• 제목/요약/키워드: Imagery Experiences

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인지적 간호중재 (Cognitive Nursing Intervention)

  • 김명자
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제22권3호
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    • pp.337-351
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    • 1992
  • Nursing as it is practiced and taught, historically has been viewed as natural science. There are new movements to create a paradigm of nursing in the human sciences. A natural science methodologies elicit quantitative data from observable phenomena and reveal causal relationships. Human science methodology is the study of Unitary Man's participative experience in a situation, the simultaneity paradigm. In a theory of nursing rooted in human science assumptions about man and health are synthesized, and the practice of nursing is continuously expanded through research. To find independent nursing interventions especially cognitive nursing intervention models it has been necessary to consult a multitude of journals and text sources for references, and no one nursing textbook can be used in help patients achieve nursing goals. The goals of nursing in the simultaneity paradigm focus on the quality of life from the person's perspective. Cognitive interventions based on the person's perspective were selected from those that colleagues deemed appropriate to nursing and those that were identified in the nursing literature. They were supportive nursing care, reminiscence, meditation, relaxation and imagery. Nurses have been reluctant to make diagnoses, implement actions, and assume responsibility for this actions and this is of concern but can be understood because nurses have had little exposure to action and lack an intervention armamentarium from with which to choose actions to achieve nursing goals. Efforts in nursing education and nursing service are required to remedy this problem. Nurses must be convinced of the challenge and excitement associated with autonomous functioning. It is a characteristic of the true professional. Traditionally, nursing has prescribed one method for handling a situation. Fundamental nursing texts usually only present one way to handle a situation, because alternative interventions to achieve a client goal may be available. Considerably more research is necessary before these can be prescribed. However, unless a first step is taken, progress will not be made. The quality of health care or nursing care is enhanced when nurses transform dilemas into commited action. This is apparent from widespread experiences of nurses.

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임부의 모성 정체성 측정을 위한 척도개발 (Development of a Maternal Identity Scale for Pregnant Women)

  • 김혜원;홍경자
    • 대한간호학회지
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    • 제26권3호
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    • pp.531-543
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    • 1996
  • This study was done to develop a Maternal Identity Scale for Pregnant Women and to test the validity and reliability of the scale. A convenience sample of 161 pregnant women were asked to complete the MISP questionnaire which consisted of 45 item, this was done from December 20, 1995 to January 15, 1996. The research procedure were as follows. The first step was to identify a conceptual definition of maternal identity using Robin(1984)'s maternal identity and maternal experience during pregnancy. The second step was to operationalize the maternal identity, that is, perception of image possible of selves as mother, maternal role play by imagination, and the experiences of various emotional responses which are embedded in the mother-fetus dyad. The third step was item development which resulted in 45 items as appropriate measurement of maternal identity are except for the perception of image possible of selves as mother. The result findings were as follows : 1) Four factors for MISP (finally 40 items) were extracted through the principal component analysis and varimax rotation, and these contributed 49.3% of the variance in the total score. All 40 items in the scale loaded above .43 on one of 4 factors. 2) Each factor was named : factor 1 was named maternal role imagery and has 10 items, factor 2 was named happiness and has 11 items, factor 3 was named maternal fetal interaction and has 10 items, and the last factor 4 was named negative emotion and has 9 items. 3) Cronbach's -alpha coefficient for internal consistsncy was .92 for the total 40 items and .89, .90, .86, .78 for the four subscales in that order. Recommendations are suggested below : 1) The developed MISP be used to assess maternal readiness in pregnancy. 2) Replication study be done to test validity and relaibility. 3) For the overall measure of Maternal Identity in Pregnancy, scale for the perception of image possible of selves as mother, and cognitive domain be reorganized for the maternal identity in pregnancy. 4) It is necessary to identify variables that influences maternal pregnancy. 5) It Is necessary to identify that maternal identity in pregnancy is a reliable index of motherhood, to do correlation studies on maternal identity and major maternal variables in maternal transition period, to reoperationalize the maternal identity in postpartum, and finally to designate a longitudinal study of the maternal identity changes or stabilities.

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싱잉볼의 수면장애 중년여성의 긴장이완에 관한 현상학 연구 -소리치료, 싱잉볼(singing bowl)적용- (A Phenomenological Study of Tension Relaxation in Middle-Aged Women with Sleep Disorders in Singing Bowl)

  • 김영주;신동열
    • 산업진흥연구
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    • 제6권3호
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    • pp.25-35
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    • 2021
  • 중년여성은 갱년기와 노화, 과다한 역할로 인해 다양한 심리적·신체적 스트레스로 긴장을 경험하며, 이것이 수면장애로 이어지는 경우가 많다. 그러나 이와 연관된 연구는 미비한 실정이다. 이에 수면장애를 경험하는 중년여성이 건강을 도모할 수 있도록 긴장이완을 돕는 싱잉볼의 효과성에 대한 연구 필요성이 제기된다. 이에 본 연구는 2019년 2월부터 2020년 4월까지 수면장애의 어려움을 호소하는 중년여성 중 피츠버그 수면의 질 평가 측정점수가 5점 이상인 4명을 선정하여 싱잉볼 체험을 40분 실시하고 심층 인터뷰 내용을 토대로 한 Giorgi의 현상학적 연구방법으로 진행하였다. 본 연구의 결과를 토대로 도출한 결론은 다음과 같다. 연구 결과 참여자들의 싱잉볼 체험을 통해 518개의 구성의미와 15개의 의미단위, 7개의 하위요소, 2개의 주제군을 도출해 내었다. 첫째, 싱잉볼 경험 시 신체적 경험으로는 통증과 이완 경험, 심리적 경험으로는 마음이완과 긍정심리 경험, 심상적 경험으로는 이미지와 색깔 경험을 하였다. 둘째, 싱잉볼 경험 이후 연구 참여자들이 느낀 신체적 변화는 신체이완, 신체증상, 신체활력 증가였으며 심리적 변화는 불안감소, 유쾌함과 긍정심리 증가였다. 행동적 변화는 행동 느긋해짐, 활동량의 증가였고 수면변화로 인한 수면개선의 효과가 두드러지게 나타났다. 본 연구에서 싱잉볼은 수면장애를 경험하는 중년여성의 긴장이완에 심리적·신체적으로 긍정적인 효과가 있음을 확인하였고, 스트레스와 긴장으로 인한 수면장애로 고통 받는 중년여성들과 현대인들에게 유용한 도구인 싱잉볼을 활용하여 양질의 삶을 살아가도록 돕는데 그 의의를 둔다.

