• Title/Summary/Keyword: Image Processing Method

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A Study on the Change of Cavity Area through Groundwater Injection Test under Pavement Cavity (도로하부 공동 내의 지하수 주입 실험을 통한 공동 영역 변화 연구)

  • Kim, Sang Mok;Choi, Hyeon;Yoon, Jin Sung;Park, Jeong Jun
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.267-275
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: In this study, GPR exploration equipment, spray vehicles and flow meters, core drill, borehole image processing system(BIPS), 3D cavity imagery equipment, and cavity formatting equipment were used to identify this cavity growth process. Method: A certain amount of water was injected in proportion to the mass of the cavity, and the cavity was observed to expand as the injected water was drained out. The cavity rating change was evaluated by quantitatively evaluating the expansion factors and the speed of growth. Results: According to the results of examining the volume change through injection time - injection flow rate - volume increase for the four experimenters, the volume increase decreased as the injection time increased, and there was no further increase in volume if injected for one hour or so. Conclusion: In addition, the injection test analyzed the volumetric variation to determine whether the cause of the cavity occurrence was the effect of the underground burial in the vicinity of the cavity. Therefore, it was found that the cavity expansion is caused by the repetition of the relaxation soil collapse due to the groundwater flow and the loss of the collapsed soil below the cavity.

Wavelet based video coding with spatial band coding (대역별 공간 부호화를 이용한 웨이블릿 기반 동영상 부호화)

  • Park, Min-Seon;Park, Sang-Ju
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.9B no.3
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    • pp.351-358
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    • 2002
  • Video compression based on DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform) has weakpoints of blocking artifacts and pixel loss when the resolution is changed. DWT (Discrete Wavelet Transform) based method can overcome such problems. In SAMCoW (Scalable Adaptive Motion Compensation Wavelet), one of wavelet based video coding algorithm, both intra frames and motion compensated error frames are encoded using EZW(Embedded Zerotree Wavelet) algorithm. However the property of wavelets transform coefficients of motion compensated error frames are different from that of still images. Signal energy is not highly concentrated in the lower bands which is true for most still image cases. Signal energy is rather evenly distributed over all frequency bands. This paper suggests a new video coding algorithm utilizing these properties. Spatial band coding which is known to be very effective for encoding images with relative1y high frequency components and not utilizing the interband coefficients correlation is applied instead of EZW to encode both intra and inter frames. In spatial band coding, the position and value of significant wavelet coefficients in each band are progressively transmitted. Unlike EZW, inter band coefficients correlations are not utilized in spatial band coding. It has been shown that spatial band coding gives better performance than EZW when applied to wavelet based video compression.

Subsurface Geological Structure Using Shallow Seismic Reflection Survey (반사법 탄성파 탐사를 이용한 천부 지질 구조)

  • Kim Gyu-Han;Kong Young-Sae;Oh Jinyong;Lee Jung-Mo
    • Geophysics and Geophysical Exploration
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    • v.2 no.1
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    • pp.8-16
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    • 1999
  • In terms of high resolution, seismic reflection survey is by far the most significant geophysical method applied to define subsurface structure. In shallow seismic reflection survey, it is, however, difficult to obtain high resolution image due to both the wave attenuation in the unconsolidated layer and the existence of source-generated surface waves Therefore, when collecting data, it is imperative to select proper equipments and choose optimum field data acquisition parameters for acquiring high S/N data. In this survey, a small size hammer was used as a low energy source and 40-Hz vertical geophones were used as receivers. Trigger signal was obtained from the hammer starter attached in the aluminum plate and thus it was possible to control the source onset time for the vertical stack. During the field work, a modified standard CMP technique was introduced to achieve the many-fold CMP data effectively. Data processing was conducted by the 'Seismic Unix' which is mounted on PC with a Linux operating system. The main distinctions were the emphasis and detail placed on near-surface velocity analysis and the extra care exercised in muting.

