• Title/Summary/Keyword: Image pixel

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The Comparison of Motion Correction Methods in Myocardial Perfusion SPECT (심근관류 SPECT에서 움직임 보정 방법들의 비교)

  • Park, Jang-Won;Nam, Ki-Pyo;Lee, Hoon-Dong;Kim, Sung-Hwan
    • The Korean Journal of Nuclear Medicine Technology
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.28-32
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    • 2014
  • Purpose Patient motion during myocardial perfusion SPECT can produce images that show visual artifacts and perfusion defects. This artifacts and defects remain a significant source of unsatisfactory myocardial perfusion SPECT. Motion correction has been developed as a way to correct and detect the patient motion for reducing artifacts and defects, and each motion correction uses different algorithm. We corrected simulated motion patterns with several motion correction methods and compared those images. Materials and Methods Phantom study was performed. The anthropomorphic torso phantom was made with equal counts from patient's body and simulated defect was added in myocardium phantom for to observe the change in defect. Vertical motion was intentionally generated by moving phantom downward in a returning pattern and in a non-returning pattern throughout the acquisition. In addition, Lateral motion was generated by moving phantom upward in a returning pattern and in a non-returning pattern. The simulated motion patterns were detected and corrected similarly to no-motion pattern image and QPS score, after Motion Detection and Correction Method (MDC), stasis, Hopkins method were applied. Results In phantom study, Changes of perfusion defect were shown in the anterior wall by the simulated phantom motions, and inferior wall's defect was found in some situations. The changes derived from motion were corrected by motion correction methods, but Hopkins and Stasis method showed visual artifact, and this visual artifact did not affect to perfusion score. Conclusion It was confirmed that motion correction method is possible to reduce the motion artifact and artifactual perfusion defect, through the apply on the phantom tests. Motion Detection and Correction Method (MDC) performed better than other method with polar map image and perfusion score result.

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Improved Simple Boundary Following Algorithm (개선된 간단한 경계선 추적자 알고리즘)

  • Cheong, Cheol-Ho;Han, Tack-Don
    • Journal of KIISE:Software and Applications
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.427-439
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    • 2006
  • The SBF (Simple Boundary Follower) is a boundary-following algorithm, and is used mainly for image recognition and presentation. The SBF is very popular because of its simplicity and efficiency in tracing the boundary of an object from an acquired binary image; however, it does have two drawbacks. First, the SBF cannot consistently process inner or inner-outer corners according to the follower's position and direction. Second, the SBF requires movement operations for the non-boundary pixels that are connected to boundary pixels. The MSBF (Modified Simple Boundary Follower) has a diagonal detour step for preventing inner-outer corner inconsistency, but is still inconsistent with inner-corners and still requires extra movement operations on non-boundary pixels. In this paper, we propose the ISBF (Improved Simple Boundary Follower), which solves the inconsistencies and reduces the extra operations. In addition, we have classified the tour maps by paths from a current boundary pixel to the next boundary pixel and have analyzed SBF, MSBF, and ISBF. We have determined that the ISBF has no inconsistency issues and reduces the overall number of operations.

A study on the subset averaged median methods for gaussian noise reduction (가우시안 잡음 제거를 위한 부분 집합 평균 메디안 방법에 관한 연구)

  • 이용환;박장춘
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.120-134
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    • 1999
  • Image processing steps consist of image acquisition, pre-processing, region segmentation and recognition, and the images are easily corrupted by noise during the data transmission, data capture, and data processing. Impulse noise and gaussian noise are major noises, which can occur during the process. Many filters such as mean filter, median filter, weighted median filter, Cheikh filter, and Kyu-cheol Lee filter were proposed as spatial noise reduction filters so far. Many researches have been focused on the reduction of impulse noise, but comparatively the research in the reduction of gaussian noise has been neglected. For the reduction of gaussian noise, subset averaged median filter, using median information and subset average information of pixels in a window. was proposed. At this time, consider of the window size as 3$^{*}$3 pixel. The window is divided to 4 subsets consisted of 4 pixels. First of all, we calculate the average value of each subset, and then find the median value by sorting the average values and center pixel's value. In this paper, a better reduction of gaussian noise was proved. The proposed algorithms were implemented by ANSI C language on a Sun Ultra 2 for testing purposes and the effects and results of the filter in the various levels of noise and images were proposed by comparing the values of PSNR, MSE, and RMSE with the value of the other existing filtering methods.thods.

