• Title/Summary/Keyword: Ice condition

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Study on Resistance Performance of Icebreaking Cargo Vessel According to Variation of Thickness and Waterline Angle by Using Synthetic Ice (합성얼음을 이용한 얼음의 두께와 수선면각 변화에 따른 쇄빙상선 저항특성 연구)

  • Shin, Byung-Chul;Kim, Moon-Chan;Lee, Seung-Ho;Lee, Seung-Ki
    • Journal of the Society of Naval Architects of Korea
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    • v.48 no.2
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    • pp.134-140
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    • 2011
  • The present paper deals with characteristics of resistance performance according to the variation of synthetic ice thickness and hull form. The resistance test has been conducted with pack ice condition in Pusan National University towing tank. Waterline angle has been chosen as a main parameter for the variation of hull form characteristics, which is the most important factor especially in icebreaking cargo vessel. The serial comparisons of resistance test have been done with the variation of hull form parameter as well as with the different thickness of synthetic ice. The different trend of resistance performances with increasing of waterline angle has been shown at each synthetic ice thickness. The present test results is expected to be confirmed by comparing the test results in ice tank in the near future.

Optimal Scheduling of Ice Storage System with Prediction of Cooling Loads (예측 냉방부하를 이용한 빙축열시스템의 최적 운전계획)

  • 이경호;최병윤;주용진;이상렬;한승호
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.12 no.11
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    • pp.982-993
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    • 2000
  • This paper describes an optimal control scheduling of an encapsulated ice storage system with a chiller of nominal chiller 34RT(103,200kcal/hr) and an ice storage tank of 170RT-hrs(514,080 kcal). The optimization technique used in the study is dynamic programing. The objective function is summed cost during a day including charge and discharge periods. Control strategies being used commercially are chiller priority and storage priority control. In chiller priority control, the chiller is allowed to run at full capacity during the day, subject to limitations of the building load, and the ice is only melted when and if the load exceeds the chillers full capacity. In contrast to chiller priority control, the aim in storage priority control is to melt as much as ice as possible during the day time period. The system simulation calculates the operation costs for the three control strategies in the condition of the same cooling load and the same ice storage system. The simulation period is a day, assuming that initially the tank is stored fully and the cooling load is perfectly predicted for the scheduling. Also Final state of the tank is to be charged fully.

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Strength assessment method of ice-class propeller under the design ice load condition

  • Ye, L.Y.;Guo, C.Y.;Wang, C.;Wang, C.H.;Chang, X.
    • International Journal of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.542-552
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    • 2019
  • The strength assessment is the most important part at the design of ice-class propeller. Based on ice rules for ice-class propeller in IACS URI3 and FEM, the strength assessment method of ice-class propeller is established in this paper. To avoid the multifarious meshing process of propeller blade, an automatic meshing method has been developed by dividing the propeller geometry into a number of 8-node hexahedron elements along radial, chordwise and thickness directions, then the loaded areas in five cases can easily be calculated and identified. The static FEM is applied to calculate the stress and deformation of propeller blade. The fair agreements between the results of the present method and ANSYS/Workbench demonstrate its robust and the feasibility, and also the method is able to produce smooth gradient field. The blade stress and deformation distributions for five load cases are studied, and then the strength of the whole blade is checked.

Experimental Study on The Running Characteristics of Showcase Using Cold Storage System (과냉각 축냉시스템을 적용한 쇼케이스의 운전 특성에 대한 실험적 연구)

  • Lee, Dong-Won;Kim, Jeongbae
    • Journal of the Korean Solar Energy Society
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.22-28
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to show how tomaintain high efficiency and to use reasonably when being applied the cold-heat storage systems to the showcase. An experimental study was performed to manufacture the showcase system in a laboratory. Comparing the result at general operation condition with that of the new condition using ice storage system, this study showed the effects of the refrigerant sub-cooling, and with using inverter. Using ice storage system, the ice making process was operated during midnight being not needed the cooling of the showcase through the continuous running of the condenser unit. And then, the refrigerant was sub-cooled using the stored cold-heat after being discharged from the air cooling condenser during the day time. Through the experiments, the load transfer rate for the showcase using inverter and ice storage was estimated about 30.0%. And showed that the total power consumption of the showcase with inverter could be reduced about 37% than that of the showcase without inverter.

Experimental Study of Showcase Using Cold Storage System (축냉 시스템을 적용한 쇼케이스 운전에 대한 실험적 연구)

  • Lee, Eun-Ji;Lee, Dong-Won;Kim, Yong-Chan
    • Proceedings of the SAREK Conference
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    • 2008.06a
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    • pp.1111-1116
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    • 2008
  • The purpose of this study is to maintain high efficiency and reasonable use of cold-heat storage systems operated the showcase. An experimental study is carried out to manufacture the showcase system in a laboratory. Comparing the result at general operation condition with that at the new condition using ice storage system, this study showed the effects of the refrigerant sub-cooling, and with using inverter. At the condition using ice storage system, the ice making process was operated during midnight being not needed the cooling of the showcase through the continuous running of the condenser unit. And then, the refrigerant was sub-cooled using stored cold-heat after being discharged from the air cooling condenser during the day time. The cooling performance was increased owing to the sub-cooling of refrigerant during day time, hence the running time of the compressor was effectively decreased. In other words, this study showed that power consumption during daytime can be transferred to the midnight for making use of the refrigerant sub-cooling.

