• Title/Summary/Keyword: IVF embryos

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The effect of insemination methods on in vitro maturation outcomes

  • Pongsuthirak, Pallop
    • Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine
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    • v.47 no.2
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    • pp.130-134
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    • 2020
  • Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the effects of conventional insemination (in vitro fertilization [IVF]) and intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) on the fertilization, developmental competence, implantation potential, and clinical pregnancy rate of embryos derived from in vitro matured oocytes of patients with polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). Methods: A prospective study was carried out among 38 PCOS patients who had undergone In vitro maturation (IVM) treatment. In total, 828 immature oocytes were collected from 42 cycles and randomly assigned for insemination by IVF (416 oocytes) or ICSI (412 oocytes). After fertilization, the embryos were cultured until the blastocyst stage and single embryos were transferred after endometrial preparation and under ultrasound guidance. Results: No significant differences were found in the maturation rate (78.1% vs. 72.6% for IVF and ICSI insemination, respectively; p= 0.076), fertilization rate (59.4% vs. 66.9% for IVF and ICSI insemination, respectively; p= 0.063), or the formation of good-quality blastocysts (40.9% vs. 46.5% for IVF and ICSI insemination, respectively; p= 0.314). Implantation and clinical pregnancy also did not show significant differences. Conclusion: There was a comparable yield of in vitro matured oocytes derived from PCOS patients in terms of fertilization, blastocyst formation, implantation rate, and clinical pregnancy between IVF and ICSI insemination. These findings provide valuable insights for choosing assisted reproductive treatment in women with PCOS, as IVM offers promising outcomes and is less invasive and less costly.

Choosing a culture medium for SCNT and iSCNT reconstructed embryos: from domestic to wildlife species

  • Cordova, A.;King, W.A.;Mastromonaco, G.F.
    • Journal of Animal Science and Technology
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    • v.59 no.11
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    • pp.24.1-24.14
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    • 2017
  • Over the past decades, in vitro culture media have been developed to successfully support IVF embryo growth in a variety of species. Advanced reproductive technologies, such as somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT), challenge us with a new type of embryo, with special nutritional requirements and altered physiology under in vitro conditions. Numerous studies have successfully reconstructed cloned embryos of domestic animals for biomedical research and livestock production. However, studies evaluating suitable culture conditions for SCNT embryos in wildlife species are scarce (for both intra- and interspecies SCNT). Most of the existing studies derive from previous IVF work done in conventional domestic species. Extrapolation to non-domestic species presents significant challenges since we lack information on reproductive processes and embryo development in most wildlife species. Given the challenges in adapting culture media and conditions from IVF to SCNT embryos, developmental competence of SCNT embryos remains low. This review summarizes research efforts to tailor culture media to SCNT embryos and explore the different outcomes in diverse species. It will also consider how these culture media protocols have been extrapolated to wildlife species, most particularly using SCNT as a cutting-edge technical resource to assist in the preservation of endangered species.

Expression and Localization of Heat Shock Protein 70 in Frozen-Thawed IVF and Nuclear Transfrred Bovine Embryos

  • Park, Y.J;S.J Song;J.T Do;B.S Yoon;Kim, A.J;K.S Chung;Lee, H.T
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Embryo Transfer Conference
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    • 2002.11a
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    • pp.78-78
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    • 2002
  • The role of heat shock proteins in shielding organism from environmental stress is illustrated by the large-scale synthesis of these protein by the organism studied to date. However, recent evidence also suggests an important role for heat shock protein in fertilization and early development of mammalian embryos. Effects of elevated in vitro temperature on in vitro produced bovine embryos were analysed in order to determine its impact on the expression of heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) by control and frozen-thawed after in vitro fertilization (IVF) or nuclear transfer (NT). The objective of this study was to assess the developmental potential in vitro produced embryos with using of the various containers and examined expression and localization of heat shock protein 70 after it's frozen -thawed. For the vitrification, in vitro produced embryos at 2 cell, 8 cell and blastocysts stage after IVF and NT were exposed the ethylene glycol 5.5 M freezing solution (EG 5.5) for 30 sec, loaded on each containers such EM grid, straw and cryo-loop and then immediately plunged into liquid nitrogen. Thawed embryos were serially diluted in sucrose solution, each for 1 min, and cultured in CRI-aa medium. Survival rates of the vitrification production were assessed by re-expanded, hatched blastocysts. There were no differences in the survival rates of IVF using EM grid, cryo-loop. However, survival rates by straw were relatively lower than other containers. Only, nuclear transferred embryos survived by using cryo-loop. After IVF or NT, in vitro matured bovine embryos 2 cell, 8 cell and blastocysts subjected to control and thawed conditions were analysed by semiquantitive reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction methods for hsp 70 mRNA expression. Results revealed the expression of hsp 70 mRNA were higher thawed embryos than control embryos. Immunocytochemistry used to localization the hsp70 protein in embryos. Two, 8-cell embryos derived under control condition was evenly distributed in the cytoplasm but appeared as aggregates in some embryos exposed frozen-thawed. However, under control condition, blastocysts displayed aggregate signal while Hsp70 in frozen-thawed blastocysts appeared to be more uniform in distribution.