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The Obstacle Avoidance Algorithm of Mobile Robot using Line Histogram Intensity (Line Histogram Intensity를 이용한 이동로봇의 장애물 회피 알고리즘)

  • 류한성;최중경;구본민;박무열;방만식
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information and Communication Engineering
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    • v.6 no.8
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    • pp.1365-1373
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    • 2002
  • In this paper, we present two types of vision algorithm that mobile robot has CCD camera. for obstacle avoidance. This is simple algorithm that compare with grey level from input images. Also, The mobile robot depend on image processing and move command from PC host. we has been studied self controlled mobile robot system with CCD camera. This system consists of digital signal processor, step motor, RF module and CCD camera. we used wireless RF module for movable command transmitting between robot and host PC. This robot go straight until recognize obstacle from input image that preprocessed by edge detection, converting, thresholding. And it could avoid the obstacle when recognize obstacle by line histogram intensity. Host PC measurement wave from various line histogram each 20 pixel. This histogram is (x, y) value of pixel. For example, first line histogram intensity wave from (0, 0) to (0, 197) and last wave from (280, 0) to (2n, 197. So we find uniform wave region and nonuniform wave region. The period of uniform wave is obstacle region. we guess that algorithm is very useful about moving robot for obstacle avoidance.

The Development of Stereotest using Gabor Images in 3D Environment: An Explorative Study (3D 환경에서 가보 영상을 이용한 입체 시력 검사도구의 개발: 탐색적 연구)

  • Kham, Keetaek
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.901-911
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    • 2015
  • Many studies tried to develop a 3D display based stereo test as a substitute for the conventional stereo test. Although many 3D monitor based stereo tests have various advantages over the conventional stereo tests with printed stimuli, they have a crucial limitation in manipulating disparity. The least value for disparity manipulation is one pixel, which is too big to screen the normal stereo acuity in pc environment with a short viewing distance. In this explorative study, a Gabor image was employed as a test stimulus, because its position can be manipulated by changing its phase information, which allows sub-pixel manipulation for disparity. Instead of employing the methods of the conventional stereo tests where measurement was made only once for each of a wide range of disparity values, 10 replications were administrated for each of 6 disparity levels. The results from the test using Gabor images were compared with those using random dot stimulus because the latter stimulus was exactly the same as that of the conventional stereo test. The correlation coefficient between two tests was found to be moderate. After one month later, the whole test was repeated in the same settings. The correlation coefficient between test and retest results from Gabor images was found to be as high as that from a random dot stimulus, implying high test-retest reliability. These results suggest that a Gabor stimulus could be used as a test stimulus for the valid and reliable stereo test, even in the limited condition, such as 3D environment with a short viewing distance and a condition for evaluating the stereo acuity very precisely.

Efficient Homography Estimation for Panoramic Image Generation (효율적인 호모그래피 추정을 통한 파노라마 영상 생성)

  • Seo, Sangwon;Joeng, Soowoong;Han, Yunsang;Choi, Jongsoo;Lee, Sangkeun
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.50 no.8
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    • pp.215-224
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    • 2013
  • An efficient homography estimation method for large sized images is proposed. Estimating an accurate homography is one of the most important parts in image stitching processes. Since hardwares have been advanced, it has been passible to take higher resolution images. However, computational cost for estimating homography has been also increased. Specifically, when too many features exist in the images, it requires lots of computations to estimate a correct homography. Furthermore, there is a high probability of obtaining an incorrect homography. Therefore, we propose a numerical method to extract the appropriate correspondences from several down-scaled images to estimate and compensate the homography numerically for restoring an original homography. Also, if there is an unbalance in color tone between the reference and the target images, we make them balanced by using local information of the overlapped regions. Experimental results show that proposed method is three times faster in 3.2 mega pixel images, five times faster in 8mega pixel images than the conventional approach. Therefore, we believe that the proposed method can be a useful tool to efficiently estimate a homography.

