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Study of major issues and trends facing ports, using big data news: From 1991 to 2020 (뉴스 빅데이터를 활용한 항만이슈 변화연구 : 1991~2020)

  • Yoon, Hee-Young
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.159-178
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    • 2021
  • This study analyzed issues and trends related to ports with 86,611 news articles for the 30 years from 1991 to 2020, using BIGKinds, a big data news analysis service. The analysis was based on keyword analysis, word cloud, relationship diagram analysis offered by BIG Kinds. Analysis results of issues and trends on ports for the last 30 years are summarized as follows. First, during Phase 1 (1991-2000), individual ports such as Busan, Incheon, and Gwangyang ports tried to strengthen their own competitiveness. During Phase 2 (2001-2010), efforts were made on gaining more professional and specialized port management abilities by establishing the Busan Port Authority in 2004, the Incheon Port Authority in 2005, and the Ulsan Port Authority in 2007. During Phase 3 (2011-2020), the promotion of future-oriented, eco-friendly, and smart ports was major issues. Efforts to reduce particulate matters and pollutants produced from ports were accelerated, and an attempt to build a smart port driven by port automation and digitalization was also intensified. Lastly, in 2020, when the maritime sector was severely hit by the unexpected shock of the COVID-19 pandemic, a microscopic analysis of trends and issues in 2019 and 2020 was made to look into the impact the pandemic on the maritime industry. It was found that shipping and port industries experienced more drastic changes than ever while trying to prepare for a post-pandemic era as well as promoting future-oriented ports. This study made policy suggestions by analyzing port-related news articles and trends, and it is expected that based on the findings of this research, further studies on enhancing the competitiveness of ports and devising a sustainable development strategy will follow through a comparative analysis of port issues of different countries, thereby making further progress toward academic research on ports.

Autopoietic Machinery and the Emergence of Third-Order Cybernetics (자기생산 기계 시스템과 3차 사이버네틱스의 등장)

  • Lee, Sungbum
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.52
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    • pp.277-312
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    • 2018
  • First-order cybernetics during the 1940s and 1950s aimed for control of an observed system, while second-order cybernetics during the mid-1970s aspired to address the mechanism of an observing system. The former pursues an objective, subjectless, approach to a system, whereas the latter prefers a subjective, personal approach to a system. Second-order observation must be noted since a human observer is a living system that has its unique cognition. Maturana and Varela place the autopoiesis of this biological system at the core of second-order cybernetics. They contend that an autpoietic system maintains, transforms and produces itself. Technoscientific recreation of biological autopoiesis opens up to a new step in cybernetics: what I describe as third-order cybernetics. The formation of technoscientific autopoiesis overlaps with the Fourth Industrial Revolution or what Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee call the Second Machine Age. It leads to a radical shift from human centrism to posthumanity whereby humanity is mechanized, and machinery is biologized. In two versions of the novel Demon Seed, American novelist Dean Koontz explores the significance of technoscientific autopoiesis. The 1973 version dramatizes two kinds of observers: the technophobic human observer and the technology-friendly machine observer Proteus. As the story concludes, the former dominates the latter with the result that an anthropocentric position still works. The 1997 version, however, reveals the victory of the techno-friendly narrator Proteus over the anthropocentric narrator. Losing his narrational position, the technophobic human narrator of the story disappears. In the 1997 version, Proteus becomes the subject of desire in luring divorcee Susan. He longs to flaunt his male egomaniac. His achievement of male identity is a sign of technological autopoiesis characteristic of third-order cybernetics. To display self-producing capabilities integral to the autonomy of machinery, Koontz's novel demonstrates that Proteus manipulates Susan's egg to produce a human-machine mixture. Koontz's demon child, problematically enough, implicates the future of eugenics in an era of technological autopoiesis. Proteus creates a crossbreed of humanity and machinery to engineer a perfect body and mind. He fixes incurable or intractable diseases through genetic modifications. Proteus transfers a vast amount of digital information to his offspring's brain, which enables the demon child to achieve state-of-the-art intelligence. His technological editing of human genes and consciousness leads to digital standardization through unanimous spread of the best qualities of humanity. He gathers distinguished human genes and mental status much like collecting luxury brands. Accordingly, Proteus's child-making project ultimately moves towards technologically-controlled eugenics. Pointedly, it disturbs the classical ideal of liberal humanism celebrating a human being as the master of his or her nature.