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Effect of $\beta$-Mercaptoethanol and Cysteamine With Bovine Oviduct Epithelial Cells on Development and Intracellular Glutathione Concentrations of Bovine IVM/IVF Embryos ($\beta$-Mercaptoethanol과 Cysteamine 첨가와 소 난관상피세포 공동배양이 소 체외수정란의 체외발육과 세포내 Glutathione 농도 변화에 미치는 영향)

  • 박동헌;양부근;김준국;정희태;박춘근;김종복;김정익
    • Journal of Embryo Transfer
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    • v.12 no.3
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    • pp.269-276
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    • 1997
  • The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of thiol compounds with bovine oviduct epithlial crlls(BOEC) co culture on development and intracellular glutathione(GSH) concentrations of bovine embryos derived from IVM /IVF oocytes. In experiment 1 and 2, embryos developed to 2~8 cell stage after in vitro fertilization were co-cultured with BOEC in CR$_1$aa with or without $\beta$-mercaptoethanol($\beta$-ME) and cysteamine. The percentage of embryos that developed to morulae and blastocysts in 0,10, 25 and 5O$\pi$M $\beta$-ME with BOEC was 48.1, 64.0, 72.9 and 75.9%, respectively. Twenty-five and 5O$\pi$M $\beta$-ME groups were significantly higher than in 0 and 1O$\pi$M $\beta$- -ME groups(P$\pi$M cysteamine with BOEC was 50.0, 53.2, 72.0 and 66.7%, respectively. Fifty $\pi$M cysteamine group was significantly higher than any other groups (P$_4$aa with 0 and 5O$\pi$M $\beta$-ME or cysteamine were 68.5, 77.8, 78.7 and 80.0pM, respectively. Fifty $\pi$M $\beta$-ME group was significantly higher than that of control(P<0.05), but cysteamine group was not. Cell numbers of blastocysts were not difference in all experimental groups. These experiments indicate that $\beta$-ME and cysteamine with BOEC co-culture can affect the development and intracellular GSH concentrations of bovine embryos produced by IVM /IVF docytes.

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Analysis of Endoplasmic Reticulum (ER) Stress Induced during Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer (SCNT) Process in Porcine SCNT Embryos

  • Lee, Hwa-Yeon;Bae, Hyo-Kyung;Jung, Bae-Dong;Lee, Seunghyung;Park, Choon-Keun;Yang, Boo-Keun;Cheong, Hee-Tae
    • Development and Reproduction
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.73-83
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    • 2018
  • This study investigates the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress and subsequent apoptosis in duced during somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) process of porcine SCNT embryos. Porcine SCNT and in vitro fertilization (IVF) embryos were sampled at 3 h and 20 h after SCNT or IVF and at the blastocyst stage for mRNA extraction. The x-box binding protein 1 (Xbp1) mRNA and the expressions of ER stress-associated genes were confirmed by RT-PCR or RT-qPCR. Apoptotic gene expression was analyzed by RT-PCR. Before commencing SCNT, somatic cells treated with tunicamycin (TM), an ER stress inducer, confirmed the splicing of Xbp1 mRNA and increased expressions of ER stress-associated genes. In all the embryonic stages, the SCNT embryos, when compared with the IVF embryos, showed slightly increased expression of spliced Xbp1 (Xbp1s) mRNA and significantly increased expression of ER stress-associated genes (p<0.05). In all stages, apoptotic gene expression was slightly higher in the SCNT embryos, but not significantly different from that of the IVF embryos except for the Bax/Bcl2L1 ratio in the 1-cell stage (p<0.05). The result of this study indicates that excessive ER stress can be induced by the SCNT process, which induce apoptosis of SCNT embryos.