감지추구자적매체습관(感知追求者的媒体习惯) (Media Habits of Sensation Seekers)

  • Blakeney, Alisha;Findley, Casey;Self, Donald R.;Ingram, Rhea;Garrett, Tony
    • 마케팅과학연구
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    • 제20권2호
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    • pp.179-187
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    • 2010
  • 对营销和广告经理来说, 理解消费者的偏好和使用的媒体类型是非常有必要的, 尤其是在如今市场细分的情况下. 清晰的理解能帮助经理更有效的选择合适的媒体. 而且由于性格特征的不同, 个人对媒体类型的选择和使用都不相同. 本文测试了一个性格特征, 即感知追求. 这是在测试 "新" 媒体偏好和使用的文献中尚未出现的. 感知追求是被定义为 "一种对变化, 新颖和复杂的感觉的需要和经历. 以及为承担这些经历愿意承受生理的和社会的风险" (Zuckerman 1979). 根据文献回顾, 我们提出了6个假设. 我们尤其关注使用与满足理论(Katz 1959), 这个理论解释了为什么人们选择媒体类型和他们使用不同媒体类型的动机的原因. 目前的理论表明高感知追求者(HSS), 由于他们对新颖, 激励和非传统的内容和想象的需要, 他们会更多的使用新媒体. 因此, 我们假设高感知追求者比低感知追求者(LSS)(H2a)或中等感知追求者(MSS)(H2b)会更多的使用网络而不是广播(H1a)或印刷媒体(H1b). 另外, 高感知追求者有更多的社交活动及朋友, 因此他们会比低感知追求者(a) 和中等感知追求者(b)更多的使用社交网络网页例如Facebook/MySpace(H3) 以及聊天室(H4). 感知追求者可以显示出一系列的行为包括抑制解除. 我们认为具有高水平去抑制的人们比低水平或中等水平的人们会更多的使用社交网络如Facebook/MySpace (H5) 和聊天室(H6). 我们的数据来源于对参加极限运动的参与者的网上调查. 为得到这个群组的信息, 我们使用雪球样本技术的提高版, 即连锁推荐方法来选择应答者. 这种方法被认为是对隐藏人群进行有效估算的方法(Heckathorn, 1997). 最终的有效样本包括1108名应答者. 主要是年轻人(56.36%在34岁以下), 男性(86.1%)和中产阶级(58.7%的家庭收入超过50,000美元). 我们用这个样本来进行感知追求的研究. 我们用简要感知追求量表来测试感知追求(Hoyle et al. 2007). 我们用自我报告使用过的不同媒体类型来测量媒体使用. 结果并不支持H1a和b. 高感知追求者并没有更多的使用网络这样的媒体. 事实上, 同其他的媒体类型相比, 这个平均水平是较低的. 高感知追求者使用最多的媒体类型时印刷媒体, 这说明了一种对主流的反抗. 结果支持H2a和b. 高感知追求者比低感知或中等感知追求者更多的使用网络. 进一步的分析揭示了在高感知和低感知追求者之间在使用印刷媒体方面有显著不同. 高感知追求者在他们感兴趣的极限运动方面会追求更专业的印刷出版物. 假设3a和b 揭示了高感知追求者比低感知或中等感知追求者更多的使用Facebook/MySpace. 在使用聊天室方面低感知和高感知追求者之间没有显著差距. 所以结果也不支持假设H4a, 但是H4b的结果是显著的. 不同抑制解除水平的应答者被认为使用Facebook/MySpace 和聊天室的水平也不同. 去抑制水平高比低水平或中等水平的使用Facebook/MySpace的水平高. 所以H5a和b 被支持. 类似的, H6b也被支持. 去抑制水平高的人们使用聊天室的概率显著多于中等水平的但并不多于低水平的人们(H6a). 这些结果为管理者提供了一些有趣的见解. 第一, 尽管高感知追求者比低感知或中等感知追求者更多的使用在线媒体, 但他们使用在线媒体仍然少于印刷或广播媒体. 广告执行者们不应该对这个重要的客户群过分的强调在线媒体. 第二, 社交媒体, 例如Facebook/MySpace和聊天室会是接近这个群体的有潜力的方法. 最后, 对去抑制水平高的群体, 有公共关系方面的启示. 这些个体更倾向于一些社会风险的行为. 这些直接的启示包括因特网捕食者和未来的雇主. 本研究的一个不足是受访者都是参与极限运动的. 这本身就是一个高感知追求者活动. 更大范围的人群需要被测试.