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Women's Religious Engagement at Daesoon Jinrihoe's Yeoju Headquarters (大巡真理會的女性宗教參與 : 以驪州本部道場為例)

  • Li, Yuchen
    • Journal of the Daesoon Academy of Sciences
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    • v.34
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    • pp.75-105
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    • 2020
  • Previous scholars have studied Daesoon Jinrihoe mainly through its scriptures and doctrines; however, in this essay I have combined data from a questionnaire with interviews I conducted to observe women's religious engagement from their own perspectives. I conducted my fieldwork from October 23 to 26 at Yeoju Headquarters in Korea and received 81 questionnaire replies. This ongoing project will shed light on the niche for women in Korean new religious movements. This essay is divided into three parts. First, I reviewed 5 articles on general attitudes towards women within Daesoon Jinrihoe to serve as a doctrinal introduction. Second, I used the Ladies Club, the Women's Assembly of the Department of Social Welfare, and female students from the Inter- national Volunteers Association to better understand women's participation and education in Daesoon Jinrihoe on an institutional level. Third, I issued a questionnaire in order to learn respondents' sex, age, educational background, and birth place and used those data points determine patterns in how the above influence religious participation and positions in Daesoon Jinrihoe. My investigation showed that both the self-expectation and division of labor among the followers at Yeoju Headquarter were affected by and corresponded to social gender roles. Moreover, the emphasis on missionary work rather than centralized hierarchy contributed to a reduction in the influence of gender-segregation and led to relative coherence in terms of gender relations within Daesoon Jinrihoe.

A Comparative Study For Mobile HybridApp Development Tool (모바일 하이브리드앱 개발도구에 관한 비교연구)

  • Jang, Rae-Young;Jung, Sung-Jae;Bae, Yu-Mi;Sung, Kyung;Soh, Woo-Young
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Information and Commucation Sciences Conference
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    • 2012.05a
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    • pp.429-432
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    • 2012
  • Mobile devices diffusion begins by the iPhone and spreads by the Android. A widely used mobile devices is Smartphone(iPhone, Android, Bada, WindowPhone7, BlackBerry, etc) and Tablet(iPad, Android). In the past, we have developed a dedicated application for device. But, Now we must develop a application by considering the characteristics of the operating system. Accordingly, many problems occurred and other developmet methods have emerged. In this paper, we learn about MobileHybridApp development tool-oriented One Source Multi Use-and compare the differences, propose a method to develop context-sensitive.

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The Subjectivity Study on the 'Real Beauty' ('진정한 아름다움'에 대한 주관성 연구)

  • Park, Hee-Jung;Kim, Ju-Hee;Lee, Doh-Hee
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.590-597
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    • 2020
  • The human desire for 'beauty' is with the long history of mankind. This study started with how people of the 21st century would think about such beauty. Using the Q methodology, which is a qualitative research method, the Q-statements for the people's real thoughts and perceptions are secured and typified. The survey was conducted on July 8 to July 31, 2019, and was classified into three types of survey analysis results. The results of the analysis are as follows. showed high standard scores of statements such as 'self-development effort', 'good human relations', and 'learning to learn', and named as 「Self-Development Type」. has a high distribution of statements such as 'Passion', 'Young energy' and 'Healthy flesh', and named as 「Passion Type」. showed high statements such as 'I', 'good human relationship', 'self-development effort', and named 「I'm Type」. In addition, this study emphasizes the usefulness of qualitative research as an exploratory study for understanding and future empirical studies.

A Study on Investigating and Analyzing the Mathematical Problems Posed by the Mathematically Gifted 5th Grade Students in Elementary School (초등 5학년 수학영재 학생이 만든 수학문제에 관한 조사.분석)

  • Lim, Mun-Kyu
    • School Mathematics
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    • v.15 no.4
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    • pp.701-721
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    • 2013
  • In this study, I set the 5th grade children mathematically gifted in elementary school to pose freely the creative and difficult mathematical problems by using their knowledges and experiences they have learned till now. I wanted to find out that the math brains in elementary school 5th grade could posed mathematical problems to a certain levels and by the various and divergent thinking activities. Analyzing the mathematical problems of the mathematically gifted 5th grade children posed, I found out the math brains in 5th grade can create various and refined problems mathematically and also they did effort to make the mathematically good problems for various regions in curriculum. As these results, I could conclude that they have had the various and divergent thinking activities in posing those problems. It is a large goal for the children to bring up the creativities by the learning mathematics in the 2009 refined elementary mathematics curriculum. I emphasize that it is very important to learn and teach the mathematical problem posing to rear the various and divergent thinking powers in the school mathematics.

