• Title/Summary/Keyword: Hygienic behavior

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Evaluation of Hygienic Ability for the Selection of Disease Resistant Honey Bee (Apis mellifera) Lines (질병저항성 꿀벌 계통 선발을 위한 청소능력 특성 평가)

  • Kim, Hye-Kyung;Park, Chang Gyu;Han, Gug-In
    • Journal of Bio-Environment Control
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.206-211
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    • 2021
  • Hygienic behavior of Honey bees, Apis mellifera, was evaluated by uncapping and removing ability of dead broods from the nest. Hygienic behavior is originated from quantitative traits, which are expected to express key roles in colony defense against mite parasites and bacterial and fungal diseases. It is regarded as one of important characteristics of honey bee's resistance to parasites and pathogens. In this study, five inbreed and two hybrid lines of A. mellifera, the former five inbreed lines, which have been reared for over eight years at the National Academy of Agricultural Science in Korea, and the latter two hybrid lines, which have been bred by crossing between the inbreed lines, were investigated on their hygienic behavior by a pin-killed brood assay at 12hrs and 24hrs after treatment. The results indicated that after 12hrs one inbred line was proved to be hygienic (removal rate of dead brood >90%), three inbred and two hybrid lines showed intermediate behavior, and one inbred line belonged to non-hygienic (removal rate of dead brood <70%). However, after 24hrs, only one line was considered to be intermediate as removal rate was below 90%, thus all except this line had shown hygienic behavior.

Effect of satisfaction in major and career search efficacy on career search behavior in dental hygiene students (치위생과 학생의 전공만족도, 진로탐색효능감이 진로탐색 행동에 미치는 영향)

  • Jung, Gi-Ok;Choi, Gyu-Yil;Bae, Ji-Young
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.13 no.1
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    • pp.61-68
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    • 2013
  • Objectives : The purpose of this research is to identify the effect of Dental Hygienic students' level of satisfaction towards their major and sense of career exploration efficacy on their career exploration behavior so that the key findings of this research will help the university students to explore career related to their major and to assume rational attitude towards their career path. Methods : The study was conducted targeting 450 university students who are studying in the Department of Dental Hygienic at the four universities located in Daegu, Gyeongsangbuk-do and Chungcheongbuk-do. Data collection was carried out using the self-administered questions based on the use of structured survey questionnaire, and analysis was conducted using frequency analysis, descriptive statistics, ANOVA, correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis. Results : 1. Total grade of the Dental Hygienic students' level of satisfaction towards their major was $3.36{\pm}.49$ points, while total grade of the sense of career exploration efficacy was $3.06{\pm}.46$ points. In case of the career exploration behavior, the total grade was $2.76{\pm}.53$ points. 2. In case of the level of satisfaction towards their major, there was a significant difference depending on the class, grade and motivation for admission. As for the sense of career exploration efficacy and career exploration behavior, there was a significant difference depending on grade. 3. Sense of career exploration efficacy and career exploration behavior demonstrated level of satisfaction towards their major manifested positive correlation. Sense of career exploration efficacy manifested positive correlation career exploration behavior. 4. As for the elements that affect Dental Hygienic students' career exploration behavior, they were level of satisfaction towards their major and sense of career exploration efficacy, and the explanatory power was 19.0%. Conclusions : It should be necessary to study the elements that affect Dental Hygienic students' career exploration behavior in greater depth using diverse methods and information in order to increase sense of career exploration efficacy so that the individual Dental Hygienic students can engage in detailed career exploration behavior for the sake of their career path.

A Study on Hygienic Space Planing of a University Student Restaurant - Focused on the customer space in E University Student Restaurant in Seoul Applying HACCP - (대학 학생 식당의 위생적 공간 계획에 관한 연구 - 서울 E 대학 학생 식당 고객 공간에 HACCP 적용 중심으로 -)

  • Lee, Jong-Ran
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.182-189
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    • 2011
  • This research suggests a way of hygienic space planing of the customer space in the university student restaurant of E University in Seoul. For this study. the behavior observation in the restaurant was conducted in order to analyze the sequence of customer behavior related space planing applying HACCP (Hazard Analysis And Critical Control Point). Also the survey was conducted to analyze opinions of customers about hygiene of the space. The results of the analyses of the observation and the survey were similar in terms of hygiene. In conclusion, for hygienic space planing of the customer space in restaurant, the space circulation should be planned according to the hygienic sequence of customer behavior. The spaces in restaurant should be divided into two areas: the clean area and the contaminated area to prevent cross-contamination. The clean area, such as spaces preparing dishes and food including water and table hall where customers eat, should be separated from the contaminated area such as the spaces where waste is handled and where dirty dishes are kept. In order to prevent cross-contamination, hygiene facility to remove contamination should be located before going to the clean area. More specifically, the hygiene facility should be located between a cash counter and a space preparing dishes so that customers can wash their hands before they touch dishes. Space arrangement with feed-back process to check the possible points of cross-contamination and correct space arrangement until the possibility of cross-contamination is removed in the restaurant.

