• Title/Summary/Keyword: Iec61850

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Design of New IEC 61850 Logical Node about Main Transformer Local Unit (변압기 Local Unit의 IEC61850 Logical Node 설계)

  • Choi, D.H.;Kim, M.H.;Yang, H.J.;Choi, Y.J.
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2007.07a
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    • pp.511-512
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    • 2007
  • 변전소 자동화 시스템은 변전소 내의 주요 전기적 데이터들을 DB화 하여 그 트렌드 및 이벤트 내역을 관리하고 각종 제어를 수행하고 상태를 감시하는 시스템이다. 현재 전 세계적으로 IEC 61850 프로토콜을 적용하고 그 목적에 맞게 Interoperability를 구현하려는 노력이 진행되고 있으며 이에 맞추어 변전소 및 Utility에 적용되는 많은 시스템들이 IEC 61850의 적용에 박차를 가하고 있는 상황이다. 이에 따라 변전소 내의 주요기기중의 하나인 주 변압기에 설치되어 변압기의 상태를 감시하고 관리하는 IED인 변압기 Local Unit에 사용할 수 있는 새로운 IEC 61850 Local Unit의 Logical Node를 설계한다.

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A Study on Implementation of IRIG-B Protocol for Clock Synchronization at IEC 61850 Process Level (IEC61850 프로세서 레벨에서의 시간 동기화를 위한 IRIG-B 프로토콜 구현에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Gwan-Su;Lee, Hong-Hee;Kim, Byung-Jin;Park, Jong-Chan
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2007.07a
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    • pp.17-18
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    • 2007
  • 현재 변전소 자동화의 국제표준으로 대두되고 있는 IEC 61850은 스테이션 버스뿐만 아니라 프로세서 버스까지도 표준화된 통신 기술을 채용하였고, 자동화에 필요한 모델을 제시하고 있다. 오늘날 변전소 내의 많은 전력기기들이 시간 동기화를 필요로 하고 있으며, 프로세서 레벨에서 동작하는 기기들의 IEC61850 통신 서비스를 수행하기 위해서는 반드시 동기화 되어야 한다. 본 연구에서는 IEC 61850 프로세서 레벨에서 정밀한 시간동기화를 구현하기에 적합한 IRIG-B 시간 동기화 프로토콜을 고찰하였다.

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Development of Unified SCADA System Based on IEC61850 in Wave-Offshore Wind Hybrid Power Generation System (파력-해상풍력 복합발전시스템의 IEC61850기반 통합 SCADA시스템 개발)

  • Lee, Jae-Kyu;Lee, Sang-Yub;Kim, Tae-Hyoung;Ham, Kyung-Sun
    • The Transactions of The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers
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    • v.65 no.5
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    • pp.811-818
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    • 2016
  • This paper suggests a structure of power control system in floating wave-offshore wind hybrid power generation system. We have developed an unified SCADA(Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition) system which can be used to monitor and control PCS(Power Conversion System) based on IEC61850. The SCADA system is essential to perform the algorithm like proportional distribution and data acquisition, monitoring, active power, reactive power control in hybrid power generation system. IEC61850 is an international standard for electrical substation automation systems. It was made to compensate the limitations of the legacy industrial protocols such as Modbus. In order to test the proposed SCADA system and algorithm, we have developed the wind-wave simulator based Modbus. We have designed a protocol conversion device based on real-time Linux for the communication between Modbus and IEC61850. In this study, SCADA system consists of four 3MW class wind turbines and twenty-four 100kW class wave force generator.

The Integrated SCADA Data Gateway Platform based on SmartGrid (스마트 그리드 기반 통합 SCADA Data Gateway 플랫폼)

  • Song, Byung-Kwen
    • Journal of IKEEE
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.140-145
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    • 2014
  • OPC UA(IEC62541) is a communication protocol for SG(Smart Grid) application platform. It was standardized by IEC TC57 group in December 2012. The IEC61850 has been used in Digital Substation Systems and Smart Distributed Systems. The DNP3.0 has been used for device's data collection/control in Distributed Systems. The DLMS/COSEM has been used to control metering and collect information in the Smart Metering. The top-level SG management platform needs an independent middleware to manage transparently the Power Information Technology, including the IEC61850, DNP3.0, DLMS/COSEM. In this paper, we propose the SDG(Scada Data Gateway) platform. It manages Power Information Technology based Digital Substation Systems and Smart Distributed systems, Smart Metering through OPC UA.

Study on the performance verification of IEC 61850 communication service on domestic IEDs (국내 IED 시작품대상 IEC 61850 통신서비스 성능 검증에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, N.H;Jang, B.T.
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2008.11a
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    • pp.3-5
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    • 2008
  • Korea Electric Power Research Institute has being carried out an IEC 61580 based communication service test on domestic IED trial products developed related to power IT project. This paper describes IEC 61850-10 conformance test and testing items established by UCA international Users Group and this study is on the analysis of testing results from IED communication service with selected testing blocks, which consist of Basic association, Dataset, Reporting and GOOSE.