Analysis on Socio-cultural Aspect of Willingness to Pay for Air Quality (PM10, PM2.5) Improvement in Seoul (서울지역 미세먼지 문제 개선을 위한 사회문화적 지불의사액 추정)

  • Kim, Jaewan;Jung, Taeyong;Lee, Taedong;Lee, Dong Kun
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.101-112
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    • 2019
  • Over the last few years, air pollution ($PM_{10}$, $PM_{2.5}$) in the Seoul metropolitan area (SMA) has emerged as one of the most concerned and threatening environmental issues among the residents. It brings about various harmful effects on human health, as well as ecosystem and industrial activities. Governments and individuals pay various costs to mitigate the level of air pollutants. This study aims to empirically find the willingness to pays (WTP) among the parents from different socio-cultural groups - international and domestic groups to mitigate air pollution ($PM_{10}$, $PM_{2.5}$) in their residential area. Contingent Valuation Methods (CVM) is used with employing single-bounded dichotomous choice technique to elicit the respondent's WTP. Using tobit (censored regression) and probit models, the monthly mean WTP of the pooled sample for green electricity which contributes to improve air quality in the region was estimated as 3,993 KRW (3.58 USD). However, the mean WTP between the international group and domestic group through a sub-sample analysis shows broad distinction as 3,325KRW (2.98 USD) and 4,449 KRW (3.98 USD) respectively. This is because that socio-cultural characteristics of each group such as socio-economic status, personal experience, trust in institutions and worldview are differently associated with the WTP. Based on the results, the society needs to raise awareness of lay people to find a strong linkage between the current PM issue and green electricity. Also, it needs to improve trust in the government's pollution abatement policy to mobilize more assertive participation of the people from different socio-cultural background.

Estimation of Domestic Greenhouse Gas Emission of Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Sector adapting 2006 IPCC GL Tier 2b Method (국내 냉동 및 냉방부문 온실가스 배출량 산정 - 2006 IPCC GL Tier 2b 적용 -)

  • Shin, Myung-Hwan;Lyu, Young-Sook;Seo, Kyoung-Ae;Lee, Sue-Been;Lim, Cheolsoo;Lee, Sukjo
    • Journal of Climate Change Research
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.117-128
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    • 2012
  • The Government of South Korea has continued its effort to fixate virtuous circle of economic growth and climate change response to cope with international demands and pressure to commitment for greenhouse gas reduction effectively. Nationally, Korean Government has established "Enforcement of the Framework Act on Low carbon, Green Growth"(2010. 4. 13) to implement national mid-term GHG mitigation goal(30% reduction by 2020 compare to BAU), which established the foundation for phased GHG mitigation by setting up the sectoral and industrial goal, adopting GHG and Energy Target Management System. Also, follow-up measures are taken such as planning and control of mid-term and short-term mitigation target by detailed analysis of potential mitigation of sector and industry, building up the infrastructure for periodic and systematic analysis of target management. Likewise, it is required to establish more accurate, reliable and detailed sectoral GHG inventory for successfully establishment and implement the frame act. In comparison to the $CO_2$ emission, Especially fluorinated greenhouse gases (HFCs, PFCs, $SF_6$) are lacking research to build the greenhouse gas inventories to identify emissions sources and collection of the applicable collection activities data. In this study, with the refrigeration and air conditioning sector being used to fluorine refrigerant(HFCs) as the center, greenhouse gas emission estimation methodology for evaluating the feasibility of using this methodology look over and mobile air conditioning, fixed air conditioning, household refrigeration equipment, commercial refrigeration equipment for the greenhouse gas emissions were calculated. First look at in terms of methodology, refrigeration and air conditioning sector GHG emissions in developing country-specific emission factors and activity data of the industrial sector the construction of the DB is not enough, it's 2006 IPCC Guidelines Tier 2a (emission factor approach) rather than the Tier 2b (mass balance approach) deems appropriate, and each detail by process, sectoral activity data more accurate, if DB is built Tier 2a (emission factor approach) can be applied will also be judged. Refrigeration and air conditioning sector in 2009 due to the use of refrigerant greenhouse gas emissions ($CO_2eq.$) assessment results, portable air conditioner 1,974,646 ton to year, fixed-mount air conditioner 1,011,754 ton to year, household refrigeration unit 4,396 ton to year, commercial refrigeration equipment 1,263 ton to year was estimated to total 2,992,037 tons.

