• Title/Summary/Keyword: IT Benefit

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Ecosystem service-based economic valuation of forest restoration in North Korea (북한 산림복원의 생태계 서비스 기반 경제적 가치평가)

  • Lim, Chul-Hee;Choi, Hyun-Ah
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Biology
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.225-235
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    • 2021
  • To attain the long-term benefits of forest restoration in North Korea, it is important to present the economic value of reforestation. This study as aimed to evaluate the economic value based on cost-benefit analysis from the ecosystem services perspective. The benefits of reforestation were classified into ecosystem services such as carbon sequestration, water supply, soil erosion control, and disaster risk reduction, and were converted into economic values to calculate comprehensive benefits. In the forest restoration scenario, an "independent forest restoration scenario (IFS)" and a "cooperation-based forest restoration scenario (CFS)" were composed in consideration of recent afforestation performance and forest policy, and the difference in the quantity of afforestation was derived as a scenario despite the same restoration period. In the IFS, it is estimated that over the next two decades, 800 thousand ha of the forest will be restored at a cost of KRW 3,829 billion, resulting in a benefit of KRW 6.87 trillion. The present benefit net value is KRW 3,39 trillion. In the CFS, it is estimated that the benefits of KRW 18,890 billion will be generated by restoring 2.2 million ha of the forest at a cost of KRW 10,053 billion. The present benefit net value is KRW 8,359 billion. In both scenarios, BCR had an economic feasibility value greater than 1, but there was a big difference in the expected benefits. In conclusion, forest restoration can have higher benefits than cost, and its value could be enhanced through forest cooperation.

Estimates of Time-varying Values of Traffic Information on Variable Message Sign (첨두 및 비첨두시 VMS 교통정보의 가치 변화 연구)

  • Rhee, Kyoung-Ah;Lee, Young-Ihn
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.135-147
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    • 2012
  • The benefit of traffic information on variable message sign can be divided into two. At the public level, the benefit of ATIS is the travel time saving, which is not only induced from ATIS, but also mixed with that of ATMS. In the economic appraisal of ITS, the benefit of ATIS has so far been regarded as the derived benefit from ATMS. At the user level, the benefit of ATIS is reduced driver uncertainty through the forward traffic status information. User can benefit from the information on VMS and therefore may have the willingness to pay for it. Recently attempt to qualify the value of information on VMS was increased, but there was a danger of distorting or over-estimates of the ATIS benefit because the related studies didn't consider the time-dependent attributes of traffic information and provided the single value. Estimates of the time-varying value should be needed for a rigorous economic appraisal of ATIS. In this study, we varied the value of information on VMS according to peak and non peak trip and verified the hypothesis that time-varying of value was statistically significant.

A Study for Investigating of Predictors of Compliance for Preventive Health Behavior. -centered on early detection of cervical cancer- (예방적 건강행위 이행의 예측인자 발견을 위한 연구-자궁암 조기발견을 중심으로-)

