• Title/Summary/Keyword: Imagery information

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A Study on Aerial Triangulation from Multi-Sensor Imagery

  • Lee, Young-Ran;Habib, Ayman;Kim, Kyung-Ok
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.255-261
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    • 2003
  • Recently, the enormous increase in the volume of remotely sensed data is being acquired by an ever-growing number of earth observation satellites. The combining of diversely sourced imagery together is an important requirement in many applications such as data fusion, city modeling and object recognition. Aerial triangulation is a procedure to reconstruct object space from imagery. However, since the different kinds of imagery have their own sensor model, characteristics, and resolution, the previous approach in aerial triangulation (or georeferencing) is purformed on a sensor model separately. This study evaluated the advantages of aerial triangulation of large number of images from multi-sensors simultaneously. The incorporated multi-sensors are frame, push broom, and whisky broom cameras. The limits and problems of push-broom or whisky broom sensor models can be compensated by combined triangulation with other sensors The reconstructed object space from multi-sensor triangulation is more accurate than that from a single model. Experiments conducted in this study show the more accurately reconstructed object space from multi-sensor triangulation.

Support Vector Machine Classification Using Training Sets of Small Mixed Pixels: An Appropriateness Assessment of IKONOS Imagery

  • Yu, Byeong-Hyeok;Chi, Kwang-Hoon
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.24 no.5
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    • pp.507-515
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    • 2008
  • Many studies have generally used a large number of pure pixels as an approach to training set design. The training set are used, however, varies between classifiers. In the recent research, it was reported that small mixed pixels between classes are actually more useful than larger pure pixels of each class in Support Vector Machine (SVM) classification. We evaluated a usability of small mixed pixels as a training set for the classification of high-resolution satellite imagery. We presented an advanced approach to obtain a mixed pixel readily, and evaluated the appropriateness with the land cover classification from IKONOS satellite imagery. The results showed that the accuracy of the classification based on small mixed pixels is nearly identical to the accuracy of the classification based on large pure pixels. However, it also showed a limitation that small mixed pixels used may provide insufficient information to separate the classes. Small mixed pixels of the class border region provide cost-effective training sets, but its use with other pixels must be considered in use of high-resolution satellite imagery or relatively complex land cover situations.


  • Hyun, Chang-Uk;Park, Hyeong-Dong
    • Proceedings of the KSRS Conference
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    • 2008.10a
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    • pp.66-67
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    • 2008
  • Most mineral resources are located in subsurface but mineral exploration starts with a step of investigation in wide-area to find evidence of buried ores. Conventional technique for exploration on wide-area as a preliminary survey is an observation using naked eyes by geologist or chemical analysis using lots of samples obtained from target area. Hyperspectral remote sensing can overcome those subjective and time consuming survey and can produce mineral resources distribution map. Precise resource map requires information of mineral distribution in a subpixellevel because mineral is distributed as rock components or narrow veins. But most hyperspectral data is composed of pixels of several meters or more than ten meters scale. We reviewed subpixel unmixing algorithms which have been used for geological field and tested detection ability with Hyperion imagery, geological map and seven spectral curves of mineral and rock specimens which were obtained from study areas.

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Building Extraction from Lidar Data and Aerial Imagery using Domain Knowledge about Building Structures

  • Seo, Su-Young
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.199-209
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    • 2007
  • Traditionally, aerial images have been used as main sources for compiling topographic maps. In recent years, lidar data has been exploited as another type of mapping data. Regarding their performances, aerial imagery has the ability to delineate object boundaries but omits much of these boundaries during feature extraction. Lidar provides direct information about heights of object surfaces but have limitations with respect to boundary localization. Considering the characteristics of the sensors, this paper proposes an approach to extracting buildings from lidar and aerial imagery, which is based on the complementary characteristics of optical and range sensors. For detecting building regions, relationships among elevation contours are represented into directional graphs and searched for the contours corresponding to external boundaries of buildings. For generating building models, a wing model is proposed to assemble roof surface patches into a complete building model. Then, building models are projected and checked with features in aerial images. Experimental results show that the proposed approach provides an efficient and accurate way to extract building models.

Real-time BCI for imagery movement and Classification for uncued EEG signal (상상 움직임에 대한 실시간 뇌전도 뇌 컴퓨터 상호작용, 큐 없는 상상 움직임에서의 뇌 신호 분류)

  • Kang, Sung-Wook;Jun, Sung-Chan
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2009.02a
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    • pp.2083-2085
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    • 2009
  • Brain Computer Interface (BCI) is a communication pathway between devices (computers) and human brain. It treats brain signals in real-time basis and discriminates some information of what human brain is doing. In this work, we develop a EEG BCI system using a feature extraction such as common spatial pattern (CSP) and a classifier using Fisher linear discriminant analysis (FLDA). Two-class EEG motor imagery movement datasets with both cued and uncued are tested to verify its feasibility.