The Distribution and Behavior of Medically-derived 131I in the Yeongsan River Basin (영산강수계 의료기원 방사성요오드(131I) 핵종의 분포 및 거동평가)

  • Kang, Tae-Woo;Han, Young-Un;Park, Won-Pyo;Song, Kwang-Duck;Hwang, Soon-Hong;Kang, Tae Gu;Kim, Kyung Hyun
    • Korean Journal of Environmental Agriculture
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.243-250
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    • 2018
  • BACKGROUND: Recently, the use of $^{131}I$ for diagnosis and treatment of thyroid cancer has been increasing, and the radionuclide is continuously released into aquatic ecosystem. This study was carried out to investigate the $^{131}I$ concentrations in mainstreams, tributaries, and sewage wastewater treatment plants (SWTPs) of the Yeongsan River Basin and to identify their origins from the assessment of behaviors in the rivers. METHODS AND RESULTS: The water samples were collected from 19 sites including mainstreams (13), tributaries (4) and SWTPs (2). The $^{131}I$ concentration was measured using a gamma-ray spectrometry with a HPGe detector. The $^{131}I$ in SWTPs was detected mostly in the discharged effluent at the sampling sites. However, from the surface water of the rivers, $^{131}I$ was found only at two sites from each sampling period of the first (MS4 and MS10) and the second half (MS4 and MS7) of the year 2017. The concentrations of $^{131}I$ in the effluent discharged from SWTPs were in the range of 0.0870 to 3.87 Bq/L for SWTP1, and $^{131}I$ in the river revealed that it was not detected in the upper streams of the mainstreams and tributaries, while continuous detection was found in the SWTPs and downstream sites affected by the effluent. However, the concentration of $^{131}I$ decreased downstream, eventually becoming undetectable. Such behavior was closely related to the behavior found in the SWTPs. CONCLUSION: These results indicated that medically-derived $^{131}I$ was discharged to the river via sewage effluent at the SWTPs. It is necessary to evaluate the influence of aquatic ecosystems through continuous monitoring in the future.

A Study on History and Archetype Technology of Goli-su in Korea (한국 고리수의 역사와 원형기술의 복원 연구)

  • Kim, Young-ran
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.46 no.2
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    • pp.4-25
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    • 2013
  • Goli-su is the innovative special kind of the embroidery technique, which combines twining and interlacing skill with metal technology and makes the loops woven to each other with a strand. The loops floating on the space of the ground look like floating veins of sculpture and give people the feeling of the openwork. This kind of characteristic has some similarities with the lacework craft of Western Europe in texture and technique style, but it has its own features different from that of Western Europe. It mainly represents the splendid gloss with metallic materials in the Embroidered cloth, such as gold foil or wire. In the 10th century, early days of Goryo, we can see the basic Goli-su structure form of its initial period in the boy motif embroidery purse unearthed from the first level of Octagonal Nine-storied Pagoda of Woljeong-sa. In the Middle period of Joseon, there are several pieces of Goli-su embroidered relic called "Battle Flag of Goryo", which was taken by the Japanese in 1592 and is now in the Japanese temple. This piece is now converted into altar-table covers. In 18~19th century, two pairs of embroidered pillows in Joseon palace were kept intact, whose time and source are very accurate. The frame of the pillows was embroidered with Goli-su veins, and some gold foil papers were inserted into the inside. The triangle motif with silk was embroidered on the pillow. The stitch in the Needle-Looped embroidery is divided into three kinds according to comprehensive classification: 1. Goli-su ; 2. Goli-Kamgi-su ; 3. Goli-Saegim-su. From the 10th century newly establishing stage to the 13th century, Goli-su has appeared variational stitches and employed 2~3 dimensional color schemes gradually. According to the research of this thesis, we can still see this stitch in the embroidery pillow, which proves that Goli-suwas still kept in Korea in the 19th century. And in terms of the research achievement of this thesis, Archetype technology of Goli-su was restored. Han Sang-soo, Important Intangible Cultural Heritage No. 80 and Master of Embroidery already recreated the Korean relics of Goli-su in Joseon Dynasty. The Needle-Looped embriodery is the overall technological result of ancestral outstanding Metal craft, Twining and Interlacing craft, and Embroidery art. We should inherit, create, and seek the new direction in modern multi-dimensional and international industry societyon the basis of these research results. We can inherit the long history of embroidering, weaving, fiber processing, and expand the applications of other craft industries, and develop new advanced additional values of new dress material, fashion technology, ornament craft and artistic design. Thus, other crafts assist each other and broaden the expressive field to pursue more diversified formative beauty and beautify our life abundantly together.