  • 이종경
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.25-38
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    • 1982
  • As technological civilization and medical science has developed, standards of living have imp-roved and human life expectancy has been extended. But the incidence and mortality rate of cancer have been gradually increasing due to the pollution of the environment. Even though cancer is still a great threat to human beings, the etiology and appropriate cure forcancerhavenotyetbeendiscovered. The early detection and treatment of cancer is urgently needed. This study concentrates on the health behavior of woman regarding the papanicolau smear for early detection of cervical cancer. It was done in order to provide a direction for scientific health education materials by investigating predictors of preventive health behavior. The subjects for this study were made up of 54 woman, who comply with preventive health practices(compliant) who attended the Cervical Cancer Center of Y University Hospital in order to have tests for early detection of cervical cancer and 54 woman who did not comply with preventive health practices (noncompliant) selected from 100 housewives of I apartment, Kang Nam Ku, Seoul. The study method used, was a questionnaire for the compliance group and an interview for the noncompliance group. The period for data collection was from October 13th to October 24th. 1981. Analysis of the data was done using percentages, T-test, Pearson Correlation and Stepwise Multiple Regression. The results of study were as follows: 1. The hypotheses tested were based on the health belief model; 1) The first hypothesis,“The compliant may have more knowledge of the cervical cancer than the noncompliant”was rejected(T=-1.86, p>.05) 2) The second hypothesis,“The compliant may have a higher severity of cervical cancer than the noncompliant”was accepted (T=5.41, p<.001) 3) The third hypothesis, “The compliant may have a higher susceptability to cervical cancer than the noncompliant”was accepted(T=3.51, p<.01). 4) The fourth hypothesis,“The compliant may have more beneHt than cost'from the cervical cancer tests than the noncompliant" was accepted(T=7.46, p<.001). 5) The fifth hypothesis,“The compliant may have more health concern than the noncompliant”. was accepted(T=3.39, p<.01). These results show that severity, susceptability, benefit(over cost) and health concern influence the preventive health behavior in this Study. 2. In the correlation among variables, it was found that the knowledge of cervical cancer and the benefit(over cost) of preventive health behavior were negatively correlated(r=-2.75, p<.01), Severity of cervical cancer and benefit (over cost) of preventive health behavior were positively correlated(r=.280, p<.01), severity and susceptability of cervical cancer were positively correlated(r= .238, p<.01), benefit(over cost) and health concern were positively correlated(r= .299, p<.01). The benefit(over cost) may be raised by increasing the severity and health concern. Therefore the compliance rate of woman may be raised through health education by increasing the benefit(over cost) of the individual. 3. The Stepwise Multiple Regression between health behavior and predictors. 1) The factor“Benefit(over cost)”could account for preventive health behavior in 34.4% of the sample(F=55.6204 P<.01). 2) When the factor“Severity”is added to this, it accounts for 44.3% of preventive health behavior(F=41.679, p<.01). 3) When the factor“Susceptability”is also included, it accounts for 46.7% of preventive health behavior(F=30.373, p<.01). 4) When the factor “Health concern”is included, it accounts for 48.1% of preventive health behavior(F=23859, p<.05). This means that other factors appear to influence preventive health behavior, since the combination of variables explains only 48.1% of the Preventive health behavior. Therefore further study to investigate the predictors of preventive health behavior is necessary.

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A Revised Benefit-Cost Analysis of the Korean TUR Program (우리나라 고독성물질 사용저감 규제의 수정 편익-비용분석)

  • Yoon, Daniel Jongsoo;Byun, Hun-Soo
    • Clean Technology
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    • v.26 no.3
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    • pp.168-176
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    • 2020
  • The introduction of the Korea toxics use reduction (TUR) program to build a clean society is generally evaluated based on social economic criteria. Among various techniques, benefit-cost analysis is the most commonly used. This method is focused on the calculation and comparison of all the benefits and costs attributable to the TUR program. However, since it is reasonable to consider not only economic criteria but also policy criteria in the process of evaluation, it is necessary to reflect on the criteria weights found in the benefits and costs. This study aims at developing a new evaluation technique to achieve this purpose and apply it to the Korean TUR program to be implemented in 2020. This study selected competitiveness, toxic substances' emission reduction ratio, and health improvement as policy criteria. The Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) technique was initially used to calculate the weight and then, based on the results, the concept of information entropy introduced by Claude Shannon was used to eliminate subjective bias. As a result of the study, it was found that the revised benefit-cost analysis considering the weights of the policy criteria, as well as the existing economic criteria, could be a reasonable alternative in evaluating the feasibility of TUR regulations for highly toxic substances.

A Study on Decision Making Factors of Cloud Computing Adoption Using BCOR Approach (BCOR 접근법을 이용한 클라우드 컴퓨팅 도입의 의사결정 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Young-Chan;Hanh, Tang Nguyen
    • Journal of Information Technology Services
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.155-171
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    • 2012
  • With the continuous and outstanding development of information technology(IT), human being is coming to the new computing era which is called cloud computing. This era brings lots of huge benefits also at the same time release the resources of IT infrastructure and data boom for man. In the future no longer, most of IT service providers, enterprises, organizations and systems will adopt this new computing model. There are three main deployment models in cloud computing including public cloud, private cloud and hybrid cloud; each one also has its own cons and pros. While implementing any kind of cloud services, customers have to choose one of three above deployment models. Thus, our paper aims to represent a practical framework to help the adopter select which one will be the best suitable deployment model for their requirements by evaluating each model comprehensively. The framework is built by applying the analytic hierarchy process(AHP), namely benefit-cost-opportunity-risk(BCOR) model as a powerful and effective tool to serve the problem. The gained results hope not only to provide useful information for the readers but also to contribute valuable knowledge to this new area. In addition, it might support the practitioners' effective decision making process in case they meet the same issue and have a positive influence on the increase of right decision for the organization.