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IEC61850 based Substation Automation System Prototype Development (IEC61850 기반 변전소 자동화 시스템 프로토타입 개발)

  • Kim, Myong-Hoe;Kim, Hae-Nu-Ri;Rim, Seong-Jeong;Park, Dong-Ho;Lee, Seung-Jae
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2006.11a
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    • pp.308-310
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    • 2006
  • TEC61850은 변전소 자동화에 있어서 변전소 감시, 보호, 제어, 운전에 필요한 모든 부분에 IT 기술을 적용한 디지털 제어 기반의 차세대 변전소 자동화 시스템을 설계 개발 운용하는 기술로서 변전소 운전의 자동화 및 무인화를 위한 핵심 기술이다. 본 논문은 국제 표준인 IEC 61850 기반의 변전소 자동화 시스템 프로토타입에 대하여 다루고 있다. 먼저 IEC 61850 기반 변전소 자동화 시스템의 구성에 대해 설명하고, 시스템 구현에 있어서 실제 데이터 모델을 설계하고 통신 모듈을 구현하는 방법에 대해 설명하였다. 또한 SCL을 이용한 엔지니어링 하는 방법 및 전체 시스템 구현 방법에 대하여 서술하였다.

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Performance Analysis of IEEE 802.15.4 for D1 Small Distribution Substation (D1 소규모 배전 변전소를 위한 IEEE 802.15.4 성능 분석)

  • Hwang, Sung-Ho;Kang, Eun-Young
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.17 no.1
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    • pp.115-121
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    • 2017
  • Times New RomanThe utilization of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the smart grid application can construct efficient and reliable electrical grid. IEC 61850 was adopted as the standard for smart grid exchanging the information required in an electric power utility. However, applying technologies like IEC 61850 using Ethernet to the automation of small distribution substation directly may cost more than the value of the small distribution substation itself. IEEE 802.15.4 technology attracts attention in the field of power utility automation because of low installation cost and ease of installation. Studies are conducted, which use IEEE 802.15.4 in less strict D1 small distribution substation. This study applied IEEE 802.15.4 to the small distribution substation and conducted performance evaluation using the actual equipment. This study determined the scope of application of IEEE 802.15.4 by conducting a comparative analysis of the message type in IEC 61850.

A Study on the Test Method of Local Information Processing Device in Digital Substation Based on IEC 61850 (IEC 61850 기반 디지털변전소 현장정보처리장치 시험 방법에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Nam-Dae;Kim, Woo-Jung;Lee, Nam-Ho;Kim, Seok-Kon;Jang, Byung-Tae
    • KEPCO Journal on Electric Power and Energy
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.253-257
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    • 2020
  • The local information processing devices are devices that process information by converting voltage, current, and digital electric signals from legacy-type power facility into IEC 61850 based data. It acquires and processes the operation information of legacy-type power facility, performs control of power facility, and interlock function using internal logic. In particular, the time to convert data to process input and output information for a device is important because a number of protection relay input and output signals are handled by only one device. This paper introduces test methods and cases for measuring IEC 61850 communication function and input/output data conversion time of local information processing device.

A Study on Harmonization of CIM and IEC 61850 (CIM과 IEC 61850의 Harmonization에 관한 연구)

  • Kwak, Jong-Kab;Lee, Byung-Hoon;Choi, Gui-Yul;Ham, Dong-Hwa;Jang, Hyuk-Soo;Jang, Byung-Tea;Lee, Nam-Ho
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2011.07a
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    • pp.238-239
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    • 2011
  • 현재 차세대 지능형 전력망인 스마트 그리드의 연구와 투자가 본격적으로 진행되고 있다. 스마트 그리드의 중추적인 역할을 하는 변전소는 국제표준인 IEC 61850을 기반으로 진행되고 있으며 앞으로 범위를 넓혀 전력계통의 모든 과정을 표준화하고 자동화하는 표준이 필요하다. 이러한 모든 전력계통을 통합화하는 표준으로 IEC 61970 공통정보모델 CIM(Common Information Model)이 있다. CIM은 전력계통 전반에 사용되는 데이터, 장치, 연결 등을 포함하는 객체들을 나타내는 추상적 모델이다. 또한, 객체 클래스들을 이용하여 시스템을 통합하는 방법을 제공한다. 본 논문에서는 이러한 CIM에 대한 개요 및 구성에 대해 간단히 살펴보고 CIM이 구성하는 패키지에 대해서 알아본다. 또한, CIM과 IEC 61850의 차이점을 알아보고 현재 CIM과 IEC 61850의 Harmonization 현황에 대해 알아본다.

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The Study of IEC61850 Object Models for Transformer Preventive Diagnosis (변압기 예방진단을 위한 IEC61850 객체모델에 관한 연구)

  • HwangBo, Sung-Wook;Oh, Eui-Suk;Kim, Beung-Jin;Kim, Hyun-Sung;Lee, Jung-Buk;Park, Gui-Chul
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 2006.07a
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    • pp.103-104
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    • 2006
  • Since the first proposition of IEC61850 object model at 1993, many questions about making a seamless model have been issued. the reason which they have worry about is that the functions of the equipment are supposed to be changed properly and new equipment and scheme are need to be introduced according to user's application. To handle those issues, TC57 which is a IEC committee for power control and communication has continuously updated the object model. Nowadays along with the new object model involving power quality, distribution resource and wind power, the committee has a plan to announce the revision of IEC61850-7-4. In the study, authors will present the prediction and diagnosis object models for transformer. Transformer models for protection and control have already been dealt with in the international standard but the models for prediction and diagnosis have never mentioned until now. Designing the prediction and diagnosis functions with the existing IEC61850-7-4, it'll be shown what is a proper object model for prediction and diagnosis.

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