Management Guidelines and the Structure of Vegetation in Natural Monuments Koelreuteria Paniculata Community (천연기념물 모감주나무군락의 식생구조와 관리제언)

  • Shin, Byung Chul;Lee, Won Ho;Kim, Hyo Jeong;Hong, Jeum Kyu
    • Korean Journal of Heritage: History & Science
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    • v.43 no.1
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    • pp.100-117
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    • 2010
  • This study analyzed vegetation structure of natural monuments Koelreuteria paniculata community in search of a conservation and management plan. Plant sociological analysis of Koelreuteria paniculata community indicates that it can be classified into Achyranthes japonica subcommunity and Rhodotypos scandens subcommunity and Trachelospermum asiaticum var. intermedium subcommunity. While Koelreuteria paniculata community of Ahnmyeondo is composed of sub tree layer and herb layer, those of Pohang and Wando are composed of tree layer, Sub tree layer, shrub layer, herb layer. The results of tree vitality analysis showed that those in Ahnmyeondo appeared to be relatively low when compared to those in Pohang and Wando-gun. This can be understood in two different aspects: disease and insects vulnerability due to a relatively simple structure and lack of competitive species, and decreased vitality / natural branch losses due to crown competition arising from high density. The result of soil characteristics analysis showed that soil texture, soil pH, organic matter, $p_2O_5$, exchange positive ion were sufficient for tree growth while total nitrogen was not, so that discretion would be needed for fertilizer application. As there were damages of disease and inscet, but only for 10~15% of the entire area; it still requires consistent preconsideration. The study suggests the management methods for preservation of Koelreuteria paniculata community. First, securing designated areas is necessary in order to minimize environment deterioration due to surrounding development. Especially, for sections with decreased areas, expansion of designated areas through land purchase should also be considered. Second, artificial interference may affect the livestock. Therefore, monitoring of artificial interference is necessary, based on which protection projects must be conducted. Third, from analysis of young plants which influence the maintenance mechanisms of Koelreuteria paniculata community, a decrease compared to the prior year was observed; investigation is needed. Therefore, an active management policy through status examination of livestock such as germination and young plants is necessary.

Effect of 2D Forest Video Viewing and Virtual Reality Forest Video Viewing on Stress Reduction in Adults (2D 숲동영상 및 Virtual Reality 숲동영상 시청이 성인의 스트레스 감소에 미치는 영향)