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Comparison of the Impact of an Optimized Ice Cooling Vest and a Paraffin Cooling Vest on Physiological and Perceptual Strain

  • zare, Mansoor;dehghan, Habibollah;yazdanirad, Saeid;khoshakhlagh, Amir hossein
    • Safety and Health at Work
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.219-223
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    • 2019
  • Background: Ice cooling vests can cause tissue damage and have no flexibility. Therefore, these two undesirable properties of ice cooling vest were optimized, and the present study was aimed to compare the impact of the optimized ice cooling vest and a commercial paraffin cooling vest on physiological and perceptual strain under controlled conditions. Methods: For optimizing, hydrogel was used to increase the flexibility and a layer of the ethylene vinyl acetate foam was placed into the inside layer of packs to prevent tissue damage. Then, 15 men with an optimized ice cooling vest, with a commercial paraffin cooling vest, and without a cooling vest performed tests including exercise on a treadmill (speed of 2.8 km/hr and slope of %0) under hot ($40^{\circ}C$) and dry (40 %) condition for 60 min. The physiological strain index and skin temperature were measured every 5 and 15 minutes, respectively. The heat strain score index and perceptual strain index were also assessed every 15 minutes. Results: The mean values of the physiological and perceptual indices differed significantly between exercise with and without cooling vests (P < 0.05). However, the difference of the mean values of the indices except the value of the skin temperature during the exercises with the commercial paraffin cooling vest and the optimized ice cooling vest was not significant (P > 0.05). Conclusions: The optimized ice cooling vest was as effective as the commercial paraffin cooling vest to control the thermal strain. However, ice has a greater latent heat and less production cost.

Stable Anisotropic Freezing Modeling Technique Using the Interaction between IISPH Fluids and Ice Particles (안정적이고 이방성한 빙결 모델링을 위한 암시적 비압축성 유체와 얼음 입자간의 상호작용 기법)

  • Kim, Jong-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korea Computer Graphics Society
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2020
  • In this paper, we propose a new method to stable simulation the directional ice shape by coupling of freezing solver and viscous water flow. The proposed ice modeling framework considers viscous fluid flow in the direction of ice growth, which is important in freezing simulation. The water simulation solution uses the method of applying a new viscous technique to the IISPH(Implicit incompressible SPH) simulation, and the ice direction and the glaze effect use the proposed anisotropic freezing solution. The condition in which water particles change state to ice particles is calculated as a function of humidity and new energy with water flow. Humidity approximates a virtual water film on the surface of the object, and fluid flow is incorporated into our anisotropic freezing solution to guide the growth direction of ice. As a result, the results of the glaze and directional freezing simulations are shown stably according to the flow direction of viscous water.

Ecology and Biology of the Antarctic Soft - shelled Clam, Laternula elliptica ( Bivalvia : Laternulidae ) (남극큰띠조개 Laternula elliptica (이미패강 : 띠조개과 ) 의 생태 및 생물학적 특성)

  • 안인영
    • The Korean Journal of Malacology
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.41-46
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    • 1994
  • The Antarctic soft-shelled clam, Laternula elliptica is widely distributed in shallow waters around the Antarctic Continent and islands. This bivalve species occurs in densepatches particularly in sheltered but frequently ice-impacted areas. This species mostly occurs at atound 20-30 m depth and is rarely found at depths shallower than 5 m where ice abrasion by drifting or grounded icebergs is severe. It burrows deep into sedimint(frequently >50 cm), which seems to be primarily a means for avoiding ice impacts. A pair of stout and highly extendable siphons appear to be a morphological reature to feed in the ice-scoured substrates while staying deep in the sedimint. As one of the largest bivalves in the Antarctic waters, L. elliptica appears to grow rapidly, reaching to a shell length of approximately 100 mm in 12 or 13 years. L. elliptica feeds sctively during summer when food is sufficiently provided, implying that food may be the most inportant fator regulating the growth. Seasonal variations in food availability, and metabolic process in starvation condition possibly during winter, however, are yet to be further investigated.

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An Application of Plasticity Model for Ice Deformation Characteristics (수변형 특성에 있어서 소성 모델의 응용)

  • Choe, Gyeong-Sik
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.15-21
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    • 1990
  • This study focuses the mechanical deformation response predicted by the plasticity model for polycrystalline ice. To describe various deformation characteristics, ice is idealized as a perfectly plastic material using an asymptotic exponential failure criterion. This criterion is suite for describing materials which exhibit brittle deformation at low hydrostatic pressure and ductile deformation at high hydrostatic pressure. The results are compared to those of continuum damage mechanics model. Plasticity model shows good agreement with damage model and experimental results for high confining pressures even at high strain-rates which is usually considered as a brittle condition under uniaxial compression.

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An Application of Plasticity Model for Ice Deformation Characteristics (수변형 특성에 있어서 소성 모델의 응용)

  • Choe, Gyeong-Sik
    • Journal of Ocean Engineering and Technology
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.165-165
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    • 1990
  • This study focuses the mechanical deformation response predicted by the plasticity model for polycrystalline ice. To describe various deformation characteristics, ice is idealized as a perfectly plastic material using an asymptotic exponential failure criterion. This criterion is suite for describing materials which exhibit brittle deformation at low hydrostatic pressure and ductile deformation at high hydrostatic pressure. The results are compared to those of continuum damage mechanics model. Plasticity model shows good agreement with damage model and experimental results for high confining pressures even at high strain-rates which is usually considered as a brittle condition under uniaxial compression.