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Dynamic Modeling and Georegistration of Airborne Video Sequences

  • Lee, Changno
    • Korean Journal of Geomatics
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.23-32
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    • 2003
  • Rigorous sensor and dynamic modeling techniques are required if spatial information is to be accurately extracted from video imagery. First, a mathematical model for an uncalibrated video camera and a description of a bundle adjustment with added parameters, for purposes of general block triangulation, is presented. This is followed by the application of invariance-based techniques, with constraints, to derive initial approximations for the camera parameters. Finally, dynamic modeling using the Kalman Filter is discussed. The results of various experiments with real video imagery, which apply the developed techniques, are given.

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Development and Evaluation of a Texture-Based Urban Change Detection Method Using Very High Resolution SAR Imagery (고해상도 SAR 영상을 활용한 텍스처 기반의 도심지 변화탐지 기법 개발 및 평가)

  • Kang, Ah-Reum;Byun, Young-Gi;Chae, Tae-Byeong
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.255-265
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    • 2015
  • Very high resolution (VHR) satellite imagery provide valuable information on urban change monitoring due to multi-temporal observation over large areas. Recently, there has been increased interest in the urban change detection technique using VHR Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging system, because it can take images regardless of solar illumination and weather condition. In this paper, we proposed a texture-based urban change detection method using the VHR SAR texture features generated from Gray-Level Co-Occurrence Matrix (GLCM). In order to evaluate the efficiency of the proposed method, the result was compared, visually and quantitatively, with the result of Non-Coherent Change Detection (NCCD) which is widely used for the change detection of VHR SAR image. The experimental results showed the greater detection accuracy and the visually satisfactory result compared with the NCCD method. In conclusion, the proposed method has shown a great potential for the extraction of urban change information from VHR SAR imagery.

A Study on the Generation of 3 Dimensional Graphic Files Using SPOT Imagery (SPOT위성영상정보를 이용한 3차원 그래픽 화일 생성연구)

  • Cho, Bong-Hwan;Lee, Yong-Woong;Park, Wan-Yong
    • 한국지형공간정보학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 1995.10a
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    • pp.121-142
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    • 1995
  • Using SPOT satellite imagery, 3 dimensional geographic information can be obtained from SPOT's oblique viewing image. Especially, SPOT provides high spatial resolution, adequate base/height ratio and stable orbit characteristics. In this paper, 3D terrain features were extracted using SPOT stereo image and also the techniques for generation of 3D graphic data were developed for the extracted terrain features. We developed computer programs to generate automatically 3D graphic files and to display geographic information on the computer screen. The results of this study may be effectively utilized for the development of 3D geographic information using satellite images.

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Edge-preserving filtering using mean curvature diffusion (평균곡률 확산을 이용한 에지 보존 필터링)

  • Ye, Chul-Soo;Kim, Kyoung-Ok;Lee, Kwae-Hi
    • Annual Conference of KIPS
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    • 2002.11a
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    • pp.699-702
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    • 2002
  • 본 논문에서는 anisotropic diffusion 방법의 일종인 평균곡률 확산 (Mean Curvature Diffusion) 방법을 이용하여 영상에 포함된 잡음은 제거하고 동시에 에지는 보존하는 기법을 제안한다. 평균곡률 확산은 2 차원 영상의 밝기값을 3 차원 공간상의 z 좌표에 대응시켜 영상의 밝기값에 대응하는 공간 상의 곡면을 구성하고 이 곡면을 평균곡률에 비례하는 속도로 확산시킨다. 확산이 진행되면서 평균곡률이 영이 되는 에지에서는 확산이 발생하지 않고 잡음 등의 영향이 많은 에지 이외의 영역에서는 확산이 빠른 속도로 진행된다. 기존의 평균곡률 확산 방법의 성능을 개선하기 위해 최소/최대 흐름 방법을 평균곡률 확산 방법과 결합시키고 영상의 2 차 도함수를 사용하여 d얇은 에지를 보존하였다. 실험을 통해 제안한 방법이 기존의 방법보다 잡음 제거와 에지 보존 성능이 우수함을 확인할 수 있었다.

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Categorizing the Landcover Classes of the Satellite Imagery for the Management of the Nonpoint Source Pollutions (비점오염원 수문유출모형에 적용 가능한 위성영상의 토지피복 분류항목 설정)

  • Seo, Dong-Jo
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.9 no.11
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    • pp.465-474
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    • 2009
  • To measure the amount of nonpoint source pollution, some efforts are tried to utilize satellite imagery. But, as the factors for water models do not relate with the landcover categories for satellite imagery, satellite imagery are adapted to roughly classified thematic map or used only for the image interpretation. The purpose of this study is to establish the landcover categories of satellite imagery to relate with the water models. To establish the categories of the landcover for the water models, it was investigated to get main factors of water flow models for the nonpoint source pollution and to review the existing study and the classification system. For this result, it was convinced that the basic unit on the nonpoint source pollution, landcover coefficients of SCS Curve Number, the crop factor of Universal Soil Loss Equation, Manning's roughness coefficients are the useful parameters to extract information from the satellite imagery. After the setup the categories for the landcover classification, it was finally defined from the consultation of the water model specialist. Woopo wetland watershed was selected to the study area because it is a representative wetland in Korea and needs the management system for nonpoint source pollution. There were used Landsat ETM Plus and SPOT-5 satellite imagery to assess the result of the image classification.