A Study on University Students' Eating-out Behavior and Attitude to Coupons and Alliance Cards (대학생들의 외식 소비 행태 및 쿠폰과 제휴 카드에 대한 태도 조사)

  • Lee, Jong-Ho;Jung, Hyun-Young
    • Culinary science and hospitality research
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    • v.12 no.3 s.30
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    • pp.186-200
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    • 2006
  • This study was conducted to investigate university students' eating out behavior and attitude to coupons and alliance cards in the food service industry. Self administered questionnaires were collected from 435 students. Statistical data analysis was completed using a SPSS v. 12.0 program. The results were summarized as follows: The average age was 21.24. Korean-style food was the most favorite dish when they ate out. Major sources of restaurant information were friends and acquaintances. The factors of choosing restaurants came 'taste', 'hygienic', 'price' and 'service' in that order. Comparing coupons with alliance cards, they used coupons less frequently than alliance cards. The behavior of using coupons and alliance cards indicated that university students regarded alliance cards as more economically helpful than coupons.

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Influential Factors to the Oral Hygiene Behavior and Perceived Oral Health Status of the Elderly (노인의 주관적 구강건강상태 및 구강보건행태에 영향을 미치는 요인)

  • Lee, Sook-Jeong;Kim, Chang-Hwan;Choi, Gyu-Yil
    • The Korean Journal of Health Service Management
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    • v.6 no.1
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    • pp.39-51
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to provide a set of fundamental data for the oral hygiene education for the elderly as a result of the survey on the oral hygiene and subjective oral health of the elderly in an aged society. For this purpose, 269 elders who dwelled in Gyeongsangbuk-do region were randomly selected in an arbitrary selection process, followed by a survey on their oral hygiene and health. The collected data were coded and processed by using SPSS 15.0 software. As for the analysis of the data, the general characteristics and the basic items concerning the management of the oral health were analyzed for their frequency and percentages, while the general characteristics and the awareness on the oral health were processed with Chi-square validation to show a set of results as follows; Firstly, among the items on the oral health, the satisfaction on the current condition of their oral health was below average. Secondly, concerning the oral hygienic behaviors, the majority of the samples answered that they were brushing their teeth twice a day. And, as for the brushing methods, the largest number of the samples answered that they were brushing their teeth in a 'horizontal direction'. Thirdly, they reported they were having difficulties in getting dental treatments. The implications of this study are that it is necessary to provide sound oral health education to them to correct the inappropriate oral hygienic behaviors.

Controlling Sacbrood Virus Disease in Apis cerana Colonies with Biological Methods in Korea

  • Vung, Nguyen Ngoc;Kim, Iksoo;Lee, Man Young;Kim, Hye Kyung;Kim, Dong Won;Choi, Yong Soo
    • Journal of Apiculture
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.283-295
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    • 2018
  • As Sacbrood virus (SBV), a causative agent of larval death and colony collapse in Apis cerana honey bee, is prevalent and poses one of the most significant threats to the Korean apiculture, development of methods to counter this viral disease is urgently needed. In this study we tested some SBV controlling methods, such as requeen, shook swam, adding Apis mellifera and spraying yogurt to SBV inoculated colony. Colony size measured by number of sealed brood and adult were evaluated every 15 days until two months while instances of recurrence were recorded up to five months after applying treatment methods. We also test the effects of yogurt on healthy and SBV-infected larvae at both in vitro reared larvae and colony level. Our result showed that all SBV controlling methods had similar success rates with respect to elimination of SBV clinical symptom up to 30 days post treatment. Mix-species and spraying yogurt method had similar pattern of sealed brood and adult number and higher than that of other SBV controlling methods up to 45 days post treatment. These two groups also showed the lower percentage of SBV recurrence (50% and 66.7%) at 120 days post treatment than other group that mostly colony had clinical symptom. Result on in vitro reared larvae challenged with yogurt showed that yogurt have neither harmless on healthy larvae nor remedial effect on SBV infected larvae. However, at colony level, colony in group received yogurt treatment removed significantly more SBV-infected larvae, SBV-killed larvae, and even healthy larvae in comparison to the control, suggested that yogurt could trigger the hygienic behavior of nurse bee. Our results recommended that it is practical in beekeeping by adding A. mellifera and spraying yogurt to control SBV in A. cerana colony.

