improvement plan was applied to minimize the environmental change. However, in order to continuously maintain the water quality in the Bunam Lake, it was essential to apply the Total Pollution Load Management System (TPLMs). In order to achieve the targeted water quality in the Bunam Lake, standard flow rates and targeted water quality levels were applied to obtain the loading capacity which is as follows : BOD 1,891.2 kg/d, T-N 1,945.7 kg/d, T-P 131.7 kg/d. Also, the regional development load was calculated as, BOD 1,083.6 kg/d, T-N 942.2 kg/d, T-P 61.8 kg/d, which is required to be deceased :- by BOD 378.4 kg/d, T-N 198.9 kg/d, T-P 31.6 kg/d in order to safely achieve the targeted water quality in the Bunam Lake.

인공섬을 이용한 소형 저수지의 수질 개선 (Water Quality Improvement by Artificial Floating Island)

  • 박현진;권오병;안태석
    • 한국환경복원기술학회지
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    • 제4권1호
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    • pp.90-97
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    • 2001
  • For improvement of water quality, $20m^2$ of artificial floating plant islands planted with Iris pseudoacorus, were installed in small pond on March, 1999. Small pond has surface area $1,000m^2$ and mean depth 1.5 m. The density of plants was 16 per $m^2$ by using jute pot. Environmental parameters such as COD, SS, T-N, T-P and planktons were biweekly measured from 29 March to 28 September. Because of the small portion of floating island, the effect for water quality improvement was not sufficient. But considering the data of plant growth and nitrogen and phosphorus uptake capacity of plant, about 40% of coverage by artificial floating island was needed for elimination of whole nutrients from inflow.

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습지-저류지에 의한 하구 담수호 수질개선 효과 예측 (Prediction of Water Quality improvement for Estuarine Reservoir using Wetland-Detention Pond System)

  • 윤춘경
    • 한국농공학회지
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    • 제42권5호
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    • pp.94-102
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    • 2000
  • Investigated was the effectiveness of a constructed wetland system on water quality in Hwa-Ong estruarin reservoir, located in Hwasung-Gun, Kyunggi-Do. Procedures for estimation of pollutant loading from watershed and required area for natural systems, and simulation of corresponding reservoir water quality were reviewed. Generally, simulated reservoir water quality was within the reasonable range, and about 15% of total polder farmland was required to meet the agricultural water quality standards. The model was applied based on the current loading condition without additional treatment systems. Wetland system is an ecologically sound treatment system. Therefore, natural systems can be an alternative measure for water quality improvement in polder projects. The area for natural systems was estimated using literature value which might be acceptable at the planning stage. However, pilot system and its experimental data are requisite for large scale field application. WASP5 was proved to be a useful and versatile model, and its application to estuarine reservoir water quality simulation was thought to be appropriate.

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농촌 소유역 수환경 개선을 위한 유역관리 협의체 구성방안 - 함평천 사례를 중심으로 - (Framework of Watershed Management Organization Consortium for Water Environment Improvement of Small Rural Watershed)

  • 이기완;김영주;윤광식
    • 농촌계획
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    • 제11권4호
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    • pp.59-65
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    • 2005
  • Proper management of small rural watershed is important since it does affect water quality improvement of larger scale watershed. Therefore, effective small watershed management guideline including participatory program of local people is required to achieve water environment improvement. Feasibility of water quality goal, short and long-term watershed management plan and funding sources were investigated by field monitoring of Hampyungchun watershed which has characteristics of rural stream, and literature review. The relevant parties and their roles fer watershed management were identified and suggested. A hybrid model, that is mixture of government driven model and NGO model, is recommended for watershed management organization in this study.

고도하수처리공법을 적용한 마을 하수도의 수질개선 평가 (Water Quality Improvement Evaluation of Community Sewerage by using Advanced Sewage Treatment)

  • 최한규;고종섭;박수진
    • 산업기술연구
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    • 제32권A호
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    • pp.57-64
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    • 2012
  • In order to examine the tailorability of advanced sewage treatment of a separated sewer pipe, we observed the quality of leaked water in a reactor. A2C affiliation and MBR affiliation decreased by over 78% in cases of BOD, COD, and SS. SBR affiliation decreased by 79.1% in a case of T-N. Overall, the efficiency of T-N on the above affiliations was low. SS had the high efficiency in MBR affiliation. In the end, examination of water quality improvement showed that the quality was improved from 20% to 90%; hence, it is expected that this treatment can protect the water resources of the Hongcheon River and makes it easier to use the water of the river.

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수질오염총량관리 계획수립의 개선방안에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Improvement Scheme of the Total Water Pollution Load Management Plan)

  • 김영일;이상진
    • 한국물환경학회지
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    • 제22권6호
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    • pp.977-981
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    • 2006
  • In order to improve water quality in drinking water sources, Ministry of Environment (MOE) was implemented total water pollution load management (TWPLM) in all the major river basins. From the experience of the application of TWPLM, we could find some problems relating the target watershed, standard operating procedure (SOP) of establishment and implementation plan, water quality and flow rate, design flow, water quality model, margin of safety (MOS), and estimation of wasteload were found. The authors were reviewed ongoing TWPLM and presented the improvement schemes for a successful TWPLM. For the application of these suggestions, further detailed studies should be done to implement TWPLM in the future.