Factors Affecting In vitro Fertilization and Subsequent Development of Bovine Oocytes (소 난자의 체외수정 및 이후 발육에 영향을 미치는 요인들)

  • 윤종택;노상호;정연길;이호준;한기영
    • Journal of Embryo Transfer
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.23-29
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    • 1999
  • The objectives of the study were to establish sperm separation method and duration of insemination for bovine IVF. Oocytes from slaughterhouse ovaries were matured and fertilized using general protocol. After 18 or 42 h of insemination, six to ten embryos were placed into a 30${mu}ell$ drop of each medium, and the embryos were examined 7~10d post in semination without medium renewal. First, we compared Percoll gradient will swim-up technique for sperm separation. There was no difference in cleavage rates between them, but the development rates over morula stage of oocytes fertilized with sperm separated by Percoll gradient was significantly higher than that sperm selected by swim-up technique (p<0.05). Second, we evaluated development of bovine embryos derived from the IVF procedure with different durations(18 vs 42 h) of fertilization. There was also no difference in cleavage rates, but the development to blastocyst stage of oocytes exposed in cleavage rates, but the development to blastocyst stage of oocytes exposed to sperm for 42 h was significantly higher than that exposed for 18 h (p<0.05). In conclusion, Percoll gradient can be used for sperm selecton, improving of embryonic development. Also, 42h of IVF may improve the development of bovine embryos.

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Gene Expression of the In Vitro Fertilized or Somatic Cell Nuclear Transfer Embryos Cultured in Medium Supplemented with Different Proteins or Energy Substrates

  • Jang, Goo;Ko, Kyeong-Hee;Jeon, Hyun-Yong;Lee, Byeong-Chun
    • Journal of Embryo Transfer
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.117-125
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    • 2010
  • Several cloned animals have been produced using somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) and have interested in producing the transgenic cloned animals to date. But still its efficiency was low due to a number of reasons, such as sub-optimal culture condition, aberrant gene expression and nuclear reprogramming. The purpose of this study was to analyze gene expression pattern in in vitro fertilized (IVF) or SCNT pre-implantation embryos. IVF- or SCNT-embryos were cultured in media supplemented with different proteins (FBS and BSA) or energy sources (glucose or fructose). Blastocysts from IVF or SCNT were analyzed using semi-quantitative RT-PCR in terms of developmentor metabolic-related genes. Culture medium supplemented different proteins or energy sources had affected on the expression of developmental or metabolic genes in the SCNT blastocysts.

Study on Pregnancy and Viability of Frozen-Thawed Human Embryos by Cryopreservation : DMSO as Cryoprotectant (동결보존에 의한 인간배아의 생존률과 임신에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Ho-Joon;Lee, Seung-Jae;Roh, Sung-Il;Paik, Hye-Ran;Kim, Moon-Kyoo
    • Clinical and Experimental Reproductive Medicine
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.129-135
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    • 1990
  • This study was done to verify factors affecting viability after cryopreservation and pregnancy rate after frozen-thawed embryo transfer into uterus. Embryos were cryopreserved slow freezing and slow thawing and used DMSO as cryoprotectant. The results were to follows. 1. Viability of frozen-thawed embryos were 75.5% (94/105), which compared with viability of embryos according to cell stage, $2{\sim}5$ cell was 68.4% and $6{\sim}16$ cell 80.4% were significant differences (p<0.05). 2. No significant difference in duration of cryopreservation on effects affecting pregnancy rate was observed. 3. Number of embryo transfered into uterus was significant differences (p<0.05). 4. Four pregnancies resulted following replacement of 35 frozen-thawed.