PSNR Evaluation of P Company DSA System between Server Display Monitor and Client Display Monitor (P사 DSA 시스템의 Server Display Monitor와 Client Display Monitor의 PSNR 평가)

  • Lee, Junhaeng
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.43-49
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    • 2014
  • PACS is needed medical imaging with large-capacity storage device. Slower transmission degrades the performance of the PACS. Thus, the image read by the reading of the long-term stored image without compromising the quality of the video, which does not affect future readings in the range will be compressed and stored. Compression and video storage, and video transport Noise generated during storage and transmission of medical images and the resulting loss of information that occurs when the monitor output from many problems. The study estimates server display monitor and client display monitor of philips DSA system, and suggests that the evaluation and improvement about PSNR, process from server display signal obtaining to client display monitor. P company DSA is used in the test. Two monitors that are $1280{\times}1024$ pixel monitor of P company and 1536x2048 pixel monitor of Wide are used displaying angiography picture. MARO-view is taken in PACS program, and Visual $C^{++}$ is taken as accomplishing PSNR measurement program. As a result of experiment, no change in No 1, 3 of PSNR appear that there is no error in telephotograph and display. In terms of compressibility, low compressibility has small change of definition, and there was not remarkable drawback of compressibility which has little change in definition.

Change of MTF for Sampling Interval in Digital Detector (디지털 검출기에서 샘플링 간격에 따른 MTF의 변화)

  • Cho, Hyungwook;Chon, Kwonsu
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Radiology
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    • v.8 no.5
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    • pp.225-230
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    • 2014
  • Assessments of medical image was improved in accordance with development of medical imaging systems. One of them is edge method to determining MTF(Modulation Transfer Function) based on the Fujita method. Fujita was reduced sampling interval used slightly angulated slit to the direction of pixel array and composited finely sampled LSF to determine presampling MTF. In this study, we investigate the effect of sampling interval on the MTF under a digital imaging system by changing wire angle. The wire method was equivalent to the slit method except signal appearance. A Simens's MAMMOMAT Inspiration with $0.085{\times}0.085mm^2$ pixel size made by amorphous selenium was used and 96% accuracy on MTF in twice sampling interval compared with Fujita was obtained. However, three times of sampling interval showed 93% accuracy on 50% of MTF and 85% accuracy on 10% of MTF.

A Multi-thresholding Approach Improved with Otsu's Method (Otsu의 방법을 개선한 멀티 스래쉬홀딩 방법)

  • Li Zhe-Xue;Kim Sang-Woon
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI
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    • v.43 no.5 s.311
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    • pp.29-37
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    • 2006
  • Thresholding is a fundamental approach to segmentation that utilizes a significant degree of pixel popularity or intensity. Otsu's thresholding employed the normalized histogram as a discrete probability density function. Also it utilized a criterion that minimizes the between-class variance of pixel intensity to choose a threshold value for segmentation. However, the Otsu's method has a disadvantage of repeatedly searching optimal thresholds for the entire range. In this paper, a simple but fast multi-level thresholding approach is proposed by means of extending the Otsu's method. Rather than invoke the Otsu's method for the entire gray range, we advocate that the gray-level range of an image be first divided into smaller sub-ranges, and that the multi-level thresholds be achieved by iteratively invoking this dividing process. Initially, in the proposed method, the gray range of the object image is divided into 2 classes with a threshold value. Here, the threshold value for segmentation is selected by invoking the Otsu's method for the entire range. Following this, the two classes are divided into 4 classes again by applying the Otsu's method to each of the divided sub-ranges. This process is repeatedly performed until the required number of thresholds is obtained. Our experimental results for three benchmark images and fifty faces show a possibility that the proposed method could be used efficiently for pattern matching and face recognition.

Detection of Text Candidate Regions using Region Information-based Genetic Algorithm (영역정보기반의 유전자알고리즘을 이용한 텍스트 후보영역 검출)

  • Oh, Jun-Taek;Kim, Wook-Hyun
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.70-77
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    • 2008
  • This paper proposes a new text candidate region detection method that uses genetic algorithm based on information of the segmented regions. In image segmentation, a classification of the pixels at each color channel and a reclassification of the region-unit for reducing inhomogeneous clusters are performed. EWFCM(Entropy-based Weighted C-Means) algorithm to classify the pixels at each color channel is an improved FCM algorithm added with spatial information, and therefore it removes the meaningless regions like noise. A region-based reclassification based on a similarity between each segmented region of the most inhomogeneous cluster and the other clusters reduces the inhomogeneous clusters more efficiently than pixel- and cluster-based reclassifications. And detecting text candidate regions is performed by genetic algorithm based on energy and variance of the directional edge components, the number, and a size of the segmented regions. The region information-based detection method can singles out semantic text candidate regions more accurately than pixel-based detection method and the detection results will be more useful in recognizing the text regions hereafter. Experiments showed the results of the segmentation and the detection. And it confirmed that the proposed method was superior to the existing methods.