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A Study on Integrated Platform for Prevention of Disease and Insect-Pest of Fruit Tree (특용과수의 병해충 및 기상재해 방지를 위한 통합관리 플랫폼 설계에 대한 연구)

  • Kim, Hong Geun;Lee, Myeong Bae;Kim, Yu Bin;Cho, Yong Yun;Park, Jang Woo;Shin, Chang Sun
    • KIPS Transactions on Computer and Communication Systems
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    • v.5 no.10
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    • pp.347-352
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    • 2016
  • Recently, IoT technology has been applied in various field. In particular, the technology focuses on analysing large amount of data that has been gathered from the environmental sensors, to provide valuable information. This technique has been actively researched in the agro-industrial sector. Many researches are underway in the monitoring and control for growth crop environment in agro-industrial. Normally, the average weather data is provided by the manual agro-control method but the value may differ due to the different region's weather and environment that may cause problem in the disease and insect-pest prevention. In order to develop a suitable integrated system for fruit tree, all the necessary information is obtained from the Jeollanam-do province, which has the high production rate in the Korea. In this paper, we propose an integrated support platform for the growing crops, to minimize the damage caused due to the weather disaster through image analysis, forecasting models, by using the micro-climate weather information collection and CCTV. The fruit tree damage caused by the weather disaster are controlled by utilizing various IoT technology by maintaining the growth environment, which helps in the disease and insect-pest prevention and also helps farmers to improve the expected production.

ARQ Packet Error Control Scheme Using Multiple Threads Based on MMT Protocol (MMT 프로토콜 기반의 다중쓰레드를 활용한 ARQ 패킷 오류 제어 기법)

  • Won, Kwang-eun;Ahn, Eun-bin;Kim, Ayoung;Lee, Hong-rae;Seo, Kwang-deok
    • Journal of Broadcast Engineering
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.682-692
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    • 2018
  • In this paper, we propose an ARQ packet error control scheme using multiple threads in delivering massive capacity of multimedia based on MMT(MPEG Media Transport) protocol. On the sending side, each frame that constitutes an image is packetized into MMT packets based on MMT protocol. The header of the packet stores the sequence number of the frames contained in the packet and the time of presentation information. The payload of the packet stores the direct information that comprises the frame. The generated MMT packet is transmitted to the IP network. The receiving side checks if any error has occurred in the received packet. For any identified error, it controls the error through ARQ error control scheme and reconfigure the frame according to the information stored in the header of the received packet. At this point, a multi-threading based transport design is constructed so that each thread takes over a single frame, which increases the transmission efficiency of massive capacity multimedia. The efficiency of the multi-threading transport method is verified by solving the problems that might arise when using a single-thread approach if packets with errors are retransmitted.

A Study on the Production Characteristics of Anaglyph Motion Graphic Images by Digital Camera and Color Compositing (애너그리프(Anaglyph) 3D 입체모션그래픽 제작방법에 대한 연구 : 카메라 포지셔닝과 색상합성법을 중심으로)

  • Hyun, Seung-Hoon
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.14
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    • pp.165-176
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    • 2008
  • In the future there would be many kinds of digital images for many industrial markets. 3D stereoscopic images for variable fields; medical operation, film and animation, broadcasting, internet, game, or design for art and architecture. And many people to work about computer programming, and digital image making will concern about it more and more. However, these kinds works and studies are focused on the professional technical fields like 3D display or computer programming technology so far. To revitalize the market of a variable stereoscopic contents, there should build up the foundation for easy processing of the making stereoscopic images. This paper is based on stereoscopic making skills for anaglyph system. An anaglyph system has an old history about making stereoscopic images, and very simple method to produce the stereoscopic images. Particularly this study is focused on color compositing technique, and camera positioning on the compositing system. It will help optimization of the environments to create 3D motion graphic and animation contents.

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Hierarchical Text Extraction and Localization on Images (이미지로부터 계층적 문자열 추출에 관한 연구)

  • Jun, Byoung-Min;Jun, Woogyoung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.609-614
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    • 2018
  • This study was conducted to investigate the effects of turmeric powder on jeung-pyun. Turmeric jeung-pyun containing 0%, 0.5%, 1%, 1.5%, and 2% turmeric powder was prepared and the moisture, pH, sugar, color, texture, DPPH and sensory properties of the samples were measured. Moisture contents of jeung-pyun were 51.26~51.99% and there were significant differences among the samples(p<0.001). The L-values were significantly decreased with increasing turmeric powder content. The b-value was low in the control and there were significant differences among the samples(p<0.05). Texture profile analysis showed that there were no significant differences among the groups in hardness, adhesiveness, springiness, cohesiveness, gumminess, and chewiness. The hardness was the lowest in the control group and increased with increasing turmeric powder content. The antioxidant activities as measured by DPPH increased with increasing turmeric powder content (p<0.001). In the sensory evaluation, 1% addition of turmeric powder showed the highest preference in terms of color, taste, flavor, texture and overall preference(p<0.001). As determined by this study, the addition of 1% turmeric powder was the most favorable method for making use of turmeric powder in the production of jueng-pyun.