A Survey of College Student Behaviors on Fast Food Restaurants (대학생들의 패스트 푸드의 외식 행동에 관한 실태조사 - 김천, 서울지역간의 차이조사 -)

  • 윤혜진;위성언
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.323-331
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    • 1994
  • 226 college students in Kimchun and Seoul area were surveyed for consumer behaviors and opinions about fast food restaurants from August 1 to 31 1994. The purpose of this study Is to Investigate eating behavior, nutrition knowledge and utilization state of fast foods of college students In Seoul and Kimchun. All statistical data analysis was conducted using the SAS program package. The results were summarized as follows : Eating behavior score of the subjects were higher in Seoul than Kimchun. Nutrition knowledge of the subjects had not significant difference In Seoul and Kimchun. Also eating behavior and nutrition knowledge had not correlationship in Seoul and Kimchun. Utilization state of fast food restaurant was most frequently in noodles, also more frequently in Seoul. The reasons the customers visiting the fast food restaurant by the highest percentage were the following in the order : "the atmosphere in which fast food is eaten Is enjoyable for the companionship", "convenient to dining", "the surroundings and dining equipment are pleasant and hygienic" and "to be able to stay as long as I want". The fast foods purchsed by the customers were mostly for a full meal rather than snack. Majority of college students selected their fast food by preference and price.their fast food by preference and price.

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A Study on the Eating Out Behavior and Its Factors in Restaurant Selection of University Students (대학생의 외식행동과 식당 선택요인에 관한 연구)

  • Woo Kyung-Ja;Yang Hang-Sook;Rho Jeong-Ok
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.235-245
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    • 2005
  • This study was conducted to investigate the eating out behavior and its factors in restaurant selection by students in Incheon area. Self administered questionnaires were collected from 297 students. Statistical data analysis was completed using a SPSS v. 10.0 program. The results are summarized as follows: The average age, weight, height, BMI and male and female students were $24.31,\;67.96\cal{kg},\;174.93\cal{cm},\;22.17\;;\;20.55,\;51.99\cal{kg},\;165.44\cal{cm},\;19.00$ reflectively. About $54.2\%$ of male students and $38.0\%$ of female students responded to eat out at least once a day. And lunch was most frequent meal for eating out. About $57\%$ of students responded to have eat at restaurants around campus, and $19.5\%$ of students used the university foodservice system. Korean-style food was most favorite dish when they ate out. Major source of restaurants information was recommended action by friends or family. But the use of internet or magazine was negligible. The factor of restaurants choice was in order 'taste', 'price', 'atmosphere' and 'hygienic'.

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Perception and Purchasing Behavior for Kimchi among Chinese Individuals (중국인들의 김치에 대한 인식과 구매행동 조사)

  • Park, Sung-Hee;Lee, Mi-Ai;Seo, Hye-Young
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.176-183
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    • 2019
  • This study examined the state of awareness, consumption, and purchasing behavior of Kimchi among Chinese adults in Beijing and Shanghai. Two-hundred Chinese individuals in Beijing and Shanghai were included as study subjects. The subjects selected "good Kimchi for Chinese taste" as excellent Kimchi; however, only 13% of the subjects selected "Kimchi from Korea is excellent." The first sites of Kimchi consumption in China included "home" (59.0%) and "restaurants" (40.0%) in Beijing and "restaurants" (57.0%) and "home" (32.0%) in Shanghai. Chinese people primarily purchase 400g pouches of Kimchi more than once a month, and the average price of Kimchi is RMB 12.59 in Beijing and RMB 18.32 in Shanghai. These results suggest that the interest in Kimchi varieties and the countries producing it differ among Chinese consumers depending on the region. Therefore, a sensory evaluation of Kimchi is essential to determine the preferred flavor of Kimchi among Chinese individuals and to promote the consumption of traditional Korean Kimchi.

Study of maintenance behavior based on the experience of the tooth brushing instruction for implant patient (임플란트 환자의 잇솔질 교육경험에 따른 유지관리행태 연구)

  • Jeon, Ji-Hyun;Min, Hee-Hong
    • Journal of Korean society of Dental Hygiene
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.403-410
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    • 2013
  • Objectives : This study aims to provide the basic data for the maintenance and management of healthy implants through finding out the educational experience of toothbrushing and the oral hygiene management for the implant patients and to determine the maintenance measure. Methods : From April 1 to october 1, 2012, 250 patients in the dental clinic in Daejeon completed the self-reported questionnaire. Results : As for the educational experience of toothbrushing, 66.4 percent received the training for toothbrushing and 33.6 percent had not received the training for toothbrushing. Those who brushed three times a day accounted for 74.1 percent. Those who received the training for toothbrushing comprised 56.0 percent and took regular check up of every 6 months. Approximately 50.0% received regular scaling service every 6 months. Periodical medical check up comprised 55.6% among those who received toothbrushing education. Approximately 63.9% thought that periodical medical check up is the most important to maintain oral health. Conclusions : There were important factors for oral health. They were tooth-brushing, the utilization of various oral hygienic products, and the awareness of importance of oral hygiene management. The customized education program for the general public should be implemented as regular as possible.