Development of Guidelines for Installing Speed Control Humps (차량과속방지턱의 설치기준 개발에 관한 연구)

  • 문무창;장명순
    • Journal of Korean Society of Transportation
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.137-149
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    • 1994
  • The objective of study is to evaluate the effect of speed control hump on traffic operation and accidents. Three sites were investigated for the change of traffic accidents before and after the hump installation. Vehicle speeds approaching the hump were also analyzed. The study revealed that not only the number of traffic accidents but also the accident severity were significantly reduced by the installation of hump. Further, different types of traffic accidents with lower severity were observed after the hump installation. For the effect of speed reduction by hump, it was found that the speeds observed at 15m upstream of hump were in the range of 36~50 percent of approaching speeds which were not affected by (ie, without) the hump. Economic analysis of hump installation showed the benefit-cost ratio of 4.3 and 11.2 at two sites. Further analysis revealed that the benefit by the accident reduction exceeds the cost by speed reduction and installation capital if AADT is below 43,150 vehicles on two lane highways. It is recommended from the study that humps should be considered on two lane highways of high accident locations for excessive speeds to reduce traffic accidents and severity.

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A Study on the Rle and B/C Analysis of National Supported Supercomputing Center (국가 주도 슈퍼컴퓨터센터의 역할과 B/C 분석 및 발전방향)

  • 이정희
    • Journal of Korea Technology Innovation Society
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    • v.1 no.3
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    • pp.402-418
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    • 1998
  • This study attempts to analysis of the 1'ole and B/C(Benefict/Cost)of National Supported Supercomputing Center in process of the promotion for informatization in Korea. ETRI Supercomputing Center, as National Supported Supercomputing Center, was established in 1967 as a laboratory of KIST(Korea Institute of Science and Technology). ETRI Supercomputer Center have acted a leading role as National HPCC(High Performance Computing and Communication) in Korea. The result of B/C analysis of En Supercomputer Center showed that it is twenty times benefit as many as cost for the last 30 years. As soon as possible, it was Suggested that ETRI Supercomputer Center must be developed as National Supercomputing Center(NSC).

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Business Strategy of TV VOD through High-speed Internet (초고속 인터넷을 이용한 TV VOD 사업 전략)

  • 이찬구
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.31-34
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    • 2003
  • In recent, the rapid convergence of telecommunication and broadcasting has been considered as one of the hot issues in the IT industry. This convergence will provide telecom operators with both opportunities and threatens. This is because that telecom operators can enter the broadcasting industry, whereas broadcasters will also have a chance to provide telecom services. This work aims to discuss the business strategy for telecom operators to provide a TV VOD service, one of the convergence services between telecommunication and broadcasting, through the high-speed internet which is so much served in Korea. It seems that this service will achieve two business goals, namely "to minimise an additional investment" and "to find out a new benefit source", by fully utilising a current high-speed internet infrastructure. Finally, this paper mainly contains the market overview of in telecom and broadcasting service, the definition of TV VOD service and the necessity for this service, a market forecasting and the provision strategy of major telecom operators, and key success factors and a benefit model.

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A Study on the Social Benefit Maximizing Reserve Pricing (예약요금제에서 사회적 이익을 고려한 예비력 요금에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Sung-Soo;Jeong, Hae-Seong;Park, Jong-Keun;Choi, Joon-Young;Hong, Jun-Hee
    • Proceedings of the KIEE Conference
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    • 1995.07b
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    • pp.581-583
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    • 1995
  • This paper presents a theory on the pricing and allocation of spinning reserve. It is shown in this paper, that it is possible to maintain system security with many participants each attempting to optimize their own benefit, through pricing incentive. Participant offers power consumption/generation and reserve contribution according to its price. And Price setter only distribute pricing signal to acquire system security. Participants induce disturbance on power system and they pay the penalty according to the size of disturbance. And they also offers some reserve capacity to earn reserve cost. In this scheme, the amount of data communication is very small.

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A Research for the Setup of Evaluation Standards and the Decision of an Investment Priority of Information and Communication Enterprises of the Government (정보화 투자사업의 평가기준 설정 및 우선순위 결정에 관한 연구)

  • Song, Aeu-Guen;Kim, Sung-Eon
    • The Journal of Information Systems
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.91-108
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    • 2007
  • To decide a reasonable investment priority of public enterprises, it is required to have an efficient evaluation standard. However, without having a standard, a budget for those enterprises has been allocated. In this research, for the efficient and reasonable budget allocation, it is discussed how to decide investment priority of information and communication enterprises of the government. In order to examine possible alternatives of the investment priority of information and communication enterprises of the government, seventeen enterprises were chosen from the enterprises of Ministry of Information and Communication. Public benefit, economic benefit, technology, politics, and step-up increase of budget were set up as evaluation standards and 16 specific standards were set up as subordinates. A hierarchical decision model was designed and analyzed by using AHP.

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