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In Vitro Development of Nuclear Transplantation Bovine Embryos Using In Vitro Fertilized Embryos of Korean Native Heifers (한우 체외수정란을 이용한 핵 이식배의 체외발달에 관한 연구)

  • 박충생;공일근;노규진;이효종;최상용
    • Korean Journal of Animal Reproduction
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    • v.18 no.2
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    • pp.113-119
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    • 1994
  • To improve nuclear transplantation(NT) efficiency and to produce a large scale genetically identical cloned calves, examined the in vitro development capacity after co-culture of bovine oviductal epithelial cells (BOEC) and granulosa cells in TCM-199 supplemented with 10% fetal calf serum (FCS) with early bovine embryos derived from in vitro matured fertilized(IVM-IVF) oocyte. In addition, the age dependence of IVM oocyte on electro-stimulation and the effective electric voltage on in ivtro development of bovine NT embryos were examined. The results obtained were summerized as follows; 1. The cleavage rates of IVM-IVF bovine embryos in co-culture with bovine oviductal epithelial cells and granulosa cells were not significantly different(P<0.05), but the developmental rate into morula and blastocyst stage were different showing 38.3 and 20.2%, respectively. 2. The activation (82.5%) and development in vitro(8.6%) into later embryo stages of the aging oocytes of 32 hours post-maturation (hpm) were significantly higher than those of 24 hpm at direct current (DC) voltage of 1.5kV/cm, 60$\mu$sec pulse duration and 1 pulse time. 3. The fusion rates of NT eggs of 32 hpm following to different DC voltages from range 0.75 to 1.5kV/cm were not differ, but the developmental rate into morula and blastocyst stages at DC voltages of 0.75 and 1.0kV/cm were higher(11.4 and 12.6%, respectively) than those of 1.5kV/cm(0%). From these results, it can be suggested the optimal culture system for in vitro culture of IVM-IVF bovine embryos is a co-culture system with BOEC in TCM-199 supplemented 10% FCS. The effective time and the DC voltage for activation, electrofusion and in vitro development of NT embryos derived from IVM-IVF bovine embryo are 32hpm and 0.75~1.0kV/cm. But to improve NT efficiency, the advanced research (cell cycle synchronization, micromanipulation, culture system, etc.) is needed.

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Early Mouse Embryonic Development In Vitro by Co-culture with Bovine and Porcine Oviductal Epithelial Cells (소와 돼지의 난관 상피세포와의 공배양이 마우스 초기배의 체외발달에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, S.;Hur, E. J.;Seok, H. B.
    • Journal of Embryo Transfer
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.201-210
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    • 1996
  • This experiment was carried out to evaluate the effect of early mouse embryonic development in vitro by co-culture with bovine and porcine oviductal epithelial cells (BOEC and POEC). The 2-cell embryos were collected from the oviducts of the superovulated and mated cultured in D-PBS /15% FCS at 48 hours after hCG injection. The in vitro developmental rate of blastocyst formation in the embryos were examined under the fllowing treatments; 1) TCM 199 added 15% HCS, 2) Ham's F-10 added 15% HCS, 3) MediCult IVF medium, 4) TCM 199 added 15% HCS + BOEC, 5) TCM 199 added 15% HCS + POEC, 6) Ham's F40 added 15% HCS + BOEC, 7) Ham's F-10 added 15% HCS + POEC,8) MediCult IVF medium + BOEC, 9) MediCult IVF medium + POEC. For a comparative study of in vitro development for 96 hours after hCG injection, were cultured with oviductal epithelial cell and media only. The obtained results were 2-cell embryos developed to the blastocyst stage in TCM 199, Ham's F-10 and MediCult IVF medium at the rates of 84.4,83.2 and 81.6%. respectively. The higher developmental rates(91~97%) of blastocyst formation was appeared when the embryos were co-cultured with a monolayer of bovine or porcine oviductal epithelial cells in TCM 199 or Ham's F-10 and MediCult IVF media. No significant difference in developmental rates was shown between bovine and porcine oviductal epithelial cells but significant difference in co-culture system in comparison between media only system and co-cultures. In conclusions, oviductal epithelial cells, BOEC and POEC, when co-culture with mouse early embryos improved the rates of development, blastocyst and hatching. Therefore, it is suggested that co-culture system using oviductal epithelial cells improve early embryonic developtnent in mouse.

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