  • Hong, Sungjun;Joung, Dawou;Lee, Jeongdo;Kim, Da-young;Kim, Soojin;Park, Bum-Jin
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.108 no.3
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    • pp.440-453
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    • 2019
  • This study was carried out to investigate the effect of watching a two-dimensional (2D) forest video and a virtual reality (VR) forest video on stress reduction in adults. Experiments were conducted in an artificial climate room, and 40 subjects participated. After inducing stress in the subjects, subjects watched a 2D gray video, 2D forest video, or VR forest video for 5 mins. The autonomic nervous system activity was evaluated continuously in terms of measured heart rate variability during the experiment. After each experiment, the subject's psychological state was evaluated using a questionnaire. The 2D forest video decreased the viewer's stress index, increased HF, and reduced heart rate compared with the 2D gray video. The VR forest video had a greater stress index reduction effect, LF/HF increase effect, and heart rate reduction effect than the 2D gray video. Psychological measurements showed that subjects felt more comfortable, natural, and calm when watching the 2D gray video, 2D forest video or VR forest video. We also found that the 2D forest video and VR forest video increased positive emotions and reduced negative emotions compared to the 2D gray video. Based on these results, it can be concluded that watching the 2D forest and VR forest videos reduces the stress index and heart rate compared with watching the 2D gray video. Thus, it is considered that the 2D forest video increases the activity of the parasympathetic nervous system, and the VR forest video increases the activity of the sympathetic nervous system. The increased activity of the sympathetic nervous system upon watching the VR forest video is judged to be positive sympathetic nerve activity, such as novelty and curiosity, and not negative sympathetic activity, such as stress and tension. The results of this study are expected to be the basis for examining the visual effects of forest healing, with hope that the utilization of VR, the technology of the fourth industrial revolution in the forestry field, will broaden.

A Study on the Designer's Post-Evaluation of Gyeongui Line Forest Park Based on Ground Theory - Focused on Yeonnam-dong Section - (근거이론을 활용한 설계자의 경의선숲길공원 사후평가 - 연남동 구간을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Eun-Young;Hong, Youn-Soon
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.47 no.3
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    • pp.39-48
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    • 2019
  • This research is based on the analysis of in-depth interviews of designers who participated in the design of the Yeonnam-dong section, which was completed in 2016. The case study site has received many domestic and foreign awards and is receiving very positive reviews from actual users. 53 concepts were derived from the open coding of the ground theory methodology. Thirty-four higher categories incorporated the concepts and 18 higher categories that reintegrated them. Later, the six categories of the ground theory were interpreted as the paradigm, and it was determined that the aspects of 'will of client' and 'work efficiency', 'site resources' and 'field manager's specialty' were the categories that had the greatest positive impact on the park construction. The key category of this park's construction was interpreted as "a park-construction model with active empathy and communication." The results of the study and are linked to the following research proposals. First, the need to improve the trust between the client and the landscape designer and the need to improve the customary administrative procedures; second, the importance of the input of landscape experts into the park construction process; third, the importance of all efforts to develop the design; fourth, the importance of on-site circular resources and landscape preservation; and fifth active social participation to increase the opportunity. This study, which seeks to grasp the facts that existed behind the park's construction, which received excellent internal and external evaluations, and has a qualitative, objective and structural interpretation of the social network related to the park's construction, in contrast to the conventional quantitative post-evaluation. It is expected that the administration and system improvements related to landscaping will be further improved through the continuation of in-depth post-evaluation studies.

Trends and Prospects of Forest Meteorological Studies Based on the Publications in Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology (한국농림기상학회지 수록 논문에 기반한 산림기상 연구 추세와 전망)

  • Moon, Na Hyun;Shin, Man Yong;Moon, Ga Hyun;Chun, Junghwa
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.121-134
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    • 2019
  • This study was conducted to review the trends of forest meteorological studies based on the publications for last 20 years in Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology (KJAFM), and to provide insight for future prospect for researches in the field of forest meteorology. A total of 220 papers related to forest meteorology were published in KJAFM for the last 20 years. That corresponds to 33.5% out of all the papers including agricultural meteorology papers. To review the trends of forest meteorology studies, the 220 published papers were classified into seven categories. They are forest meteorology and forest fire, forest meteorology and tree physiology, forest meteorology and forest protection, micrometeorology in mountain area, climate and forest growth, climate and forest vegetation distribution, and climate change and forest ecosystem. Even if there were differences in paper numbers among the seven categories, it was found that various and very specific studies were conducted in the field of forest meteorology for the last 20 years. It was also expected that the accumulation and utilization of various and accurate forest meteorological information would bring remarkable progress of forest meteorological studies in the near future.