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A Study on the Alternative Dispute Resolution in America (미국의 재판외 분쟁해결제도)

  • 김태한
    • Journal of Arbitration Studies
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.181-209
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    • 2004
  • This Study is divided into 5 separate Parts and an Abstract. Part Ⅰ, Ⅱ consist mostly of a collection of problems, current status, motives and the future of ADR. In Pert Ⅲ was described ADR as policies of judicial settlements. We must accept that a diversity of legal culture will always continue to exist. Accordingly we must learn to accommodate those differences of 'culture' around us and to harmonize conflicting laws. This recognition of our reality should in no way be confused with pessimism. In fact if one accepts this perspective of the world ,the study of law seems enriched and becomes academically more challenging. Recently, in the United States, interest in alternative settlement mechanism has increased greatly, which leads me to wonder why such a phenomenon has taken place. In the first place, I'm amazed at the extent to which conciliation or mediation-or the new word, I guess, is alternative dispute resolution, which by now has its own acronym, "A.D.R,"-have gained attention here recently. When 35 years ago, there was virtually no interest in conciliation in this country at the time. What interest there was, was no in the law schools. But looking at the situation now, we have a spate of publications on the subject; we have organizations that are established for no other reason than to promote alternative dispute settlement. We have courses in the law schools. The American Association of Law Schools and the American Bar Association also have active programs. So we have to ask ourselves why. The difference between now and 35 years are striking. On the other hand, I think the interest of the public in ADR has probably been greatly enhanced by the politics of the so-called "poverty programs." I think that many of these assistance programs for the poor-and I do think the "poor" have become a rather expansive political movement beyond simply taking care of the most marginal people of society-have generated money to explore this kind of dispute resolution.

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Contrastive Analysis of Mongolian and Korean Monophthongs Based on Acoustic Experiment (음향 실험을 기초로 한 몽골어와 한국어의 단모음 대조분석)

  • Yi, Joong-Jin
    • Phonetics and Speech Sciences
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.3-16
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    • 2010
  • This study aims at setting the hierarchy of difficulty of the 7 Korean monophthongs for Mongolian learners of Korean according to Prator's theory based on the Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis. In addition to that, it will be shown that the difficulties and errors for Mongolian learners of Korean as a second or foreign language proceed directly from this hierarchy of difficulty. This study began by looking at the speeches of 60 Mongolians for Mongolian monophthongs; data were investigated and analyzed into formant frequencies F1 and F2 of each vowel. Then, the 7 Korean monophthongs were compared with the resultant Mongolian formant values and are assigned to 3 levels, 'same', 'similar' or 'different sound'. The findings in assessing the differences of the 8 nearest equivalents of Korean and Mongolian vowels are as follows: First, Korean /a/ and // turned out as a 'same sound' with their counterparts, Mongolian /a/ and /ɔ/. Second, Korean /i/, /e/, /o/, /u/ turned out as a 'similar sound' with each their Mongolian counterparts /i/, /e/, /o/, /u/. Third, Korean /ɨ/ which is nearest to Mongolian /i/ in terms of phonetic features seriously differs from it and is thus assigned to 'different sound'. And lastly, Mongolian // turned out as a 'different sound' with its nearest counterpart, Korean /u/. Based on these findings the hierarchy of difficulty was constructed. Firstly, 4 Korean monophthongs /a/, //, /i/, /e/ would be Level 0(Transfer); they would be transferred positively from their Mongolian counterparts when Mongolians learn Korean. Secondly, Korean /o/, /u/ would be Level 5(Split); they would require the Mongolian learner to make a new distinction and cause interference in learning the Korean language because Mongolian /o/, /u/ each have 2 similar counterpart sounds; Korean /o, u/, /u, o/. Thirdly, Korean /ɨ/ which is not in the Mongolian vowel system will be Level 4(Overdifferentiation); the new vowel /ɨ/ which bears little similarity to Mongolian /i/, must be learned entirely anew and will cause much difficulty for Mongolian learners in speaking and writing Korean. And lastly, Mongolian // will be Level 2(Underdifferentiation); it is absent in the Korean language and doesn‘t cause interference in learning Korean as long as Mongolian learners avoid using it.

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The Effects of the Restaurateur Quality and Skill on Performance in Small Business (소규모 외식업체 경영자의 자질이 경영성과에 미치는 영향)