Internal Defection Evaluation of Spot Weld Part and Carbon Composite using the Non-contact Air-coupled Ultrasonic Transducer Method (비접촉 초음파 탐상기법을 이용한 스폿용접부 및 탄소복합체의 내부 결함평가)

  • Kwak, Nam-Su;Lee, Seung-Chul
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.11
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    • pp.6432-6439
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    • 2014
  • The NAUT (Non-contact Air coupled Ultrasonic Testing) technique is one of the ultrasonic testing methods that enables non-contact ultrasonic testing by compensating for the energy loss caused by the difference in acoustic impedance of air with an ultrasonic pulser receiver, PRE-AMP and high-sensitivity transducer. As the NAUT is performed in a state of steady ultrasonic transmission and reception, testing can be performed on materials of high or low temperatures or specimens with a rough surface or narrow part, which could not have been tested using the conventional contact-type testing technique. For this study, the internal defects of spot weld, which are often applied to auto parts, and CFRP parts, were tested to determine if it is practical to make the NAUT technique commercial. As the spot welded part had a high ultrasonic transmissivity, the result was shown as red. On the other hand, the part with an internal defect had a layer of air and low transmissivity, which was shown as blue. In addition, depending on the PRF (Pulse Repetition Frequency), an important factor that determines the measurement speed, the color sharpness showed differences. With the images obtained from CFRP specimens or an imaging device, it was possible to identify the shape, size and position of the internal defect within a short period of time. In this paper, it was confirmed in the above-described experiment that both internal defect detection and image processing of the defect could be possible using the NAUT technique. Moreover, it was possible to apply NAUT to the detection of internal defects in the spot welded parts or in CFRP parts, and commercialize its practical application to various fields.

Energy Minimization Model for Pattern Classification of the Movement Tracks (행동궤적의 패턴 분류를 위한 에너지 최소화 모델)

  • Kang, Jin-Sook;Kim, Jin-Sook;Cha, Eul-Young
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartB
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    • v.11B no.3
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    • pp.281-288
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    • 2004
  • In order to extract and analyze complex features of the behavior of animals in response to external stimuli such as toxic chemicals, we implemented an adaptive computational method to characterize changes in the behavior of chironomids in response to treatment with the insecticide, diazinon. In this paper, we propose an energy minimization model to extract the features of response behavior of chironomids under toxic treatment, which is applied on the image of velocity vectors. It is based on the improved active contour model and the variations of the energy functional, which are produced by the evolving active contour. The movement tracks of individual chironomid larvae were continuously measured in 0.25 second intervals during the survey period of 4 days before and after the treatment. Velocity on each sample track at 0.25 second intervals was collected in 15-20 minute periods and was subsequently checked to effectively reveal behavioral states of the specimens tested. Active contour was formed around each collection of velocities to gradually evolve to find the optimal boundaries of velocity collections through processes of energy minimization. The active contour which is improved by T. Chan and L. Vese is used in this paper. The energy minimization model effectively revealed characteristic patterns of behavior for the treatment versus no treatment, and identified changes in behavioral states .is the time progressed.

Development of Attack Intention Extractor for Soccer Robot system (축구 로봇의 공격 의도 추출기 설계)

  • 박해리;정진우;변증남
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI
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    • v.40 no.4
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    • pp.193-205
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    • 2003
  • There has been so many research activities about robot soccer system in the many research fields, for example, intelligent control, communication, computer technology, sensor technology, image processing, mechatronics. Especially researchers research strategy for attacking in the field of strategy, and develop intelligent strategy. Then, soccer robots cannot defense completely and efficiently by using simple defense strategy. Therefore, intention extraction of attacker is needed for efficient defense. In this thesis, intention extractor of soccer robots is designed and developed based on FMMNN(Fuzzy Min-Max Neural networks ). First, intention for soccer robot system is defined, and intention extraction for soccer robot system is explained.. Next, FMMNN based intention extractor for soccer robot system is determined. FMMNN is one of the pattern classification method and have several advantages: on-line adaptation, short training time, soft decision. Therefore, FMMNN is suitable for soccer robot system having dynamic environment. Observer extracts attack intention of opponents by using this intention exactor, and this intention extractor is also used for analyzing strategy of opponent team. The capability of developed intention extractor is verified by simulation of 3 vs. 3 robot succor simulator. It was confirmed that the rates of intention extraction each experiment increase.