  • Paik, Jin-Kyoung;Sohn, Chun-Young;Park, Dae-Seob;Hong, Wan-Soo
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.1039-1046
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study was to lay emphasis on the importance of a restaurateur's role and qualities as well as to provide the restaurateur information necessary to effectively run a restaurant. To address the purpose, this study analyzed the qualities of a restaurateur and determined the influence they have on the business results, via conducting a survey with 117 restaurateurs from June 11th to June 26th 2011. In summary, male restaurateurs were higher in the vision directivity, desire to learn, accomplishment, challenge and pro-activity than their female counterparts, with a significant difference of p<0.05. According to their ages, the surveyees showed significant differences in the vision directivity (p<0.05), desire to learn (p<0.01), challenge (p<0.01) and pro-activity (p<0.01). In addition, also the survey revealed that the qualities of a restaurateur had a significant influence on financial performance, a sense of satisfaction and business results (p<0.001). The questionnaire resulted in the following: first, the vision directivity (p<0.05) and the challenge (p<0.05) affected the financial performance; second, the challenge had influence on the sense of satisfaction; and last, the vision directivity (p<0.05) and the challenge (p<0.05) had an effect on the business results. Thus, the study concluded that restaurateurs need two qualities: (i) the vision directivity in order to meet their goals and to have a higher business results and (ii) the challenge to try new managing methods in order to cope with the ever-changing environment.

The Procedural Design and Evaluation of RPT Learning Model for NLE Beginners (비선형 편집 입문자를 위한 RPT 학습모형 절차 설계 및 평가)

  • Jang, Kyeong-Su
    • The Journal of the Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication
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    • v.17 no.4
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    • pp.163-172
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    • 2017
  • In recent days, the Non-Linear Editing is mainly used in the field of broadcasting. In comparison to conventional editing, Non-Linear Editing can immediately access the image of the desired position and facilitate the insertion and deletion of video frame. Furthermore, it directly apply a title and transition effect to video frame. Moreover, it has an advantage of preview and easy modification in title effect, transition and editing prior to export. However, students who learn Non-Linear Editing first time are not easy to learn it. In this paper, we propose a new learning model based on Reciprocal Peer Teaching (RPT), which helps NLE beginners to understand Non-Linear editing more clearly. We divide the students into two groups i.e. control group and experimental group. The control group students do not apply proposed method while experimental group performs evaluation over our model. Furthermore, we carry out the experiments, which include the overall average of the two groups, academic achievement of students with low grades, standard deviation, T-test and satisfaction surveys. The experimental group shows the superiority in performed experiments and higher satisfaction ratings than the control group.

The Effect of Puzzle System on Player's Level of Immersion and Engagement in Adventure Games (어드벤처 게임의 퍼즐 시스템이 플레이어의 게임 몰입과 참여도에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, In-Sun
    • Journal of Korea Game Society
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.17-27
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    • 2008
  • This study has made an in-depth analysis of the 'Puzzle System' which is a characteristic structural unit of the Adventure Game, and concentrates on the mechanism where the experience arouses in the player a 'desire (quasi-need) to finish' that leads to one's immersion and engagement in the game. In the course of conducting this study, documentary records were consulted and also this writer personally played video games to learn the component elements and fundamental characteristics of the Adventure Games and to experience how the player was immersed in the game. Thus, the Puzzle System in the Adventure Game was defined and an analysis was made of the structure and course of play where the puzzle part and the narrative part within the system organically interacted between them in the system. In order to confirm the formation and effects of 'desire to finish' shown in the hypothetic assumptions, two experiment-purpose game units were produced, one with dramatic cut scenes and the other without them, so that differences between them could be found. I also conducted an experiment to learn the generation and effect of the 'desire to finish' of the Puzzle elements by using different games with a varying degree of difficulty.

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Study on the Development of a Fundamental course for Overcoming Blocks to Creativity in Design Education

  • In, Chi-Ho;Gwon, Eun-Gyeong
    • International Journal of Contents
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    • v.5 no.4
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    • pp.81-87
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    • 2009
  • In the midst of a continued discourse and development concerning design education and its impact on innovation and creativity, I believe that design education still holds the key to enhancing design methodology while increasing creativity by having students take on several creative roles in an interactive and enjoyable studio course. Clearly, there exist impediments that block the creative process in our standard track in design education; however, a course entitled "The Creative Workshop" can overcome such obstacles. Through this course, a student can learn the essential skills of a designer: inventive thinking, a sense of aesthetics, and a spirit of collaboration. In addressing each of the three essential elements, this course has devised role-plays in the way of projects. Simply put, students will be required to demonstrate and, therefore, express their unique creativity that may have otherwise gone muted. Such creative expression can take form in a low stakes, open forum that heralds the invaluable attribute in design such as creative freedom. As a result, the true spirit of creativity is fostered rather than mere aesthetics and styling. Moreover, through role plays, the focus shifts its center from design, allowing each student to explore the uncharted areas of one's own creativity which may come naturally to some extend while disconcerting to others. It may prove particularly uncomfortable for Korean students whose ideas about education have been directly connected to the strict and regimented school system that stresses adherence to standardization such as the national college entrance exam. This course, therefore, is aimed stretch the scope and scale of students' creativity as they learn to collaborate on role plays, utilizing diverse skills from various disciplines.